    def append(self, vertices, indices, uniforms):
        vertices = vertices.astype(self.vertices_data.dtype)
        indices  = indices.astype(self.indices_data.dtype)
        uniforms = uniforms.astype(self.uniforms_data.dtype)

        VertexBuffer.append(self, vertices, indices)

        # Test if current uniforms capacity is big enough to hold new data
        if self.uniforms_size + 1  >= self.uniforms_capacity:
            capacity = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(self.uniforms_size + 1)))
            self.uniforms_data = np.resize( self.uniforms_data, (capacity,1) )
            self.uniforms_capacity = len(self.uniforms_data)

        # Add uniforms data
        ustart, uend = self.uniforms_size, self.uniforms_size+1
        self.uniforms_data[ustart] = uniforms

        # Keep track of new object
        vstart,vend,istart,iend = self.objects[-1]
        self.objects[-1] = self,vstart,vend,istart,iend,ustart,uend

        # Update uniforms size
        self.uniforms_size += 1

        self.dirty = True

    def append(self, vertices, indices, uniforms):
        vertices = vertices.astype(self.vertices_data.dtype)
        indices = indices.astype(self.indices_data.dtype)
        uniforms = uniforms.astype(self.uniforms_data.dtype)

        VertexBuffer.append(self, vertices, indices)

        # Test if current uniforms capacity is big enough to hold new data
        if self.uniforms_size + 1 >= self.uniforms_capacity:
            capacity = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(self.uniforms_size + 1)))
            self.uniforms_data = np.resize(self.uniforms_data, (capacity, 1))
            self.uniforms_capacity = len(self.uniforms_data)

        # Add uniforms data
        ustart, uend = self.uniforms_size, self.uniforms_size + 1
        self.uniforms_data[ustart] = uniforms

        # Keep track of new object
        vstart, vend, istart, iend = self.objects[-1]
        self.objects[-1] = self, vstart, vend, istart, iend, ustart, uend

        # Update uniforms size
        self.uniforms_size += 1

        self.dirty = True
    # vertices
    v = [ [ 1, 1, 1],  [-1, 1, 1],  [-1,-1, 1], [ 1,-1, 1],
          [ 1,-1,-1],  [ 1, 1,-1],  [-1, 1,-1], [-1,-1,-1] ]
    # normals
    n = [ [ 0, 0, 1],  [ 1, 0, 0],  [ 0, 1, 0] ,
          [-1, 0, 1],  [ 0,-1, 0],  [ 0, 0,-1] ]
    # colors
    c = [ [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1],
          [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1] ];
    V =  np.array([(v[0],n[0],c[0]), (v[1],n[0],c[1]), (v[2],n[0],c[2]), (v[3],n[0],c[3]),
                   (v[0],n[1],c[0]), (v[3],n[1],c[3]), (v[4],n[1],c[4]), (v[5],n[1],c[5]),
                   (v[0],n[2],c[0]), (v[5],n[2],c[5]), (v[6],n[2],c[6]), (v[1],n[2],c[1]),
                   (v[1],n[3],c[1]), (v[6],n[3],c[6]), (v[7],n[3],c[7]), (v[2],n[3],c[2]),
                   (v[7],n[4],c[7]), (v[4],n[4],c[4]), (v[3],n[4],c[3]), (v[2],n[4],c[2]),
                   (v[4],n[5],c[4]), (v[7],n[5],c[7]), (v[6],n[5],c[6]), (v[5],n[5],c[5]) ],
                  dtype = vtype)
    I = np.resize( np.array([0,1,2,0,2,3], dtype=np.uint32), 6*(2*3))
    I += np.repeat( 4*np.arange(2*3), 6)

    cube = VertexBuffer(vtype)

