 def on_ball_paddle_collision(self, ball_body, paddle_body, normal):
     # Adjusts the ball direction if the paddle is moving when the ball collides with it
     angle = math.acos(dot(normal, ball_body.direction)) # Angle between the reflected direction and the normal
     delta_angle = abs(((math.pi * 0.5) - angle) * 0.5) # Half the angle that remains if were to perform a 90 degree reflection
     if paddle_body.direction.x > 0: # Clockwise rotation because the paddle is moving to the right
         ball_body.direction = normalize(rotate(ball_body.direction, delta_angle))
     elif paddle_body.direction.x < 0: # Counter-clockwise rotation because the paddle is moving to the left
         ball_body.direction = normalize(rotate(ball_body.direction, -delta_angle))           
    def on_ball_left_right_collision(self, ball_body, wall_body, normal):
        angle = math.acos(dot(normal, ball_body.direction)) # Angle between the reflected direction and the normal

        # If the angle is too flat, add a small rotation to the reflected direction
        if angle < 0.1:
            delta_angle = 0.2
            if ball_body.direction.y > 0: # Counter-clockwise rotation because the ball is moving downwards
                ball_body.direction = normalize(rotate(ball_body.direction, -delta_angle))
            elif ball_body.direction.y <= 0: # Clockwise rotation because the ball is moving upwards 
                ball_body.direction = normalize(rotate(ball_body.direction, delta_angle))   
def dir_from_segment(point, a, b):
    if dot(b - a, point - a) <= 0:
        return normalize(point - a)
    if dot(a - b, point - b) <= 0:
        return normalize(point - b)
    normal = normalize(b - a)
    normal = Vector(-normal.y, normal.x)
    if dot(normal, point - a) < 0:
        normal = -normal
    assert(distance_to_segment(point, a, b) < distance_to_segment(point + normal, a, b))
    return normal
def orthovec(u):
    """return arbitrary orthogonal vectors to u"""
    v = Vec([1., -u.x/u.y, 0.])
    b = 1.
    a = b*u.x/u.y
    c = -b*(u.x**2 + u.y**2)/(u.y*u.z)
    w = Vec([a, b, c])
    print "u dot v", numpy.dot(u, v)
    print "w dot v", numpy.dot(v, w)
    print "w dot u", numpy.dot(u, w)
    return normalize(v), normalize(w)
 def __init__(self, rect, velocity, object_type, tag_ent, is_static=True):
     self.rect = rect
     self.direction = vector.normalize(velocity)
     self.object_type = object_type
     self.is_static = is_static
     self.tag_ent = tag_ent
    def predict_puck_movement(self, bag):   #ausgefuehrt
        Predicts the pucks movement.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.

        # need at least 2 points
        if len(self.buffer) < 2:

        # loop over points
        direction_sum = (0, 0)
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.buffer) - 1):
            # get tuples and time diff

            current_tuple = self.buffer[i]
            next_tuple 	  = self.buffer[i+1]
            time_diff	  = next_tuple[2] - current_tuple[2]

            # get direction (length is velocity) and divide by time_diff
            direction = vector.mul_by(vector.from_to(current_tuple, next_tuple), 1.0 / time_diff)

            # sum up
            direction_sum = vector.add(direction_sum, direction)

        # averaging
        direction = vector.mul_by(direction_sum, 1.0 / self.buffer_size)

        # add puck direction (normalized) and velocity
        bag.puck.velocity = vector.length(direction)
        bag.puck.direction = vector.normalize(direction)
        bag.next.puck.olddirection = bag.puck.direction
    def move_stick(self, bag):
        Moves the stick.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.
        if 'position' not in bag.stick:
            bag.next.stick.position = strategy.SimpleStrategy.HOME_POSITION
        if 'dest_position' not in bag.stick:
            position = bag.stick.position

            # move stick towards destination
            # ignore dest_direction and dest_velocity
            dist_moved = strategy.SimpleStrategy.STICK_MAX_SPEED * bag.time_diff
            direction = vector.from_to(bag.stick.position, bag.stick.dest_position)
            if dist_moved > vector.length(direction):
                position = bag.stick.dest_position
                direction = vector.mul_by(vector.normalize(direction), dist_moved * strategy.SimpleStrategy.STICK_MAX_SPEED)
                position = vector.add(bag.stick.position, direction)

        # set new position
        bag.next.stick.position = position
    def calculate_normal(self, b1, b2):
        Calculates the normal of b1 with respect to b2
        normal_x = 0.0
        normal_y = 0.0

        # Difference between body centers
        center_dir = vector.normalize(vector.sub(b1.rect.center(), b2.rect.center()))

        cos_threshold = b2.rect.w / math.sqrt(math.pow(b2.rect.h, 2) + math.pow(b2.rect.w, 2))
        if vector.dot(center_dir, vector.Vector2(1, 0)) >= cos_threshold:
            # b1 is at the right side of b2
            normal_x = 1.0
        elif vector.dot(center_dir, vector.Vector2(-1, 0)) >= cos_threshold:
            # b1 is at the left side of b2
            normal_x = -1.0
        elif vector.dot(center_dir, vector.Vector2(0, -1)) >= math.cos(math.pi * 0.5 - math.acos(cos_threshold)):
            # b1 is above b2
            normal_y = -1.0
            # b1 is below b2
            normal_y = 1.0

        return vector.Vector2(normal_x, normal_y)
    def Update(self, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer):
        '''Calculate the best quaternion to the given measurement values.
        Gyroscope : array, shape (N,3)
            Angular velocity [rad/s]
        Accelerometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Linear acceleration (Only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)
        Magnetometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Orientation of local magenetic field.
            (Again, only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)

        q = self.Quaternion; # short name local variable for readability

        # Reference direction of Earth's magnetic field
        h = vector.rotate_vector(Magnetometer, q)
        b = np.hstack((0, np.sqrt(h[0]**2+h[1]**2), 0, h[2]))

        # Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
        F = [2*(q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2])   - Accelerometer[0],
             2*(q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3])   - Accelerometer[1],
             2*(0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - Accelerometer[2],
             2*b[1]*(0.5 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2) + 2*b[3]*(q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2])   - Magnetometer[0],
             2*b[1]*(q[1]*q[2] - q[0]*q[3])   + 2*b[3]*(q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3])   - Magnetometer[1],
             2*b[1]*(q[0]*q[2] + q[1]*q[3])   + 2*b[3]*(0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - Magnetometer[2]]

        J = np.array([
            [-2*q[2],                 	2*q[3],                    -2*q[0],                         2*q[1]],
            [ 2*q[1],                 	2*q[0],                	    2*q[3],                         2*q[2]],
            [0,                        -4*q[1],                    -4*q[2],                         0],
            [-2*b[3]*q[2],              2*b[3]*q[3],               -4*b[1]*q[2]-2*b[3]*q[0],       -4*b[1]*q[3]+2*b[3]*q[1]],
            [-2*b[1]*q[3]+2*b[3]*q[1],	2*b[1]*q[2]+2*b[3]*q[0],    2*b[1]*q[1]+2*b[3]*q[3],       -2*b[1]*q[0]+2*b[3]*q[2]],
            [ 2*b[1]*q[2],              2*b[1]*q[3]-4*b[3]*q[1],    2*b[1]*q[0]-4*b[3]*q[2],        2*b[1]*q[1]]])

        step = J.T.dot(F)
        step = vector.normalize(step)	# normalise step magnitude

