    def help_check(test_target):
        Check all virsh commands or groups's help information

        :param test_target: Test target,all virsh or all virsh groups
        :return: True if check successfully
        help_list = []
        if test_target == "all_command":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_only("", False, ignore_status=True)
        elif test_target == "all_group":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_group("", False, ignore_status=True)
        if len(help_list) == 0:
            raise error.TestError("Cannot get any virsh command/group!")
        fail_list = []
        # If any command or group's check failed, the test failed
        check_result = True
        for virsh_cmd_group in help_list:
            logging.info("Test command or group: '%s'", virsh_cmd_group)
            result = virsh.help(virsh_cmd_group, ignore_status=True)
            status = result.exit_status
            output = result.stdout.strip()
            if status != 0:
                # No need to check output
            if not output:
        # List all failed commands or groups
        if len(fail_list) > 0:
            check_result = False
            logging.info("These commands or groups' check failed!!!")
            for fail_cmd in fail_list:
                logging.info("%s", fail_cmd)
        return check_result
    def help_check(test_target):
        Check all virsh commands or groups's help information

        :param test_target: Test target,all virsh or all virsh groups
        :return: True if check successfully
        help_list = []
        if test_target == "all_command":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_only("", False,
        elif test_target == "all_group":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_group("", False,
        if len(help_list) == 0:
            raise error.TestError("Cannot get any virsh command/group!")
        fail_list = []
        # If any command or group's check failed, the test failed
        check_result = True
        for virsh_cmd_group in help_list:
            logging.info("Test command or group: '%s'", virsh_cmd_group)
            result = virsh.help(virsh_cmd_group, ignore_status=True)
            status = result.exit_status
            output = result.stdout.strip()
            if status != 0:
                # No need to check output
            if not output:
        # List all failed commands or groups
        if len(fail_list) > 0:
            check_result = False
            logging.info("These commands or groups' check failed!!!")
            for fail_cmd in fail_list:
                logging.info("%s", fail_cmd)
        return check_result
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh help.

    1.Get all parameters from configuration.
    2.Perform virsh help operation.
    3.Check help information valid or not.
    4.Check result.
    extra = params.get("help_extra", "")
    cmd = params.get("help_command", "")
    test_target = params.get("help_target", "")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    def help_check(test_target):
        Check all virsh commands or groups's help information

        :param test_target: Test target,all virsh or all virsh groups
        :return: True if check successfully
        help_list = []
        if test_target == "all_command":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_only("", False,
        elif test_target == "all_group":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_group("", False,
        if len(help_list) == 0:
            raise error.TestError("Cannot get any virsh command/group!")
        fail_list = []
        # If any command or group's check failed, the test failed
        check_result = True
        for virsh_cmd_group in help_list:
            logging.info("Test command or group: '%s'", virsh_cmd_group)
            result = virsh.help(virsh_cmd_group, ignore_status=True)
            status = result.exit_status
            output = result.stdout.strip()
            if status != 0:
                # No need to check output
            if not output:
        # List all failed commands or groups
        if len(fail_list) > 0:
            check_result = False
            logging.info("These commands or groups' check failed!!!")
            for fail_cmd in fail_list:
                logging.info("%s", fail_cmd)
        return check_result

    if test_target == "":
        cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, extra)
        result = virsh.help(cmd, ignore_status=True)
        check_result = help_check(test_target)

    if test_target == "":
        status = result.exit_status
        output = result.stdout.strip()

    # Check status_error
    if status_error == "yes":
        if test_target == "":
            if status == 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
    elif status_error == "no":
        if test_target == "":
            if status != 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command")
            if output == "":
                raise error.TestFail("Cannot see help information")
            if not check_result:
                raise error.TestFail(
                    "virsh help command or groups test failed")
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh qemu-monitor-command.

