def __init__(self, word_completer, messaging): self.author_observer = AuthorObserver(self) messaging.chatter.subscribe(self.author_observer) self.authors = _LRUCache(100, _add_word(word_completer), _remove_word(word_completer)) self.author_metadata = _LRUCache(100) self.metadata_words = [ 'channel', ]
def __init__(self, word_completer, messaging): self.service_observer = ServiceObserver(self) messaging.chatter.subscribe(self.service_observer) = set() self.channels = _LRUCache(100, _add_word(word_completer), _remove_word(word_completer))
def __init__(self, application=None): super().__init__() # NOTE: if this raises an error, then the instantion is incorrect. # Need to instantiate the application before the print observer output = application.output colors = ('af8700', '5f5faf', '0087ff', '2aa198', '5f8700') self.colors = [_get_attributes(output, color) for color in colors] self._grey = _get_attributes(output, 'ansidarkgray') self.num_colors = len(self.colors) self._author_color = _LRUCache(100) # NOTE: vt100 ONLY self._reset_color = '\033[0m' self._time_format = "%H:%M"
def __init__(self, botname: str = 'vexbot', **kwargs): """ `kwargs`: protocol: 'tcp' address: '*' chatter_publish_port: 4000 chatter_subscription_port: [4001,] command_port: 4002 request_port: 4003 control_port: 4005 """ # Defaults. Can be overriden by the use of `kwargs` self.config = _get_default_port_config() # override the default with the `kwargs` self.config = {**self.config, **kwargs} self._service_name = botname self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._messaging_logger = MessagingLogger(botname) self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())' uuid: %s', self.uuid) self.subscription_socket = None self.publish_socket = None self.command_socket = None self.control_socket = None self.request_socket = None self.pub_handler = LoopPubHandler(self) self.loop = IOLoop() self.scheduler = Scheduler() self._heartbeat_helper = _HeartbeatHelper(messaging=self, loop=self.loop) # Socket factory keeps the zmq context, default address and # protocol for socket creation. self._socket_factory = _SocketFactory(self.config['address'], self.config['protocol'], logger=self._logger, loop=self.loop) # converts from ports to zmq ip addresses self._config_convert_to_address_helper() self._address_map = _LRUCache(100) self.control = _Subject() self.command = _Subject() self.chatter = _Subject()