def getToExclude(path, heatmap, threshold, toExclude, maxValue, minSize=None):
    if (minSize is None):
        minSize = 0.01
    for cell in path:
        heatmap_value, lat_min, long_min, lat_max, long_max = heatmap.query_heatmap(
            cell[0], cell[1])
        if (heatmap_value / maxValue) < threshold:
            toExclude.append((lat_min, long_min, lat_max, long_max))

    #regroup areas in bigger areas
    offset = 0

    for n in range(0, 5):
        for i in range(0, len(toExclude) - 1):
            newCell = groupCells(toExclude[i - offset],
                                 toExclude[i - offset + 1])
            if not (newCell is None):
                toExclude[i - offset] = newCell
                toExclude.pop(i + 1 - offset)
                offset += 1

    defExclude = []
    for cell in toExclude:
        size = vc((cell[0], cell[1]), (cell[2], cell[1])) * vc(
            (cell[0], cell[1]), (cell[0], cell[3]))
        if (size > minSize):

    defExclude.sort(key=lambda cell: vc((cell[0], cell[1]), (cell[2], cell[1]))
                    * vc((cell[0], cell[1]), (cell[0], cell[3])))
    return defExclude[0:20]
    def lat_long_to_indexs(self, lat, long):
        # Input Lat - Min lat
        lat_dist_from_min = vc((lat, self.granger_long),
                               (self.granger_lat, self.granger_long))
        index_lat = lat_dist_from_min / self.dist_cells

        long_dist_from_min = vc((self.granger_lat, long),
                                (self.granger_lat, self.granger_long))
        index_long = long_dist_from_min / self.dist_cells
        return index_lat, index_long
def getPathLength(path):

    length = 0
    for i in range(0, len(path) - 1):
        length += vc(path[i], path[i + 1])

    return length
def getPath(departure, arrival, maxDist, avoid=None):
    ## pts are (lat , lon)
    ## avoid : array of bbox coord (coord =  [minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon])

    #get a route from here API
    url = "https://router.hereapi.com/v8/routes?transportMode=pedestrian&origin=" + str(
        departure[0]) + "," + str(departure[1]) + "&destination=" + str(
            arrival[0]) + "," + str(
                arrival[1]) + "&return=polyline&apiKey=" + api_key
    if (avoid is not None and len(avoid) > 0):
        avoidQuery = "&avoid[areas]="
        for i in range(0, len(avoid)):
            coords = avoid[i]
            avoidQuery = avoidQuery + "bbox:" + str(coords[1]) + "," + str(
                coords[0]) + "," + str(coords[3]) + "," + str(coords[2])
            if (i < len(avoid) - 1):
                avoidQuery += "|"
        url += avoidQuery
    route = requests.get(url)
    path = fp.decode((route.json()["routes"][0]["sections"][0]["polyline"]))

    # re-sample the polyline
    offset = 0
    pathRange = range(0, len(path) - 1)
    for i in pathRange:
        ptA = path[i + offset]
        ptB = path[i + 1 + offset]
        dist = vc(ptA, ptB)
        if dist > maxDist:
            #how many pts should we add ?
            nbpts = floor(dist / maxDist)
            #add intermediate pts
            for j in range(1, nbpts + 1):
                newPt = (ptA[0] + j * (ptB[0] - ptA[0]) / (nbpts + 1),
                         ptA[1] + j * (ptB[1] - ptA[1]) / (nbpts + 1))
                path.insert(i + j + offset, newPt)
            offset += nbpts

    return path
def xyval(pt):
   ycng = [pt[0], origin[1]]
   xcng = [origin[0], pt[1]]
   x = vc(origin, xcng)
   y = vc(origin, ycng)
   return x, y
class QueryHeatMap:
    This class let us read an heatmapfile from a port lat long coordinates.

