class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main GUI Class It contains the main function and interfaces between the GUI and functions """ def __init__(self,parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self,parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) """ Main Variables Using Other Classes""" self.rex = Rexarm() = Video(cv2.VideoCapture(0)) self.world_coord = np.float32() """ Play and Repeat Variable """ self.wayPoints = [] self.wayPointsPos = [] self.wayPointsSpeed = [] self.wayPointsTime = [] """ Other Variables """ self.last_click = np.float32([-1,-1]) self.define_template_flag = -1 self.click_point1 = np.float32([-1,-1]) self.click_point2 = np.float32([-1,-1]) self.template = None self.targets = [] self.waypointsfp = csv.writer(open("waypoint.csv","wb")) self.currtime = 0 """ Set GUI to track mouse """ QtGui.QWidget.setMouseTracking(self,True) """ Video Function Creates a timer and calls play() function according to the given time delay (27mm) """ self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect( self._timer.start(27) """ LCM Arm Feedback Creates a timer to call LCM handler continuously No delay implemented. Reads all time """ self._timer2 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer2.timeout.connect(self.rex.get_feedback) self._timer2.start() """ ARM Plan and Command Thread Creates a timer to call REXARM.plan_command function continuously """ self._timer3 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer3.timeout.connect(self.rex.plan_command) self._timer3.start() """ Connect Sliders to Function TO DO: CONNECT THE OTHER 5 SLIDERS IMPLEMENTED IN THE GUI """ self.ui.sldrBase.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrShoulder.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrElbow.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrWrist.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrSpeed.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) """ Commands the arm as the arm initialize to 0,0,0,0 angles """ self.slider_change() """ Connect Buttons to Functions """ self.ui.btnLoadCameraCal.clicked.connect(self.load_camera_cal) self.ui.btnPerfAffineCal.clicked.connect(self.affine_cal) self.ui.btnTeachRepeat.clicked.connect(self.tr_initialize) self.ui.btnAddWaypoint.clicked.connect(self.tr_add_waypoint) self.ui.btnSmoothPath.clicked.connect(self.tr_smooth_path) self.ui.btnPlayback.clicked.connect(self.tr_playback) self.ui.btnLoadPlan.clicked.connect(self.tr_load) self.ui.btnDefineTemplate.clicked.connect(self.def_template) self.ui.btnLocateTargets.clicked.connect(self.template_match) self.ui.btnExecutePath.clicked.connect(self.exec_path) def play(self): """ Play Funtion Continuously called by GUI """ """ Renders the Video Frame """ try: for t in self.targets: self.ui.videoFrame.setPixmap( self.ui.videoFrame.setScaledContents(True) cv2.imwrite("curretFrame.png", except TypeError: print "No frame" """ Update GUI Joint Coordinates Labels TO DO: include the other slider labels """ self.ui.rdoutBaseJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutShoulderJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutElbowJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutWristJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]*R2D)) fk_result = self.rex.rexarm_FK(3) #print fk_result self.ui.rdoutX.setText(repr(fk_result[0])) self.ui.rdoutY.setText(repr(fk_result[1])) self.ui.rdoutZ.setText(repr(fk_result[2])) self.ui.rdoutT.setText(repr(fk_result[3])) """ Mouse position presentation in GUI TO DO: after getting affine calibration make the apprriate label to present the value of mouse position in world coordinates """ x = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).x() y = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).y() if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(-,-)") self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: x = x - MIN_X y = y - MIN_Y self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(%.0f,%.0f)" % (x,y)) if ( == 2): """ TO DO Here is where affine calibration must be used """ self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(%0.f,%0.f)" % (self.world_coord[0][0], self.world_coord[1][0])) else: