def query_data(file_types,
          This function is used to query data.
          @param file_types the file types,it is supposed to be a str array,
          each item in the array should be a non-None/empty str. Required.
          @param query_logical_expressions the query logical expressions,
          it is supposed to be a str array,each item in the array should be
          a non-None/empty str. Required.
          @param output_file_names the output file names (including full paths),
          this function will assume the files exist,
          it is supposed to be a non-None/empty dictionary,
          key is file type(non-None/empty str,must be one of
          the strings in file_types),value is the output file
          names (non-None/empty str, including full path). Required.
          @param cache_timestamp the cache timestamp,
          it is supposed to be None or a non-None datetime. Optional, default to None.
          @return True if use cache, False otherwise
          @throws TypeError throws if any argument isn't of right type
          @throws ValueError throws if any argument isn't valid (refer to the argument documentation)
          @throws DataQueryError: if any other error occurred during the operation
    signature = 'hfppnetwork.partner.httpservices.dataappliance.query_data'
        signature, {
            "file_types": file_types,
            "query_logical_expressions": query_logical_expressions,
            "output_file_names": output_file_names,
            "cache_timestamp": cache_timestamp

    # Parameters checking
    acceptableTypes = [
        'beneficiary', 'carrier', 'inpatient', 'outpatient', 'prescription'
    check_str_list('file_types', file_types)
    for one_type in file_types:
        if not one_type in acceptableTypes:
            raise ValueError('File type ' + one_type + ' not acceptable.')
    check_str_list('query_logical_expressions', query_logical_expressions)
    if not len(query_logical_expressions) == len(file_types):
        raise ValueError(
            'query_logical_expressions and file_types length not match.')
    check_dict('output_file_names', output_file_names)
    if not len(output_file_names) == len(file_types):
        raise ValueError('output_file_names and file_types length not match.')
    if cache_timestamp is not None:
        check_datetime('cache_timestamp', cache_timestamp)

    # Check if cache needs to be updated
        use_cache = check_use_cache(file_types, cache_timestamp)
        raise DataQueryError('Error occurs during checking cache data.')
    # Loading data from database if not use cache
    if not use_cache:
            type_index = 0
            for one_type in file_types:
                # Parse and generate query string
                parser = Parser()
                generator = SQLGenerator()
                parse_tree = parser.parse(
                sql = generator.visit(parse_tree)
                logging.debug("sql %s ", sql)
                # Query data
                # Instantiate relevant classes
                if config.dbconfig["type"] == 'redis':
                    claimPersistence = RedisClaimPersistence()
                elif config.dbconfig["type"] == "mysql":
                    claimPersistence = MySQLClaimPersistence()
                    raise ValueError("Invalid db type: " +
                claimPersistence.connectionConfig = config.dbconfig
                claimFile = CSVClaimFile()
                processor = ClaimFileProcessor()
                processor.claimPersistence = claimPersistence
                processor.claimFile = claimFile
                processor.queryData(one_type, sql if
                                    (sql and len(sql) > 0) else '1=1', 0, 0,
                # Update loop index
                type_index = type_index + 1
        except ParserError:
            raise DataQueryError('Error occurs during parsing query string.')
            raise DataQueryError('Error occurs during querying data.')

