def run(test, params, env): """ Test remote access with TCP, TLS connection """ test_dict = dict(params) pattern = test_dict.get("filter_pattern", "") if ('@LIBVIRT' in pattern and distro.detect().name == 'rhel' and int(distro.detect().version) < 8): test.cancel("The test {} is not supported on current OS({}{}<8.0) as " "the keyword @LIBVIRT is not supported by gnutls on this " "OS.".format(, distro.detect().name, distro.detect().version)) vm_name = test_dict.get("main_vm") status_error = test_dict.get("status_error", "no") allowed_dn_str = params.get("tls_allowed_dn_list") if allowed_dn_str: allowed_dn_list = [] if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): # Reverse the order in the dn list to workaround the # feature changes between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7 dn_list = allowed_dn_str.split(",") dn_list.reverse() allowed_dn_str = ','.join(dn_list) allowed_dn_list.append(allowed_dn_str) test_dict['tls_allowed_dn_list'] = allowed_dn_list transport = test_dict.get("transport") plus = test_dict.get("conn_plus", "+") config_ipv6 = test_dict.get("config_ipv6", "no") tls_port = test_dict.get("tls_port", "") listen_addr = test_dict.get("listen_addr", "") ssh_port = test_dict.get("ssh_port", "") tcp_port = test_dict.get("tcp_port", "") server_ip = test_dict.get("server_ip") server_user = test_dict.get("server_user") server_pwd = test_dict.get("server_pwd") no_any_config = params.get("no_any_config", "no") sasl_type = test_dict.get("sasl_type", "gssapi") sasl_user_pwd = test_dict.get("sasl_user_pwd") sasl_allowed_users = test_dict.get("sasl_allowed_users") server_cn = test_dict.get("server_cn") custom_pki_path = test_dict.get("custom_pki_path") rm_client_key_cmd = test_dict.get("remove_client_key_cmd") rm_client_cert_cmd = test_dict.get("remove_client_cert_cmd") ca_cn_new = test_dict.get("ca_cn_new") no_verify = test_dict.get("no_verify", "no") ipv6_addr_des = test_dict.get("ipv6_addr_des") tls_sanity_cert = test_dict.get("tls_sanity_cert") restart_libvirtd = test_dict.get("restart_libvirtd", "yes") diff_virt_ver = test_dict.get("diff_virt_ver", "no") driver = test_dict.get("test_driver", "qemu") uri_path = test_dict.get("uri_path", "/system") virsh_cmd = params.get("virsh_cmd", "list") action = test_dict.get("libvirtd_action", "restart") uri_user = test_dict.get("uri_user", "") uri_aliases = test_dict.get("uri_aliases", "") uri_default = test_dict.get("uri_default", "") unix_sock_dir = test_dict.get("unix_sock_dir") mkdir_cmd = test_dict.get("mkdir_cmd") rmdir_cmd = test_dict.get("rmdir_cmd") adduser_cmd = test_dict.get("adduser_cmd") deluser_cmd = test_dict.get("deluser_cmd") auth_conf = test_dict.get("auth_conf") auth_conf_cxt = test_dict.get("auth_conf_cxt") polkit_pkla = test_dict.get("polkit_pkla") polkit_pkla_cxt = test_dict.get("polkit_pkla_cxt") ssh_setup = test_dict.get("ssh_setup", "no") tcp_setup = test_dict.get("tcp_setup", "no") tls_setup = test_dict.get("tls_setup", "no") unix_setup = test_dict.get("unix_setup", "no") ssh_recovery = test_dict.get("ssh_auto_recovery", "yes") tcp_recovery = test_dict.get("tcp_auto_recovery", "yes") tls_recovery = test_dict.get("tls_auto_recovery", "yes") unix_recovery = test_dict.get("unix_auto_recovery", "yes") sasl_allowed_username_list = test_dict.get("sasl_allowed_username_list") auth_unix_rw = test_dict.get("auth_unix_rw") kinit_pwd = test_dict.get("kinit_pwd") test_alias = test_dict.get("test_alias") config_list = [] port = "" # extra URI arguments extra_params = "" # it's used to clean up SSH, TLS, TCP, UNIX and SASL objs later objs_list = [] # redirect LIBVIRT_DEBUG log into test log later test_dict["logfile"] = test.logfile # Make sure all of parameters are assigned a valid value check_parameters(test_dict, test) # Make sure libvirtd on remote is running server_session = remote.wait_for_login('ssh', server_ip, '22', server_user, server_pwd, r"[\#\$]\s*$") remote_libvirtd = Libvirtd(session=server_session) if not