self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") """ Updates status label when rexarm playback is been executed. This will be extended to includ eother appropriate messages """ if(self.rex.plan_status == 1): self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Playing Back - Waypoint %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number + 1)) def slider_change(self): """ Function to change the slider labels when sliders are moved and to command the arm to the given position TO DO: Implement for the other sliders """ self.ui.rdoutBase.setText(str(self.ui.sldrBase.value())) self.ui.rdoutShoulder.setText(str(self.ui.sldrShoulder.value())) self.ui.rdoutElbow.setText(str(self.ui.sldrElbow.value())) self.ui.rdoutWrist.setText(str(self.ui.sldrWrist.value())) self.ui.rdoutTorq.setText(str(self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()) + "%") self.ui.rdoutSpeed.setText(str(self.ui.sldrSpeed.value()) + "%") self.rex.max_torque = self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()/100.0 for i in xrange(4): self.rex.speed[i] = self.ui.sldrSpeed.value()/100.0 self.rex.joint_angles[0] = self.ui.sldrBase.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[1] = self.ui.sldrShoulder.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[2] = self.ui.sldrElbow.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[3] = self.ui.sldrWrist.value()*D2R self.rex.cmd_publish() def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): """ Function used to record mouse click positions for affine calibration """ """ Get mouse posiiton """ x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() """ If mouse position is not over the camera image ignore """ if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): return """ Change coordinates to image axis """ self.last_click[0] = x - MIN_X self.last_click[1] = y - MIN_Y """ If affine calibration is been performed """ if ( == 1): """ Save last mouse coordinate """[] = [(x-MIN_X),(y-MIN_Y)] """ Update the number of used poitns for calibration """ += 1 """ Update status label text """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) """ If the number of click is equal to the expected number of points computes the affine calibration. TO DO: Change this code to use you programmed affine calibration and NOT openCV pre-programmed function as it is done now. """ if( == """ Update status of calibration flag and number of mouse clicks """ = 2 = 0 print print """ Perform affine calibration with OpenCV """ = cv2.getAffineTransform( #, # """ Updates Status Label to inform calibration is done """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Waiting for input") """ Uncomment to gether affine calibration matrix numbers on terminal """ print if == 2: mouse_coord = np.array([[(x-MIN_X)], [(y-MIN_Y)],[1]]) self.world_coord =, mouse_coord) if self.define_template_flag == 0: self.click_point1 = copy.deepcopy(self.last_click) self.define_template_flag = 1 elif self.define_template_flag == 1: self.click_point2 = copy.deepcopy(self.last_click) self.template = copy.deepcopy([2*self.click_point1[1]:2*self.click_point2[1],2*self.click_point1[0]:2*self.click_point2[0]]) print self.click_point1 print self.click_point2 self.define_template_flag = -1 cv2.imwrite('./template.png', self.template) def affine_cal(self): """ Function called when affine calibration button is called. Note it only chnage the flag to record the next mouse clicks and updates the status text label """ = 1 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) def load_camera_cal(self): print "Load Camera Cal" def tr_initialize(self): self.wayPointsPos = [] self.wayPointsSpeed = [] self.wayPointsTime = [] print "Teach and Repeat" def tr_add_waypoint(self): #waypoints1 = copy.deepcopy(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) #waypoints2 = copy.deepcopy(self.rex.joint_angles_fb) #self.wayPointsPos.append(waypoints1) #self.wayPointsTime.append([self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime]) #self.wayPointsSpeed.append([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) #self.currtime += 70000 #waypoints2[1] -= 0.7 #self.wayPointsPos.append(waypoints2) #self.wayPointsTime.append([self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime, self.currtime]) #self.wayPointsSpeed.append([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) #self.currtime += 70000 #self.waypointsfp.writerow(waypoints1) #self.waypointsfp.writerow(waypoints2)"waypointsPos",self.wayPointsPos)"waypointsSpeed", self.wayPointsSpeed)"waypointsTime", self.wayPointsTime) self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(self.rex.joint_angles_fb)) self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy(self.rex.speed_fb)) self.wayPointsTime.append(copy.deepcopy(self.rex.time_fb))"waypointsPos",self.wayPointsPos)"waypointsSpeed", self.wayPointsSpeed)"waypointsTime", self.wayPointsTime) #print self.wayPoints print "Add Waypoint" def cubic_spline(self, q0, q0dot, t0, qf, qfdot, tf, stepnum): a0 = q0 a1 = q0dot a2 = (3*(qf-q0) - (2*q0dot+qfdot)*float(tf-t0)) / float((tf-t0)*(tf-t0)) a3 = (2*(q0-qf) + (q0dot+qfdot)*float(tf-t0)) / float((tf-t0)*(tf-t0)*(tf-t0)) stepsize = float(tf-t0)/float(stepnum) currtime = t0 + stepsize pos_interpolated = [] speed_interpolated = [] for i in xrange(stepnum-1): pos_interpolated.append(a0 + a1*currtime + a2*currtime*currtime + \ a3*currtime*currtime*currtime) speed_interpolated.append(np.abs(a1 + 2*a2*currtime + 3*a3*currtime*currtime)) currtime += stepsize #print q0, qf #print pos_interpolated return (pos_interpolated, speed_interpolated) def tr_smooth_path(self): if len(self.wayPointsPos) != len(self.wayPointsSpeed) and len(self.wayPointsPos) != len(self.wayPointsTime): print "Error on waypoints number, cannot smooth path" return for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsTime)): for j in xrange(4): self.wayPointsTime[i][j] *= US2S for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsSpeed)): for j in xrange(4): self.wayPointsSpeed[i][j] *= percent2rads interpolated_waypoints_pos = [] interpolated_waypoints_speed = [] for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsPos)-1): time_offset = self.wayPointsTime[i] startPos = self.wayPointsPos[i] endPos = self.wayPointsPos[i+1] startSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed[i] endSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed[i+1] startTime = self.wayPointsTime[i] endTime = self.wayPointsTime[i+1] stepnum = 3 four_joint_interpolated_pos = [] four_joint_interpolated_speed = [] for j in xrange(4): q0 = startPos[j] q0dot = startSpeed[j] t0 = startTime[j] - time_offset[j] qf = endPos[j] qfdot = endSpeed[j] tf = endTime[j] - time_offset[j] res = self.cubic_spline(q0, q0dot, t0, qf, qfdot, tf, stepnum) four_joint_interpolated_pos.append(res[0]) four_joint_interpolated_speed.append(res[1]) interpolated_waypoints_pos.append(startPos) for i in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_pos[0])): pos = [] for j in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_pos)): pos.append(four_joint_interpolated_pos[j][i]) interpolated_waypoints_pos.append(pos) interpolated_waypoints_pos.append(endPos) interpolated_waypoints_speed.append(startSpeed) for i in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_speed[0])): speed = [] for j in xrange(len(four_joint_interpolated_speed)): speed.append(four_joint_interpolated_speed[j][i]) interpolated_waypoints_speed.append(speed) interpolated_waypoints_speed.append(endSpeed) self.wayPointsPos = interpolated_waypoints_pos self.wayPointsSpeed = interpolated_waypoints_speed for i in xrange(len(self.wayPointsSpeed)): for j in xrange(len(self.wayPointsSpeed[0])): self.wayPointsSpeed[i][j] /= percent2rads #pprint.pprint(self.wayPointsPos) #pprint.pprint(self.wayPointsSpeed)"interpolated_waypoints_pos", self.wayPointsPos)"interpolated_waypoints_speed", self.wayPointsSpeed) print "Smooth Path" def tr_playback(self): #print self.wayPoints self.rex.planPos = self.wayPointsPos self.rex.planSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed #print self.rex.plan self.rex.save_data = True self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.wpt_total = len(self.rex.planPos) print "Playback" def tr_load(self): self.wayPointsPos = np.load("waypointsPos.npy") self.wayPointsSpeed = np.load("waypointsSpeed.npy") self.wayPointsTime = np.load("waypointsTime.npy") print "Load waypoints" def def_template(self): print "Define Template" self.define_template_flag = 0 @do_cprofile def