    def setupHistory(self, source):
        requestProcessor = self.requestProcessor

        #data used to initialize a new store
        defaultStmts = base.parseRDFFromString(self.storage_template, 
        if self.save_history == 'split':                                                
            version_model_factory = self.version_model_factory
            versionModelOptions = {}
            if not version_model_factory:
                if self.version_storage_path and self.model_factory:                    
                    #if a both a version path and the model_factory was set, use the model factory
                    version_model_factory = self.model_factory
                    versionModelOptions = self.model_options
                elif self.storage_path or self.version_storage_path: #use the default
                    version_model_factory = IncrementalNTriplesFileStoreBase
                    version_model_factory = MemStore
            if not self.version_storage_path and issubclass(version_model_factory, FileStore):
                #generate path based on primary path
                assert self.storage_path
                import os.path
                versionStoreSource = os.path.splitext(self.storage_path)[0] + '-history.nt'
                versionStoreSource = self.version_storage_path
            if versionStoreSource:
                normalizeSource = getattr(self.version_model_factory, 
                        'normalizeSource', DataStore._normalizeSource)
                versionStoreSource = normalizeSource(self, requestProcessor,
            revisionModel = version_model_factory(source=versionStoreSource,
                                        defaultStatements=[], **versionModelOptions)
            #either no history or no separate model
            revisionModel = None
        model = None
        lastScope = None        
        return model, defaultStmts, revisionModel, lastScope
    def load(self):
        requestProcessor = self.requestProcessor
        self.log = logging.getLogger("datastore." + requestProcessor.app_name)

        #normalizeSource = getattr(self.model_factory, 'normalizeSource',
        #                                        DataStore._normalizeSource)
        #source is the data source for the store, usually a file path
        #source = normalizeSource(self, requestProcessor, self.storage_path)
        source = self.storage_path
        if not self.storage_template and self.storage_template_path:
            self.storage_template = open(self.storage_template_path).read()
        model, defaultStmts, historyModel, lastScope = self.setupHistory(source)
        if not model:
            #setupHistory didn't initialize the store, so do it now
            #model_factory will load the store specified by `source` or create
            #new one at that location and initializing it with `defaultStmts`            
            model_factory = self.model_factory
            if not model_factory:
                if source:
                    model_factory = FileStore
                    model_factory = MemStore
            self.log.info("Using %s at '%s'" % (model_factory.__name__, source))
            model = model_factory(source=source, defaultStatements=defaultStmts,
        #if there's application data (data tied to the current revision
        #of your app's implementation) include that in the model
        if self.application_model:
            stmtGen = base.parseRDFFromString(self.application_model, 
                requestProcessor.model_uri, scope=graphmod.APPCTX) 
            appmodel = MemStore(stmtGen)
            #XXX MultiModel is not very scalable -- better would be to store 
            #the application data in the model and update it if its difference 
            #from what's stored (this requires a context-aware store)
            model = base.MultiModel(model, appmodel)
        if self.save_history:
            model, historyModel = self._addModelTxnParticipants(model, historyModel)
            self.model = self.graphManager = graphmod.MergeableGraphManager(model, 
                historyModel, requestProcessor.model_uri, lastScope, 
                self.trunk_id, self.branch_id) 
            if self._txnparticipants:
                self._txnparticipants.insert(0, #must go first
            self.model = self._addModelTxnParticipants(model)[0]
            self.graphManager = None

        #turn on update logging if a log file is specified, which can be used to 
        #re-create the change history of the store
        if self.transaction_log:
            if not isinstance(self.transaction_log, (str,unicode)):
                if (self.storage_path
                    and isinstance(self.storage_path, (str,unicode))):
                    self.transaction_log = self.storage_path + '.log.nt'
                elif self.storage_template_path:
                    self.transaction_log = self.storage_template_path + '.log.nt'
                    self.log.warning("unable to determine path for transaction_log")
            if isinstance(self.transaction_log, (str,unicode)):
                #XXX doesn't log history model if store is split
                #XXX doesn't log models that are TransactionParticipants themselves
                #XXX doesn't log models that don't support updateAdvisory
                if isinstance(self.model, ModelWrapper):
                    self.model.adapter.logPath = self.transaction_log
                "transaction_log is configured but not compatible with model")

        if self.replication_hosts and self.replication_channel:
            import vesper.data.replication
            assert self.save_history, "replication requires save_history to be on"  
            rep = vesper.data.replication.get_replicator(self, 
                self.branch_id, self.replication_channel,
                hosts=self.replication_hosts, sendAck=self.send_stomp_ack)
            self.model.notifyChangeset = rep.send
        #set the schema (default is no-op)
        self.schema = self.schemaFactory(self.model)
        #XXX need for graphManager?:
        #self.schema.setEntailmentTriggers(self._entailmentAdd, self._entailmentRemove)
        if isinstance(self.schema, base.Model):
            self.model = self.schema

        if self.model_options.get('parseOptions', self.storage_template_options
                                           ).get('generateBnode') == 'counter':
            model.bnodePrefix = '_:'
            self.model.bnodePrefix = '_:'