remote_libvirtd.is_running(): logging.debug("start libvirt on remote") res = remote_libvirtd.start() if not res: status, output = server_session.cmd_status_output("journalctl -xe") test.error("Failed to start libvirtd on remote. [status]: %s " "[output]: %s." % (status, output)) server_session.close() if distro.detect().name == 'rhel' and int(distro.detect().version) >= 9: # Update crypto policies to legacy for RHEL>=9 per Bug 1931723 or # crypto_policies ="update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY", ignore_status=False) # only simply connect libvirt daemon then return if no_any_config == "yes": test_dict["uri"] = "%s%s%s://%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_path) remote_access(test_dict, test) return # append extra 'pkipath' argument to URI if exists if custom_pki_path: extra_params = "?pkipath=%s" % custom_pki_path # append extra 'no_verify' argument to URI if exists if no_verify == "yes": extra_params = "?no_verify=1" # append extra 'socket' argument to URI if exists if unix_sock_dir: extra_params = "?socket=%s/libvirt-sock" % unix_sock_dir # generate auth.conf and default under the '/etc/libvirt' if auth_conf_cxt and auth_conf: cmd = "echo -e '%s' > %s" % (auth_conf_cxt, auth_conf) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # generate polkit_pkla and default under the # '/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/' if polkit_pkla_cxt and polkit_pkla: cmd = "echo -e '%s' > %s" % (polkit_pkla_cxt, polkit_pkla) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # generate remote IP if config_ipv6 == "yes" and ipv6_addr_des: remote_ip = "[%s]" % ipv6_addr_des elif config_ipv6 != "yes" and server_cn: remote_ip = server_cn elif config_ipv6 != "yes" and ipv6_addr_des: remote_ip = "[%s]" % ipv6_addr_des elif server_ip and transport != "unix": remote_ip = server_ip else: remote_ip = "" # get URI port if tcp_port != "": port = ":" + tcp_port if tls_port != "": port = ":" + tls_port if ssh_port != "" and not ipv6_addr_des: port = ":" + ssh_port # generate URI uri = "%s%s%s://%s%s%s%s%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_user, remote_ip, port, uri_path, extra_params) test_dict["uri"] = uri logging.debug("The final test dict:\n<%s>", test_dict) if virsh_cmd == "start" and transport != "unix": session = remote.wait_for_login("ssh", server_ip, "22", "root", server_pwd, "#") cmd = "virsh domstate %s" % vm_name status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if status: session.close() test.cancel(output) session.close() try: # setup IPv6 if config_ipv6 == "yes": ipv6_obj = IPv6Manager(test_dict) objs_list.append(ipv6_obj) ipv6_obj.setup() # compare libvirt version if needs if diff_virt_ver == "yes": compare_virt_version(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, test) # setup SSH if (transport == "ssh" or ssh_setup == "yes") and sasl_type != "plain": if not test_dict.get("auth_pwd"): ssh_obj = SSHConnection(test_dict) if ssh_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(ssh_obj) # setup test environment ssh_obj.conn_setup() else: # To access to server with password, # cleanup authorized_keys on remote ssh_pubkey_file = "/root/.ssh/" if (os.path.exists("/root/.ssh/id_rsa") and os.path.exists(ssh_pubkey_file)): remote_file_obj = remote.RemoteFile(address=server_ip, client='scp', username=server_user, password=server_pwd, port='22', remote_path="/root/.ssh/authorized_keys") with open(ssh_pubkey_file, 'r') as fd: line =[-1].rstrip('\n') line = ".