    I = np.resize( np.array([0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0], dtype=np.uint32), 6*(2*4))
    I += np.repeat( 4*np.arange(6), 8)
    outline = VertexBuffer(vtype)

    shader = Shader(open("./cube.vert").read(),
    gl.glPolygonOffset(1, 1)
    gl.glClearColor(.3, .3, .35, 1)
    gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

    projection = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
    view = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)

    theta, phi = 0, 0

    vtype = [('position', np.float32, 3), ('normal', np.float32, 3),
             ('color', np.float32, 4)]
    vertices, normals, faces = load_obj('./bunny.obj')
    V = np.zeros(len(vertices), dtype=vtype)
    V['position'] = vertices
    V['color'] = 1, 1, 1, 1
    V['normal'] = normals

    obj = VertexBuffer(vtype)
    obj.append(V, faces)

    outline = VertexBuffer(vtype)

    I = []
    for f in faces:
        I.extend([f[0], f[1], f[1], f[2], f[2], f[0]])
    outline.append(V, I)

    shader = Shader(open("./cube.vert").read(), open("./cube.frag").read())
    gl.glBlendFunc( gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA )
    gl.glEnable( gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH )

    projection = np.eye(4,dtype=np.float32)
    view       = np.eye(4,dtype=np.float32)
    theta, phi = 0,0

    vtype = [('position', np.float32, 3),
             ('normal'  , np.float32, 3),
             ('color',    np.float32, 4)] 
    vertices, normals, faces = load_obj('./bunny.obj')
    V = np.zeros(len(vertices), dtype=vtype)
    V['position'] = vertices
    V['color'] = 1,1,1,1
    V['normal'] = normals

    obj = VertexBuffer(vtype)
    obj.append(V, faces)

    outline = VertexBuffer(vtype)

    I = []
    for f in faces:
    outline.append(V, I)

    shader = Shader(open("./cube.vert").read(),
    glut.glutInitDisplayMode(glut.GLUT_DOUBLE | glut.GLUT_RGB | glut.GLUT_DEPTH)
    glut.glutCreateWindow("Thick lines")
    glut.glutReshapeWindow(800, 800)

    shader = Shader(open("line-uniform.vert").read(), open("line-uniform.frag").read())

    S = star()
    vtype = np.dtype(
            ("prev2", "f4", 2),
            ("prev", "f4", 2),
            ("curr", "f4", 2),
            ("next", "f4", 2),
            ("next2", "f4", 2),
            ("vid", "f4", 1),
    line = VertexBuffer(vtype)
    for i in range(1000):
        s = np.random.uniform(0.025, 0.100)
        x, y = np.random.uniform(0, 800, 2)
        V, I = bake(S * s + (x, y), closed=True)
        line.append(V, I)

    t0 = glut.glutGet(glut.GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)

    glut.glutInitDisplayMode(glut.GLUT_DOUBLE | glut.GLUT_RGB | glut.GLUT_DEPTH)
    glut.glutCreateWindow("Thick lines")
    glut.glutReshapeWindow(800, 800)

    shader = Shader( open('line-uniform.vert').read(),
                     open('line-uniform.frag').read() )

    S = star()
    vtype = np.dtype([('prev2', 'f4', 2),
                      ('prev',  'f4', 2),
                      ('curr',  'f4', 2),
                      ('next',  'f4', 2),
                      ('next2', 'f4', 2),
                      ('vid',   'f4', 1) ] )
    line = VertexBuffer(vtype)
    for i in range(1000):
        s = np.random.uniform(0.025,0.100)
        x,y = np.random.uniform(0,800,2)
        V,I = bake( S*s + (x,y), closed=True)

class Collection(object):

    join = {'miter': 0, 'round': 1, 'bevel': 2}

    caps = {
        '': 0,
        'none': 0,
        '.': 0,
        'round': 1,
        ')': 1,
        '(': 1,
        'o': 1,
        'triangle in': 2,
        '<': 2,
        'triangle out': 3,
        '>': 3,
        'square': 4,
        '=': 4,
        'butt': 4,
        '|': 5

    # ---------------------------------
    def __init__(self, vtype, utype):
        self.dash_atlas = None

        # Convert types to lists (in case they were already dtypes) such that
        # we can append new fields
        vtype = eval(str(np.dtype(vtype)))
        utype = eval(str(np.dtype(utype)))

