def generate_quake_motion_path(args):
    trace_file = args[0]  #input trace file
    output_filename = _get_option_or_default(args, 1, 'quake.txt')
    xoffset = int(_get_option_or_default(args, 2, 0))  # uniform x translation
    yoffset = int(_get_option_or_default(args, 3, 0))  # uniform y translation

    trace = ObjectPathTrace(trace_file)
    pb = ProgressBar(len(trace.roots()))
    obj_sizes = trace.aggregate_sizes()

    fout = open(output_filename, 'w')

    trace_subsets = trace.clusters()
    subtraces = trace.subset_traces(trace_subsets)

    obj_count = 0
    for subtrace in subtraces:
        subtrace_roots = subtrace.roots()

        for objid, mots in subtrace.sim_motions_iter(subtrace_roots):
            # above the actual output to ensure it gets updated
            obj_count += 1

            idx = 0
            for mot in mots:
                num_updates = sum([len(mot) for mot in mots])
                #if num_updates <= 1: continue

                for t, pos in mot:
                    # note that we flip y and z to go from SL coords -> meru coords

                    bbox = obj_sizes[objid]
                    bbox_rad = vec3.dist(bbox[0], bbox[1]) / 2.0
                    line = "%s: %f, %f, %f, %d, %f" % (
                        str(objid), xoffset + pos[0], yoffset + pos[1], pos[2],
                        int(t * 1000), bbox_rad)
                    print >> fout, line
                    idx += 1


    return 0
def generate_quake_motion_path(args):
    trace_file = args[0]      #input trace file
    output_filename = _get_option_or_default(args, 1, 'quake.txt')
    xoffset = int(_get_option_or_default(args, 2, 0)) # uniform x translation
    yoffset = int(_get_option_or_default(args, 3, 0)) # uniform y translation

    trace = ObjectPathTrace(trace_file)
    pb = ProgressBar(len(trace.roots()))
    obj_sizes = trace.aggregate_sizes()

    fout = open(output_filename,'w')

    trace_subsets = trace.clusters()
    subtraces = trace.subset_traces(trace_subsets)

    obj_count = 0
    for subtrace in subtraces:
        subtrace_roots = subtrace.roots()

        for objid,mots in subtrace.sim_motions_iter(subtrace_roots):
            # above the actual output to ensure it gets updated
            obj_count += 1

            idx = 0
            for mot in mots:
                num_updates = sum( [ len(mot) for mot in mots ] )
                #if num_updates <= 1: continue

                for t,pos in mot:
                    # note that we flip y and z to go from SL coords -> meru coords

                    bbox = obj_sizes[objid]
                    bbox_rad = vec3.dist(bbox[0], bbox[1])/2.0
                    line = "%s: %f, %f, %f, %d, %f" % (str(objid), xoffset+pos[0], yoffset+pos[1], pos[2], int(t*1000), bbox_rad)
                    print >>fout, line
                    idx += 1


    return 0
    def sizes(self):
        Extract the sizes of each prim in the trace, returning a dict
        of UUID -> (bbox_min_vec, bbox_max_vec), where both are
        3-tuples representing Vector3s. The bounding box will be
        transformed by object transformations (scale, rotate) but will
        not be in world-space (not translated w.r.t. the parent).
        objids = self.objects()
        obj_sizes = {}
        for size_evt in self.size_events():
            size_id = UUID(size_evt['id'])
            if size_id not in objids: continue
            if size_id in obj_sizes: continue # only use the first size value
            bbox_scale = parse_vec3(size_evt['scale'])
            bbox_min = vec3.mult(parse_vec3(size_evt['min']), bbox_scale)
            bbox_max = vec3.mult(parse_vec3(size_evt['max']), bbox_scale)
            r = vec3.dist(bbox_min, bbox_max) * 0.5
            obj_sizes[size_id] = (bbox_min, bbox_max)

        return obj_sizes
    def sizes(self):
        Extract the sizes of each prim in the trace, returning a dict
        of UUID -> (bbox_min_vec, bbox_max_vec), where both are
        3-tuples representing Vector3s. The bounding box will be
        transformed by object transformations (scale, rotate) but will
        not be in world-space (not translated w.r.t. the parent).
        objids = self.objects()
        obj_sizes = {}
        for size_evt in self.size_events():
            size_id = UUID(size_evt['id'])
            if size_id not in objids: continue
            if size_id in obj_sizes: continue  # only use the first size value
            bbox_scale = parse_vec3(size_evt['scale'])
            bbox_min = vec3.mult(parse_vec3(size_evt['min']), bbox_scale)
            bbox_max = vec3.mult(parse_vec3(size_evt['max']), bbox_scale)
            r = vec3.dist(bbox_min, bbox_max) * 0.5
            obj_sizes[size_id] = (bbox_min, bbox_max)

        return obj_sizes