文件: passive.py 项目: aalto1/crypto
    def random_bit(self, field):
        """Generate shares of a uniformly random bit over the field given.

        Communication cost: 1 open.
        yield declareReturn(self, field)

        prss_key = self.prss_key()
        prfs = self.players[self.id].prfs(field.modulus)
        a = prss(len(self.players), self.id, field, prfs, prss_key)
        # Open the square and compute a square-root
        a2 = yield self.open(Share(self, field, a**2), None,
                             2 * self.threshold)
        if a2 == 0:
            returnValue((a / a2.sqrt() + 1) / 2)
文件: passive.py 项目: hanyunx/Viff
    def prss_share_random(self, field, binary=False):
        """Generate shares of a uniformly random element from the field given.

        If binary is True, a 0/1 element is generated. No player
        learns the value of the element.

        Communication cost: none if binary=False, 1 open otherwise.
        if field is GF256 and binary:
            modulus = 2
            modulus = field.modulus

        # Key used for PRSS.
        prss_key = self.prss_key()
        prfs = self.players[self.id].prfs(modulus)
        share = prss(self.num_players, self.id, field, prfs, prss_key)

        if field is GF256 or not binary:
            return Share(self, field, share)

        # Open the square and compute a square-root
        result = self.open(Share(self, field, share * share),
                           threshold=2 * self.threshold)

        def finish(square, share, binary):
            if square == 0:
                # We were unlucky, try again...
                return self.prss_share_random(field, binary)
                # We can finish the calculation
                root = square.sqrt()
                # When the root is computed, we divide the share and
                # convert the resulting -1/1 share into a 0/1 share.
                return Share(self, field, (share / root + 1) / 2)

        self.schedule_callback(result, finish, share, binary)
        return result
文件: passive.py 项目: MaxFangX/viff
    def prss_share_random(self, field, binary=False):
        """Generate shares of a uniformly random element from the field given.

        If binary is True, a 0/1 element is generated. No player
        learns the value of the element.

        Communication cost: none if binary=False, 1 open otherwise.
        if field is GF256 and binary:
            modulus = 2
            modulus = field.modulus

        # Key used for PRSS.
        prss_key = self.prss_key()
        prfs = self.players[self.id].prfs(modulus)
        share = prss(self.num_players, self.id, field, prfs, prss_key)

        if field is GF256 or not binary:
            return Share(self, field, share)

        # Open the square and compute a square-root
        result = self.open(Share(self, field, share*share),

        def finish(square, share, binary):
            if square == 0:
                # We were unlucky, try again...
                return self.prss_share_random(field, binary)
                # We can finish the calculation
                root = square.sqrt()
                # When the root is computed, we divide the share and
                # convert the resulting -1/1 share into a 0/1 share.
                return Share(self, field, (share/root + 1) / 2)

        self.schedule_callback(result, finish, share, binary)
        return result
文件: passive.py 项目: aalto1/crypto
 def random_max(self, field, max):
     prss_key = self.prss_key()
     prfs = self.players[self.id].prfs(max)
     share = prss(len(self.players), self.id, field, prfs, prss_key)
     return Share(self, field, share)
文件: passive.py 项目: hanyunx/Viff
    def prss_share(self, inputters, field, element=None):
        """Creates pseudo-random secret sharings.

        This protocol creates a secret sharing for each player in the
        subset of players specified in *inputters*. Each inputter
        provides an integer. The result is a list of shares, one for
        each inputter.

        The protocol uses the pseudo-random secret sharing technique
        described in the paper "Share Conversion, Pseudorandom
        Secret-Sharing and Applications to Secure Computation" by
        Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, and Yuval Ishai in Proc. of TCC
        2005, LNCS 3378. `Download

        Communication cost: Each inputter does one broadcast.
        # Verifying parameters.
        if element is None:
            assert self.id not in inputters, "No element given."
            assert self.id in inputters, \
                "Element given, but we are not sharing?"

        n = self.num_players

        # Key used for PRSS.
        key = self.prss_key()

        # The shares for which we have all the keys.
        all_shares = []

        # Shares we calculate from doing PRSS with the other players.
        tmp_shares = {}

        prfs = self.players[self.id].dealer_prfs(field.modulus)

        # Compute and broadcast correction value.
        if self.id in inputters:
            for player in self.players:
                share = prss(n, player, field, prfs[self.id], key)
                all_shares.append((field(player), share))
            shared = shamir.recombine(all_shares[:self.threshold + 1])
            correction = element - shared
            # if this player is inputter then broadcast correction value
            # TODO: more efficient broadcast?
            pc = tuple(self.program_counter)
            for peer_id in self.players:
                if self.id != peer_id:
                    self.protocols[peer_id].sendShare(pc, correction)

        # Receive correction value from inputters and compute share.
        result = []
        for player in inputters:
            tmp_shares[player] = prss(n, self.id, field, prfs[player], key)
            if player == self.id:
                d = Share(self, field, correction)
                d = self._expect_share(player, field)
            d.addCallback(lambda c, s: s + c, tmp_shares[player])

        # Unpack a singleton list.
        if len(result) == 1:
            return result[0]
            return result
文件: test_util.py 项目: lu562/viff
 def test_prss(self):
     share = prss.prss(None, None, self.field, None, None)
     self.assertEquals(share, self.field(7))
 def test_prss(self):
     share = prss.prss(None, None, self.field, None, None)
     self.assertEquals(share, self.field(7))
文件: passive.py 项目: MaxFangX/viff
    def prss_share(self, inputters, field, element=None):
        """Creates pseudo-random secret sharings.

        This protocol creates a secret sharing for each player in the
        subset of players specified in *inputters*. Each inputter
        provides an integer. The result is a list of shares, one for
        each inputter.

        The protocol uses the pseudo-random secret sharing technique
        described in the paper "Share Conversion, Pseudorandom
        Secret-Sharing and Applications to Secure Computation" by
        Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, and Yuval Ishai in Proc. of TCC
        2005, LNCS 3378. `Download

        Communication cost: Each inputter does one broadcast.
        # Verifying parameters.
        if element is None:
            assert self.id not in inputters, "No element given."
            assert self.id in inputters, \
                "Element given, but we are not sharing?"

        n = self.num_players

        # Key used for PRSS.
        key = self.prss_key()

        # The shares for which we have all the keys.
        all_shares = []

        # Shares we calculate from doing PRSS with the other players.
        tmp_shares = {}

        prfs = self.players[self.id].dealer_prfs(field.modulus)

        # Compute and broadcast correction value.
        if self.id in inputters:
            for player in self.players:
                share = prss(n, player, field, prfs[self.id], key)
                all_shares.append((field(player), share))
            shared = shamir.recombine(all_shares[:self.threshold+1])
            correction = element - shared
            # if this player is inputter then broadcast correction value
            # TODO: more efficient broadcast?
            pc = tuple(self.program_counter)
            for peer_id in self.players:
                if self.id != peer_id:
                    self.protocols[peer_id].sendShare(pc, correction)

        # Receive correction value from inputters and compute share.
        result = []
        for player in inputters:
            tmp_shares[player] = prss(n, self.id, field, prfs[player], key)
            if player == self.id:
                d = Share(self, field, correction)
                d = self._expect_share(player, field)
            d.addCallback(lambda c, s: s + c, tmp_shares[player])

        # Unpack a singleton list.
        if len(result) == 1:
            return result[0]
            return result