    method_exit(signature, use_cache)
    return use_cache
 def handle_data_request(self,request_id, study_id, query,expiration_time,
        This method is used to handle data request.
        This method will not throw exceptions. Any error should be caught and logged.
        @param self the DataRequestHandler itself, it should be DataRequestHandler
        @param request_id the request ID,it is supposed to be a non-None/empty str. Required.
        @param study_id the study ID,it is supposed to be a non-None/empty str. Required. 
        @param query the query string,it is supposed to be a non-None/empty str. Required.
        @param expiration_time the request expiration time,it is supposed to be a non-None datetime. Required.
        @param cache_available whether cache is available,it is supposed to be a bool. Optional, default to False.
        @param cache_timestamp the cache timestamp,it is supposed to be a datetime. Optional, default to None.
        @param force_fullfil this parameter is set to True when this method is called by decision module.
     # Dictionary to hold data query result file names
     query_result_file_names = {}
         #check input arguments
         if cache_timestamp is not None:
          # Parse the query string
             query_dict = json.loads(query)
         except ValueError as e:
              query_dict = None
              method_error(signature, e)
         # Check if we can fulfill the data request
         can_fulfill_request = can_fulfill_data_request(request_id, study_id, query,
                                                        expiration_time, cache_available,
                                                        cache_timestamp, force_fullfil)
         # Dictionary to hold data conversion result file names
         conversion_result_file_names = {}
         # Data Response XML file name
         response_xml_file_name = None
         # Compressed file name
         compressed_file_name = None
         logging.debug('%s:%s', 'can_fulfill_request', can_fulfill_request)
         if query_dict is not None and 'file_types' in query_dict \
             and 'logical_expressions' in query_dict and can_fulfill_request:
             # Can fulfill the request, create temporary files
             for file_type in query_dict['file_types']:
                 query_result_file_names[file_type] = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
                 conversion_result_file_names[file_type] = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
             response_xml_file_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
             compressed_file_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
             # Query data
             use_cache = query_data(query_dict['file_types'], query_dict['logical_expressions'],
                                    cache_timestamp if cache_available else None)
             with open(response_xml_file_name, 'ab') as response_xml_file:
                 # Write XML
                 xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' \
                     '<DataResponse>' \
                     '<RequestID>{request_id}</RequestID>' \
                     '<RequestDenied>false</RequestDenied>' \
                     '<ErrorMessage></ErrorMessage>' \
                     '<Data useCache="{use_cache}"><![CDATA['.\
                     format(request_id=request_id, use_cache='true' if use_cache else 'false')
                 if not use_cache:
                     logging.debug('not use cache will use result from converted data')
                     # Convert data
                     for file_type in query_dict['file_types']:
                         convert_data(file_type, query_result_file_names[file_type],
                     # Aggregate and compress data
                     compressor = zlib.compressobj(level=9)
                     with open(compressed_file_name, 'wb') as out_file:
                         for file_type in query_dict['file_types']:
                             with open(conversion_result_file_names[file_type], 'rb') as in_file:
                     # Encode in Base64
                     with open(compressed_file_name, 'rb') as in_file:
                         base64.encode(in_file, response_xml_file)
                 # Write XML
         # POST XML to Network Node /data_response service
         if datetime.now(timezone.utc) < expiration_time:
             logging.debug('post to data response url %s%s',
                           HFPP_NODE_HTTP_SERVICE_BASE_URL ,'/data_response')
             # Only POST the XML if the request has not been expired
             request = urllib.request.Request(HFPP_NODE_HTTP_SERVICE_BASE_URL + '/data_response')
             request.add_header('x-hfpp-username', HFPP_PARTNER_USERNAME)
             request.add_header('x-hfpp-password', HFPP_PARTNER_PASSWORD)
             if response_xml_file_name is not None and can_fulfill_request:
                 with open(response_xml_file_name, 'rb') as in_file,\
                     mmap.mmap(in_file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as data_response_xml:
                         resp = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data_response_xml,
                                                       cafile=CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE, cadefault=True)
                           # Parse response XML
                         resp_content = resp.read().decode('utf-8')
                         logging.debug('response code:%s',resp.getcode())
                     except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
                             method_error(signature, e)
                 data_response_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' \
                     '<DataResponse>' \
                     '<RequestID>{request_id}</RequestID>' \
                     '<RequestDenied>true</RequestDenied>' \
                     '<ErrorMessage>{waitApproval}</ErrorMessage>' \
                     '<Data></Data>' \
                     waitApproval=('' if PARTNER_IMMEDIATE_FULLFIL else 'Waiting Approval'))
                 logging.debug('post data response xml %s', data_response_xml)
                      resp = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data_response_xml.encode('utf-8'),
                                                    cafile=CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE, cadefault=True)
                      # Parse response XML
                      resp_content = resp.read().decode('utf-8')
                      logging.debug('response code:%s',resp.getcode())
                 except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
                      method_error(signature, e)
             # Request expired, log error
             logging.error('Request expired')
     except Exception as e:
             # log error
             method_error(signature, e)
         if query_dict is not None and 'file_types' in  query_dict:
             # Remove temporary files
             for file_type in query_dict['file_types']:
                 if file_type in query_result_file_names:
                 if file_type in conversion_result_file_names:
def query_data(file_types,query_logical_expressions,
                                output_file_names, cache_timestamp=None):
          This function is used to query data.
          @param file_types the file types,it is supposed to be a str array,
          each item in the array should be a non-None/empty str. Required.
          @param query_logical_expressions the query logical expressions,
          it is supposed to be a str array,each item in the array should be
          a non-None/empty str. Required.
          @param output_file_names the output file names (including full paths),
          this function will assume the files exist,
          it is supposed to be a non-None/empty dictionary,
          key is file type(non-None/empty str,must be one of
          the strings in file_types),value is the output file
          names (non-None/empty str, including full path). Required.
          @param cache_timestamp the cache timestamp,
          it is supposed to be None or a non-None datetime. Optional, default to None.
          @return True if use cache, False otherwise
          @throws TypeError throws if any argument isn't of right type
          @throws ValueError throws if any argument isn't valid (refer to the argument documentation)
          @throws DataQueryError: if any other error occurred during the operation
       signature = 'hfppnetwork.partner.httpservices.dataappliance.query_data'

