# Parameters
ncfile = "menor.nc"
lon = (3.0, 4.5)
lat = (42, 42.8)

# Imports
from vcmq import DS, map2, data_sample
from vacumm.diag.thermdyn import mixed_layer_depth

# Read temperature and depth
ncfile = data_sample(ncfile)
ds = DS(ncfile, "mars", lon=lon, lat=lat)
temp = ds.get_temp(squeeze=1)
depth = ds.get_depth(squeeze=1)

# Compute MLD
mld = mixed_layer_depth(temp, depth, mode="deltatemp")

# Plot
map2(mld, proj="merc", figsize=(6, 6), autoresize=0, colorbar_shrink=0.7, right=1, savefigs=__file__, show=False)

print "Done"
"""Test :meth:`~vacumm.data.misc.dataset.OceanDataset.get_variable` with level as a string"""

# Inits
ncfile = "menor.nc"

# Imports
from vcmq import DS, os, map2, data_sample, code_file_name

# Read data
ncfile = data_sample(ncfile)
ds = DS(ncfile, 'mars', logger_level='critical')
tbot = ds.get_temp(level='bottom', squeeze=True)
tsurf = ds.get_temp(level='surf', squeeze=True)

# Plot bottom
figfile = code_file_name(ext='png')
if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
kw = dict(contour=True, fill='contourf',  colorbar_shrink=0.8,
    cmap='cmocean_thermal', linewidth=.3)
m = map2(tsurf, subplot=211, close=False, show=False, figsize=(5, 7),
    title='Testing Dataset.get_temp(level="surf")',  **kw)
map2(tbot, subplot=212, close=True, show=True, m=m,
    title='Testing Dataset.get_temp(level="bottom")',
    savefig=figfile, **kw)

"""Test :func:`~vacumm.diag.thermdyn.mixed_layer_depth` on MENOR"""

# Inits
ncfile = "menor.nc"

# Imports
from vcmq import DS, data_sample, mixed_layer_depth, rc, map2, os, code_file_name

# Read data
ds = DS(data_sample(ncfile),'mars', logger_level='critical')
temp = ds.get_temp(squeeze=True)
sal = ds.get_sal(squeeze=True)
depth = ds.get_depth(squeeze=True)
kz = ds.get_kz(squeeze=True)

# Compute MLD
kw = dict(depth=depth, format_axes=True)
mld = {}
mld['deltatemp'] = mixed_layer_depth(temp, mode='deltatemp',**kw)
mld['deltadens'] = mixed_layer_depth((temp,sal), mode='deltadens', **kw)
mld['kz'] = mixed_layer_depth(kz, mode='kz', **kw)
vmin = min([v.min() for v in mld.values()])
vmax = max([v.max() for v in mld.values()])

# Plot it
rc('font', size=8)
for i,(mode, var) in enumerate(mld.items()):
    m = map2(var, fill='pcolormesh', nmax=20, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
        subplot=(len(mld),1,i+1), figsize=(4.1,8),
        contour_linewidths=0.7, cmap='vacumm_rnb2_hymex', hspace=0.25, bottom=0.08,
        title='%%(long_name)s: mode = "%s"'%mode, show=False)
"""Test the asvar keyword of :meth:`~vacumm.data.misc.dataset.Dataset.finalize_object` on MENOR"""

# Inits
ncfile = "menor.nc"

# Imports
from vcmq import DS, data_sample

# Read data
ds = DS(data_sample(ncfile), 'mars', logger_level='critical')
temp = ds.get_temp()
bathy = ds.get_bathy(asvar=temp)

# For unittest
result = {'assertTupleEqual': [bathy.shape, temp.shape]}
"""Test the asvar keyword of :meth:`~vacumm.data.misc.dataset.Dataset.finalize_object` on MFS"""

# Inits
ncfile = "mfs.nc"

# Imports
from vcmq import DS, data_sample

# Read data
ds = DS(data_sample(ncfile), 'nemo', logger_level='critical')
temp = ds.get_temp()
depth = ds.get_depth(asvar=temp)

# For unittest
result = {'assertTupleEqual':[depth.shape, temp.shape]}
ds = DS(data_sample('menor.nc'), 'mars', lon=(4, 5), lat=(42.5, 43.5), log_level='debug')
print ds.dataset

# Logging
ds.info('Pratique')                                 # -> ESSAYER WARNING

# Coordonnees
lon = ds.get_lon()                                  # -> ESSAYER AU POINT U
grid = ds.get_grid()

# Variables
temp = ds.get_temp(level=slice(-1, None), squeeze=True)
sst = ds.get_sst(squeeze=True)                      # -> VERIFIER ATTRIBUTS
ds.info('Plot SST')
sal = ds.get_sal(lon=(4., 4.5))
print temp.shape, sal.shape

# Generique
ds2 = DS(data_sample('mfs.nc'), 'nemo', lon=(4, 5), lat=(42.5, 43.5))
sst2 = ds2.get_sst(squeeze=True)                      # -> VERIFIER ATTRIBUTS

# Plus evolue
depth = ds.get_depth() # sigma
print depth.shape
mld = ds.get_mld()
ds.plot_transect('temp', lons=(4.1, 4.9), lats=(43.3, 42.6), figsize=(12, 6)) # -> OUTAXIS=
"""Test :meth:`~vacumm.data.misc.dataset.OceanDataset.get_variable` with level as a string"""

# Inits
ncfile = "menor.nc"

# Imports
from vcmq import DS, os, map2, data_sample, code_file_name

# Read data
ncfile = data_sample(ncfile)
ds = DS(ncfile, 'mars', logger_level='critical')
tbot = ds.get_temp(level='bottom', squeeze=True)
tsurf = ds.get_temp(level='surf', squeeze=True)

# Plot bottom
figfile = code_file_name(ext='png')
if os.path.exists(figfile): os.remove(figfile)
kw = dict(contour=True,
m = map2(tsurf,
         figsize=(5, 7),
         title='Testing Dataset.get_temp(level="surf")',
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Diagnostics thermodynamiques et dynamiques (:mod:`vacumm.diag.thermdyn` et :mod:`vacumm.diag.dynamics`)"""

from vcmq import DS, data_sample, map2, density, mixed_layer_depth,  barotropic_geostrophic_velocity, kinetic_energy, shapiro2d

# Lecture des données de base
ds = DS(data_sample('menor.nc'))
temp = ds.get_temp(squeeze=1)
sal = ds.get_sal(squeeze=1)
depth = ds.get_depth(squeeze=1)
ssh = ds.get_ssh(squeeze=1)

# Densité
dens_surf = density(temp[-1], sal[-1])                      # -> CALCULER DENSITE 3D

# Couche mélangée
mld = mixed_layer_depth((temp, sal), depth, mode='deltadens') # -> ESSAYER AUTRES MODES
map2(mld, vmax=600.)

# Vitesse geostrophique
# - vitesses
ug, vg = barotropic_geostrophic_velocity(ssh)
# - energie cinetique
ke = kinetic_energy((ug, vg))                                 # -> TESTER AVEC SSH
ke.long_name = 'Surface geostrophique kinetic energy'
ke = shapiro2d(ke)