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qDot = 0.5 * quat.q_mult(q, np.hstack([0, Gyroscope])) - self.Beta * step

        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        q = q + qDot * self.SamplePeriod
        self.Quaternion = vector.normalize(q).flatten()
 def update(self):
     self.tick += 1
     if self.tick == self.targ_time:
         self.target_direction = vector.normalize(vector.get_direction(self.sprite.rect.center, self.target.rect.center))
     if self.tick == self.shoot_time:
 def camera(i, j):
     # int, int -> vector a
     alpha = math.tan(fovx/2)*((i - (width/2))/(width/2))
     beta = math.tan(fovy/2)*(((height/2) - j)/(height/2))
     dirn = vr.add_vector(vr.add_vector(vr.scale_mul(alpha, side(geo)),
                                        vr.scale_mul(beta, up(geo))),
     dirn = vr.normalize(dirn)
     return ry.make_ray(eye, dirn)
    def update(self):

        self.tick += 1

        if self.tick == self.targ_time:
            self.target_direction = vector.normalize(
        if self.tick == self.shoot_time:
def update():
    global circle_velocity
    global circle_position

    if circle_following_mouse and states.game_state == GameState.PLAYING:
        mouse_pos_vec = Vector(mouse_position[0], mouse_position[1])
        diff_vec = mouse_pos_vec - circle_position
        normalized_direction = vector.normalize(diff_vec)
        circle_velocity += normalized_direction * 1000 * delta_time

    circle_position += circle_velocity * delta_time
    def update(self, step_time):
        def change_dir_vel(entities, direction, velocity):
            for entity in entities:
                entity.body.direction = direction

        if (self.moving_left or self.moving_right):
            if self.moving_left:
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(-1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(-1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
            change_dir_vel(self.paddles, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
            if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                change_dir_vel(self.balls, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))

        if self.push_balls and self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
            for ball in self.balls:
                if ball.body.is_static:
                    ball.body.is_static = False
            v = Vector2(BALL_VELOCITY_X, BALL_VELOCITY_Y)
            change_dir_vel(self.balls, normalize(v), magnitude(v))
            self.push_balls = False
            self.game_status = GameLayer.GAME_LOOP

        # Remove bricks that have been destroyed
        free_brick_list = []
        for brick in self.bricks:
            if brick.health_points == 0:
        self.bricks = [b for b in self.bricks if free_brick_list.count(b) == 0]

        for paddle in self.paddles:
            # Integrate paddle
            paddle.body.rect.position = sum(
                mul(paddle.body.direction, paddle.body.velocity * step_time))

            # Relocate paddle position to a valid position range
            paddle.body.rect.position.x = utils.clamp(
                paddle.body.rect.position.x, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH)
            paddle.body.rect.position.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT - PADDLE_LINE_SPACING

        for ball in self.balls:
            if ball.body.is_static:
                pos_r = Vector2((PADDLE_WIDTH - BALL_WIDTH) * 0.5,
                ball.body.rect.position = sum(
                    self.paddles[0].body.rect.position, pos_r)
    def f_quat(beta, x, sphere_fit):
        sphere_fit = numpy.array(sphere_fit)
        n = [x[0] - sphere_fit[0], x[1] - sphere_fit[1], x[2] - sphere_fit[2]]
        q = [1 - vector.norm(beta[:3])] + list(beta[:3])
        q = angvec2quat(vector.norm(beta[:3]), beta[:3])
        m = lmap(lambda v: rotvecquat(vector.normalize(v), q),
                 list(zip(n[0], n[1], n[2])))
        #        m = lmap(lambda v : rot(v, beta), list(zip(n[0], n[1], n[2])))

        m = numpy.array(list(zip(*m)))
        d = m[0] * x[3] + m[1] * x[4] + m[2] * x[5]
        return beta[3] - d
 def random_puck_velocity():
     speed_vector = np.array(
         [np.random.uniform(-1, 1),
          np.random.uniform(1, 2)])
     # 单位化速度向量
     speed_vector = V.normalize(speed_vector)
     # 速度系数(让其不一定是最大速度)
     speed_coefficient = np.random.uniform(0.5, 1)
     # 初始速度
     initial_speed = speed_vector.dot(
     return initial_speed
    def _load_normals(config: Dict) -> Tensor:
        Loads a normal map from the given flow configuration.

            config: Flow configuration.
            Tensor [1, R, C, 3] of surface normals as specified by the normal map image.
        assert 'Normals' in config, 'Scope "Flow" in configuration file is missing key "Normals".'
        return vector.normalize(2 *
                                image.load(config['Normals']).unsqueeze(0) - 1)
def intersect_lights(scene, lights, pos, normal):
    # scene, light, vector -> float
    color = 1
    for light in lights:
        dirn = vr.normalize(vr.sub_vector(lt.get_pos(light), pos))
        new_ray = ry.make_ray(pos, dirn)
        t, n = intersect_scene(scene, new_ray)
        if not t:
            dot_or_0 = max([vr.dot_prod(dirn, normal), 0])
            incr = dot_or_0 * lt.get_brightness(light)
            color += incr
    if color:
        return min([8, color])
 def move(self):
     if self.controlled:
         self.v = normalize(self.v) * self.params.maxV
     elif self.seeking:
     # New position is simply last position plus velocity (times simulation speed)
     self.pos += self.v * self.gParams.speed
     if self.seeking and distance(self.pos, self.target) < 10.0:
         self.seeking = False
     # Set current angle for drawing
     self.orientation = self.v.angle() * 180 / pi
    def update(self, step_time):
        def change_dir_vel(entities, direction, velocity):
            for entity in entities:
                entity.body.direction = direction
        if(self.moving_left or self.moving_right):
            if self.moving_left:
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(-1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(-1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)  
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)    
            change_dir_vel(self.paddles, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
            if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                change_dir_vel(self.balls, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
        if self.push_balls and self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:                  
            for ball in self.balls:
                if ball.body.is_static:
                    ball.body.is_static = False
            v = Vector2(BALL_VELOCITY_X, BALL_VELOCITY_Y) 
            change_dir_vel(self.balls, normalize(v), magnitude(v))
            self.push_balls = False
            self.game_status = GameLayer.GAME_LOOP
        # Remove bricks that have been destroyed
        free_brick_list = []
        for brick in self.bricks:
            if brick.health_points == 0:
        self.bricks = [ b for b in self.bricks if free_brick_list.count(b) == 0 ] 
        for paddle in self.paddles:          
            # Integrate paddle
            paddle.body.rect.position = sum(paddle.body.rect.position,
                                            mul(paddle.body.direction, paddle.body.velocity * step_time))
            # Relocate paddle position to a valid position range
            paddle.body.rect.position.x = utils.clamp(paddle.body.rect.position.x, 0, 
                                                      WINDOW_WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH)
            paddle.body.rect.position.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT - PADDLE_LINE_SPACING

