    trials = 1

trace_size = TRACE_SIZE
v_nouns = Variate(master_noun_counts)
v_verbs = Variate(v_master_verb_counts)

recorded_nouns = []
for j in range(0, trials):
    for i in range(0, trace_size):
        if (ENABLE_DEBUG_OUT):
            if ((i % DEBUG_PRINTOUT_FREQ == 0) and (j == 0) and (i != 0)):
                sys.stderr.write("picked %d\n" % (i))

        # pick verb
        verb = v_verbs.getRand()

        # pick noun
        noun = v_nouns.getRand()
        if (RUN_STATS_ONLY):
            if noun not in noun_counts:
                noun_counts[noun] = 0
            noun_counts[noun] += 1
            if verb not in verb_counts:
                verb_counts[verb] = 0
            verb_counts[verb] += 1

        # record noun as a title
        if (GENERATE_TITLES_FILE and noun not in recorded_nouns):
            titles_file.write(noun + "\n")