template_match(self): print "Template Match" self.targets = [] result_pq = Queue.PriorityQueue() template = cv2.resize(self.template, None, fx=0.6, fy=0.6, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) frame = cv2.resize(, None, fx=0.6, fy=0.6, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) height, width = template.shape for i in xrange(0, frame.shape[0] - height): for j in xrange(0, frame.shape[1] - width): center_x = (i + height/2.0)/0.6 center_y = (j + width/2.0)/0.6 to_compare = frame[i:i+height,j:j+width] num = la.norm(to_compare - template) result_pq.put((num, center_y, center_x)) result = [] #for i in xrange(40): # t = result_pq.get() # print t[0] # result.append([int(t[1]), int(t[2])]) for i in xrange((frame.shape[0]-height)*(frame.shape[1]-width)): t = result_pq.get() if t[0] > 350: break else: result.append([int(t[1]), int(t[2])]) distort = sys.maxint cluster_size = 1 #print result while distort > 20: clustered_result, distort = scv.kmeans(np.array(result), cluster_size) cluster_size += 1 clustered_result, distort = scv.kmeans(np.array(result), 4) print "cluster_size: ", cluster_size-1 print "distort", distort for r in clustered_result: print r self.targets.append((r[0], r[1])) #circles = cv2.HoughCircles(,, 1, minDist=5, param1=50, param2=50, minRadius=1, maxRadius=30) #for c in circlesi[0,:]: # print c # self.targets.append((c[0],c[1])) #img = np.zeros((1000,1000,3), np.uint8) #for t in self.targets: # img =, t, 10, (255,255,255), -1) #cv2.imwrite("./result.png", img) def exec_path(self): #waypoints = [(-80.0, 90.0, 350.0), (70.0, 80.0, 400.0), (-180.0, -250.0, 125.0),(240.0, -190.0, 95.0), (-80.0, 90.0, 350.0)] #waypoints = [(-100.0, 100.0, 5.0), (-100.0, 100.0, 200.0), (100.0, 100.0, 200.0),(100.0, 100.0, 5.0), (100.0, -100.0, 5.0), (100.0, -100.0, 200.0), (100.0, 100.0, 200.0)] waypoints = [] for t in xrange(0,12,1): x = 150 * np.cos(t) y = 150 * np.sin(t) z = 5.0 + 30.0 * t waypoints.append((x, y, z)) #waypoints = [] #if not self.targets or len(self.targets) == 0: # return #for t in self.targets: # img_coord = np.array([[(t[0]/2.0)], [(t[1]/2.0)], [1]]) # world_coord =, img_coord) # print "img coord: ", img_coord # print "world coord: ", world_coord # waypoints.append((world_coord[0], world_coord[1], 5)) print waypoints self.wayPointsPos = [] self.wayPointsSpeed = [] self.wayPointsTime = [] for i in xrange(0, 3*len(waypoints), 3): x, y, z = waypoints[i/3] self.wayPointsPos.append(self.rex.rexarm_IK_Search((x,y,z))) self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15])) #jointsUp = self.rex.rexarm_IK_Search((x, y, 50.0)) #jointsDown = self.rex.rexarm_IK_Search((x, y, 0.0)) #if jointsUp: # self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(jointsUp)) # self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15])) # self.wayPointsTime.append([2000000*i,2000000*i,2000000*i,2000000*i]) # #if jointsDown: # self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(jointsDown)) # self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) # self.wayPointsTime.append([2000000*(i+1),2000000*(i+1),2000000*(i+1),2000000*(i+1)]) #if jointsUp: # self.wayPointsPos.append(copy.deepcopy(jointsUp)) # self.wayPointsSpeed.append(copy.deepcopy([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) # self.wayPointsTime.append([2000000*(i+2),2000000*(i+2),2000000*(i+2),2000000*(i+2)])"funPathPos",self.wayPointsPos)"funPathSpeed", self.wayPointsSpeed)"funPathTime", self.wayPointsTime) self.rex.planPos = self.wayPointsPos self.rex.planSpeed = self.wayPointsSpeed print self.rex.planPos self.rex.save_data = True self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.wpt_total = len(self.rex.planPos)