    Comment m'utiliser ? Et bien c'est tres simple jamy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVxjTDvdaL0&ab_channel=Zeldemir

    1. importer la class :
    from query_heatmap import QueryHeatMap

    2. créer la heatmap ajd comme ca dimanche il y aura la date en plus :
    heatmap = QueryHeatMap()

    3. faire des query comme un petit fou : 
    heatmap_value, lat_min, long_min, lat_max, long_max = heatmap.query_heatmap(45.782029,4.877036)

    ce qui va renvoyer :
    heatmap_value, min_lat, min_long, max_lat, max_long
    (11891.0, 45.78229045023726, 4.878610329383891, 45.783191189573756, 4.879900549763038)

    dist_cells = 0.1

    #Lyon Map Coordinates

    # MAX Point
    meximiax_lat = 45.904791
    meximiax_long = 5.186973

    # Min Point
    granger_lat = 45.524679
    granger_long = 4.642500

    dist_lat = vc((meximiax_lat, meximiax_long), (granger_lat, meximiax_long))
    dist_long = vc((meximiax_lat, meximiax_long), (meximiax_lat, granger_long))
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    number_of_long_cells = round(dist_long / dist_cells)
    number_of_lat_cells = round(dist_lat / dist_cells)

    long_cell_size = (meximiax_long - granger_long) / number_of_long_cells
    lat_cell_size = (meximiax_lat - granger_lat) / number_of_lat_cells

    Lon = np.arange(granger_long, meximiax_long, long_cell_size)
    Lat = np.arange(granger_lat, meximiax_lat, lat_cell_size)

    # Fonction to switch between point lat:
    # Return : index_lat, index_long
    def lat_long_to_indexs(self, lat, long):
        # Input Lat - Min lat
        lat_dist_from_min = vc((lat, self.granger_long),
                               (self.granger_lat, self.granger_long))
        index_lat = lat_dist_from_min / self.dist_cells

        long_dist_from_min = vc((self.granger_lat, long),
                                (self.granger_lat, self.granger_long))
        index_long = long_dist_from_min / self.dist_cells
        return index_lat, index_long

    # Fonction to extrapolate the box coordinate from a cell of the heatmap.
    # Return (lat_min,long_min,lat_max,long_max)
                                   / ( lat_max,long_max )
                            |     |
                            |  x  |
    (lat_min,long_min ) /

    def index_to_cbox(self, index_lat, index_long):
        long_index = round(index_long)
        lat_index = round(index_lat)
        return self.Lat[lat_index], self.Lon[long_index], self.Lat[
            lat_index + 1], self.Lon[long_index + 1]

    def __init__(self, date=0):
        season, week, night = self.get_date_params(date)
        filename = self.get_filename(1, 1, 0)
        self.heatmap = np.load(filename)

    def get_date_params(self, date):
        night = False
        week = False
        season = 1
        if (date.hour) > 18:
            night = True
        # week-end
        if (date.day > 5):
            week = True
        # Season
        month = date.month
        if (month < 3):
            season = 1
        elif (month < 6):
            season = 2
        elif (month < 9):
            season = 3
            season = 4
        return season, week, night

    def query_heatmap(self, lat, long):
        index_lat, index_long = self.lat_long_to_indexs(lat, long)
        lat_min, long_min, lat_max, long_max = self.index_to_cbox(
            index_lat, index_long)
        return self.heatmap[round(index_lat)][round(
            index_long)], lat_min, long_min, lat_max, long_max

    def get_cell_size(self):
        return (self.lat_cell_size, self.long_cell_size)

    def get_max_value(self):
        #gruge pour normaliser les valeurs
        return np.max(self.heatmap)

    def get_heatmap(self):
        return self.heatmap

    def get_filename(self, season, week, night):
        if season == 1:
            if week:
                if night:
                    res = "printemps/week/day"
                    res = "printemps/week/night"
                if night:
                    res = "printemps/wend/day"
                    res = "/wend/night"
        elif season == 2:
            if week:
                if night:
                    res = "ete/week/day"
                    res = "ete/week/night"
                if night:
                    res = "ete/wend/day"
                    res = "ete/wend/night"
        elif season == 3:
            if week:
                if night:
                    res = "automne/week/day"
                    res = "automne/week/night"
                if night:
                    res = "automne/wend/day"
                    res = "automne/wend/night"
        elif season == 4:
            if week:
                if night:
                    res = "hiver/week/day"
                    res = "hiver/week/night"
                if night:
                    res = "/wend/day"
                    res = "hiver/wend/night"
        return f"{res}/data.npy"