class Signals(QtCore.QObject): pong = Signal(object) shmem_server = Signal( object ) # launched when the mvision process has established a shared mem server start_move = Signal() stop_move = Signal()
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): pong = Signal(object) # demo outgoing signal shmem_server = Signal( object ) # launched when the mvision process has established a shared mem server objects = Signal(object) bboxes = Signal(object)
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): """Signals emitted by this class: - new_record(object) : emitted when a new record has been added. Carries the record _id. - save_record(object): emitted when a record has been saved. Carries the record _id. """ save_record = Signal(object) # emitted when a record has been saved modified = Signal( object) # emitted when one of the above has been triggered copy_request = Signal( object ) # emitted when user wants to copy a certain entry to other slots
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): """incoming (==from the rest of the Qt system) signals that carry an object - These signals are connectd to IPCQThread.handleCommand - ..which writes into internal pipe at the frontend - ..backend reads the object from the pipe and acts accordingly """ command = Signal(object) """outgoing (== to the rest of the Qt system) signal classes - This thread emits these signals Messages that come through the unix ipc socket, have structures like this: :: {"class" : "base", "name" : "close"} {"class" : "valkka_live", "name" : "something", "parameters" : dict} When a message comes throught the ipc socket, class looks for correct signal object with the name defined by the key "class": """ base = Signal(object)
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): # incoming signal that carries and object (++) command = Signal(object)
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): reply = Signal(object)
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): close = Signal() closing = Signal( object ) # carries itself in the signal .. used to inform the main program that this instance can be removed from a list
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): show = Signal()
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): pixmap = Signal(object) image = Signal(object) exit = Signal()
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): update_analyzer_parameters = Signal(object)
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): pong = Signal(object) # demo outgoing signal
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): close = Signal(object) drop = Signal(object) left_double_click = Signal() right_double_click = Signal()
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): save = Signal()
class Signals(QtCore.QObject): close = Signal() show = Signal()