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "domname")
    vm_state = params.get("vm_state", "running")
    cmd = params.get("qemu_cmd", "")
    options = params.get("options", "")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()
    domid = ""
    libvirtd_inst = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()

    help_info = virsh.help("qemu-monitor-command").stdout.strip()
    if "--pretty" in options:
        if "--pretty" not in help_info:
            raise error.TestNAError("--pretty option is not supported in"
                                    " current version")

        # Prepare vm state for test
        if vm_state != "shutoff":
            domid = vm.get_id()
        if vm_state == "paused":

        if vm_ref == "domname":
            vm_ref = vm_name
        elif vm_ref == "domid":
            vm_ref = domid
        elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
            vm_ref = domuuid
        elif domid and vm_ref == "hex_id":
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

        # Run virsh command
        cmd_result = virsh.qemu_monitor_command(vm_ref,
        output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
        status = cmd_result.exit_status

        # Check result
        if not libvirtd_inst.is_running():
            raise error.TestFail("Libvirtd is not running after run command.")
        if status_error:
            if not status:
                # Return status is 0 with unknown command
                if "unknown command:" in output:
                    logging.debug("Command failed: %s" % output)
                    raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")
                logging.debug("Command failed as expected.")
            if status:
                raise error.TestFail("Expect succeed, but run fail.")
        # Cleanup
        if not libvirtd_inst.is_running():
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh list.

    1) Filt parameters according libvirtd's version
    2) Prepare domain's exist state:transient,managed-save.
    3) Prepare libvirt's status.
    4) Execute list command.
    5) Result check.
    def list_local_domains_on_remote(options_ref, remote_ip,
                                     remote_passwd, local_ip):
        Create a virsh list command and execute it on remote host.
        It will list local domains on remote host.

        :param options_ref:options in virsh list command.
        :param remote_ip:remote host's ip.
        :param remote_passwd:remote host's password.
        :param local_ip:local ip, to create uri in virsh list.
        :return:return status and output of the virsh list command.
        complete_uri = libvirt_vm.complete_uri(local_ip)
        command_on_remote = ("virsh -c %s list %s"
                             % (complete_uri, options_ref))
        session = remote.remote_login(
            "ssh", remote_ip, "22", "root", remote_passwd, "#")
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output(
            command_on_remote, internal_timeout=5)
        return int(status), output

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "virt-tests-vm1")
    options_ref = params.get("list_options_ref", "")
    list_ref = params.get("list_type_ref", "")
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    addition_status_error = params.get("addition_status_error", "no")
    desc = params.get("list_desc", "")
    libvirtd = params.get("libvirtd", "on")
    remote_ref = params.get("remote_ref", "")
    remote_ip = params.get("remote_ip", "REMOTE.EXAMPLE.COM")
    remote_pwd = params.get("remote_pwd", None)
    local_ip = params.get("local_ip", "LOCAL.EXAMPLE.COM")

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()
    domid = vm.get_id()

    # Some parameters are not supported on old libvirt, skip them.
    help_info = virsh.help("list").stdout.strip()
    if vm_ref and not re.search(vm_ref, help_info):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version do not support vm type:%s"
                                % vm_ref)
    if list_ref and not re.search(list_ref, help_info):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version do not support list type:%s"
                                % list_ref)

    # If a transient domain is destroyed, it will disappear.
    if vm_ref == "transient" and options_ref == "inactive":
        logging.info("Set addition_status_error to yes")
            "because transient domain will disappear after destroyed.")
        addition_status_error = "yes"

    if vm_ref == "transient":
        vm_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    elif vm_ref == "managed-save":
        virsh.managedsave(vm_name, ignore_status=True, print_info=True)