        for ball in self.balls:
            if ball.body.is_static:
                pos_r = Vector2((PADDLE_WIDTH - BALL_WIDTH) * 0.5,  - BALL_HEIGHT)
                ball.body.rect.position = sum(self.paddles[0].body.rect.position, pos_r)
 def wander(self):
     # Get wander force with random angle
     wForce = normalize(self.v) * self.cDist
     rForce = normalize(self.v) * self.cRad
     self.wAngle += (random.random() * 2 - 1) * self.wChange
     wForce += rForce
     # Turn back at the window limits
     if self.pos.x > 1100:
         wForce += Vector2f(-1.0, 0.0) * self.pos.x / 100 * self.params.maxF
     elif self.pos.x < 100:
         wForce += Vector2f(
             1.0, 0.0) * (1280 - self.pos.x) / 100 * self.params.maxF
     if self.pos.y > 650:
         wForce += Vector2f(0.0, -1.0) * self.pos.y / 100 * self.params.maxF
     elif self.pos.y < 70:
         wForce += Vector2f(
             0.0, 1.0) * (720 - self.pos.y) / 100 * self.params.maxF
     # Truncate to maxF
     # Get final velocity
     steering = wForce / self.params.mass * self.gParams.speed
     self.v = trunc(self.v + steering, self.params.maxV)
 def evaluate(self, normals: Tensor, incident_directions: Tensor,
              outbound_directions: Tensor) -> Tensor:
     '''See SVBRDF.evaluate().'''
     colours, glossiness = SVBRDF._split_parameters(self.parameters, [3, 1])
     # This Phong model is based on the halfway vector parameterization.
     halfways = vector.normalize(incident_directions + outbound_directions)
     # The macrosurface normal is assumed to be (0, 0, 1).
     zeniths = vector.dot(halfways, normals).clamp(0, 1)
     # The parameterization of the specular exponent is taken from the Substance Blinn-Phong shader.
     exponents = 4 * torch.pow(2, glossiness * 11)
     # The Phong normalization factor is derived in http://www.farbrausch.de/~fg/stuff/phong.pdf.
     factors = (exponents + 2) * (exponents + 4) / (
         8 * math.pi * (torch.pow(1 / math.sqrt(2), exponents) + exponents))
     return colours * factors * zeniths.pow(exponents)
    def Update(self, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer):
        '''Calculate the best quaternion to the given measurement values.
        Gyroscope : array, shape (N,3)
            Angular velocity [rad/s]
        Accelerometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Linear acceleration (Only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)
        Magnetometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Orientation of local magenetic field.
            (Again, only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)

        q = self.Quaternion; # short name local variable for readability

        # Reference direction of Earth's magnetic field
        h = vector.rotate_vector(Magnetometer, q)
        b = np.hstack((0, np.sqrt(h[0]**2+h[1]**2), 0, h[2]))

        # Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic field
        v = np.array([
            2*(q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2]),
            2*(q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3]),
            q[0]**2 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2 + q[3]**2])

        w = np.array([
            2*b[1]*(0.5 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2) + 2*b[3]*(q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2]),
            2*b[1]*(q[1]*q[2] - q[0]*q[3]) + 2*b[3]*(q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3]),
            2*b[1]*(q[0]*q[2] + q[1]*q[3]) + 2*b[3]*(0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2)]) 

        # Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of fields
        e = np.cross(Accelerometer, v) + np.cross(Magnetometer, w) 

        if self.Ki > 0:
            self._eInt += e * self.SamplePeriod  
            self._eInt = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float)

        # Apply feedback terms
        Gyroscope += self.Kp * e + self.Ki * self._eInt;            

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qDot = 0.5 * quat.q_mult(q, np.hstack([0, Gyroscope])).flatten()

        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        q += qDot * self.SamplePeriod

        self.Quaternion = vector.normalize(q)
    def Update(self, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer):
        '''Calculate the best quaternion to the given measurement values.
        Gyroscope : array, shape (N,3)
            Angular velocity [rad/s]
        Accelerometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Linear acceleration (Only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)
        Magnetometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Orientation of local magenetic field.
            (Again, only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)

        q = self.Quaternion; # short name local variable for readability

        # Reference direction of Earth's magnetic field
        h = vector.rotate_vector(Magnetometer, q)
        b = np.hstack((0, np.sqrt(h[0]**2+h[1]**2), 0, h[2]))

        # Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic field
        v = np.array([
            2*(q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2]),
            2*(q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3]),
            q[0]**2 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2 + q[3]**2])

        w = np.array([
            2*b[1]*(0.5 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2) + 2*b[3]*(q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2]),
            2*b[1]*(q[1]*q[2] - q[0]*q[3]) + 2*b[3]*(q[0]*q[1] + q[2]*q[3]),
            2*b[1]*(q[0]*q[2] + q[1]*q[3]) + 2*b[3]*(0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2)]) 

        # Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of fields
        e = np.cross(Accelerometer, v) + np.cross(Magnetometer, w) 

        if self.Ki > 0:
            self._eInt += e * self.SamplePeriod  
            self._eInt = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float)

        # Apply feedback terms
        Gyroscope += self.Kp * e + self.Ki * self._eInt;            

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qDot = 0.5 * quat.q_mult(q, np.hstack([0, Gyroscope])).flatten()

        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        q += qDot * self.SamplePeriod

        self.Quaternion = vector.normalize(q)
def draw():

    #glTranslatef(-10.0, -10.0, -36.0)


    #glVertex3f(0, 1, 0)

    o = Vec([0.,0.,0.])
    u = normalize(Vec([1., 1., 1.]))
    #orthogonal vec
    v,w = orthovec(u)
    #w = rotateaxis(u, v, 90)

    #print u
    #print v
    #print w

    glColor3f(.5, 1, 0)
    gl.draw_line(o, u)
    glColor3f(0, 1, .5)
    gl.draw_line(o, v)
    glColor3f(.5, 0, .5)
    gl.draw_line(o, w)

    particles = distribute_disc(u, v, w, 1, 300, .1)
    print len(particles)
    glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
    glVertex3f(u.x, u.y, u.z)
    glColor3f(.5, .5, .5)
    for p in particles:
        glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z)

 def evaluate(self, normals: Tensor, incident_directions: Tensor,
              outbound_directions: Tensor) -> Tensor:
     '''See SVBRDF.evaluate().'''
     D_parameters = self.parameters[:, :, :, self._D_indices]
     F_parameters = self.parameters[:, :, :, self._F_indices]
     G_parameters = self.parameters[:, :, :, self._G_indices]
     # The halfway directions parameterize each of the D, F, and G functions so it's worth computing only once.
     halfways = vector.normalize(incident_directions + outbound_directions)
     # Evaluate the remainder of the microfacet SVBRDF in the usual way, taking into account that the value returned
     # by G is already divided by a factor of the denominator in the original microfacet model.
     D_terms = self._D_function(D_parameters, normals, halfways)
     F_terms = self._F_function(F_parameters, halfways, incident_directions)
     G_terms = self._G_function(G_parameters, normals, incident_directions, halfways) * \
               self._G_function(G_parameters, normals, outbound_directions, halfways)
     return F_terms * D_terms * G_terms
文件: sprite.py 项目: gmcnutt/stardog
 def _fire(self):
     """Fire if the mouse button is held down."""
     buttons = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
     if buttons[0] and self.ammo and self.fire_wait_tick <= 0:
         pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
         velocity = vector.subtract(pos, self.rect.center)
         velocity = vector.normalize(velocity)
         velocity = vector.scalar_multiply(velocity, 10)
         velocity = vector.add(velocity, vector.intvector(self.velocity))
         self.fire_wait_tick = 10
         self.ammo -= 1
         self.fire_wait_tick -= 1
    def _load_normals(self, texture: Texture) -> Tensor:
        Loads the normal map associated with the given texture.

            texture: Texture of interest.

