def test_find_episode_file_error(
            self, files, which_are_videos, file_sizes, expected_exception,
            stub_listdir, stub_getsize, stub_is_video_file):

        stub_listdir.return_value = files  # files to look for
        stub_is_video_file.side_effect = which_are_videos
        stub_getsize.side_effect = file_sizes

        with pytest.raises(expected_exception):
            find_episode_file('any dir')
    def store(self, episode: Episode):
        Stores the given episode in its respective store directory and
        renames it to its store filename according to the configurator
        assigned with the organizer.

        :param episode: episode to be store.
        downloaded_dir = self.config.episode_downloaded_dir(episode)
        video_file = videofiles.find_episode_file(downloaded_dir)

        # create the store directory
        store_dir = self.config.episode_store_dir(episode)
        os.makedirs(store_dir, exist_ok=True)

        # build episode path from its store directory, filename and the video
        # file extension
        filename = self.config.episode_filename(episode)
        extension = os.path.splitext(video_file)[1]
        complete_filename = filename + extension
        store_path = os.path.join(store_dir, complete_filename)
        video_path = os.path.join(downloaded_dir, video_file)

        # TODO: implement the moving in a separate thread
        # the move should be done in a separate thread because it will work
        # as a copy (very slow) if the destination folder is not in the same
        # filesystem
        self._move_episode_file(video_path, store_path)
        # episode must be only marked as STORED after finishing moving the
        # episode file
        database = Database(self.database_file)
        database.set_state(episode, EpisodeState.STORED)
    def test_find_episode_file(
            self, files, which_are_videos, file_sizes, expected,
            stub_listdir, stub_getsize, stub_is_video_file):

        stub_listdir.return_value = files  # files to look for
        stub_is_video_file.side_effect = which_are_videos
        stub_getsize.side_effect = file_sizes

        assert find_episode_file('any dir') == expected