class Gui(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Main GUI Class It contains the main function and interfaces between the GUI and functions """ def __init__(self,parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self,parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) """ Main Variables Using Other Classes""" self.rex = Rexarm() = Video(cv2.VideoCapture(0)) """ Other Variables """ self.last_click = np.float32([0,0]) """ Set GUI to track mouse """ QtGui.QWidget.setMouseTracking(self,True) """ Video Function Creates a timer and calls play() function according to the given time delay (27mm) """ self._timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer.timeout.connect( self._timer.start(27) """ LCM Arm Feedback Creates a timer to call LCM handler continuously No delay implemented. Reads all time """ self._timer2 = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._timer2.timeout.connect(self.rex.get_feedback) self._timer2.start() """ Connect Sliders to Function TO DO: CONNECT THE OTHER 5 SLIDERS IMPLEMENTED IN THE GUI """ self.ui.sldrBase.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrShoulder.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrElbow.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrWrist.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) self.ui.sldrSpeed.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_change) """ Commands the arm as the arm initialize to 0,0,0,0 angles """ self.slider_change() """ Connect Buttons to Functions """ self.ui.btnLoadCameraCal.clicked.connect(self.load_camera_cal) self.ui.btnPerfAffineCal.clicked.connect(self.affine_cal) self.ui.btnTeachRepeat.clicked.connect(self.tr_initialize) self.ui.btnAddWaypoint.clicked.connect(self.tr_add_waypoint) self.ui.btnSmoothPath.clicked.connect(self.tr_smooth_path) self.ui.btnPlayback.clicked.connect(self.tr_playback) self.ui.btnDefineTemplate.clicked.connect(self.def_template) self.ui.btnLocateTargets.clicked.connect(self.template_match) self.ui.btnExecutePath.clicked.connect(self.exec_path) self.ui.path_start_time = None self.executed_path = [] self.get_template = 0 self.templat_point = None self.donuts = [] def play(self): """ Play Funtion Continuously called by GUI """ """ Renders the Video Frame """ try: self.ui.videoFrame.setPixmap( self.ui.videoFrame.setScaledContents(True) except TypeError: print "No frame" """ Update GUI Joint Coordinates Labels TO DO: include the other slider labels """ self.ui.rdoutBaseJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutShoulderJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutElbowJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2]*R2D)) self.ui.rdoutWristJC.setText(str(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]*R2D)) t = [self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1] - 90.0 * D2R, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2], self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3]] a = [0.0, 100.0, 100.0, 108.0] d = [116.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] al = [-90.0 * D2R, 0.0 * D2R, 0.0 * D2R, 0.0 * D2R] dh_table = [t,a,d,al] (x, y, z, phi) = self.rex.rexarm_FK(dh_table, 3) self.ui.rdoutX.setText(str(x)) self.ui.rdoutY.setText(str(y)) self.ui.rdoutZ.setText(str(z)) self.ui.rdoutT.setText(str(phi*R2D)) # res = self.rex.rexarm_IK((0.0,-275.0,80.0,0.0), 1) # if res != None: # self.rex.joint_angles[0] = res[0] # self.rex.joint_angles[1] = res[1] # self.rex.joint_angles[2] = res[2] # self.rex.joint_angles[3] = res[3] # self.rex.cmd_publish() """ Mouse position presentation in GUI TO DO: after getting affine calibration make the apprriate label to present the value of mouse position in world coordinates """ x = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).x() y = QtGui.QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self,QtGui.QCursor.pos()).y() if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(-,-)") self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") else: x = x - MIN_X y = y - MIN_Y self.ui.rdoutMousePixels.setText("(%.0f,%.0f)" % (x,y)) if ( == 2): """ TO DO Here is where affine calibration must be used """ aff = wx = x*aff[0][0] + y*aff[0][1] + aff[0][2] wy = x*aff[1][0] + y*aff[1][1] + aff[1][2] self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(%.2f,%.2f)" %(wx,wy)) else: self.ui.rdoutMouseWorld.setText("(-,-)") """ Updates status label when rexarm playback is been executed. This will be extended to includ eother appropriate messages THIS SHOULD BE LAST BECAUSE IT RETURNS EARLY!!!!!!!! (Pedro don't be sad please) """ if(self.rex.plan_status == 1): if self.rex.wpt_total == 0: self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("No waypoints!") self.rex.plan_status = 0 else: self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Playing Back - Waypoint %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number + 1)) [start_time, prev_waypoint, prev_vel] = self.rex.plan[self.rex.wpt_number-1] [end_time, current_waypoint, current_vel] = self.rex.plan[self.rex.wpt_number] t = float(micro_time() - self.path_start_time) #Linear Interp for joint in range(4): #Set the goal self.rex.joint_angles[joint] = current_waypoint[joint] #Figure the speed out dist = abs(current_waypoint[joint] - prev_waypoint[joint]) time_left = (end_time - t)/1000000.0 v = dist/time_left # rad/sec * sec/min * rot/rad / max RPM speed_val = v * (60.0/(2*math.pi)) / 59.0 speed_val = max(speed_val, 1.0/1023.0) print speed_val, time_left if time_left < 0: #were behind haul ass self.rex.speed[joint] = 1.0 else: self.rex.speed[joint] = speed_val self.rex.cmd_publish() #Check if we have arrived def within_error(joint, wpt): #print joint, wpt error = math.fabs(joint * R2D - wpt * R2D) #print error return error < 5.0 if within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[0], current_waypoint[0]) and \ within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[1], current_waypoint[1]) and \ within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[2], current_waypoint[2]) and \ within_error(self.rex.joint_angles_fb[3], current_waypoint[3]): print "Within Error Bounds: %d" %(self.rex.wpt_number) self.rex.wpt_number += 1 self.executed_path.append([micro_time() - self.path_start_time , self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:]]) if self.rex.wpt_number >= len(self.rex.plan): self.rex.plan_status = 0 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Plan finished!") self.rex.speed = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] self.rex.plan = self.rex.plan[1:] with open('executed_path.config', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.executed_path, f) def slider_change(self): """ Function to change the slider labels when sliders are moved and to command the arm to the given position TO DO: Implement for the other sliders """ self.ui.rdoutBase.setText(str(self.ui.sldrBase.value())) self.ui.rdoutShoulder.setText(str(self.ui.sldrShoulder.value())) self.ui.rdoutElbow.setText(str(self.ui.sldrElbow.value())) self.ui.rdoutWrist.setText(str(self.ui.sldrWrist.value())) self.ui.rdoutTorq.setText(str(self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()) + "%") self.ui.rdoutSpeed.setText(str(self.ui.sldrSpeed.value())) if self.rex.plan_status == 0: self.rex.max_torque = self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.value()/100.0 self.rex.joint_angles[0] = self.ui.sldrBase.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[1] = self.ui.sldrShoulder.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[2] = self.ui.sldrElbow.value()*D2R self.rex.joint_angles[3] = self.ui.sldrWrist.value()*D2R self.rex.cmd_publish() def solveAffineMatrix(self): A = [] b = [] for i in range( px =[i][0] py =[i][1] wx =[i][0] wy =[i][1] A.append([px, py, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) A.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, px, py, 1.0]) b.append(wx) b.append(wy) print A, '\n', b x, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b) print x = [[x[0], x[1], x[2]], [x[3], x[4], x[5]], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): """ Function used to record mouse click positions for affine calibration """ """ Get mouse posiiton """ x = QMouseEvent.x() y = QMouseEvent.y() """ If mouse position is not over the camera image ignore """ if ((x < MIN_X) or (x > MAX_X) or (y < MIN_Y) or (y > MAX_Y)): return """ Change coordinates to image axis """ self.last_click[0] = x - MIN_X self.last_click[1] = y - MIN_Y """ If affine calibration is been performed """ if ( == 1): """ Save last mouse coordinate """[] = [(x-MIN_X), (y-MIN_Y)] """ Update the number of used poitns for calibration """ += 1 """ Update status label text """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) """ If the number of click is equal to the expected number of points computes the affine calibration. TO DO: Change this code to use you programmed affine calibration and NOT openCV pre-programmed function as it is done now. """ if( == """ Update status of calibration flag and number of mouse clicks """ = 2 = 0 """ Perform affine calibration with OpenCV """ = cv2.getAffineTransform( #, # self.solveAffineMatrix() print """ Updates Status Label to inform calibration is done """ self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Waiting for input") """ Uncomment to gether affine calibration matrix numbers on terminal """ #print if self.get_template == 1: self.template_point = [(x-MIN_X)*(960.0/480.0), (y-MIN_Y)*(1280.0/640.0)] self.get_template += 1 elif self.get_template == 2: self.get_template = 0 bottom_point = [(x-MIN_X)*(960.0/480.0), (y-MIN_Y)*(1280.0/640.0)] dx = bottom_point[0] - self.template_point[0] dy = bottom_point[1] - self.template_point[1] grey_frame = cv2.cvtColor(, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.template = grey_frame[self.template_point[1]-dy:bottom_point[1], self.template_point[0]-dx:bottom_point[0]] #self.template = cv2.cvtColor(self.template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imwrite('./template.png', self.template) print "Got Template" def affine_cal(self): """ Function called when affine calibration button is called. Note it only chnage the flag to record the next mouse clicks and updates the status text label """ = 1 self.ui.rdoutStatus.setText("Affine Calibration: Click point %d" %( + 1)) def load_camera_cal(self): print "Load Camera Cal" def tr_initialize(self): print "Teach and Repeat" self.path_start_time = micro_time() self.rex.plan = [] self.rex.plan_status = 0 self.rex.wpt_number = 0 self.rex.max_torque = 0.0 self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.setValue(0.0) def tr_add_waypoint(self): print "Add Waypoint" self.rex.plan.append([micro_time() - self.path_start_time, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:], [0,0,0,0]]) self.rex.wpt_total += 1 def tr_smooth_path(self): print "Smooth Path" #Basic smoothing new_plan = [] #for i, (t, p) in enumerate(self.rex.plan): # np = p[:] # nt = t + 1000000 * i + 500000 # if p[1] < 0: # np[1] += 10*D2R # else: # np[1] -= 10*D2R # # new_plan.append([nt-500000, np]) # new_plan.append([nt, p[:]]) # new_plan.append([nt+500000, np]) self.rex.plan = [[0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0,0,0,0]]] + self.rex.plan #Handle all other points for i in range(1,len(self.rex.plan)): [tprev, qprev, vprev] = self.rex.plan[i-1] [ti, qi, vi] = self.rex.plan[i] dt = (ti - tprev) * 0.3 nprev = qprev[:] if nprev[1] < 0: nprev[1] += 10*D2R else: nprev[1] -= 10*D2R ni = qi[:] if ni[1] < 0: ni[1] += 10*D2R else: ni[1] -= 10*D2R new_plan.append([tprev + dt, nprev, vprev]) new_plan.append([ti - dt, ni, vi]) new_plan.append([ti, qi[:], vi]) #Handle last point [ti, pi, vi] = self.rex.plan[-1] ni = qi[:] if ni[1] < 0: ni[1] += 10*D2R else: ni[1] -= 10*D2R new_plan.append([ti+500000, ni, vi]) self.rex.plan = new_plan[1:] #Cubic spline smoothing # new_plan = [self.rex.plan[0][:]] # for i in range(1,len(self.rex.plan)): # [start_time, prev_waypoint, prev_vel] = self.rex.plan[i-1] # [end_time, current_waypoint, current_vel] = self.rex.plan[i] # a0 = [0,0,0,0] # a1 = [0,0,0,0] # a2 = [0,0,0,0] # a3 = [0,0,0,0] # for joint in range(4): # def calc_params(t0, q0, v0, tf, qf, vf): # a0 = q0 # a1 = v0 # a2 = (3.0*(qf-q0)-(2.0*v0+vf)*(tf-t0))/math.pow(tf-t0, 2) # a3 = (2.0*(q0-qf) + (v0+vf)*(tf-t0))/math.pow(tf-t0, 3) # return a0, a1, a2, a3 # a0[joint], a1[joint], a2[joint], a3[joint] = calc_params(0.0,\ # float(prev_waypoint[joint]),\ # float(prev_vel[joint]),\ # 1.0,\ # float(current_waypoint[joint]),\ # float(current_vel[joint])) # duration = end_time - start_time # for frac in range(1,100,10): # frac = float(frac) / 100.0 # time = start_time + int(duration * frac) # q = [0,0,0,0] # for joint in range(4): # q[joint] = a0[joint] + a1[joint] * frac + a2[joint] * frac * frac + a3[joint] * frac * frac * frac # new_plan.append([time, q[:], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) # #Add the destination point # new_plan.append(self.rex.plan[i][:]) # with open('smooth_path.config', 'w') as f: # print len(new_plan) # pickle.dump(new_plan, f) # with open('path.config', 'w') as f: # pickle.dump(self.rex.plan, f) # self.rex.plan = new_plan def tr_playback(self): print "Playback" self.path_start_time = micro_time() self.rex.wpt_number = 1 