def valid(self, command): if not command: return True if super().valid(command): if command != cmCancel and command != cmFileClear: fName = self.getFilename() if isWild(fName): path, name = splitPath(fName) if self.checkDirectory(path): = path self.wildCard = name if command != cmFileInit: self.fileList.readDirectory(, self.wildCard) elif os.path.isdir(fName): if self.checkDirectory(fName): = fName if command != cmFileInit: self.fileList.readDirectory(, self.wildCard) elif validFileName(fName): return True else: messageBox(self.invalidFileText, mfError, [mfOKButton]) return False else: return True return False
def checkDirectory(self, pth): if pathValid(pth): return True messageBox(self.invalidDriveText, mfError, [mfOKButton]) return False
def handleEvent(self, event): super().handleEvent(event) if event.what == evCommand: emc = event.message.command if emc == cmAbout: self.aboutDialog() elif emc == cmPopup: self.popup() elif emc == cmOne: messageBox('Item 1 selected', mfInformation, (mfOKButton, )) elif emc == cmTwo: messageBox('Item 2 selected', mfInformation, (mfOKButton, )) self.clearEvent(event)
def valid(self, command): if command == cmReleasedFocus: return True if command in {cmQuit, cmClose, cmOK}: if self.regex: try: m = re.match(self.regex, self.getDataString()) if m and m.string != self.getDataString(): return False except Exception as e: messageBox(str(e), mfError, (mfOKButton, )) return False return super().valid(command)
def doEditorDialog(self, dialog, *args): if dialog == edOutOfMemory: return messageBox('Not enough memory for this operation', mfError, (mfOKButton, )) if dialog == edReadError: return messageBox('Error reading file {}'.format(args[0]), mfError, (mfOKButton, )) if dialog == edWriteError: return messageBox('Error writing file {}'.format(args[0]), mfError, (mfOKButton, )) if dialog == edCreateError: return messageBox('Error creating file {}'.format(args[0]), mfError, (mfOKButton, )) if dialog == edSaveModify: return messageBox('%s has been modified. Save?'.format(args[0]), mfInformation, (mfYesButton, mfNoButton, mfCancelButton)) if dialog == edSaveUntitled: return messageBox('Save untitled file?', mfInformation, (mfYesButton, mfNoButton, mfCancelButton)) if dialog == edSaveUntitled: return execDialog( FileDialog('*.*', 'Save file as', '~N~ame', fdOKButton, 101), args[0]) if dialog == edSearchFailed: return messageBox('Search string not found', mfError, (mfOKButton, )) if dialog == edReplace: return execDialog(createReplaceDialog(), args[0]) if dialog == edReplacePrompt: return self.doReplacePrompt(args[0])
def valid(self, command): if command != cmOK: return True rec = DataRecord() self.dirInput.getData() path = rec.value if not path: event = Event(evCommand) event.message.command = cmChangeDir self.putEvent(event) return False path = fexpand(path) if path and path[-1] == os.sep: path = path[:-1] if self.changeDir(path): messageBox(self.invalidText, mfError, (mfOKButton, )) return False return True
def readFile(self, fName): self._limit.x = 0 self.fileName = fName self.fileLines = Collection() try: fileToView = open(fName, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') except OSError: messageBox(_('Invalid drive or directory'), 1, mfError | mfOKButton) self.isValid = False return lines = fileToView.readlines() if self.wrap: wrapped = (textwrap.wrap(l + '\n', self.size.x - 1, expand_tabs=True, tabsize=4) for l in lines) lines = itertools.chain(*wrapped) self.fileLines.extend(lines) self._limit.y = len(self.fileLines) if self.fileLines: self._limit.x = max(len(l) for l in self.fileLines)
def newDialog(self): pd = Dialog(Rect(20, 6, 60, 19), 'Demo Dialog') sb = ScrollBar(Rect(25, 2, 26, 11)) pd.insert(sb) lb = ListBox(Rect(2, 2, 24, 11), 2, sb) pd.insert(lb) names = random.sample(animals, 20) tsc = StringCollection(names) pd.insert(Button(Rect(28, 6, 38, 8), '~O~K', cmOK, bfDefault)) pd.insert(Button(Rect(28, 10, 38, 12), '~C~ancel', cmCancel, bfNormal)) data = ListBoxRec() data.items = tsc data.selection = 2 items = [data] pd.setData(items) control = self.desktop.execView(pd) if control != cmCancel: data = pd.getData() data = data[0] if control == cmOK: messageBox('\x03Your selection is {}'.format(tsc[data.selection]), mfInformation, (mfOKButton,)) self.destroy(pd)
def doWork(self): messageBox('\003Welcome to the cheese ordering system', mfInformation, (mfOKButton, )) checkBoxData = 1 radioButtonData = 2 inputLineData = 'By box' demoDialogData = [checkBoxData, radioButtonData, inputLineData] data = self.newDialog(demoDialogData) if data: messageBox('Your order is accepted', mfInformation, (mfOKButton, )) else: messageBox('You cancelled the order', mfError, (mfOKButton, ))
