import platform
import sys, os
from version import write_version_file, dpkg_deb_version
import shutil
from subprocess import call

if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    print("starting version stript:")
    write_version_file('dist/Pupil Capture.app/Contents/MacOS')
    print("created version file in dist folder")

    shutil.rmtree('dist/Pupil Capture')
    print('removed the non-app dist bundle')

    bundle_name = 'pupil_capture_mac_os_x64_v%s' % dpkg_deb_version()
    bundle_dmg_name = 'Install Pupil Capture'
    src_dir = 'dist'
    bundle_app_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'Pupil Capture.app/')
    print("Codesigning now")
    if call("codesign --force --verify --verbose -s 'Developer ID Application: Pupil Labs UG (haftungsbeschrankt) (R55K9ESN6B)' --deep '%s'"
            % bundle_app_dir,
            shell=True) != 0:
        print(Exception("Codesinging  failed"))
    # if call("spctl --assess --type execute '%s'"%bundle_app_dir,shell=True) != 0:
    # print Exception("Codesing verification  failed")
    call("ln -s /Applications/ %s/Applications" % src_dir, shell=True)
    call("hdiutil create -volname '%s' -srcfolder %s -format UDZO '%s.dmg'" %
         (bundle_dmg_name, src_dir, bundle_name),
import platform
import sys, os
from version import write_version_file,dpkg_deb_version
import shutil
from subprocess import call

if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    print "starting version stript:"
    write_version_file('dist/Pupil Capture.app/Contents/MacOS')
    print "created version file in dist folder"

    shutil.rmtree('dist/Pupil Capture')
    print 'removed the non-app dist bundle'

    bundle_name = 'pupil_capture_mac_os_x64_v%s'%dpkg_deb_version()
    bundle_dmg_name = 'Install Pupil Capture'
    src_dir = 'dist'
    bundle_app_dir = os.path.join(src_dir,'Pupil Capture.app/' )
    print "Codesigning now"
    if call("codesign --force --verify --verbose -s 'Developer ID Application: Pupil Labs UG (haftungsbeschrankt) (R55K9ESN6B)' --deep '%s'"%bundle_app_dir,shell=True) != 0:
        print Exception("Codesinging  failed")
    # if call("spctl --assess --type execute '%s'"%bundle_app_dir,shell=True) != 0:
        # print Exception("Codesing verification  failed")
    call("ln -s /Applications/ %s/Applications"%src_dir,shell=True)
    call("hdiutil create -volname '%s' -srcfolder %s -format UDZO '%s.dmg'"%(bundle_dmg_name,src_dir,bundle_name),shell=True)

elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
    write_version_file(os.path.join('dist', 'Pupil Capture'))

elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    print "starting version stript:"
    write_version_file('dist/Pupil Player.app/Contents/MacOS')
    print "created version file in app dir"

    shutil.rmtree('dist/Pupil Player')
    print 'removed the non-app dist bundle'

    print "hack injecting file type info in to info.plist"
    with open("dist/Pupil Player.app/Contents/Info.plist", "r") as f:
        txt = f.read() # read everything in the file
    txt = txt.replace(split_str,mac_plist_document_type_str + split_str)
    with open("dist/Pupil Player.app/Contents/Info.plist", "w") as f:

    bundle_name = 'Pupil Player %s MacOS'%dpkg_deb_version()
    bundle_dmg_name = 'Install Pupil Player'
    src_dir = 'dist'
    call("ln -s /Applications/ %s/Applications"%src_dir,shell=True)
    call("hdiutil create -volname '%s' -srcfolder %s -format UDZO '%s.dmg'"%(bundle_dmg_name,src_dir,bundle_name),shell=True)

elif platform.system() == 'Linux':

    distribtution_dir = 'dist'
    pupil_player_dir =  os.path.join(distribtution_dir, 'pupil_player')

    print "starting version stript:"
    print "created version file in dist folder"
import platform
import sys, os
from version import write_version_file, dpkg_deb_version
import shutil
from subprocess import call

if platform.system() == "Darwin":
    print("starting version stript:")
    write_version_file("dist/Pupil Capture.app/Contents/MacOS")
    print("created version file in dist folder")

    shutil.rmtree("dist/Pupil Capture")
    print("removed the non-app dist bundle")

    bundle_name = "pupil_capture_mac_os_x64_v%s" % dpkg_deb_version()
    bundle_dmg_name = "Install Pupil Capture"
    src_dir = "dist"
    bundle_app_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, "Pupil Capture.app/")
    print("Codesigning now")
    if (
            "codesign --force --verify --verbose -s 'Developer ID Application: Pupil Labs UG (haftungsbeschrankt) (R55K9ESN6B)' --deep '%s'"
            % bundle_app_dir,
        != 0
        print(Exception("Codesinging  failed"))
    # if call("spctl --assess --type execute '%s'"%bundle_app_dir,shell=True) != 0:
    # print Exception("Codesing verification  failed")
import platform
import sys, os
from version import write_version_file, dpkg_deb_version
import shutil
from subprocess import call

if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    print "starting version stript:"
    write_version_file('dist/Pupil Capture.app/Contents/MacOS')
    print "created version file in dist folder"

    shutil.rmtree('dist/Pupil Capture')
    print 'removed the non-app dist bundle'

    bundle_name = 'Pupil Capture %s MacOS' % dpkg_deb_version()
    bundle_dmg_name = 'Install Pupil Capture'
    src_dir = 'dist'
    bundle_app_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'Pupil Capture.app/')
    print "Codesigning now"
        "codesign -s 'Developer ID Application: Pupil Labs UG (haftungsbeschrankt) (R55K9ESN6B)' --deep '%s'"
        % bundle_app_dir,
    if call("spctl --assess --type execute '%s'" % bundle_app_dir,
            shell=True) != 0:
        raise Exception("Codesinging  failed")
    call("ln -s /Applications/ %s/Applications" % src_dir, shell=True)
    call("hdiutil create -volname '%s' -srcfolder %s -format UDZO '%s.dmg'" %
         (bundle_dmg_name, src_dir, bundle_name),
import platform
import sys, os
from version import write_version_file,dpkg_deb_version
import shutil
from subprocess import call

if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    print "starting version stript:"
    write_version_file('dist/Pupil Capture.app/Contents/MacOS')
    print "created version file in dist folder"

    shutil.rmtree('dist/Pupil Capture')
    print 'removed the non-app dist bundle'

    bundle_name = 'Pupil Capture %s MacOS'%dpkg_deb_version()
    bundle_dmg_name = 'Install Pupil Capture'
    src_dir = 'dist'
    bundle_app_dir = os.path.join(src_dir,'Pupil Capture.app/' )
    print "Codesigning now"
    call("codesign -s 'Developer ID Application: Pupil Labs UG (haftungsbeschrankt) (R55K9ESN6B)' --deep '%s'"%bundle_app_dir,shell=True)
    if call("spctl --assess --type execute '%s'"%bundle_app_dir,shell=True) != 0:
        raise Exception("Codesinging  failed")
    call("ln -s /Applications/ %s/Applications"%src_dir,shell=True)
    call("hdiutil create -volname '%s' -srcfolder %s -format UDZO '%s.dmg'"%(bundle_dmg_name,src_dir,bundle_name),shell=True)

elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
    write_version_file(os.path.join('dist', 'Pupil Capture'))

elif platform.system() == 'Linux':