            Tensor [1, R, C, 3] of texture normals.
        path_to_texture = self._derive_path_to_texture_directory(texture)
        path_to_normals = os.path.join(path_to_texture,
        return vector.normalize(2 * image.load(path_to_normals).unsqueeze(0) -
    def getRoll(self, degrees=False):
        ref = None
        if self.getPitch() > pi / 2 - 0.01:
            ref = self._getRawRollRef()
        elif self.getPitch() < 0.01 - pi / 2:
            self._getRawRollRef() * -1
            Q = Quaternion()
            Q.fromTwoVectors(self._getPointing(), Flight.up)

            ref = normalize(
                Q.rotateVector(self.q.rotateVector(self._getRawRollRef())) *
                (1 if self.getPitch() > 0 else -1))

        return (acos(not Flight.north.dot(ref)) +
                (pi if Flight.east().dot(ref) <= 0 else 0)) * (180 / pi if
                                                               degrees else 1)
    def build_puck_path(self, bag, remaining_forecast_time=None):    #ausgefuehrt
        Checks for a collision with the table boundaries.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.
        :param remaining_forecast_time:
        if 'direction' not in bag.puck:

        if remaining_forecast_time is None:
            remaining_forecast_time = const.CONST.TABLE_BOUNDARIES_COLLISION_FORECAST_TIME

        if 'path' not in bag.puck:
            bag.puck.path = []
        if len(bag.puck.path) == 0:
            bag.puck.path.append((bag.puck.position, bag.puck.direction, bag.puck.velocity, bag.puck.detection_time))

        # get position and direction for the current path part
        position = bag.puck.path[-1][0]
        direction = bag.puck.path[-1][1]
        velocity = bag.puck.path[-1][2]

        # follow puck movement for remaining time
        movement = vector.mul_by(direction, velocity)
        predicted_position = vector.add(position, vector.mul_by(movement, remaining_forecast_time))

        # check if position is out of bounds
        collision = self._check_collision(position, predicted_position, movement)
        if collision is not None:

            # add to path
            bag.puck.path.append((collision[0], vector.normalize(collision[1]), velocity, bag.puck.path[-1][3] + collision[2]))

            # continue building path
            remaining_forecast_time -= collision[2]
            #print("Velocity: " + str(velocity))
            #if len(bag.puck.path) > 20:
            #    exit()
            if remaining_forecast_time > 0:
                self.build_puck_path(bag, remaining_forecast_time)

        # save path
        #print("done, path: " + str(bag.puck.path))
        self.last_path = bag.puck.path
def create_source_ray(x, y):
    # https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-generating-camera-rays/generating-camera-rays
    cameraToWorld = scene['camera']

    width = WIDTH / PIXEL_SCALE
    height = HEIGHT / PIXEL_SCALE

    a = math.tan(FOV / 2.0 * math.pi / 180.0)
    Px = (2.0 * ((x + 0.5) / width) - 1) * a * ASPECT_RATIO
    Py = (1.0 - 2.0 * ((y + 0.5) / height)) * a
    Rp = [Px, Py, -1.0]
    Ro = vector.origin()
    Row = matrix.apply(cameraToWorld, Ro)
    Rpw = matrix.apply(cameraToWorld, Rp)
    Rdw = vector.subtract(Rpw, Row)
    Rdw = vector.normalize(Rdw)

    return [Row, Rdw]
	def run(self, shape, vector):
		self.shape = shape
		r,g,b,a = shape.color
		shape.color = r, g, b, int(a * .3)
		dt = float(self.expire_time) / self.time_slice
		nv = vector.normalize()
		def _move():
			self.duration += self.time_slice
			if self.expire_time <= self.duration:
				self.run_tag = None
				return False
			dx, dy = nv * 5
			x, y = shape.pos
			shape.pos = x + dx, y + dy
			return True
		self.run_tag = eloop.Timer(self.time_slice, _move)
    def rot(v, beta):
        sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos
        v = vector.normalize(v)
        #            q = angvec2quat(beta[0], [0, 1, 0])
        #            return rotvecquat(v, q)
        v1 = [v[0]*cos(beta[0]) + v[2]*sin(beta[0]),
              v[2]*cos(beta[0]) - v[0]*sin(beta[0])]

        v2 = [v1[0],
              v1[1]*cos(beta[1]) + v1[2]*sin(beta[1]),
              v1[2]*cos(beta[1]) - v1[1]*sin(beta[1])]

        v3 = [v2[0]*cos(beta[2]) + v2[1]*sin(beta[2]),
              v2[1]*cos(beta[2]) - v2[0]*sin(beta[1]),
        return v3
	def run(self, shape, vector):
		self.shape = shape
		dt = float(self.expire_time) / self.time_slice
		nv = vector.normalize()
		def _move():
			self.duration += self.time_slice
			if self.expire_time <= self.duration:
				self.run_tag = None
				return False
			dx, dy = nv
			x, y = shape.pos
			shape.pos = x + dx, y + dy
			if self.rotation == 'left':
				shape.angle = (shape.angle - 20) % 360
				shape.angle = (shape.angle + 20) % 360
			return True
		self.run_tag = eloop.Timer(self.time_slice, _move)
def rotateaxis(u,v,theta):
    """rotate v about u by angle theta (in degrees)"""
    theta *= numpy.pi/180.
    #matrix gotten from http://www.fastgraph.com/makegames/3drotation/ and originally from Graphics Gems 1990
    s = sin(theta)
    c = cos(theta)
    t = 1. - cos(theta)
    x = u.x
    y = u.y
    z = u.z
    R = numpy.array([[t*x**2 + c, t*x*y - s*z, t*x*z + s*y, 0.],
                     [t*x*y + s*z, t*y**2 + c, t*y*z - s*x, 0.],
                     [t*x*z - s*y, t*y*z + s*x, t*z**2 + c, 0.],
                     [0., 0., 0., 1.]])

