def __share_recombine(self, a): input_shares = shamir.share(a, self.threshold, len(self.players)) output_shares = self._exchange_shares(input_shares) # Recombine the first 2t+1 output_shares. result = gatherShares(output_shares[:2 * self.threshold + 1]) result.addCallback(shamir.recombine) return result
def shamir_share(self, inputters, field, number=None, threshold=None): """Secret share *number* over *field* using Shamir's method. The number is shared using polynomial of degree *threshold* (defaults to :attr:`threshold`). Returns a list of shares unless there is only one inputter in which case the share is returned directly. In code it is used like this:: a, b, c = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, x) where ``Zp`` is a field and ``x`` is a Python integer holding the input of each player (three inputs in total). If only a subset of the players provide input it looks like this:: if == 1: a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, x) else: a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp) Instead of branching when calling :meth:`shamir_share`, one can give ``None`` as input:: if == 1: x = int(raw_input("Input x: ")) else: x = None a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, x) which might be practical in some cases. Communication cost: n elements transmitted. """ assert number is None or in inputters if threshold is None: threshold = self.threshold results = [] for peer_id in inputters: # Unique program counter per input. self.increment_pc() if peer_id == shares = shamir.share(field(number), threshold, len(self.players)) for other_id, share in shares: if other_id.value == results.append(Share(self, field, share)) else: self._send_share(other_id.value, share) else: results.append(self._expect_share(peer_id, field)) # Unpack a singleton list. if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results
def share_recombine(number): shares = shamir.share(number, self.threshold, self.num_players) exchanged_shares = [] for peer_id, share in shares: d = self._exchange_shares(peer_id.value, share) d.addCallback(lambda share, peer_id: (peer_id, share), peer_id) exchanged_shares.append(d) # Recombine the first 2t+1 shares. result = gather_shares(exchanged_shares[:2*self.threshold+1]) result.addCallback(shamir.recombine) return result
def share_recombine(number): shares = shamir.share(number, self.threshold, self.num_players) exchanged_shares = [] for peer_id, share in shares: d = self._exchange_shares(peer_id.value, share) d.addCallback(lambda share, peer_id: (peer_id, share), peer_id) exchanged_shares.append(d) # Recombine the first 2t+1 shares. result = gather_shares(exchanged_shares[:2 * self.threshold + 1]) result.addCallback(shamir.recombine) return result
def test_shamir_share(self): secret = self.field(17) shares = shamir.share(secret, 1, 3) self.assertEquals(shares[0][1], secret) self.assertEquals(shares[1][1], secret) self.assertEquals(shares[2][1], secret)
# Shares of seller and buyer bids. Assume that each bidder and seller # has secret shared the bids and encrypted them for each player. These # have then been read, decrypted and summed up... random.seed(0) # Generate random bids -- we could generate numbers up to 2**l, but # restricting them to only two digits use less space in the output. B = [random.randint(1, 2**l) for _ in range(options.count)] S = [random.randint(1, 2**l) for _ in range(options.count)] # Make the bids monotone. B.sort(reverse=True) S.sort() seller_bids = [shamir.share(Zp(x), t, n)[id - 1][1] for x in S] buyer_bids = [shamir.share(Zp(x), t, n)[id - 1][1] for x in B] def auction(rt): def debug(low, mid, high): string = [" " for _ in range(high + 1)] string[low] = " |" string[mid] = " ^" string[high] = " |" print "B: " + " ".join(["%2d" % b for b in B]) print "S: " + " ".join(["%2d" % s for s in S]) print " " + " ".join(["%2d" % x for x in range(len(B) + 1)]) print " " + " ".join(string)
# Shares of seller and buyer bids. Assume that each bidder and seller # has secret shared the bids and encrypted them for each player. These # have then been read, decrypted and summed up... random.seed(0) # Generate random bids -- we could generate numbers up to 2**l, but # restricting them to only two digits use less space in the output. B = [random.randint(1, 2**l) for _ in range(options.count)] S = [random.randint(1, 2**l) for _ in range(options.count)] # Make the bids monotone. B.sort(reverse=True) S.sort() seller_bids = [shamir.share(Zp(x), t, n)[id-1][1] for x in S] buyer_bids = [shamir.share(Zp(x), t, n)[id-1][1] for x in B] def auction(rt): def debug(low, mid, high): string = [" " for _ in range(high+1)] string[low] = " |" string[mid] = " ^" string[high] = " |" print "B: " + " ".join(["%2d" % b for b in B]) print "S: " + " ".join(["%2d" % s for s in S]) print " " + " ".join(["%2d" % x for x in range(len(B)+1)]) print " " + " ".join(string)
def shamir_share(self, inputters, field, number=None, threshold=None): """Secret share *number* over *field* using Shamir's method. The number is shared using polynomial of degree *threshold* (defaults to :attr:`threshold`). Returns a list of shares unless there is only one inputter in which case the share is returned directly. In code it is used like this:: a, b, c = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, x) where ``Zp`` is a field and ``x`` is a Python integer holding the input of each player (three inputs in total). If only a subset of the players provide input it looks like this:: if == 1: a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, x) else: a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp) Instead of branching when calling :meth:`shamir_share`, one can give ``None`` as input:: if == 1: x = int(raw_input("Input x: ")) else: x = None a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, x) which might be practical in some cases. Communication cost: n elements transmitted. """ assert number is None or in inputters if threshold is None: threshold = self.threshold results = [] for peer_id in inputters: # Unique program counter per input. self.increment_pc() if peer_id == pc = tuple(self.program_counter) shares = shamir.share(field(number), threshold, self.num_players) for other_id, share in shares: if other_id.value == results.append(Share(self, share.field, share)) else: self.protocols[other_id.value].sendShare(pc, share) else: results.append(self._expect_share(peer_id, field)) # do actual communication self.activate_reactor() # Unpack a singleton list. if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results