def __call__(self): saAttr = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() saAttr.bInheritHandle = 1 self.hChildStdoutRd = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( self.stdoutPipeName, win32con.PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, # open mode win32con.PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, # pipe mode 1, # max instances WindowsShell.BUFFER_SIZE, # out buffer size WindowsShell.BUFFER_SIZE, # in buffer size 15, # timeout saAttr) hChildStdoutWr = win32file.CreateFile( self.stdoutPipeName, win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, saAttr, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 15) win32api.SetHandleInformation(self.hChildStdoutRd, win32con.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) self.hChildStderrRd = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( self.stderrPipeName, win32con.PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, # open mode win32con.PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, # pipe mode 1, # max instances WindowsShell.BUFFER_SIZE, # out buffer size WindowsShell.BUFFER_SIZE, # in buffer size 15, # timeout saAttr) hChildStderrWr = win32file.CreateFile( self.stderrPipeName, win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, saAttr, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 15) win32api.SetHandleInformation(self.hChildStderrRd, win32con.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) # Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN. This one is opened # in duplex mode so we can read from it too in order to detect when # the child closes their end of the pipe. self.hChildStdinWr = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( self.stdinPipeName, win32con.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, # open mode win32con.PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, # pipe mode 1, # max instances WindowsShell.BUFFER_SIZE, # out buffer size WindowsShell.BUFFER_SIZE, # in buffer size 15, # timeout... 0 gives a default 50 ms saAttr) hChildStdinRd = win32file.CreateFile( self.stdinPipeName, win32con.GENERIC_READ, win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, saAttr, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | win32con.FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, 15) win32api.SetHandleInformation(self.hChildStdinWr, win32con.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) # set the info structure for the new process. This is where # we tell the process to use the pipes for stdout/err/in. StartupInfo = win32process.STARTUPINFO() StartupInfo.hStdOutput = hChildStdoutWr StartupInfo.hStdError = hChildStderrWr StartupInfo.hStdInput = hChildStdinRd StartupInfo.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flags = win32process.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT try: processHandle, threadHandle, dwPid, dwTid = win32process.CreateProcess( None, # name self.cmdline, # command line None, # process handle not inheritable None, # thread handle not inheritable True, # handles are inherited flags, # creation flags None, # NULL, use parent environment None, # current directory StartupInfo) # STARTUPINFO pointer except pywintypes.error as e: logger.exception('%s\n%s\n', self.cmdline, e.strerror) messageBox(f'{self.cmdline}\n{e.strerror}', mfError, (mfOKButton, )) return None win32file.CloseHandle(processHandle) win32file.CloseHandle(threadHandle) win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStderrWr) win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStdoutWr) win32file.CloseHandle(hChildStdinRd) self.stdin = os.fdopen(msvcrt.open_osfhandle(int(self.hChildStdinWr), 0), 'wb', buffering=0) self.stdout = os.fdopen(msvcrt.open_osfhandle(int(self.hChildStdoutRd), 0), 'rb', buffering=0) self.stderr = os.fdopen(msvcrt.open_osfhandle(int(self.hChildStderrRd), 0), 'rb', buffering=0) fds = WindowPipe(stdin=self.stdin, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr) return fds
def About(self): messageBox('\x03Dynamic Text Demo', mfInformation, (mfOKButton, ))
def error(self): messageBox(self.errorMsg.format(self.min, self.max), mfError, (mfOKButton, ))
def doWork(self): messageBox('\003Directory Dialog\nCurrent Directory is {}'.format(os.getcwd()), mfInformation, (mfOKButton,)) data = self.newDialog() messageBox('\003Directory Dialog\nCurrent Directory is now {}\n{}'.format(os.getcwd(), data), mfInformation, (mfOKButton,))
def error(self): messageBox(self.errorMsg, mfError, (mfOKButton,))