        # We add a uniform index to access uniform data from texture
        vtype.append(('a_index', 'f4'))

        # Check if given utype is made of float32 only
        rutype = dtype_reduce(utype)
        if type(rutype[0]) is not str or rutype[2] != 'float32':
            raise CollectionError(
                "Uniform type cannot de reduced to float32 only")
            count = rutype[1]
            size = count // 4
            if count % 4:
                size += 1
                utype.append(('unnused', 'f4', size * 4 - count))
            count = size * 4
            self.utype = utype
        self._vbuffer = VertexBuffer(vtype)
        self._ubuffer = DynamicBuffer(utype)
        self._ubuffer_id = 0
        self._ubuffer_shape = [0, count]

        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._vbuffer)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        V = self._vbuffer.vertices[key]
        I = self._vbuffer.indices[key]
        U = self._ubuffer[key]
        return Item(self, key, V, I, U)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __delitem__(self, key):
        start, end = self._vbuffer.vertices.range(key)
        del self._vbuffer[key]
        del self._ubuffer[key]
        self._vbuffer.vertices.data['a_index'][start:] -= 1
        self._vbuffer._dirty = True
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_vertices(self):
        return self._vbuffer.vertices

    vertices = property(get_vertices)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_indices(self):
        return self._vbuffer.indices

    indices = property(get_indices)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_uniforms(self):
        return self._ubuffer

    uniforms = property(get_uniforms)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if hasattr(self, '_ubuffer'):
            buffer = object.__getattribute__(self, '_ubuffer')
            if name in buffer.dtype.names:
                return buffer.data[name]
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
        if hasattr(self, '_ubuffer'):
            buffer = object.__getattribute__(self, '_ubuffer')
            if name in buffer.dtype.names:
                buffer.data[name] = value
                # buffer._dirty = True
                object.__setattr__(self, '_dirty', True)
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    # ---------------------------------
    def clear(self):
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def append(self, vertices, indices, uniforms):
        vertices = np.array(vertices).astype(self._vbuffer.vertices.dtype)
        indices = np.array(indices).astype(self._vbuffer.indices.dtype)
        uniforms = np.array(uniforms).astype(self._ubuffer.dtype)
        vertices['a_index'] = len(self)
        self._vbuffer.append(vertices, indices)
        self._ubuffer_shape[0] = len(self)
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def upload(self):

        if not self._dirty:


        data = self._ubuffer.data.view(np.float32)
        shape = self._ubuffer_shape
        if not self._ubuffer_id:
            self._ubuffer_id = gl.glGenTextures(1)

            gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id)
            gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
            gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0)
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0)
            gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA32F, shape[1] // 4,
                            shape[0], 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data)

        gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id)
        gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA32F, shape[1] // 4,
                        shape[0], 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data)
        #gl.glTexSubImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,0, 0, 0, shape[1]//4, shape[0],
        #                    gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data);
        self._dirty = False

    # ---------------------------------
    def bake(self, vertices):
        raise NotImplemented

    # ---------------------------------
    def draw(self):
        if self._dirty:

        gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
        _, _, width, height = gl.glGetIntegerv(gl.GL_VIEWPORT)
        P = orthographic(0, width, 0, height, -1, +1)
        V = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)
        M = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)

        shader = self.shader
        shader.uniformi('u_uniforms', 0)
        gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id)
        if self.dash_atlas:
            shader.uniformi('u_dash_atlas', 1)
            gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.dash_atlas.texture_id)
        shader.uniform_matrixf('u_M', M)
        shader.uniform_matrixf('u_V', V)
        shader.uniform_matrixf('u_P', P)
        shape = self._ubuffer_shape
        shader.uniformf('u_uniforms_shape', shape[1] // 4, shape[0])
class Collection(object):

    join = { 'miter' : 0,
             'round' : 1,
             'bevel' : 2 }

    caps = { ''             : 0,
             'none'         : 0,
             '.'            : 0,
             'round'        : 1,
             ')'            : 1,
             '('            : 1,
             'o'            : 1,
             'triangle in'  : 2,
             '<'            : 2,
             'triangle out' : 3,
             '>'            : 3,
             'square'       : 4,
             '='            : 4,
             'butt'         : 4,
             '|'            : 5 }