    v = Vec([v.x, v.y, v.z, 1.])
    r = Vec(numpy.dot(R, v))
    v = normalize(Vec([r.x, r.y, r.z]))
    return v
    def update(self):
        if not self.manipulator.is_alive(): return

        main_blob = self.manipulator.get_largest_blob()

        others = self.manipulator.get_other_items()
        closest = None

        for item in others:
            if isinstance(item, PelletProxy) or isinstance(item, LargePelletProxy):
                distance = vector.squared_distance(main_blob.get_position(), item.get_position())
                if closest is None or distance < closest[1]:
                    closest = (item.get_position(), distance)

        if closest is None:
            position = self.manipulator.get_largest_blob().get_position()
            middle = vector.divide(self.manipulator.get_board_size(), 2)
            self.manipulator.set_velocity(vector.substract(middle, position))
            self.manipulator.set_velocity(vector.normalize(vector.substract(closest[0], main_blob.get_position())))
    def intersectsWall(self, wall1):
        # Get the directional vector
        # representing the wall
        wallDir = vector.normalize(wall1.line)

        # Get the length of the line
        # from the start of the wall
        # to the nearest point to the ball
        projectedMag = vector.dot(wallDir, vector.subtract(self.position, wall1.start))

        # Scale the directional vector
        # by the projected magnitude

        # Get the line between the
        # ball and the nearest point on the wall
        wallToBall = vector.subtract(vector.add(wallDir, wall1.start), self.position)

        # Return the amount the wall
        # is intersecting with the ball
        return self.size - vector.magnitude(wallToBall)
 def calcRepulsion(self, followers):
     self.repulsionF = Vector2f(0.0, 0.0)
     collisionChecks = 0
     # Calculate evasion from neighbours that are too close
     for i in self.grid.getNeighbours(self.loc.x, self.loc.y):
         d = distance(self.pos, i.pos)
         collisionChecks += 1
         if d < self.params.separationD and d != 0.0:
             self.repulsionF += (self.pos -
                                 i.getPos()) * self.params.separationD / d
     # Evade leader if necessary
     fLeader = self.leader.getPos() + normalize(
         self.leader.getV()) * self.params.followDist
     d = distance(self.pos, fLeader)
     if d < self.params.followDist and d != 0.0:
         self.repulsionF += (self.pos -
                             fLeader) * self.params.followDist / d
     d = distance(self.pos, self.leader.getPos())
     if d < self.params.followDist and d != 0.0:
         self.repulsionF += (self.pos - self.leader.getPos()
                             ) * 2 * self.params.followDist / d
     return collisionChecks
    def circle_line(body, line, screen=None):
        # 计算circle与直线最近的点
        relative_position = body.position - line.p1
        projected_vector = line.direction * relative_position.dot(
        closest_point = line.p1 + projected_vector

        # 记录参数
        cx, cy = closest_point
        lx1, ly1 = line.p1
        lx2, ly2 = line.p2

        # Make sure that closest point lies on the line
        if lx1 - lx2 > 0:
            cx = max(min(cx, lx1), lx2)
            cx = min(max(cx, lx1), lx2)
        if ly1 - ly2 > 0:
            cy = max(min(cy, ly1), ly2)
            cy = min(max(cy, ly1), ly2)
        closest_point[:] = cx, cy

        distance = V.magnitude(body.position - closest_point)

        collided = distance < body.radius
        if collided:
            # Resolve interpenetration
            orthogonal_vector = relative_position - projected_vector
            penetration = body.radius - V.magnitude(orthogonal_vector)
            disposition = V.normalize(orthogonal_vector) * penetration
            body.position += disposition

            # Resolve Velocity
            velocity = body.get_velocity() - line.normal * body.get_velocity(
            ).dot(line.normal) * (1 + body.wall_restitution)

        return collided
 def fromTwoVectors(self,orig,target):
 def test_normalize(self):
     result = vector.normalize([3, 0, 0])
     correct = array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.]])
     error = norm(result-correct)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(error, 0)
def normalize(ray):
    # ray -> ray
    dirn = vr.normalize(get_dirn(ray))
    return make_ray(get_pos(ray), dirn)
#!/usr/bin/env python2

import vector
import math

v1 = 1,2,3
v2 = 3,4,5
n1 = vector.normalize(v1)

assert vector.add(v1, v2) == (4, 6, 8)
assert vector.subtract(v1, v2) == (-2, -2, -2)
assert abs(n1[0] - 0.27) < 0.01 and \
       abs(n1[1] - 0.53) < 0.01 and \
       abs(n1[2] - 0.80) < 0.01
assert vector.dot(v1, v2) == 26
assert vector.cross(v1, v2) == (-2, 4, -2)

print "All tests passed!"
def make_view_geometry(eye, up, center):
    # (vector a) ** 3 -> seq (vector a)
    forward = vr.normalize(vr.sub_vector(center, eye))
    side = vr.normalize(vr.cross_prod(forward, up))
    up = vr.normalize(vr.cross_prod(side, forward))
    return [forward, side, up]
def sphere_normal(sphere, pt):
    return vr.normalize(vr.sub_vector(pt, get_center(sphere)))
    def Update(self, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer):
        '''Calculate the best quaternion to the given measurement values.
        Gyroscope : array, shape (N,3)
            Angular velocity [rad/s]
        Accelerometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Linear acceleration (Only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)
        Magnetometer : array, shape (N,3)
            Orientation of local magenetic field.
            (Again, only the direction is used, so units don't matter.)

        q = self.Quaternion
        # short name local variable for readability

        # Reference direction of Earth's magnetic field
        h = vector.rotate_vector(Magnetometer, q)
        b = np.hstack((0, np.sqrt(h[0]**2 + h[1]**2), 0, h[2]))

        # Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
        F = [
            2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - Accelerometer[0],
            2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - Accelerometer[1],
            2 * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - Accelerometer[2],
            2 * b[1] * (0.5 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2) + 2 * b[3] *
            (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - Magnetometer[0],
            2 * b[1] * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] *
            (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - Magnetometer[1],
            2 * b[1] * (q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] *
            (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - Magnetometer[2]

        J = np.array([[-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]],
                      [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]],
                      [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0],
                          -2 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[3] * q[3],
                          -4 * b[1] * q[2] - 2 * b[3] * q[0],
                          -4 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1]
                          -2 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1],
                          2 * b[1] * q[2] + 2 * b[3] * q[0],
                          2 * b[1] * q[1] + 2 * b[3] * q[3],
                          -2 * b[1] * q[0] + 2 * b[3] * q[2]
                          2 * b[1] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[3] - 4 * b[3] * q[1],
                          2 * b[1] * q[0] - 4 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[1]

        step = J.T.dot(F)
        step = vector.normalize(step)  # normalise step magnitude

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qDot = 0.5 * quat.q_mult(q, np.hstack([0, Gyroscope
                                               ])) - self.Beta * step

        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        q = q + qDot * self.SamplePeriod
        self.Quaternion = vector.normalize(q).flatten()
    def _calc_orientation(self):
        Calculate the current orientation

        type : string
                - 'analytical' .... quaternion integration of angular velocity
                - 'kalman' ..... quaternion Kalman filter
                - 'madgwick' ... gradient descent method, efficient
                - 'mahony' ....  formula from Mahony, as implemented by Madgwick


        initialPosition = np.r_[0, 0, 0]

        method = self.q_type
        if method == 'analytical':
            (quaternion, position,
             velocity) = analytical(self.R_init, self.omega, initialPosition,
                                    self.acc, self.rate)

        elif method == 'kalman':
            quaternion = kalman(self.rate, self.acc, np.deg2rad(self.omega),

        elif method == 'madgwick':

