def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OrganizationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.layout = Layout( TabHolder( Tab('Info', 'name', 'description'), Tab('Import Configuration', 'organization_type', 'organization_identifier', 'api_endpoint', 'scm_login', 'import_enabled', 'refresh_minutes', 'force_rescan'), Tab('Import Rules', 'import_without_dotfile', 'default_worker_pool', 'overwrite_project_name', 'overwrite_project_script', 'overwrite_configurations', 'allow_worker_pool_assignment', 'allow_pipeline_definition', 'auto_attach_ssh_keys'), Tab('Environment', 'worker_pool'))) request = Shared().request if not request.user.is_superuser: # currently you can only be superuser so this code is a little defensive and is taken from *ProjectForm* gids = [ for g in request.user.groups.all()] # this filtration is a little specific to the ownership plugin for authz and we might want to make this more pluggable later self.fields[ 'auto_attach_ssh_keys'].queryset = ServiceLogin.objects.filter( Q(owner_groups__pk__in=gids) | Q(created_by=request.user)) self.fields['ssh_keys'].queryset = SshKey.objects.filter( Q(owner_groups__pk__in=gids) | Q(created_by=request.user))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProjectForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.layout = Layout( TabHolder( Tab('Info', 'name', 'description'), Tab('Script', 'script', 'timeout', 'container_base_image'), Tab('Repository', 'scm_type', 'repo_url', 'repo_branch', 'recursive', 'scm_login', 'webhook_enabled', 'webhook_token'), Tab('Schedule', 'schedule_enabled', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'weekday_start_hours', 'weekday_start_minutes', 'weekend_start_hours', 'weekend_start_minutes', 'schedule_threshold'), Tab('SSH', 'ssh_keys'), Tab('Variables', 'variable_sets', 'variables', 'launch_questions'), Tab('Environment', 'worker_pool'), Tab('Pipeline', 'pipeline_enabled', 'pipeline', 'stage'), Tab('Ownership', 'launch_groups', 'owner_groups'))) request = Shared().request if not request.user.is_superuser: gids = [ for g in request.user.groups.all()] # this filtration is a little specific to the ownership plugin for authz and we might want to make this more pluggable later self.fields['scm_login'].queryset = ServiceLogin.objects.filter( Q(owner_groups__pk__in=gids) | Q(created_by=request.user)) self.fields['ssh_keys'].queryset = SshKey.objects.filter( Q(owner_groups__pk__in=gids) | Q(created_by=request.user))
def generic_new(cfg, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Support for rendering all object creation pages & processing submissions """ Shared().request = request if not permissions.check_can_create(cfg.model, request, *args, **kwargs): return redirect('index') if request.method == 'POST': try: result = process_new(cfg, request) return result except Exception as e: LOG.error(traceback.format_exc()) return HttpResponseServerError(e, content_type='text/plain') else: return template( request, 'generic_new.j2', get_context(request, cfg, flavor='New', form=cfg.form()))
def generic_list(cfg, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Generic support for rendering all object list pages. """ Shared().request = request # most other anonymous handling works by get_object_or_404 / auth checks, but this one is important for friendly navigation if request.user.is_anonymous: return redirect('login') # what database queryset are we starting with? queryset = cfg.get_queryset(request) # get URL parameters as a dictionary querydict = querystring_dict(request) # trim down the DB queryset based on then View code and permissions, then sort it. queryset = permissions.filter_queryset_for_list(queryset, request, *args, **kwargs) page = querydict.pop('page', None) queryset = cfg.filtering(request, queryset).filter(**querydict) queryset = cfg.ordering(queryset) # handle database pagination of long result sets. if page is None: page = 1 # TODO: page size is hard coded for now. make that configurable in settings. paginator = Paginator(queryset, settings.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) objects = paginator.get_page(page) # render the generic list page. context_params = dict(form=None, objects=objects, extra_columns=cfg.extra_columns, page=page, num_pages=paginator.num_pages, page_range=paginator.page_range, supports_new=permissions.check_can_create( cfg.model, request), object_count=paginator.count) return template(request, 'generic_list.j2', get_context(request, cfg, **context_params))
def generic_delete(cfg, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Support for rendering all delete object pages & processing submissions. """ Shared().request = request # FIXME: access control using ViewSet code # FIXME: as there is no delete page, merge in the process delete code directly into this function pk = kwargs.get('pk') obj = cfg.model.objects.get(pk=pk) if obj is not None and not permissions.check_can_delete( obj, request, *args, **kwargs): return HttpResponse( "You do not have permission to delete this object.", status=403) if request.method == 'POST': return process_delete(cfg, request, obj, **kwargs) else: # FIXME: I suspect the generic delete page is *NOT* used, so can't we delete this? form = cfg.form(instance=obj) return template(request, 'generic_delete.j2', get_context(request, cfg, form=form, obj=obj))
def generic_detail(cfg, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Support for rendering all object list pages, which are like edit pages with no submit button. """ Shared().request = request pk = kwargs.get('pk') # TODO: is it possible to streamline all of this for all object types WRT permission code? qs = permissions.filter_queryset_for_view(cfg.model.objects, request, *args, **kwargs) obj = get_object_or_404(qs, pk=pk) if not permissions.check_can_view(obj, request, *args, **kwargs): return redirect('index') form = cfg.form(instance=obj) return template( request, 'generic_edit.j2', get_context(request, cfg, flavor='Detail', obj=obj, form=form, read_only=True))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.initial['password'] = '' self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.layout = Layout( TabHolder( Tab('Info', 'username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email'), Tab('Access', 'password', 'groups', 'is_superuser'), )) self.fields['password'].required = False self.fields['password'].widget = forms.PasswordInput() obj = kwargs.get('instance', None) user = Shared().request.user if obj: # this applies only to the edit form if obj != user and not user.is_superuser: # only superusers can edit passwords of other users self.fields['password'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True elif not user.is_superuser: # only superusers can toggle the superuser bit and groups on any account for field_name in ['is_superuser', 'groups']: self.fields[field_name].widget.attrs['disabled'] = True
def generic_edit(cfg, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Support for rendering all object edit pages & processing submissions. """ Shared().request = request pk = kwargs.get('pk') obj = get_object_or_404(cfg.model.objects, pk=pk) if not permissions.check_can_edit(obj, request, *args, **kwargs): return redirect("%s_detail" % cfg.view_prefix, pk=pk) qs = permissions.filter_queryset_for_edit(cfg.model.objects, request, *args, **kwargs) obj = get_object_or_404(qs, pk=pk) if request.method == 'POST': return process_edit(cfg, request, obj) else: form = cfg.form(instance=obj) return template( request, 'generic_edit.j2', get_context(request, cfg, flavor='Edit', obj=obj, form=form, read_only=False))