    # ---------------------------------
    def __init__(self, vtype, utype):
        self.dash_atlas = None

        # Convert types to lists (in case they were already dtypes) such that
        # we can append new fields
        vtype = eval(str(np.dtype(vtype)))
        utype = eval(str(np.dtype(utype)))

        # We add a uniform index to access uniform data from texture
        vtype.append( ('a_index', 'f4') )

        # Check if given utype is made of float32 only
        rutype = dtype_reduce(utype)
        if type(rutype[0]) is not str or rutype[2] != 'float32':
            raise CollectionError("Uniform type cannot de reduced to float32 only")
            count = rutype[1]
            size = count//4
            if count % 4:
                size += 1
                utype.append(('unnused', 'f4', size*4-count))
            count = size*4
            self.utype = utype
        self._vbuffer = VertexBuffer(vtype)
        self._ubuffer = DynamicBuffer( utype )
        self._ubuffer_id = 0
        self._ubuffer_shape = [0,count]

        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._vbuffer)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        V = self._vbuffer.vertices[key]
        I = self._vbuffer.indices[key]
        U = self._ubuffer[key]
        return Item(self, key, V, I, U)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __delitem__(self, key):
        start,end = self._vbuffer.vertices.range(key)
        del self._vbuffer[key]
        del self._ubuffer[key]
        self._vbuffer.vertices.data['a_index'][start:] -= 1
        self._vbuffer._dirty = True
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_vertices(self):
        return self._vbuffer.vertices
    vertices = property(get_vertices)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_indices(self):
        return self._vbuffer.indices
    indices = property(get_indices)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_uniforms(self):
        return self._ubuffer
    uniforms = property(get_uniforms)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if hasattr(self, '_ubuffer'):
            buffer = object.__getattribute__(self,'_ubuffer')
            if name in buffer.dtype.names:
                return buffer.data[name]
        return object.__getattribute__(self,name)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
        if hasattr(self, '_ubuffer'):
            buffer = object.__getattribute__(self,'_ubuffer')
            if name in buffer.dtype.names:
                buffer.data[name] = value
                # buffer._dirty = True
                object.__setattr__(self, '_dirty', True)
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    # ---------------------------------
    def clear(self):
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def append(self, vertices, indices, uniforms):
        vertices = np.array(vertices).astype(self._vbuffer.vertices.dtype)
        indices  = np.array(indices).astype(self._vbuffer.indices.dtype)
        uniforms = np.array(uniforms).astype(self._ubuffer.dtype)
        vertices['a_index'] = len(self)
        self._vbuffer.append( vertices, indices)
        self._ubuffer.append( uniforms )
        self._ubuffer_shape[0] = len(self)
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def upload(self):

        if not self._dirty:


        gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE0 )
        data = self._ubuffer.data.view(np.float32)
        shape = self._ubuffer_shape
        if not self._ubuffer_id:
            self._ubuffer_id = gl.glGenTextures(1)

            gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id )
            gl.glPixelStorei( gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 )
            gl.glPixelStorei( gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE )
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0)
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0)
            gl.glTexImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA32F,
                             shape[1]//4, shape[0], 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data )

        gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE0 )
        gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id )
        gl.glTexImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA32F,
                         shape[1]//4, shape[0], 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data )
        #gl.glTexSubImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,0, 0, 0, shape[1]//4, shape[0],
        #                    gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data);
        self._dirty = False

    # ---------------------------------
    def bake(self, vertices):
        raise NotImplemented

    # ---------------------------------
    def draw(self):
        if self._dirty:

        gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
        _,_,width,height = gl.glGetIntegerv( gl.GL_VIEWPORT )
        P = orthographic( 0, width, 0, height, -1, +1 )
        V = np.eye(4).astype( np.float32 )
        M = np.eye(4).astype( np.float32 )

        shader = self.shader
        gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE0 )
        shader.uniformi( 'u_uniforms', 0 )
        gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id )
        if self.dash_atlas:
            gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE1 )
            shader.uniformi('u_dash_atlas', 1)
            gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.dash_atlas.texture_id )
        shader.uniform_matrixf( 'u_M', M )
        shader.uniform_matrixf( 'u_V', V )
        shader.uniform_matrixf( 'u_P', P )
        shape = self._ubuffer_shape
        shader.uniformf( 'u_uniforms_shape', shape[1]//4, shape[0])
        self._vbuffer.draw( )
class Collection(object):