       # Parameters checking
       acceptableTypes = ['beneficiary', 'carrier', 'inpatient', 'outpatient', 'prescription']
       check_str_list('file_types', file_types)
       for one_type in file_types:
        if not one_type in acceptableTypes:
            raise ValueError('File type ' + one_type + ' not acceptable.')
       check_str_list('query_logical_expressions', query_logical_expressions)
       if not len(query_logical_expressions) == len(file_types):
        raise ValueError('query_logical_expressions and file_types length not match.')
       check_dict('output_file_names', output_file_names)
       if not len(output_file_names) == len(file_types):
        raise ValueError('output_file_names and file_types length not match.')
       if cache_timestamp is not None:
        check_datetime('cache_timestamp', cache_timestamp)

       # Check if cache needs to be updated
        use_cache = check_use_cache(file_types, cache_timestamp)
        raise DataQueryError('Error occurs during checking cache data.')
       # Loading data from database if not use cache
       if not use_cache:
            type_index = 0
            for one_type in file_types:
                # Parse and generate query string
                parser = Parser()
                generator = SQLGenerator()
                parse_tree = parser.parse(query_logical_expressions[type_index].strip())
                sql = generator.visit(parse_tree)
                logging.debug("sql %s ",sql)
                # Query data
                 # Instantiate relevant classes
                if config.dbconfig["type"]=='redis':
                    claimPersistence = RedisClaimPersistence()
                elif config.dbconfig["type"] == "mysql":
                    claimPersistence = MySQLClaimPersistence()
                    raise ValueError("Invalid db type: " + config.dbconfig["type"])
                claimPersistence.connectionConfig = config.dbconfig
                claimFile = CSVClaimFile()
                processor = ClaimFileProcessor()
                processor.claimPersistence = claimPersistence
                processor.claimFile = claimFile
                processor.queryData(one_type,sql if (sql and len(sql) > 0) else '1=1',
                                                        0, 0,
                # Update loop index
                type_index = type_index + 1
        except ParserError:
            raise DataQueryError('Error occurs during parsing query string.')
            raise DataQueryError('Error occurs during querying data.')

       return use_cache