            # Initialize object
            AHRS = Madgwick(SamplePeriod=1. / self.rate,
                            Beta=0.5)  # previously: Beta=1.5
            quaternion = np.zeros((self.totalSamples, 4))

            # The "Update"-function uses angular velocity in radian/s, and only the directions of acceleration and magnetic field
            Gyr = self.omega
            Acc = vector.normalize(self.acc)
            Mag = vector.normalize(self.mag)

            #for t in range(len(time)):
            for t in misc.progressbar(range(self.totalSamples),
                                      'Calculating the Quaternions ', 25):
                AHRS.Update(Gyr[t], Acc[t], Mag[t])
                quaternion[t] = AHRS.Quaternion

        elif method == 'mahony':

            # Initialize object
            AHRS = Mahony(SamplePeriod=1. / np.float(self.rate),
                          Kp=0.4)  # previously: Kp=0.5
            quaternion = np.zeros((self.totalSamples, 4))

            # The "Update"-function uses angular velocity in radian/s, and only the directions of acceleration and magnetic field
            Gyr = self.omega
            Acc = vector.normalize(self.acc)
            Mag = vector.normalize(self.mag)

            #for t in range(len(time)):
            for t in misc.progressbar(range(self.totalSamples),
                                      'Calculating the Quaternions ', 25):
                AHRS.Update(Gyr[t], Acc[t], Mag[t])
                quaternion[t] = AHRS.Quaternion

            print('Unknown orientation type: {0}'.format(method))

        self.quat = quaternion
def analyze_3Dmarkers(MarkerPos, ReferencePos):
    Take recorded positions from 3 markers, and calculate center-of-mass (COM) and orientation
    Can be used e.g. for the analysis of Optotrac data.

    MarkerPos : ndarray, shape (N,9)
        x/y/z coordinates of 3 markers

    ReferencePos : ndarray, shape (1,9)
        x/y/z coordinates of markers in the reference position

    Position : ndarray, shape (N,3)
        x/y/z coordinates of COM, relative to the reference position
    Orientation : ndarray, shape (N,3)
        Orientation relative to reference orientation, expressed as quaternion

    >>> (PosOut, OrientOut) = analyze_3Dmarkers(MarkerPos, ReferencePos)


    # Specify where the x-, y-, and z-position are located in the data
    cols = {'x' : r_[(0,3,6)]} 
    cols['y'] = cols['x'] + 1
    cols['z'] = cols['x'] + 2    

    # Calculate the position
    cog = np.vstack(( sum(MarkerPos[:,cols['x']], axis=1),
                      sum(MarkerPos[:,cols['y']], axis=1),
                      sum(MarkerPos[:,cols['z']], axis=1) )).T/3.

    cog_ref = np.vstack(( sum(ReferencePos[cols['x']]),
                          sum(ReferencePos[cols['z']]) )).T/3.                      

    position = cog - cog_ref    

    # Calculate the orientation    
    numPoints = len(MarkerPos)
    orientation = np.ones((numPoints,3))

    refOrientation = vector.plane_orientation(ReferencePos[:3], ReferencePos[3:6], ReferencePos[6:])

    for ii in range(numPoints):
        '''The three points define a triangle. The first rotation is such
        that the orientation of the reference-triangle, defined as the
        direction perpendicular to the triangle, is rotated along the shortest
        path to the current orientation.
        In other words, this is a rotation outside the plane spanned by the three
        marker points.'''

        curOrientation = vector.plane_orientation( MarkerPos[ii,:3], MarkerPos[ii,3:6], MarkerPos[ii,6:])
        alpha = vector.angle(refOrientation, curOrientation)        

        if alpha > 0:
            n1 = vector.normalize( np.cross(refOrientation, curOrientation) )
            q1 = n1 * np.sin(alpha/2)
            q1 = r_[0,0,0]

        # Now rotate the triangle into this orientation ...
        refPos_after_q1 = vector.rotate_vector(np.reshape(ReferencePos,(3,3)), q1)

        '''Find which further rotation in the plane spanned by the three marker points
	is necessary to bring the data into the measured orientation.'''

        Marker_0 = MarkerPos[ii,:3]
        Marker_1 = MarkerPos[ii,3:6]
        Vector10 = Marker_0 - Marker_1
        vector10_ref = refPos_after_q1[0]-refPos_after_q1[1]
        beta = vector.angle(Vector10, vector10_ref)

        q2 = curOrientation * np.sin(beta/2)

        if np.cross(vector10_ref,Vector10).dot(curOrientation)<=0:
            q2 = -q2
        orientation[ii,:] = quat.q_mult(q2, q1)

    return (position, orientation)
def distance_to_segment(point, a, b):
    if dot(b - a, point - a) <= 0 or dot(a - b, point - b) <= 0:
        return min(dist(point, a), dist(point, b))
    return abs(cross(point - a, normalize(b - a)))
 def __init__(self, _orig, _dir):
     self.orig = _orig
     self.dir = normalize(_dir)
 def __init__(self, _orig, _dir):
     self.orig = _orig
     self.dir = normalize(_dir)
    def _calc_orientation(self):
        Calculate the current orientation

        type : string
                - 'analytical' .... quaternion integration of angular velocity
                - 'kalman' ..... quaternion Kalman filter
                - 'madgwick' ... gradient descent method, efficient
                - 'mahony' ....  formula from Mahony, as implemented by Madgwick


        initialPosition = np.r_[0,0,0]

        method = self.q_type
        if method == 'analytical':
            (quaternion, position, velocity) = analytical(self.R_init, self.omega, initialPosition, self.acc, self.rate) 

        elif method == 'kalman':
            quaternion = kalman(self.rate, self.acc, np.deg2rad(self.omega), self.mag)

        elif method == 'madgwick':

            # Initialize object
            AHRS = Madgwick(SamplePeriod=1./self.rate, Beta=0.5)    # previously: Beta=1.5
            quaternion = np.zeros((self.totalSamples, 4))

            # The "Update"-function uses angular velocity in radian/s, and only the directions of acceleration and magnetic field
            Gyr = self.omega
            Acc = vector.normalize(self.acc)
            Mag = vector.normalize(self.mag)

            #for t in range(len(time)):
            for t in misc.progressbar(range(self.totalSamples), 'Calculating the Quaternions ', 25) :
                AHRS.Update(Gyr[t], Acc[t], Mag[t])
                quaternion[t] = AHRS.Quaternion

        elif method == 'mahony':

            # Initialize object
            AHRS = Mahony(SamplePeriod=1./np.float(self.rate), Kp=0.4)  # previously: Kp=0.5
            quaternion = np.zeros((self.totalSamples, 4))

            # The "Update"-function uses angular velocity in radian/s, and only the directions of acceleration and magnetic field
            Gyr = self.omega
            Acc = vector.normalize(self.acc)
            Mag = vector.normalize(self.mag)

            #for t in range(len(time)):
            for t in misc.progressbar(range(self.totalSamples), 'Calculating the Quaternions ', 25) :
                AHRS.Update(Gyr[t], Acc[t], Mag[t])
                quaternion[t] = AHRS.Quaternion

            print('Unknown orientation type: {0}'.format(method))

        self.quat = quaternion
    def _calculate_collision_point(self, bag):
        Calculates the collision point between the puck and the stick.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.