    # ---------------------------------
    def __init__(self, vtype, utype):
        # Convert types to lists (in case they were already dtypes) such that
        # we can append new fields
        vtype = eval(str(np.dtype(vtype)))
        utype = eval(str(np.dtype(utype)))

        # We add a uniform index to access uniform data from texture
        vtype.append( ('a_index', 'f4') )

        # Check if given utype is made of float32 only
        rutype = dtype_reduce(utype)
        if type(rutype[0]) is not str or rutype[2] != 'float32':
            raise CollectionError("Uniform type cannot de reduced to float32 only")
            count = rutype[1]
            count2 = int(math.pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(count, 2))))
            if (count2 - count) > 0:
                utype.append(('unused', 'f4', count2-count))
            self._count = count2
            self.utype = utype
        self._vbuffer = VertexBuffer(vtype)
        self._ubuffer = DynamicBuffer( utype )
        self._ubuffer_id = 0
        self._max_texture_size = gl.glGetInteger(gl.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)
        self._ubuffer.reserve( self._ushape[1] / (count/4) )
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def _compute_ushape(self, size=1):
        max_texsize = self._max_texture_size
        cols = max_texsize//(self._count/4)
        rows = (size // cols)+1
        self._ushape = rows, cols*(self._count/4), self._count

    # ---------------------------------
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._vbuffer)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        V = self._vbuffer.vertices[key]
        I = self._vbuffer.indices[key]
        U = self._ubuffer[key]
        return Item(self, key, V, I, U)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __delitem__(self, key):
        start,end = self._vbuffer.vertices.range(key)
        del self._vbuffer[key]
        del self._ubuffer[key]
        self._vbuffer.vertices.data['a_index'][start:] -= 1
        self._vbuffer._dirty = True
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_vbuffer(self):
        return self._vbuffer
    vbuffer = property(get_vbuffer)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_vertices(self):
        return self._vbuffer.vertices
    vertices = property(get_vertices)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_indices(self):
        return self._vbuffer.indices
    indices = property(get_indices)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_uniforms(self):
        return self._ubuffer
    uniforms = property(get_uniforms)

    # ---------------------------------
    def get_attributes(self):
        return self._vbuffer._attributes
    attributes = property(get_attributes)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if hasattr(self, '_ubuffer'):
            buffer = object.__getattribute__(self,'_ubuffer')
            if name in buffer.dtype.names:
                return buffer.data[name]
        return object.__getattribute__(self,name)

    # ---------------------------------
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
        if hasattr(self, '_ubuffer'):
            buffer = object.__getattribute__(self,'_ubuffer')
            if name in buffer.dtype.names:
                buffer.data[name] = value
                # buffer._dirty = True
                object.__setattr__(self, '_dirty', True)
        object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    # ---------------------------------
    def clear(self):
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def append(self, vertices, indices, uniforms, splits=None):
        vertices = np.array(vertices).astype(self._vbuffer.vertices.dtype)
        indices  = np.array(indices).astype(self._vbuffer.indices.dtype)
        uniforms = np.array(uniforms).astype(self._ubuffer.dtype)

        if splits is None:
            vertices['a_index'] = len(self)
            self._vbuffer.append( vertices, indices )
            self._ubuffer.append( uniforms )
        elif len(splits) == 2:
            vsize,isize = splits[0], splits[1]
            if (vertices.size % vsize) != 0:
                raise( RuntimeError,
                       "Cannot split vertices data into %d pieces" % vsize)
            if (indices.size % isize) != 0:
                raise( RuntimeError,
                       "Cannot split indices data into %d pieces" % vsize)
            vcount = vertices.size//vsize
            icount = indices.size//isize
            ucount = uniforms.size
            n = ucount
            if vcount != icount or vcount != ucount:
                raise( RuntimeError,
                       "Vertices/indices/uniforms cannot be split")
            vertices['a_index'] = len(self)+np.repeat(np.arange(n),vsize)
            self._vbuffer.append( vertices, indices, (vsize,isize))
            self._ubuffer.append( uniforms )
            raise(RuntimeError, "Splits argument not understood")
        self._dirty = True

