def GET(self, path): if path == '/xml/comments': comments = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Comment ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 20") web.header('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml') return render.comments(comments) else: if web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT',"").find("FeedBurner") == -1: return web.Redirect("") articles = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Article WHERE created > :1 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 10", datetime.datetime(2008, 04, 25)) web.header('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml') return render.feed(articles)
def f(*args, **keywords): remotePassword = None remoteUser = None try: b64text = web.ctx.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"][6:] plainText = b64decode(b64text) remoteUser, remotePassword = plainText.split(":") except: pass if remoteUser and remotePassword and verify(remoteUser, remotePassword, realm): return func(*args, **keywords) else: web.ctx.status = "401 UNAUTHORIZED" web.header("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="%s"' % web.websafe(realm)) return notAuthenticatedFunc(realm, remoteUser, remotePassword, redirectURL)
def GET(self): posts = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Post order by created desc") web.header('Content-Type', 'text/xml') return render_no_layout.forum_feed(posts, base=None)
def POST(self, key=None): web.debug("hi: %s" % key) send_welcome = False json = simplejson.loads(web.input().data) if key and key != '': profile = Profile.get(key) if profile: sig = web.input().sig data = expected = + profile.secret).hexdigest() if sig != expected: web.ctx.status = "401 Unauthorized" return "Invalid Signature" else: send_welcome = 410 else: send_welcome = 200 if send_welcome: secret_uuid = uuid.uuid4() profile = Profile(secret=secret_uuid.hex) profile.version = json['system']['version'] profile.os = json['system']['OS'] profile.platform = json['system']['name'] profile.put() web.debug("profile: %s" % profile) # Build a dictionary of the current extensions profile_extensions = profile.profileextension_set.fetch(100) px_dict = {} for e in profile_extensions: px_dict[e.extension.mid] = e web.debug(px_dict) local_extensions = json['extensions'] for mid in local_extensions: local_extension = local_extensions[mid] web.debug("processing " + mid) key = db.Key.from_path('Extension', mid) extension = Extension.get(key) if not extension: web.debug("new extension: " + mid) extension = Extension(key_name=mid) extension.mid = mid = local_extension['name'] extension.updateRDF = local_extension['updateRDF'] extension.description = local_extension['description'] extension.creator = local_extension['creator'] extension.homepageURL = local_extension['homepageURL'] extension.developers = local_extension['developers'] extension.translators = local_extension['translators'] extension.contributors = local_extension['contributors'] extension.put() if px_dict.has_key(mid): web.debug("user had extension " + mid) px_dict[mid].version = local_extension['version'] px_dict[mid].put() del px_dict[mid] else: web.debug("user did not have extension " + mid) px = ProfileExtension() px.extension = extension px.version = local_extension['version'] px.profile = profile px.put() # Delete any user extensions from the database that weren't in the update for px in px_dict: web.debug("user no longer has extension " + mid) px_dict[px].delete() web.debug("profile key: %s" % profile.key()) if send_welcome: web.ctx.status = "%s New Profile" % send_welcome web.header('Content-Type', 'text/x-json') return simplejson.dumps({'profile': str(profile.key()), 'secret': profile.secret}) else: web.ctx.status = "200 OK" return "KTHXBAI"