    def __call__(self):

        # Check that request method type is allowed.

        if hasattr(self.req, "allow_methods"):

        if self.req.method not in self.allowed_methods:
            raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

        # Load in specified configuration file.

        if self.config_file:
            self.config = vampire.loadConfig(self.req, self.config_file)

        # Load the appropriate page template file.


        # Call the derived class method for processing of
        # request and filling out of page template content.
        # Because "vampire.executeHandler()" is used to call
        # the class method, a derived class method may
        # define arguments which correspond to any form
        # parameters which may have been supplied with the
        # request.

        vampire.executeHandler(self.req, self.renderTemplate)

        # Deliver up the response to the request.

    def logout(self, req):

        # Invalidate the active session object, thereby
        # effectively logging out the user.


        # Redirect the client back to the login page.

        config = vampire.loadConfig(req, ".vampire")

        util.redirect(req, config.get("Access", "login_page"))
    def renderTemplate(self, file=".vampire", raw=None):

        config = vampire.loadConfig(self.req, file)

        # Render PythonOptions.

        options = self.req.get_options()

        def renderOption(node, key):
            node.key.content = key
            node.value.content = options[key]

        keys = options.keys()

        self.template.htaccess.item.repeat(renderOption, keys)

        # Render config file defaults.

        defaults = config.defaults()

        def renderDefault(node, key):
            node.key.content = key
            node.value.content = defaults[key]

        keys = defaults.keys()

        self.template.context.name.content = file
        self.template.context.item.repeat(renderDefault, keys)

        # Render config file sections.

        def renderConfig(node, key, section):
            node.key.content = key
            node.value.content = config.get(section, key, raw=raw)

        def renderSection(node, section):
            node.name.content = section
            keys = config.options(section)
            node.item.repeat(renderConfig, keys, section)

        sections = config.sections()

        self.template.section.repeat(renderSection, sections)
    def login(self, req, username=None, password=None):

        # Grab the configuration file containing information
        # about location of the site login and index pages.

        config = vampire.loadConfig(req, ".vampire")

        # Validate that the user has access and if they do not
        # redirect them back to the login page.

        profile = self.__database.validate(username, password)

        if not profile:
            util.redirect(req, config.get("Access", "login_page"))

        # Save the username in the session object. This is
        # the trigger for knowing that login was successful
        # in subsequent requests. Also cache the user profile
        # in the session object.

        req.session["username"] = username
        req.session["profile"] = profile

        # If no "next" attribute defined in session, assume
        # that location of this method was entered explicitly.

        if not req.session.has_key("next"):

            # Redirect the user to the site index page.


            util.redirect(req, config.get("Access", "index_page"))

        # Retrieve page that user was originally wanting.

        next = req.session.pop("next")

        # Redirect to the original page.


        util.redirect(req, next)
def handler_html(req, **kwargs):

    # Check for existance of ZPT source file.

    path = os.path.splitext(req.filename)[0] + ".zpt"

    if os.path.exists(path):

        layout_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "_layout.zpt")

        layout = PageTemplate()
        layout.write(open(layout_file, "r").read())

        config = vampire.loadConfig(req, ".vampire")

        settings = {}

        for key, value in config.items("Settings"):
            settings[key] = value

        settings["request"] = req
        settings["form"] = kwargs

        page = PageTemplate()
        page.write(open(path, "r").read())

        settings["here"] = {"layout": layout}

        content = page.pt_render(extra_context=settings)

        req.content_type = page.content_type


        return apache.OK

    return apache.DECLINED
import vampire
import sys

config = vampire.loadConfig(__req__, ".vampire")
layouts = config.get("Handlers", "layouts_root")
layout = vampire.importModule("basic", layouts, __req__)

class Template(layout.Template):

    no_cache = True

    def renderTemplate(self):
        def renderModule(node, label):
            node.label.content = label
            if hasattr(sys.modules[label], "__file__"):
                node.path.content = sys.modules[label].__file__

        keys = sys.modules.keys()

        self.template.module.repeat(renderModule, keys)

handler_html = vampire.Instance(Template)
    def __call__(self, req):

        # Determine if the URL which is the target of the
        # request should be managed at all. If it is deemed
        # as unmanaged, then no session object is created at
        # all and consequently there is no requirement for a
        # user to be logged in either.

        if self._unmanagedRequest(req):
            return apache.OK

        # Load the session and store it in the request object.

        req.session = Session.Session(req)

        # Determine if the URL which is the target of the
        # request requires a user to be logged in. Note that
        # even if login is not required, a session object
        # has still been created and it can be queried or
        # updated by a request handler.

        if self._noLoginRequired(req):
            return apache.OK

        # Grab available configuration information.

        config = vampire.loadConfig(req, ".vampire")

