def save_upload_file(file, user_id, subdir): if isAllowedFile(file.filename): if file is not None: UPLOAD_SUBFOLDER = str(user_id) + '/' + subdir UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.getcwd() + '/uploads' UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, UPLOAD_SUBFOLDER) if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER) savepath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, secure_filename(file.filename)) log("User %s uploaded %s to %s" % (user_id, secure_filename(file.filename), savepath)) if subdir == COVER_IMAGES_SUBDIR: return JSONResponse( dumps({ 'cover_image_url': "%s%s/%s" % (BASE_URL, UPLOAD_SUBFOLDER, secure_filename(file.filename)) })) else: return JSONResponse( dumps({ 'head_image_url': "%s%s/%s" % (BASE_URL, UPLOAD_SUBFOLDER, secure_filename(file.filename)) })) else: return JSONResponse(dumps({'message': "Null file provided."}), 400) else: return JSONResponse(dumps({'message': 'Not allowed file format.'}), 400)
def del_books_from_category(user_id, category_id, book_int_or_list): delresult = None if not isCategoryExist(user_id, category_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "category %s not found." % category_id}), 404) if type(book_int_or_list) is int: delresult = categorysdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}, {'$pull': { 'book_list': book_int_or_list }}) elif type(book_int_or_list) is list: delresult = categorysdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}, {'$pullAll': { 'book_list': book_int_or_list }}) else: return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': 'Please provide correct data format.'}), 400) return JSONResponse(dumps(delresult))
def get_book_by_id(user_id, book_id): if not isBookExist(user_id, book_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "book %s not found." % (book_id)}), 404) tmpbook = booksdb.find_one( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}) bookscategories = categorysdb.find({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'deleted': False }, { 'book_list': book_id }] }).sort('category_id', 1) book = json.loads(dumps(tmpbook)) categoiesjson = json.loads(dumps(bookscategories)) book['category_id'] = list() for category in categoiesjson: book['category_id'].append(category['category_id']) return JSONResponse(book)
def add_book(user_id, bookname, author="", publisher="", publish_date="", price=0, ISBN="", tags=[], cover_image_url='', category=[]): new_book_id = 1 tmpbooks = booksdb.find().sort([('book_id', -1)]).limit(1) for book in tmpbooks: lastbook = book if lastbook['user_id'] is not None: new_book_id = int(lastbook['book_id']) + 1 nowtime = time.time() if price == "": price = 0 tmpbook = { 'book_id': new_book_id, 'bookname': bookname, 'author': author, 'publisher': publisher, 'publish_date': publish_date, 'price': float(price), 'ISBN': ISBN, 'user_id': user_id, 'tags': tags, 'cover_image_url': cover_image_url, 'deleted': False, 'create_time': nowtime, 'update_time': nowtime, } booksdb.insert(tmpbook) if type(category) is list: addresult = JSONResponse() for category_id in category: addresult = add_books_to_category(user_id, category_id, new_book_id) elif type(category) is int: addresult = add_books_to_category(user_id, category, new_book_id) if int(addresult.response_code) / 100 != 2: return addresult if type(category) is list: tmpbook[ 'category_id'] = category # category data is stored in categorysdb, so it is not inserted to booksdb. elif type(category) is int: tmpbook['category_id'] = list() tmpbook['category_id'].append(category) log("User %s created a book, id=%s, bookname=\"%s\", author=\"%s\", publisher=\"%s\", publish_date=\"%s\", price=\"%s\", ISBN=\"%s\" tags=\"%s\", create_time=\"%s\", update_time=\"%s\", categoey=\"%s\"" % (user_id, new_book_id, bookname, author, publisher, publish_date, price, ISBN, tags, nowtime, nowtime, category)) return JSONResponse(dumps(tmpbook), 201)
def get_category_by_id(user_id, category_id): if not isCategoryExist(user_id, category_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "category %s not found." % (category_id)}), 404) tmpbooks = categorysdb.find_one( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}) return JSONResponse(dumps(tmpbooks))
def del_category(user_id, category_id): if not isCategoryExist(user_id, category_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "category %s not found." % category_id}), 404) updateResult = categorysdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}, {'$set': { 'deleted': True }}) log("User %s deleted category %s" % (user_id, category_id)) return JSONResponse(updateResult)
def add_books_to_category(user_id, category_id, book_list_or_int): if not isCategoryExist(user_id, category_id): return JSONResponse(jsonify({'message': 'category not found'}), 404) if type(book_list_or_int) is list: for book_id in book_list_or_int: if not isBookExist(user_id, book_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({ 'message': 'User %s doesn\'t own book %s' % (user_id, book_id) })) categorysdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}, {'$addToSet': { 'book_list': { '$each': book_list_or_int } }}) if type(book_list_or_int) is int: if not isBookExist(user_id, book_list_or_int): return JSONResponse( jsonify({ 'message': 'User %s doesn\'t own book %s' % (user_id, book_list_or_int) })) categorysdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}, {'$addToSet': { 'book_list': book_list_or_int }}) else: return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': 'Wrong book_id data type provided.'}), 400) tmpcategory = categorysdb.find_one( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': category_id }]}) log("User %s added books %s to category %s" % (user_id, book_list_or_int, category_id)) return JSONResponse(dumps(tmpcategory), 200)