        # NOTE: First attempt, ignoring stick and puck acceleration, puck radius and stick radius here

        # OK, math first:
        # S = stick position
        # C = point of collision
        # v = max speed of the stick
        # P = puck position
        # p = puck direction * velocity
        # Points which the stick can reach in time t build a circle around him:
        # 1. (Cx - Sx)^2 + (Cy - Sy)^2 = r = v * t
        # Points which the puck reaches in time t are on the line:
        # 2. Px + px * t = Cx
        # 3. Py + py * t = Cy
        # Approach:
        # - replace Cx and Cy in 1. with 2. and 3.
        # - bracket the square terms (Px + px * t - Sx)^2 and (Py + py * t - Sy)^2
        # - outline t^2 and t to get a formula like t^2*(...) + t*(...) + (...)
        # - name (...) a, b and c
        # - use the quadratic formula to get t
        # - use puck movement and t to get collision point
        # - use stick position and collision point
        # - gg

        Sx = bag.stick.position[0]
        Sy = bag.stick.position[1]
        Px = bag.puck.position[0]
        Py = bag.puck.position[1]
        px = bag.puck.direction[0] * bag.puck.velocity
        py = bag.puck.direction[1] * bag.puck.velocity
        v = self.STICK_MAX_SPEED

        # calculate a, b and c
        a = px*px + py*py - v*v
        b = 2*Px*px - 2*Sx*px + 2*Py*py - 2*Sy*py
        c = Px*Px - 2*Px*Sx + Sx*Sx + Py*Py - 2*Py*Sy + Sy*Sy

        # calculate t
        inner_sqrt = b*b - 4*a*c
        if inner_sqrt < 0:
            print("Going home, inner sqrt: " + str(inner_sqrt))

            # no chance to get that thing, go home

        # use + first, since a is negative (Vpuck - Vstick)
        # (... / 2 * a) -> shortest time needed
        sqrt_b2_4ac = math.sqrt(inner_sqrt)
        t = (-b + sqrt_b2_4ac) / 2*a
        print("Vp: "+str(bag.puck.velocity))
        print("t:  "+str(t))
        if t < 0:

            # too late for that chance, use other result
            t = (-b - sqrt_b2_4ac) / 2*a
            print("t2: "+str(t))

        # get collision point
        C = vector.add((Px, Py), vector.mul_by((px, py), t))
        s = vector.from_to((Sx, Sy), C)

        # save
        bag.stick.dest_position = C
        bag.stick.dest_direction = vector.normalize(s)
        bag.stick.dest_velocity = self.STICK_MAX_SPEED
        bag.stick.dest_time = time.time() + t
def create_obstacle_circle(center, radius):
    o = Obstacle(lambda r: dist(r, center) - radius,
                 lambda r: normalize(r - center),
                 shapes.Circle(center, radius))
    o.center = center
    return o
def kalman(rate, acc, omega, mag):
    Calclulate the orientation from IMU magnetometer data.

    rate : float
    	   sample rate [Hz]	
    acc : (N,3) ndarray
    	  linear acceleration [m/sec^2]
    omega : (N,3) ndarray
    	  angular velocity [rad/sec]
    mag : (N,3) ndarray
    	  magnetic field orientation

    qOut : (N,4) ndarray
    	   unit quaternion, describing the orientation relativ to the coordinate system spanned by the local magnetic field, and gravity

    Based on "Design, Implementation, and Experimental Results of a Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for Human Body Motion Tracking" Yun, X. and Bachman, E.R., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, VOL. 22, 1216-1227 (2006)


    numData = len(acc)

    # Set parameters for Kalman Filter
    tstep = 1. / rate
    tau = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]  # from Yun, 2006

    # Initializations
    x_k = np.zeros(7)  # state vector
    z_k = np.zeros(7)  # measurement vector
    z_k_pre = np.zeros(7)
    P_k = np.matrix(np.eye(7))  # error covariance matrix P_k

    Phi_k = np.matrix(np.zeros(
        (7, 7)))  # discrete state transition matrix Phi_k
    for ii in range(3):
        Phi_k[ii, ii] = np.exp(-tstep / tau[ii])

    H_k = np.eye(7)  # Identity matrix

    Q_k = np.zeros((7, 7))  # process noise matrix Q_k
    #D = 0.0001*np.r_[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]		# [rad^2/sec^2]; from Yun, 2006
    D = np.r_[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]  # [rad^2/sec^2]; from Yun, 2006

    for ii in range(3):
            ii] = D[ii] / (2 * tau[ii]) * (1 - np.exp(-2 * tstep / tau[ii]))

    # Evaluate measurement noise covariance matrix R_k
    R_k = np.zeros((7, 7))
    r_angvel = 0.01
    # [rad**2/sec**2]; from Yun, 2006
    r_quats = 0.0001
    # from Yun, 2006
    for ii in range(7):
        if ii < 3:
            R_k[ii, ii] = r_angvel
            R_k[ii, ii] = r_quats

    # Calculation of orientation for every time step
    qOut = np.zeros((numData, 4))

    for ii in range(numData):
        accelVec = acc[ii, :]
        magVec = mag[ii, :]
        angvelVec = omega[ii, :]
        z_k_pre = z_k.copy(
        )  # watch out: by default, Python passes the reference!!

        # Evaluate quaternion based on acceleration and magnetic field data
        accelVec_n = vector.normalize(accelVec)
        magVec_hor = magVec - accelVec_n * (accelVec_n @ magVec)
        magVec_n = vector.normalize(magVec_hor)
        basisVectors = np.vstack((magVec_n, np.cross(accelVec_n,
                                                     magVec_n), accelVec_n)).T
        quatRef = quat.q_inv(rotmat.convert(basisVectors, to='quat')).flatten()

        # Update measurement vector z_k
        z_k[:3] = angvelVec
        z_k[3:] = quatRef

        # Calculate Kalman Gain
        # K_k = P_k * H_k.T * inv(H_k*P_k*H_k.T + R_k)
        K_k = P_k @ np.linalg.inv(P_k + R_k)

        # Update state vector x_k
        x_k += np.array(K_k.dot(z_k - z_k_pre)).ravel()

        # Evaluate discrete state transition matrix Phi_k
        Phi_k[3, :] = np.r_[-x_k[4] * tstep / 2, -x_k[5] * tstep / 2,
                            -x_k[6] * tstep / 2, 1, -x_k[0] * tstep / 2,
                            -x_k[1] * tstep / 2, -x_k[2] * tstep / 2]
        Phi_k[4, :] = np.r_[x_k[3] * tstep / 2, -x_k[6] * tstep / 2,
                            x_k[5] * tstep / 2, x_k[0] * tstep / 2, 1,
                            x_k[2] * tstep / 2, -x_k[1] * tstep / 2]
        Phi_k[5, :] = np.r_[x_k[6] * tstep / 2, x_k[3] * tstep / 2,
                            -x_k[4] * tstep / 2, x_k[1] * tstep / 2,
                            -x_k[2] * tstep / 2, 1, x_k[0] * tstep / 2]
        Phi_k[6, :] = np.r_[-x_k[5] * tstep / 2, x_k[4] * tstep / 2,
                            x_k[3] * tstep / 2, x_k[2] * tstep / 2,
                            x_k[1] * tstep / 2, -x_k[0] * tstep / 2, 1]