self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.max_torque = 50.0 self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.setValue(50.0) self.executed_path = [] with open('path.config', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.rex.plan, f) self.rex.plan = [[micro_time() - self.path_start_time, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:], [0,0,0,0]]] + self.rex.plan def def_template(self): print "Define Template" self.get_template = 1 def template_match(self): print "Template Match" def make_bounding_box(): min_x = 10000 min_y = 10000 max_x = 0 max_y = 0 for p in x,y = mouse_to_raw(p[0], p[1]) if x < min_x: min_x = x if x > max_x: max_x = x if y < min_y: min_y = y if y > max_y: max_y = y return [min_x, min_y], [max_x, max_y] #TODO get this working search_image = #Make it greyscale search_image = cv2.cvtColor(search_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) [tx,ty],[bx,by] = make_bounding_box() print [tx,ty], [bx,by] search_image = search_image[tx:bx:,ty:by] search_size = search_image.shape print search_size #Get the size of the template template_size = self.template.shape #We just want a greyscale 2d image def SAD(x, y): sad = 0 sub_region = search_image[x:x+template_size[0], y:y+template_size[1]] diff = sub_region - self.template sad = np.sum(diff**2) return sad / (template_size[0]*template_size[1]) # for i in range(template_size[0]): # for j in range(template_size[1]): # sad += float(abs(int(search_image[x+i,y+j]) - int(self.template[i,j]))) # return sad / (template_size[0]*template_size[1]*255.0) results = np.zeros((search_size[0]-template_size[0], search_size[1]-template_size[1])) print "Doing SAD" for x in range(search_size[0] - template_size[0]): for y in range(search_size[1] - template_size[1]): results[x,y] = SAD(x,y) print results.max(), results.min() print "Done SAD" threshold = 70.0 positions = [] max_val = results.max() def arg_min(a): min_val = float('inf') min_x = 0 min_y = 0 for x in range(a.shape[0]): for y in range(a.shape[1]): if a[x,y] < min_val: min_val = a[x,y] min_x = x min_y = y return min_x, min_y count = 0 while True: #If this is below the confidence level then quit min_index = arg_min(results) pixel_value = results[min_index] print pixel_value if pixel_value > threshold: break #Add it to potential positions positions.append(min_index) #Local max suppression def suppress_area(x,y): for i in range(-template_size[0]/2, template_size[0]/2): for j in range(-template_size[1]/2, template_size[1]/2): if x+i < 0 or y+j < 0: continue if x+i >= results.shape[0] or y+j >= results.shape[1]: continue results[x+i, y+j] = max_val suppress_area(min_index[0], min_index[1]) out = results * (255.0/results.max()) cv2.imwrite('./results_%d.png'%(count), out) count += 1 #DONE-ish the points need to be shifted by half a template image size print positions #CONVERT POINTS TO WORLD COORDS cx = self.template.shape[0]/2 cy = self.template.shape[1]/2 positions = [raw_to_mouse(p[0]+tx+cx, p[1]+ty+cx) for p in positions] def aff_trans(x, y): aff = wx = x*aff[0][0] + y*aff[0][1] + aff[0][2] wy = x*aff[1][0] + y*aff[1][1] + aff[1][2] return wx,wy self.donuts = [aff_trans(p[0], p[1]) for p in positions] def exec_path(self): print "Execute Path" def get_phi(x,y): from math import sqrt, pow r = sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)) if r <= 95.0: return -135.0*D2R elif r > 95.0 and r < 190.0: return -90.0*D2R else: return -45.0*D2R self.donuts.sort(key=lambda x: math.atan2(x[1], x[0])) from itertools import chain, izip world_points = [(x,y, 50.0, get_phi(x,y)) for (x,y) in self.donuts] in_points = [(x,y, 10.0, get_phi(x,y)) for (x,y) in self.donuts] final_points = [] for i,p in enumerate(world_points): final_points.append(p) final_points.append(in_points[i]) final_points.append(p) config_space = [self.rex.rexarm_IK(p, 1) for p in final_points if self.rex.rexarm_IK(p, 1) != None] print "Playback" self.path_start_time = micro_time() self.rex.wpt_number = 1 self.rex.plan_status = 1 self.rex.max_torque = 50.0 self.ui.sldrMaxTorque.setValue(50.0) self.executed_path = [] self.rex.plan = [[0, self.rex.joint_angles_fb[:], [0,0,0,0]]] + \ [[3000000*(i+1), q, [0,0,0,0]] for i,q in enumerate(config_space)] print self.rex.plan self.rex.wpt_total = len(self.rex.plan)