        # See if the requested URL matches that of the login
        # page. If it is, let the request through without
        # any additional checks as to whether the user is
        # already logged in. This ensures that they can
        # access the login page when they haven't yet logged
        # in. The session object is still created however,
        # so that the page could check the logged in status
        # and thus avoid presenting the login form if they
        # were already logged in and instead refer them to
        # an alternate page.

        page = config.get("Access", "login_page")

        if not os.path.isabs(page):
            page = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(req.uri), page)
            page = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(page))

        if req.uri == page:
            return apache.OK

        # If no "username" attribute contained within the
        # session object, means that the user has not yet
        # logged in.

        if not req.session.get("username", None):

            # Remember original target of request.

            req.session["next"] = req.uri

            # Redirect to the login page.


            util.redirect(req, config.get("Access", "login_page"))

        # Turn off caching of all pages accessed from within
        # the private area which required the user to login.
        # This ensures that browser doesn't keep hold of
        # them or any intermediate proxy cache. Lets hope
        # this doesn't trigger the Internet Exploder caching
        # problem with PDFs. :-(

        req.headers_out['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
        req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
        req.headers_out['Expires'] = '-1'
def handler(req, **fields):

    # We only want to treat request as being a possible
    # request for a Cheetah generated template file if
    # there exists both a ".tmpl" and ".py" file.

    target = os.path.splitext(req.filename)[0]

    target_tmpl = target + ".tmpl"
    target_py = target + ".py"

    if not os.path.exists(target_tmpl) and not os.path.exists(target_py):
        return apache.DECLINED

    # Grab the module name to look for from the last part
    # of the path. This means that pages can be spread
    # across subdirectories as well.

    directory, module_name = os.path.split(target)

    # Import the module. Any coding error in the module
    # being imported is thrown back to the user. Error
    # also results if by chance the target just vanished.

    module = vampire.importModule(module_name, directory, req)

    # Ensure that there is a class defined in the module
    # of the appropriate name.

    if not hasattr(module, module_name):
        return apache.DECLINED

    # Create instance of the class.

    tmpl = getattr(module, module_name)()

    # Cache any decoded form parameters in an obvious
    # place so they are available. Note that the actual
    # mod_python form object is also cached as "req.form"
    # but the decoded form parameters would preferably be
    # used. By default decoded form parameters follow
    # structured naming convention supported by Vampire.
    # If this naming convention isn't wanted, it would
    # need to be disabled in the Apache configuration.

    req.fields = fields

    # Cache the Vampire configuration object in an obvious
    # place as well. Use the same one as defined the
    # default handlers which would have triggered use of
    # this handler in the first place.

    options = req.get_options()

    file = ".vampire"
    if options.has_key("VampireHandlersConfig"):
        file = options["VampireHandlersConfig"]
    config = vampire.loadConfig(req, file)

    req.config = config

    # Make request object available within the template.

    tmpl.req = req

    # Set type of content being returned if not set.

    if not req._content_type_set:
        req.content_type = "text/html"

    # Now generate the actual content and return it.



    return apache.OK
    def run(self, vars={}):

        code, req = self.code, self.req

        # Check whether the code is trying to make use of
        # session object. If it is, first look for session
        # created externally and stored in the req object.
        # If this doesn't exist only then create a session
        # object.

        session = None

        if "session" in code.co_names:
            if not hasattr(req, "session"):
                req.session = Session.Session(req)
                session = req.session

        # Check whether the code is trying to make use of
        # the form object or the fields object. If either is
        # used, ensure that form object has been created and
        # cache the form fields. The fields object is an
        # addition to that which the original PSP provided
        # and gives access to the structured form fields
        # which are generated by Vampire.

        form = None
        fields = {}

        if "form" in code.co_names or "fields" in code.co_names:
            fields = vampire.processForm(req)
            form = req.form

        # Create the PSP interface object.

        interface = psp.PSPInterface(req, self.filename, form)

        # Build up the execution environment to be used.
        # Defaults from Vampire configuration are also
        # pushed into the environment so that these can be
        # used. If user defined settings are placed into the
        # "DEFAULT" section of configuration file, these
        # will also be available. Note that only populate
        # environment with just methods and classes that are
        # documented as being available within PSP page or
        # which make sense to be made available.

        environ = {}

        environ["__builtins__"] = __builtins__

        environ["PSP"] = PSP
        environ["parse"] = psp.parse
        environ["parsestring"] = psp.parsestring

        config = vampire.loadConfig(req, ".vampire")


        environ["__req__"] = req

        if self.filename:
            environ["__file__"] = self.filename

        environ["req"] = req

        environ["form"] = form
        environ["fields"] = fields
        environ["psp"] = interface
        environ["session"] = session


        # Now execute the actual page to handle the request.

            exec code in environ


            # Always ensure that session object is saved.

            if session is not None:

            et, ev, etb = sys.exc_info()

            # Use error page to display details of error if
            # an actual error page was supplied.

            if interface.error_page:
                interface.error_page.run({"exception": (et, ev, etb)})

                raise et, ev, etb