    # ---------------------------------
    def upload(self):

        if not self._dirty:
        self._dirty = False

    # ---------------------------------
    def upload_uniforms(self):

        gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE0 )
        data = self._ubuffer.data.view(np.float32)
        shape = self._ushape

        if not self._ubuffer_id:
            self._ubuffer_id = gl.glGenTextures(1)

            gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id )
            gl.glPixelStorei( gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 )
            gl.glPixelStorei( gl.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE )
            gl.glTexParameterf( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE )
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0)
            gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0)
            gl.glTexImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA32F,
                             shape[1], shape[0], 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data )
        gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE0 )
        gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id )
        gl.glTexImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.GL_RGBA32F,
                         shape[1], shape[0], 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_FLOAT, data )

    # ---------------------------------
    def draw(self, mode=gl.GL_TRIANGLES, uniforms = {}):
        if self._dirty:
        shader = self.shader
        gl.glActiveTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE0 )
        shader.uniformi( 'u_uniforms', 0 )
        gl.glBindTexture( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._ubuffer_id )
        for name,value in uniforms.items():
            shader.uniform(name, value)
        shader.uniformf('u_uniforms_shape', *self._ushape)
class LineCollection(Collection):

    def __init__ (self, segments, linewidths = 1.0, colors = (0,0,0,1),
                  caps = (1,1), transforms = (0,0,1,0), antialiased = 0.75):
        """ """

        self.dtype = np.dtype( [('position',  'f4', 3),
                                ('tex_coord', 'f4', 2),
                                ('color',     'f4', 4),
                                ('transform', 'f4', 4),
                                ('tangent',   'f4', 2),
                                ('cap',       'f4', 2),
                                ('length',    'f4', 1),
                                ('thickness', 'f4', 1),
                                ('support',   'f4', 1)] )
        vertices = np.zeros(0, dtype = self.dtype)
        self._buffer = VertexBuffer(vertices)
        self.append(segments, linewidths, colors, caps, transforms, antialiased)
        vert = open('./line.vert').read()
        frag = open('./line.frag').read()
        self._shader = Shader(vert,frag)

    def append(self, segments, linewidths = 1.0, colors = (0,0,0,1),
               caps = (1,1), transforms = (0,0,1,0), antialiased = 0.75):
        """ """

        linewidths  = np.atleast_1d(linewidths)
        colors      = np.atleast_2d(colors)
        caps        = np.atleast_2d(caps)
        transforms  = np.atleast_2d(transforms)
        antialiased = np.atleast_1d(antialiased)

        for i,segment in enumerate(segments):
            thickness    = linewidths[ i % len(linewidths)]
            color        = colors[ i % len(colors)]
            cap          = caps[ i % len(caps)]
            transform    = transforms[ i % len(transforms)]
            support      = antialiased[ i % len(antialiased)]

            # Points as array
            P = np.array(segment).reshape(len(segment),3).astype(float)

            # Tangent vectors 
            T = np.zeros_like(P)
            T[:-1] = P[1:] - P[:-1]
            T[-1] = T[-2]
            T = T[:,0:2]
            L = np.sqrt(T[:,0]**2 + T[:,1]**2)
            T /= L.reshape(len(P),1)