def getProductInfoByISBN(ISBN): resultdict = dict() HTML = getHTMLByLink(getProductLink(ISBN)) info = getProductInfoStr(HTML).encode('utf-8') pic = getProductInfoPic(HTML).encode('utf-8') bookname = getBookname(HTML).encode('utf-8') for s in info.split(','): try: tmp = s.split(':') if tmp[0] == '譯者': resultdict['translater'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == 'ISBN': resultdict['ISBN'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '原文名稱': resultdict['original_bookname'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '類別': resultdict['category'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '語言': resultdict['language'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '作者': resultdict['author'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '出版社': resultdict['publisher'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '頁數': resultdict['pages'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '出版日期': resultdict['publish_date'] = tmp[1].replace('/', '') # resultdict[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] except Exception: pass resultdict['bookname'] = bookname resultdict['cover_image_url'] = pic return JSONResponse(resultdict)
def list_all_category(user_id): tmpcategorys = categorysdb.find({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'deleted': False }] }).sort('category_id', 1) return JSONResponse(dumps(tmpcategorys))
def update_category(user_id, cataogry_id, category_name=""): if not isCategoryExist(user_id, cataogry_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "category %s not found." % (cataogry_id)}), 404) updated = None if category_name != "": oldCatagory = categorysdb.find_one({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_name': category_name }, { 'deleted': False }] }) if oldCatagory is not None: return JSONResponse( jsonify( {'message': "Catagory %s already exist." % category_name})) updated = categorysdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': cataogry_id }]}, {'$set': { 'category_name': category_name }}) if updated is not None: log("Updated user %s's category %s's category_name to %s" % (user_id, cataogry_id, category_name)) tmpbook = categorysdb.find_one( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_id': cataogry_id }]}) # Get updated data. return JSONResponse(dumps(tmpbook))
def del_book(user_id, book_id): if not isBookExist(user_id, book_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "book %s not found." % (book_id)}), 404) allcategories = categorysdb.find({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_list': book_id }] }).sort('category_id', 1) for category in allcategories: del_books_from_category(user_id, category['category_id'], book_id) updateResult = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'deleted': True }}) log("User %s deleted book %s" % (user_id, book_id)) return JSONResponse(updateResult)
def add_category(user_id, category_name): oldCatagory = categorysdb.find_one({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'category_name': category_name }, { 'deleted': False }] }) if oldCatagory is not None: return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "Catagory %s already exist." % category_name}), 403) new_category_id = 1 lastcata = dict() lastcata['category_id'] = 1 tmpcatas = categorysdb.find().sort([('category_id', -1)]).limit(1) for cata in tmpcatas: lastcata = cata if lastcata['category_id'] is not None: new_category_id = int(lastcata['category_id']) + 1 category = { 'category_id': new_category_id, 'category_name': category_name, 'user_id': user_id, 'book_list': [], 'deleted': False } categorysdb.insert(category) log("User %s created a category, category_id = %s , category_name = %s" % (user_id, new_category_id, category_name)) return JSONResponse(dumps(category), 201)
def list_all_books(user_id): tmpbooks = booksdb.find({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'deleted': False }] }).sort('book_id', 1) bookscategories = categorysdb.find({ '$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'deleted': False }] }).sort('category_id', 1) booksjson = json.loads(dumps(tmpbooks)) categoiesjson = json.loads(dumps(bookscategories)) for book in booksjson: book['category_id'] = list() for category in categoiesjson: if book['book_id'] in category['book_list']: book['category_id'].append(category['category_id']) return JSONResponse(dumps(booksjson))