*" + line remote_file_obj.remove([line]) objs_list.append(remote_file_obj) # setup TLS if transport == "tls" or tls_setup == "yes": tls_obj = TLSConnection(test_dict) if tls_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(tls_obj) # reserve cert path tmp_dir = tls_obj.tmp_dir # setup test environment tls_obj.conn_setup() # setup TCP if transport == "tcp" or tcp_setup == "yes": tcp_obj = TCPConnection(test_dict) if tcp_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(tcp_obj) # setup test environment tcp_obj.conn_setup() # create a directory if needs if mkdir_cmd: process.system(mkdir_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # setup UNIX if transport == "unix" or unix_setup == "yes" or sasl_type == "plain": unix_obj = UNIXConnection(test_dict) if unix_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(unix_obj) # setup test environment unix_obj.conn_setup() # need to restart libvirt service for negative testing if restart_libvirtd == "no": remotely_control_libvirtd(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, action, status_error) # check TCP/IP listening by service if restart_libvirtd != "no" and transport != "unix": service = 'libvirtd' if transport == "ssh": service = 'ssh' check_listening_port_remote_by_service(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, service, port, listen_addr) # open the tls/tcp listening port on server if transport in ["tls", "tcp"]: firewalld_port = port[1:] server_session = remote.wait_for_login('ssh', server_ip, '22', server_user, server_pwd, r"[\#\$]\s*$") firewall_cmd = utils_iptables.Firewall_cmd(server_session) firewall_cmd.add_port(firewalld_port, 'tcp', permanent=True) server_session.close() if 'inv_transport' in test_dict: transport = test_dict['inv_transport'] uri = "%s%s%s://%s%s%s%s%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_user, remote_ip, port, uri_path, extra_params) test_dict["uri"] = uri config_list = [] if uri_aliases: uri_config = change_libvirtconf_on_client( {'uri_aliases': uri_aliases}) config_list.append(uri_config) test_dict["uri"] = test_alias if uri_default: test_dict["uri"] = "" # Delete the default URI environment variable to prevent overriding del os.environ['LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI'] uri_config = change_libvirtconf_on_client( {'uri_default': uri_default}) config_list.append(uri_config) ret = virsh.command('uri', debug=True) if uri_default.strip('"') in ret.stdout_text: logging.debug("Virsh output as expected.") else:"Expected virsh output: {} not found in:{}".format( uri_default.strip('"'), ret.stdout_text)) # remove client certifications if exist, only for TLS negative testing if rm_client_key_cmd: process.system(rm_client_key_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if rm_client_cert_cmd: process.system(rm_client_cert_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # add user to specific group if adduser_cmd: process.system(adduser_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # change /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem then # restart libvirt service on the remote host if tls_sanity_cert == "no" and ca_cn_new: test_dict['ca_cn'] = ca_cn_new test_dict['scp_new_cacert'] = 'no' tls_obj_new = TLSConnection(test_dict) test_dict['tls_obj_new'] = tls_obj_new # only setup new CA and server tls_obj_new.conn_setup(True, False) # obtain and cache a ticket if kinit_pwd and sasl_type == 'gssapi' and auth_unix_rw == 'sasl': username_list = json.loads(sasl_allowed_username_list) for username in username_list: kinit_cmd = "echo '%s' | kinit %s" % (kinit_pwd, username) process.system(kinit_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # setup SASL certification # From libvirt-3.2.0, the default sasl change from # DIGEST-MD5 to GSSAPI. "sasl_user" is discarded. # More details: if sasl_user_pwd and sasl_type in ['digest-md5', 'plain']: # covert string tuple and list to python data type sasl_user_pwd = eval(sasl_user_pwd) if sasl_allowed_users: sasl_allowed_users = eval(sasl_allowed_users) # create a sasl user sasl_obj = SASL(test_dict) objs_list.append(sasl_obj) sasl_obj.setup() for sasl_user, sasl_pwd in sasl_user_pwd: # need't authentication if the auth.conf is configured by user if not auth_conf: if sasl_type == 'plain': test_dict["auth_pwd"] = server_pwd pass else: test_dict["auth_user"] = sasl_user test_dict["auth_pwd"] = sasl_pwd logging.debug("sasl_user, sasl_pwd = " "(%s, %s)", sasl_user, sasl_pwd) if sasl_allowed_users and sasl_user not in sasl_allowed_users: test_dict["status_error"] = "yes" patterns_extra_dict = {"authentication name": sasl_user, "enter your password": sasl_pwd} test_dict["patterns_extra_dict"] = patterns_extra_dict remote_access(test_dict, test) else: if not uri_default: remote_access(test_dict, test) finally: # recovery test environment # Destroy the VM after all test are done for config in config_list: restore_libvirtconf_on_client(config) cleanup(objs_list) if vm_name: vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) if vm and vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) if transport in ["tcp", "tls"] and 'firewalld_port' in locals(): server_session = remote.wait_for_login('ssh', server_ip, '22', server_user, server_pwd, r"[\#\$]\s*$") firewall_cmd = utils_iptables.Firewall_cmd(server_session) firewall_cmd.remove_port(firewalld_port, 'tcp', permanent=True) server_session.close() if rmdir_cmd: process.system(rmdir_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if deluser_cmd: process.system(deluser_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if auth_conf and os.path.isfile(auth_conf): os.unlink(auth_conf) if polkit_pkla and os.path.isfile(polkit_pkla): os.unlink(polkit_pkla)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test remote access with TCP, TLS connection """ test_dict = dict(params) vm_name = test_dict.get("main_vm") status_error = test_dict.get("status_error", "no") allowed_dn_str = params.get("tls_allowed_dn_list") if allowed_dn_str: allowed_dn_list = [] if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): # Reverse the order in the dn list to workaround the # feature changes between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7 dn_list = allowed_dn_str.split(",") dn_list.reverse() allowed_dn_str = ','.join(dn_list) allowed_dn_list.append(allowed_dn_str) test_dict['tls_allowed_dn_list'] = allowed_dn_list transport = test_dict.get("transport") plus = test_dict.get("conn_plus", "+") config_ipv6 = test_dict.get("config_ipv6", "no") tls_port = test_dict.get("tls_port", "") listen_addr = test_dict.get("listen_addr", "") ssh_port = test_dict.get("ssh_port", "") tcp_port = test_dict.get("tcp_port", "") server_ip = test_dict.get("server_ip") server_user = test_dict.get("server_user") server_pwd = test_dict.get("server_pwd") no_any_config = params.get("no_any_config", "no") sasl_user_pwd = test_dict.get("sasl_user_pwd") sasl_allowed_users = test_dict.get("sasl_allowed_users") server_cn = test_dict.get("server_cn") custom_pki_path = test_dict.get("custom_pki_path") rm_client_key_cmd = test_dict.get("remove_client_key_cmd") rm_client_cert_cmd = test_dict.get("remove_client_cert_cmd") ca_cn_new = test_dict.get("ca_cn_new") no_verify = test_dict.get("no_verify", "no") ipv6_addr_des = test_dict.get("ipv6_addr_des") tls_sanity_cert = test_dict.get("tls_sanity_cert") restart_libvirtd = test_dict.get("restart_libvirtd", "yes") diff_virt_ver = test_dict.get("diff_virt_ver", "no") driver = test_dict.get("test_driver", "qemu") uri_path = test_dict.get("uri_path", "/system") virsh_cmd = params.get("virsh_cmd", "list") action = test_dict.get("libvirtd_action", "restart") uri_user = test_dict.get("uri_user", "") unix_sock_dir = test_dict.get("unix_sock_dir") mkdir_cmd = test_dict.get("mkdir_cmd") rmdir_cmd = test_dict.get("rmdir_cmd") adduser_cmd = test_dict.get("adduser_cmd") deluser_cmd = test_dict.get("deluser_cmd") auth_conf = test_dict.get("auth_conf") auth_conf_cxt = test_dict.get("auth_conf_cxt") polkit_pkla = test_dict.get("polkit_pkla") polkit_pkla_cxt = test_dict.get("polkit_pkla_cxt") ssh_setup = test_dict.get("ssh_setup", "no") tcp_setup = test_dict.get("tcp_setup", "no") tls_setup = test_dict.get("tls_setup", "no") unix_setup = test_dict.get("unix_setup", "no") ssh_recovery = test_dict.get("ssh_auto_recovery", "yes") tcp_recovery = test_dict.get("tcp_auto_recovery", "yes") tls_recovery = test_dict.get("tls_auto_recovery", "yes") unix_recovery = test_dict.get("unix_auto_recovery", "yes") port = "" # extra URI arguments extra_params = "" # it's used to clean up SSH, TLS, TCP, UNIX and SASL objs later objs_list = [] # redirect LIBVIRT_DEBUG log into test log later test_dict["logfile"] = test.logfile # Make sure all of parameters are assigned a valid value check_parameters(test_dict, test) # only simply connect libvirt daemon then return if no_any_config == "yes": test_dict["uri"] = "%s%s%s://%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_path) remote_access(test_dict, test) return # append extra 'pkipath' argument to URI if exists if custom_pki_path: extra_params = "?pkipath=%s" % custom_pki_path # append extra 'no_verify' argument to URI if exists if no_verify == "yes": extra_params = "?no_verify=1" # append extra 'socket' argument to URI if exists if unix_sock_dir: extra_params = "?socket=%s/libvirt-sock" % unix_sock_dir # generate auth.conf and default under the '/etc/libvirt' if auth_conf_cxt and auth_conf: cmd = "echo -e '%s' > %s" % (auth_conf_cxt, auth_conf) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # generate polkit_pkla and default under the # '/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/' if polkit_pkla_cxt and polkit_pkla: cmd = "echo -e '%s' > %s" % (polkit_pkla_cxt, polkit_pkla) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # generate remote IP if config_ipv6 == "yes" and ipv6_addr_des: remote_ip = "[%s]" % ipv6_addr_des elif config_ipv6 != "yes" and server_cn: remote_ip = server_cn elif config_ipv6 != "yes" and ipv6_addr_des: remote_ip = "[%s]" % ipv6_addr_des elif server_ip and transport != "unix": remote_ip = server_ip else: remote_ip = "" # get URI port if tcp_port != "": port = ":" + tcp_port if tls_port != "": port = ":" + tls_port if ssh_port != "" and not ipv6_addr_des: port = ":" + ssh_port # generate URI uri = "%s%s%s://%s%s%s%s%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_user, remote_ip, port, uri_path, extra_params) test_dict["uri"] = uri logging.debug("The final test dict:\n<%s>", test_dict) if virsh_cmd == "start" and transport != "unix": session = remote.wait_for_login("ssh", server_ip, "22", "root", server_pwd, "#") cmd = "virsh domstate %s" % vm_name status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if status: session.close() test.cancel(output) session.close() try: # setup IPv6 if config_ipv6 == "yes": ipv6_obj = IPv6Manager(test_dict) objs_list.append(ipv6_obj) ipv6_obj.setup() # compare libvirt version if needs if diff_virt_ver == "yes": compare_virt_version(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, test) # setup SSH if transport == "ssh" or ssh_setup == "yes": if not test_dict.get("auth_pwd"): ssh_obj = SSHConnection(test_dict) if ssh_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(ssh_obj) # setup test environment ssh_obj.conn_setup() # setup TLS if transport == "tls" or tls_setup == "yes": tls_obj = TLSConnection(test_dict) if tls_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(tls_obj) # reserve cert path tmp_dir = tls_obj.tmp_dir # setup test environment if tls_sanity_cert == "no": # only setup CA and client tls_obj.conn_setup(False, True) else: # setup CA, server and client tls_obj.conn_setup() # setup TCP if transport == "tcp" or tcp_setup == "yes": tcp_obj = TCPConnection(test_dict) if tcp_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(tcp_obj) # setup test environment tcp_obj.conn_setup() # create a directory if needs if mkdir_cmd: process.system(mkdir_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # setup UNIX if transport == "unix" or unix_setup == "yes": unix_obj = UNIXConnection(test_dict) if unix_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(unix_obj) # setup test environment unix_obj.conn_setup() # need to restart libvirt service for negative testing if restart_libvirtd == "no": remotely_control_libvirtd(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, action, status_error) # check