
# You could thus get a vertex by accessing the right position of the list,
# like this (in order to get the first vertex that was added to the domain):

v0 = domain.vertices[0]

# However, using 'domain.vertices' requires that the list be fully created
# every time the 'vertices' property of 'domain' is accessed. If the domain
# contains a lot of vertices, this will be highly inefficient.
# Getting the list will be good if you want to iterate over all vertices, but
# if you want to access only one vertex, use the 'get_vertex' method instead:

v0 = domain.get_vertex(0)

# Vertices are of type 'TriangularCartesian2D_Vertex' in this case, which
# can be converted to the corresponding point type (in this case:
# 'PointCartesian2D'). Once we have the point, we can get its coordinates:

p = v0.to_point()

# Create a segmentation of the domain

segmentation = Segmentation(domain)

# Create 2 segments in the segmentation of the domain

seg0 = segmentation.make_segment()
domain.make_vertex(Point(1, 0)) # Vertex with ID #1
domain.make_vertex(Point(2, 0)) # Vertex with ID #2
domain.make_vertex(Point(2, 1)) # Vertex with ID #3
domain.make_vertex(Point(1, 1)) # Vertex with ID #4
domain.make_vertex(Point(0, 1)) # Vertex with ID #5

# Create a segmentation of the domain
segmentation = Segmentation(domain)

# Create 2 segments in the segmentation of the domain
seg0 = segmentation.make_segment()
seg1 = segmentation.make_segment()

# Create 2 cells in the first segment. Since the domain is a triangular domain,
# cells are triangles and three vertices must be specified to create a cell.
seg0.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(0), domain.get_vertex(1), domain.get_vertex(5))
seg0.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(1), domain.get_vertex(4), domain.get_vertex(5))

# Create 2 cells in the second segment. This time, we will use variable to
# make the code shorter.
seg1.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(1), domain.get_vertex(2), domain.get_vertex(4))
seg1.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(3), domain.get_vertex(2), domain.get_vertex(4))

# Create a new accessor for the cells of the domain and save for each cell
# its surface.
cell_surface_accessor = CellAccessor()

# For each cell of the domain, we calculate its surface and store the surface
# of the cell using the accessor. To do that, we call the 'set_value' method
# of the accessor specifying the cell and the value that we want to assign to
# the cell.
p4 = Point(1, 1)
p5 = Point(0, 1)

domain.make_vertex(p0) # Vertex with ID #0
domain.make_vertex(p1) # Vertex with ID #1
domain.make_vertex(p2) # Vertex with ID #2
domain.make_vertex(p3) # Vertex with ID #3
domain.make_vertex(p4) # Vertex with ID #4
domain.make_vertex(p5) # Vertex with ID #5

segmentation = Segmentation(domain)

seg0 = segmentation.make_segment()
seg1 = segmentation.make_segment()

cell_00 = seg0.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(0), domain.get_vertex(1), domain.get_vertex(5))
cell_01 = seg0.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(1), domain.get_vertex(4), domain.get_vertex(5))

cell_10 = seg1.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(1), domain.get_vertex(2), domain.get_vertex(4))
cell_11 = seg1.make_cell(domain.get_vertex(3), domain.get_vertex(2), domain.get_vertex(4))

# apply_voronoi


# cell_refine