def searchProductInfoListByBookname(bookname): resultlist = list() for link in removeTwiceDuplicated(getProductLinksList(bookname)): resultdict = dict() HTML = getHTMLByLink(link) info = getProductInfoStr(HTML).encode('utf-8') pic = getProductInfoPic(HTML).encode('utf-8') for s in info.split(','): try: tmp = s.split(':') if tmp[0] == '譯者': resultdict['translater'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == 'ISBN': resultdict['ISBN'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '原文名稱': resultdict['original_bookname'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '類別': resultdict['category'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '語言': resultdict['language'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '作者': resultdict['author'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '出版社': resultdict['publisher'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '書名': resultdict['bookname'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '頁數': resultdict['pages'] = tmp[1] elif tmp[0] == '出版日期': resultdict['publish_date'] = tmp[1] #resultdict[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] except Exception: pass resultdict['cover_image_url'] = pic resultlist.append(resultdict) return JSONResponse(resultlist)
from json import dumps from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse JSONResponseProvideNecessaryInfo = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Please provide all necessary info.'}), 400) JSONResponseLoginSuccessful = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': "Login successful"})) JSONResponseWrongPassword = JSONResponse(dumps({'message': "Wrong password."}), 403)
from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse from json import dumps __author__ = 'Ikaros' JSONREsponseTokenExpired = JSONResponse(dumps({'message': "Token expired"}), 403) JSONResponseTokenNotFound = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': "Token not found."}), 404)
def update_book(user_id, book_id, bookname="", author="", publisher="", publish_date="", price=0, ISBN="", tags=[], cover_image_url=""): if not isBookExist(user_id, book_id): return JSONResponse( jsonify({'message': "book %s not found." % (book_id)}), 404) updated = 0 if bookname != "": updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'bookname': bookname }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's bookname to %s" % (user_id, book_id, bookname)) if author != "": updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'author': author }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's author to %s" % (user_id, book_id, author)) if publisher != "": updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'publisher': publisher }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's publisher to %s" % (user_id, book_id, publisher)) if publish_date != "": updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'publish_date': publish_date }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's publish_date to %s" % (user_id, book_id, publish_date)) if price != 0: updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'price': float(price) }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's price to %s" % (user_id, book_id, price)) if ISBN != "": updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'ISBN': ISBN }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's ISBN to %s" % (user_id, book_id, ISBN)) if tags: updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'tags': tags }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's tags to %s" % (user_id, book_id, tags)) if cover_image_url != "": updated = booksdb.update( {'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'cover_image_url': cover_image_url }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's cover_image_url to %s" % (user_id, book_id, cover_image_url)) if updated: nowtime = time.time() booksdb.update({'$and': [{ 'user_id': user_id }, { 'book_id': book_id }]}, {'$set': { 'update_time': nowtime }}) log("Updated user %s's book %s's update_time to %s" % (user_id, book_id, nowtime)) return get_book_by_id(user_id, book_id)
from json import dumps from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse JSONResponseUserNotFound = JSONResponse(dumps({'message': 'User not found.'}), 404) JSONResponseUserLogoutSuccessful = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Logout successful'}), 200) JSONResponseUserAlreadyExist = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'User already exists.'}), 403) JSONResponseUserDeactivated = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'User already deleted.'}), 403)
from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse from bson.json_util import dumps JSONResponseProvideAtLeastBookName = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Please provide at least book name.'}), 400) JSONResponseBookNotFound = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Can\'t found the book.'}), 404) JSONResponsePriceNotNumber = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Price is not a number.'}), 400)
from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse from bson.json_util import dumps JSONResponseLoginFirst = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Please log in first.'}), 401)
from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse from json import dumps __author__ = 'Ikaros' JSONResponseISBNNotFound = JSONResponse(dumps({'message': "ISBN not found"}), 404) JSONResponsePicNotFound = JSONResponse(dumps({'message': "Pic not found"}), 404)
from views.templates.JSONResponse import JSONResponse from json import dumps JSONResponseLoginFirst = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Please log in first.'}), 401) JSONResponseProvideToken = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Please provide token.'}), 401) JSONResponseInvalidJSON = JSONResponse( dumps({'message': 'Invalid JSON request.'}), 400)