        # Update error covariance matrix
        #P_k = (eye(7)-K_k*H_k)*P_k
        P_k = (np.eye(7) - K_k) @ P_k

        # Projection of state quaternions
        x_k[3:] += 0.5 * quat.q_mult(x_k[3:], np.r_[0, x_k[:3]]).flatten()
        x_k[3:] = vector.normalize(x_k[3:])
        x_k[:3] = np.zeros(3)
        x_k[:3] += tstep * (-x_k[:3] + z_k[:3])

        qOut[ii, :] = x_k[3:]

        # Projection of error covariance matrix
        P_k = Phi_k @ P_k @ Phi_k.T + Q_k

    # Make the first position the reference position
    qOut = quat.q_mult(qOut, quat.q_inv(qOut[0]))

    return qOut
#!/usr/bin/env python2

import vector
import math

v1 = [36.886, 53.177, 21.887]
v2 = [38.323, 52.817, 21.996]
v3 = [38.493, 51.553, 22.830]
v4 = [39.483, 50.748, 22.463]

n1 = vector.normalize(v1)
n2 = vector.normalize(v2)

v1 = n1 = 1,2,3
v2 = n2 = 3,4,5

print vector.add(v1, v2)
print vector.subtract(v1, v2)
print vector.normalize(v1)
print vector.dot(n1, n2)
print vector.cross(n1, n2)
print vector.torsion(v1, v2, v3, v4)
 def test_normalize(self):
     result = vector.normalize([3, 0, 0])
     correct = array([[1., 0., 0.]])
     error = norm(result - correct)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(error, 0)
def kalman(rate, acc, omega, mag):
    Calclulate the orientation from IMU magnetometer data.

    rate : float
    	   sample rate [Hz]	
    acc : (N,3) ndarray
    	  linear acceleration [m/sec^2]
    omega : (N,3) ndarray
    	  angular velocity [rad/sec]
    mag : (N,3) ndarray
    	  magnetic field orientation

    qOut : (N,4) ndarray
    	   unit quaternion, describing the orientation relativ to the coordinate system spanned by the local magnetic field, and gravity

    Based on "Design, Implementation, and Experimental Results of a Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for Human Body Motion Tracking" Yun, X. and Bachman, E.R., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, VOL. 22, 1216-1227 (2006)


    numData = len(acc)

    # Set parameters for Kalman Filter
    tstep = 1./rate
    tau = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]	# from Yun, 2006

    # Initializations 
    x_k = np.zeros(7)	# state vector
    z_k = np.zeros(7)   # measurement vector
    z_k_pre = np.zeros(7)
    P_k = np.matrix( np.eye(7) )		 # error covariance matrix P_k

    Phi_k = np.matrix( np.zeros((7,7)) ) # discrete state transition matrix Phi_k
    for ii in range(3):
        Phi_k[ii,ii] = np.exp(-tstep/tau[ii])

    H_k = np.eye(7)		# Identity matrix

    Q_k = np.zeros((7,7)) 	# process noise matrix Q_k
    #D = 0.0001*np.r_[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]		# [rad^2/sec^2]; from Yun, 2006
    D = np.r_[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]		# [rad^2/sec^2]; from Yun, 2006
    for ii in range(3):
        Q_k[ii,ii] =  D[ii]/(2*tau[ii])  * ( 1-np.exp(-2*tstep/tau[ii]) )

    # Evaluate measurement noise covariance matrix R_k
    R_k = np.zeros((7,7)) 
    r_angvel = 0.01;      # [rad**2/sec**2]; from Yun, 2006
    r_quats = 0.0001;     # from Yun, 2006
    for ii in range(7):
        if ii<3:
            R_k[ii,ii] = r_angvel
            R_k[ii,ii] = r_quats

    # Calculation of orientation for every time step
    qOut = np.zeros( (numData,4) )

    for ii in range(numData):
        accelVec  = acc[ii,:]
        magVec    = mag[ii,:]
        angvelVec = omega[ii,:]
        z_k_pre = z_k.copy()	# watch out: by default, Python passes the reference!!

        # Evaluate quaternion based on acceleration and magnetic field data
        accelVec_n = vector.normalize(accelVec)
        magVec_hor = magVec - accelVec_n * (accelVec_n @ magVec)
        magVec_n   = vector.normalize(magVec_hor)
        basisVectors = np.vstack( (magVec_n, np.cross(accelVec_n, magVec_n), accelVec_n) ).T
        quatRef = quat.q_inv(rotmat.convert(basisVectors, to='quat')).flatten()

        # Update measurement vector z_k
        z_k[:3] = angvelVec
        z_k[3:] = quatRef

        # Calculate Kalman Gain
        # K_k = P_k * H_k.T * inv(H_k*P_k*H_k.T + R_k)
        K_k = P_k @ np.linalg.inv(P_k + R_k)

        # Update state vector x_k
        x_k += np.array( K_k.dot(z_k-z_k_pre) ).ravel()

        # Evaluate discrete state transition matrix Phi_k
        Phi_k[3,:] = np.r_[-x_k[4]*tstep/2, -x_k[5]*tstep/2, -x_k[6]*tstep/2,              1, -x_k[0]*tstep/2, -x_k[1]*tstep/2, -x_k[2]*tstep/2]
        Phi_k[4,:] = np.r_[ x_k[3]*tstep/2, -x_k[6]*tstep/2,  x_k[5]*tstep/2, x_k[0]*tstep/2,               1,  x_k[2]*tstep/2, -x_k[1]*tstep/2]
        Phi_k[5,:] = np.r_[ x_k[6]*tstep/2,  x_k[3]*tstep/2, -x_k[4]*tstep/2, x_k[1]*tstep/2, -x_k[2]*tstep/2,               1,  x_k[0]*tstep/2]
        Phi_k[6,:] = np.r_[-x_k[5]*tstep/2,  x_k[4]*tstep/2,  x_k[3]*tstep/2, x_k[2]*tstep/2,  x_k[1]*tstep/2, -x_k[0]*tstep/2,               1]

        # Update error covariance matrix
        #P_k = (eye(7)-K_k*H_k)*P_k
        P_k = (np.eye(7) - K_k) @ P_k

        # Projection of state quaternions
        x_k[3:] += 0.5 * quat.q_mult(x_k[3:], np.r_[0, x_k[:3]]).flatten()
        x_k[3:] = vector.normalize( x_k[3:] )
        x_k[:3] = np.zeros(3)
        x_k[:3] += tstep * (-x_k[:3]+z_k[:3])

        qOut[ii,:] = x_k[3:]

        # Projection of error covariance matrix
        P_k = Phi_k @ P_k @ Phi_k.T + Q_k

    # Make the first position the reference position
    qOut = quat.q_mult(qOut, quat.q_inv(qOut[0]))

    return qOut