def move(evt):
    if not evt.actor:
    coords = line.points()
    coords[0] = evt.picked3d
    for i in range(1, n):
        v = versor(coords[i] - coords[i - 1])
        coords[i] = coords[i - 1] + v * l
    line.points(coords)  # update positions
 def simulate(self):
     """ Runs the particle simulation. Simulates one time step, dt, of the particle motion.
         Calculates the force between each pair of particles and updates particles' motion accordingly
     # Main simulation loop
     for i in range(self.iterations):
         for a in self.particles:
             if a.fixed:
             ftot = vector(0, 0, 0)  # total force acting on particle a
             for b in self.particles:
                 if a.negligible and b.negligible or a == b:
                 ab = a.pos - b.pos
                 ftot += ((K_COULOMB * a.charge * b.charge) /
                          mag2(ab)) * versor(ab)
             a.vel += ftot / a.mass * self.dt  # update velocity and position of a
             a.pos += a.vel * self.dt
         if vp:
             vp.camera.Azimuth(0.1)  # rotate camera
 def simulate(self):
     Runs the particle simulation. Simulates one time step, dt, of the particle motion.
     Calculates the force between each pair of particles and updates their motion accordingly
     # Main simulation loop
     for i in range(self.iterations):
         for a in self.particles:
             if a.fixed:
             ftot = vector(0, 0, 0)  # total force acting on particle a
             for b in self.particles:
                 if a.negligible and b.negligible or a == b:
                 ab = a.pos - b.pos
                 ftot += ((K_COULOMB * a.charge * b.charge) /
                          mag2(ab)) * versor(ab)
             a.vel += ftot / a.mass * self.dt  # update velocity and position of a
             a.pos += a.vel * self.dt
         if plt:
             plt.show(resetcam=not i, azimuth=1)
             if plt.escaped: break  # if ESC is hit during the loop
                          gamma * x_dot_m[k])
        y_dot[k] -= Dt * (Ks * (bob_y_m[k] - bob_y_m[k - 1]) * factor +
                          gamma * y_dot_m[k] + g)

    for k in range(1, N):
        factor = fctr(dij_m[k + 1])
        x_dot[k] -= Dt * Ks * (bob_x_m[k] - bob_x_m[k + 1]) * factor
        y_dot[k] -= Dt * Ks * (bob_y_m[k] - bob_y_m[k + 1]) * factor

    # Check to see if they are colliding
    for i in range(1, N):
        for j in range(i + 1, N + 1):
            dist2 = (bob_x[i] - bob_x[j])**2 + (bob_y[i] - bob_y[j])**2
            if dist2 < DiaSq:  # are colliding
                Ddist = np.sqrt(dist2) - 2 * R
                tau = versor([bob_x[j] - bob_x[i], bob_y[j] - bob_y[i], 0])
                DR = Ddist / 2 * tau
                bob_x[i] += DR[0]  # DR.x
                bob_y[i] += DR[1]  # DR.y
                bob_x[j] -= DR[0]  # DR.x
                bob_y[j] -= DR[1]  # DR.y
                Vji = vector(x_dot[j] - x_dot[i], y_dot[j] - y_dot[i])
                DV = np.dot(Vji, tau) * tau
                x_dot[i] += DV[0]  # DV.x
                y_dot[i] += DV[1]  # DV.y
                x_dot[j] -= DV[0]  # DV.x
                y_dot[j] -= DV[1]  # DV.y

    # Update the loations of the bobs and the stretching of the springs
    for k in range(1, N + 1):
        bob[k].pos([bob_x[k], bob_y[k], 0])
文件: gas.py 项目: sariths/vtkPlotter
def reflection(p, pos):
    n = versor(pos)
    return np.dot(np.identity(3) - 2 * n * n[:, np.newaxis], p)
文件: gas.py 项目: sariths/vtkPlotter
        if a == 0:
            continue  # exactly same velocities
        b = 2 * np.dot(pos[i] - pos[j], vj - vi)
        c = mag(pos[i] - pos[j])**2 - (ri + rj)**2
        d = b**2 - 4.0 * a * c
        if d < 0:
            continue  # something wrong; ignore this rare case
        deltat = (-b + np.sqrt(d)) / (2.0 * a
                                      )  # t-deltat is when they made contact
        pos[i] = pos[i] - (p[i] /
                           mi) * deltat  # back up to contact configuration
        pos[j] = pos[j] - (p[j] / mj) * deltat
        mtot = mi + mj
        pcmi = p[i] - ptot * mi / mtot  # transform momenta to cm frame
        pcmj = p[j] - ptot * mj / mtot
        rrel = versor(pos[j] - pos[i])
        pcmi = pcmi - 2 * np.dot(pcmi, rrel) * rrel  # bounce in cm frame
        pcmj = pcmj - 2 * np.dot(pcmj, rrel) * rrel
        p[i] = pcmi + ptot * mi / mtot  # transform momenta back to lab frame
        p[j] = pcmj + ptot * mj / mtot
        pos[i] = pos[i] + (p[i] / mi) * deltat  # move forward deltat in time
        pos[j] = pos[j] + (p[j] / mj) * deltat

    # Bounce off the boundary of the torus
    for j in range(Natoms):
        poscircle[j] = versor(pos[j]) * RingRadius * [1, 1, 0]
    outside = np.greater_equal(mag(poscircle - pos), RingThickness - 2 * Ratom)

    for k in range(len(outside)):
        if outside[k] == 1 and np.dot(p[k], pos[k] - poscircle[k]) > 0:
            p[k] = reflection(p[k], pos[k] - poscircle[k])