TCP/IP listening by service if restart_libvirtd != "no" and transport != "unix": service = 'libvirtd' if transport == "ssh": service = 'ssh' check_listening_port_remote_by_service(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, service, port, listen_addr) # remove client certifications if exist, only for TLS negative testing if rm_client_key_cmd: process.system(rm_client_key_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if rm_client_cert_cmd: process.system(rm_client_cert_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # add user to specific group if adduser_cmd: process.system(adduser_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # change /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem then # restart libvirt service on the remote host if tls_sanity_cert == "no" and ca_cn_new: test_dict['ca_cn'] = ca_cn_new test_dict['ca_cakey_path'] = tmp_dir test_dict['scp_new_cacert'] = 'no' tls_obj_new = TLSConnection(test_dict) test_dict['tls_obj_new'] = tls_obj_new # only setup new CA and server tls_obj_new.conn_setup(True, False) # setup SASL certification # From libvirt-3.2.0, the default sasl change from # DIGEST-MD5 to GSSAPI. "sasl_user" is discarded. # More details: if sasl_user_pwd and not libvirt_version.version_compare(3, 2, 0): # covert string tuple and list to python data type sasl_user_pwd = eval(sasl_user_pwd) if sasl_allowed_users: sasl_allowed_users = eval(sasl_allowed_users) # create a sasl user sasl_obj = SASL(test_dict) objs_list.append(sasl_obj) sasl_obj.setup() for sasl_user, sasl_pwd in sasl_user_pwd: # need't authentication if the auth.conf is configured by user if not auth_conf: test_dict["auth_user"] = sasl_user test_dict["auth_pwd"] = sasl_pwd logging.debug("sasl_user, sasl_pwd = " "(%s, %s)", sasl_user, sasl_pwd) if sasl_allowed_users and sasl_user not in sasl_allowed_users: test_dict["status_error"] = "yes" patterns_extra_dict = {"authentication name": sasl_user} test_dict["patterns_extra_dict"] = patterns_extra_dict remote_access(test_dict, test) else: remote_access(test_dict, test) finally: # recovery test environment # Destroy the VM after all test are done if vm_name: vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) if vm and vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) if rmdir_cmd: process.system(rmdir_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if deluser_cmd: process.system(deluser_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if auth_conf and os.path.isfile(auth_conf): os.unlink(auth_conf) if polkit_pkla and os.path.isfile(polkit_pkla): os.unlink(polkit_pkla) cleanup(objs_list)
def run(test, params, env): """ Test remote access with TCP, TLS connection """ test_dict = dict(params) vm_name = test_dict.get("main_vm") status_error = test_dict.get("status_error", "no") allowed_dn_str = params.get("tls_allowed_dn_list") if allowed_dn_str: allowed_dn_list = [] if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0): # Reverse the order in the dn list to workaround the # feature changes between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7 dn_list = allowed_dn_str.split(",") dn_list.reverse() allowed_dn_str = ','.join(dn_list) allowed_dn_list.append(allowed_dn_str) test_dict['tls_allowed_dn_list'] = allowed_dn_list transport = test_dict.get("transport") plus = test_dict.get("conn_plus", "+") config_ipv6 = test_dict.get("config_ipv6", "no") tls_port = test_dict.get("tls_port", "") listen_addr = test_dict.get("listen_addr", "") ssh_port = test_dict.get("ssh_port", "") tcp_port = test_dict.get("tcp_port", "") server_ip = test_dict.get("server_ip") server_user = test_dict.get("server_user") server_pwd = test_dict.get("server_pwd") no_any_config = params.get("no_any_config", "no") sasl_type = test_dict.get("sasl_type", "gssapi") sasl_user_pwd = test_dict.get("sasl_user_pwd") sasl_allowed_users = test_dict.get("sasl_allowed_users") server_cn = test_dict.get("server_cn") custom_pki_path = test_dict.get("custom_pki_path") rm_client_key_cmd = test_dict.get("remove_client_key_cmd") rm_client_cert_cmd = test_dict.get("remove_client_cert_cmd") ca_cn_new = test_dict.get("ca_cn_new") no_verify = test_dict.get("no_verify", "no") ipv6_addr_des = test_dict.get("ipv6_addr_des") tls_sanity_cert = test_dict.get("tls_sanity_cert") restart_libvirtd = test_dict.get("restart_libvirtd", "yes") diff_virt_ver = test_dict.get("diff_virt_ver", "no") driver = test_dict.get("test_driver", "qemu") uri_path = test_dict.get("uri_path", "/system") virsh_cmd = params.get("virsh_cmd", "list") action = test_dict.get("libvirtd_action", "restart") uri_user = test_dict.get("uri_user", "") unix_sock_dir = test_dict.get("unix_sock_dir") mkdir_cmd = test_dict.get("mkdir_cmd") rmdir_cmd = test_dict.get("rmdir_cmd") adduser_cmd = test_dict.get("adduser_cmd") deluser_cmd = test_dict.get("deluser_cmd") auth_conf = test_dict.get("auth_conf") auth_conf_cxt = test_dict.get("auth_conf_cxt") polkit_pkla = test_dict.get("polkit_pkla") polkit_pkla_cxt = test_dict.get("polkit_pkla_cxt") ssh_setup = test_dict.get("ssh_setup", "no") tcp_setup = test_dict.get("tcp_setup", "no") tls_setup = test_dict.get("tls_setup", "no") unix_setup = test_dict.get("unix_setup", "no") ssh_recovery = test_dict.get("ssh_auto_recovery", "yes") tcp_recovery = test_dict.get("tcp_auto_recovery", "yes") tls_recovery = test_dict.get("tls_auto_recovery", "yes") unix_recovery = test_dict.get("unix_auto_recovery", "yes") port = "" # extra URI arguments extra_params = "" # it's used to clean up SSH, TLS, TCP, UNIX and SASL objs later objs_list = [] # redirect LIBVIRT_DEBUG log into test log later test_dict["logfile"] = test.logfile # Make sure all of parameters are assigned a valid value check_parameters(test_dict, test) # only simply connect libvirt daemon then return if no_any_config == "yes": test_dict["uri"] = "%s%s%s://%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_path) remote_access(test_dict, test) return # append extra 'pkipath' argument to URI if exists if custom_pki_path: extra_params = "?pkipath=%s" % custom_pki_path # append extra 'no_verify' argument to URI if exists if no_verify == "yes": extra_params = "?no_verify=1" # append extra 'socket' argument to URI if exists if unix_sock_dir: extra_params = "?socket=%s/libvirt-sock" % unix_sock_dir # generate auth.conf and default under the '/etc/libvirt' if auth_conf_cxt and auth_conf: cmd = "echo -e '%s' > %s" % (auth_conf_cxt, auth_conf) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # generate polkit_pkla and default under the # '/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/' if polkit_pkla_cxt and polkit_pkla: cmd = "echo -e '%s' > %s" % (polkit_pkla_cxt, polkit_pkla) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # generate remote IP if config_ipv6 == "yes" and ipv6_addr_des: remote_ip = "[%s]" % ipv6_addr_des elif config_ipv6 != "yes" and server_cn: remote_ip = server_cn elif config_ipv6 != "yes" and ipv6_addr_des: remote_ip = "[%s]" % ipv6_addr_des elif server_ip and transport != "unix": remote_ip = server_ip else: remote_ip = "" # get URI port if tcp_port != "": port = ":" + tcp_port if tls_port != "": port = ":" + tls_port if ssh_port != "" and not ipv6_addr_des: port = ":" + ssh_port # generate URI uri = "%s%s%s://%s%s%s%s%s" % (driver, plus, transport, uri_user, remote_ip, port, uri_path, extra_params) test_dict["uri"] = uri logging.debug("The final test dict:\n<%s>", test_dict) if virsh_cmd == "start" and transport != "unix": session = remote.wait_for_login("ssh", server_ip, "22", "root", server_pwd, "#") cmd = "virsh domstate %s" % vm_name status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if status: session.close() test.cancel(output) session.close() try: # setup IPv6 if config_ipv6 == "yes": ipv6_obj = IPv6Manager(test_dict) objs_list.append(ipv6_obj) ipv6_obj.setup() # compare libvirt version if needs if diff_virt_ver == "yes": compare_virt_version(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, test) # setup SSH if transport == "ssh" or ssh_setup == "yes": if not test_dict.get("auth_pwd"): ssh_obj = SSHConnection(test_dict) if ssh_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(ssh_obj) # setup test environment ssh_obj.conn_setup() # setup TLS if transport == "tls" or tls_setup == "yes": tls_obj = TLSConnection(test_dict) if tls_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(tls_obj) # reserve cert path tmp_dir = tls_obj.tmp_dir # setup test environment if tls_sanity_cert == "no": # only setup CA and client tls_obj.conn_setup(False, True) else: # setup CA, server and client tls_obj.conn_setup() # setup TCP if transport == "tcp" or tcp_setup == "yes": tcp_obj = TCPConnection(test_dict) if tcp_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(tcp_obj) # setup test environment tcp_obj.conn_setup() # create a directory if needs if mkdir_cmd: process.system(mkdir_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # setup UNIX if transport == "unix" or unix_setup == "yes": unix_obj = UNIXConnection(test_dict) if unix_recovery == "yes": objs_list.append(unix_obj) # setup test environment unix_obj.conn_setup() # need to restart libvirt service for negative testing if restart_libvirtd == "no": remotely_control_libvirtd(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, action, status_error) # check TCP/IP listening by service if restart_libvirtd != "no" and transport != "unix": service = 'libvirtd' if transport == "ssh": service = 'ssh' check_listening_port_remote_by_service(server_ip, server_user, server_pwd, service, port, listen_addr) # remove client certifications if exist, only for TLS negative testing if rm_client_key_cmd: process.system(rm_client_key_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if rm_client_cert_cmd: process.system(rm_client_cert_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # add user to specific group if adduser_cmd: process.system(adduser_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # change /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem then # restart libvirt service on the remote host if tls_sanity_cert == "no" and ca_cn_new: test_dict['ca_cn'] = ca_cn_new test_dict['ca_cakey_path'] = tmp_dir test_dict['scp_new_cacert'] = 'no' tls_obj_new = TLSConnection(test_dict) test_dict['tls_obj_new'] = tls_obj_new # only setup new CA and server tls_obj_new.conn_setup(True, False) # setup SASL certification # From libvirt-3.2.0, the default sasl change from # DIGEST-MD5 to GSSAPI. "sasl_user" is discarded. # More details: if sasl_user_pwd and sasl_type == 'digest-md5': # covert string tuple and list to python data type sasl_user_pwd = eval(sasl_user_pwd) if sasl_allowed_users: sasl_allowed_users = eval(sasl_allowed_users) # create a sasl user sasl_obj = SASL(test_dict) objs_list.append(sasl_obj) sasl_obj.setup() for sasl_user, sasl_pwd in sasl_user_pwd: # need't authentication if the auth.conf is configured by user if not auth_conf: test_dict["auth_user"] = sasl_user test_dict["auth_pwd"] = sasl_pwd logging.debug("sasl_user, sasl_pwd = " "(%s, %s)", sasl_user, sasl_pwd) if sasl_allowed_users and sasl_user not in sasl_allowed_users: test_dict["status_error"] = "yes" patterns_extra_dict = {"authentication name": sasl_user} test_dict["patterns_extra_dict"] = patterns_extra_dict remote_access(test_dict, test) else: remote_access(test_dict, test) finally: # recovery test environment # Destroy the VM after all test are done cleanup(objs_list) if vm_name: vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) if vm and vm.is_alive(): vm.destroy(gracefully=False) if rmdir_cmd: process.system(rmdir_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if deluser_cmd: process.system(deluser_cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) if auth_conf and os.path.isfile(auth_conf): os.unlink(auth_conf) if polkit_pkla and os.path.isfile(polkit_pkla): os.unlink(polkit_pkla)