            # Lengths
            L = np.cumsum(L)
            L[1:] = L[:-1]
            L[0] = 0
            length = L[-1]

            # Special case for start and end caps
            L[0],L[-1]  = -1, length+1

            n = len(P)
            vertices = np.zeros(n, dtype = self.dtype)
            vertices['position'] = P
            vertices['tangent']  = T
            vertices['thickness'] = thickness
            vertices['color'] = color
            vertices['cap'] = cap
            vertices['length'] = length
            vertices['support'] = support
            vertices['transform'] = transform
            vertices['tex_coord'][:,0] = L
            vertices = np.repeat(vertices, 2)
            vertices['tex_coord'][0::2,1] = -1
            vertices['tex_coord'][1::2,1] = +1
            indices = np.resize( np.array([0,1,2,1,2,3], dtype=np.uint32), (n-1)*(2*3))
            indices += np.repeat( 2*np.arange(n-1), 6)
            self._buffer.append( vertices, indices )

        self._dirty = True
class EllipseCollection(Collection):

    def __init__ (self, centers, radii, linewidths = 1.0,
                  edgecolors = (0,0,0,1), facecolors = (0,0,0,1),
                  transforms = (0,0,1,0), antialiased = 0.75):
        """ """

        self.dtype = np.dtype( [('position',  'f4', 3),
                                ('tex_coord', 'f4', 2),
                                ('color',     'f4', 4),
                                ('facecolor', 'f4', 4),
                                ('transform', 'f4', 4),
                                ('radius',    'f4', 2),
                                ('thickness', 'f4', 1),
                                ('support',   'f4', 1)] )
        vertices = np.zeros(0, dtype = self.dtype)
        self._buffer = VertexBuffer(vertices)
        self.append(centers, radii, linewidths, edgecolors, facecolors, transforms, antialiased)
        vert = open('./ellipse.vert').read()
        frag = open('./ellipse.frag').read()
        self._shader = Shader(vert,frag)

    def append (self, centers, radii, linewidths = 1.0,
                edgecolors = (0,0,0,1), facecolors = (0,0,0,1),
                transforms = (0,0,1,0), antialiased = 0.75):
        """ """

        linewidths  = np.atleast_1d(linewidths)
        radii       = np.atleast_2d(radii)
        edgecolors  = np.atleast_2d(edgecolors)
        facecolors  = np.atleast_2d(facecolors)
        transforms  = np.atleast_2d(transforms)
        antialiased = np.atleast_1d(antialiased)

        for i,center in enumerate(centers):
            thickness    = linewidths[ i % len(linewidths)]
            edgecolor    = edgecolors[ i % len(edgecolors)]
            facecolor    = facecolors[ i % len(facecolors)]
            radius       = radii[ i % len(radii)]
            transform    = transforms[ i % len(transforms)]
            support      = antialiased[ i % len(antialiased)]

            # Points as array
            P = np.array(center).reshape(1,3).astype(float)
            vertices = np.zeros(1, dtype = self.dtype)
            vertices['position'] = P
            vertices['thickness'] = thickness
            vertices['color'] = edgecolor
            vertices['facecolor'] = facecolor
            vertices['radius'] = radius
            vertices['support'] = support
            vertices['transform'] = transform
            vertices = np.repeat(vertices, 4)
            vertices['tex_coord'][0::4] = -1,-1
            vertices['tex_coord'][1::4] = +1,-1
            vertices['tex_coord'][2::4] = +1,+1
            vertices['tex_coord'][3::4] = -1,+1
            indices = np.array([0,1,2,0,2,3], dtype=np.uint32)
            self._buffer.append( vertices, indices )

        self._dirty = True
    u_projection = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
    u_view = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)

    theta, phi = 0, 0

    vtype = [('position', np.float32, 3), ('normal', np.float32, 3),
             ('color', np.float32, 4)]
    vertices, normals, faces = load_obj('obj/icosahedron.obj')

    V = np.zeros(len(vertices), dtype=vtype)
    V['position'] = vertices * .99
    V['color'] = 1, 1, 1, 1
    V['normal'] = normals

    obj = VertexBuffer(vtype)
    obj.append(V, faces)

    outline = DashLines()
    F = np.roll(faces.repeat(2, axis=1), -1, axis=1)
    F = F.reshape(len(F) * 3, 2)
    F = np.sort(F, axis=1)
    G = F.view(dtype=[('p0', F.dtype), ('p1', F.dtype)])
    G = np.unique(G)
    for face in G:
        p0 = vertices[face['p0']]
        p1 = vertices[face['p1']]
        outline.append([p0, p1],
                       fg_color=(0, 0, 0, 1),
                       dash_caps=('o', 'o'))