    # run test case
    if list_ref == "--uuid":
        result_expected = domuuid
        logging.info("%s's uuid is: %s", vm_name, domuuid)
    elif list_ref == "--title":
        vm_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if options_ref == "inactive":
            virsh.desc(vm_name, "--config --title", desc)
            virsh.desc(vm_name, "--live --title", desc)
        result_expected = desc
        logging.info("%s's title is: %s", vm_name, desc)
        result_expected = vm_name
        logging.info("domain's name is: %s", vm_name)

    if options_ref == "vm_id":
        logging.info("%s's running-id is: %s", vm_name, domid)
        options_ref = "%s %s" % (domid, list_ref)
    elif options_ref == "vm_uuid":
        logging.info("%s's uuid is: %s", vm_name, domuuid)
        options_ref = "%s %s" % (domuuid, list_ref)
    elif options_ref == "inactive":
        options_ref = "--inactive %s" % list_ref
    elif options_ref == "vm_name":
        options_ref = "%s %s" % (vm_name, list_ref)
    elif options_ref == "all":
        options_ref = "--all %s" % list_ref
    elif options_ref == "":
        options_ref = "%s" % list_ref

    # Prepare libvirtd status
    if libvirtd == "off":

    if remote_ref == "remote":
        if remote_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM") or local_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM"):
            raise error.TestNAError(
                "Remote test parameters unchanged from default")
        logging.info("Execute virsh command on remote host %s.", remote_ip)
        status, output = list_local_domains_on_remote(
            options_ref, remote_ip, remote_pwd, local_ip)
        logging.info("Status:%s", status)
        logging.info("Output:\n%s", output)
        if vm_ref:
            options_ref = "%s --%s" % (options_ref, vm_ref)
        result = virsh.dom_list(
            options_ref, ignore_status=True, print_info=True)
        status = result.exit_status
        output = result.stdout.strip()

    # Recover libvirtd service status
    if libvirtd == "off":

    # Recover of domain
    if vm_ref == "transient" or list_ref == "--title":
    elif vm_ref == "managed-save":
        # Recover saved guest.
        virsh.managedsave_remove(vm_name, ignore_status=True, print_info=True)

    # Check result
    status_error = (status_error == "no") and (addition_status_error == "no")
    if vm_ref == "managed-save":
        saved_output = re.search(vm_name + "\s+saved", output)
        if saved_output:
            output = saved_output.group(0)
            output = ""

    if not status_error:
        if not status and re.search(result_expected, output):
            raise error.TestFail("Run successful with wrong command!")
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
        if not re.search(result_expected, output):
            raise error.TestFail("Run successful but result is not expected.")
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh list.

    1) Filt parameters according libvirtd's version
    2) Prepare domain's exist state:transient,managed-save.
    3) Prepare libvirt's status.
    4) Execute list command.
    5) Result check.
    def list_local_domains_on_remote(options_ref, remote_ip,
                                     remote_passwd, local_ip):
        Create a virsh list command and execute it on remote host.
        It will list local domains on remote host.

        :param options_ref:options in virsh list command.
        :param remote_ip:remote host's ip.
        :param remote_passwd:remote host's password.
        :param local_ip:local ip, to create uri in virsh list.
        :return:return status and output of the virsh list command.
        complete_uri = libvirt_vm.complete_uri(local_ip)
        command_on_remote = ("virsh -c %s list %s"
                             % (complete_uri, options_ref))
        session = remote.remote_login(
            "ssh", remote_ip, "22", "root", remote_passwd, "#")
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output(
            command_on_remote, internal_timeout=5)
        return int(status), output

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "avocado-vt-vm1")
    options_ref = params.get("list_options_ref", "")
    list_ref = params.get("list_type_ref", "")
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    addition_status_error = params.get("addition_status_error", "no")
    desc = params.get("list_desc", "")
    libvirtd = params.get("libvirtd", "on")
    remote_ref = params.get("remote_ref", "")
    remote_ip = params.get("remote_ip", "REMOTE.EXAMPLE.COM")
    remote_pwd = params.get("remote_pwd", None)
    local_ip = params.get("local_ip", "LOCAL.EXAMPLE.COM")

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()
    domid = vm.get_id()

    # Some parameters are not supported on old libvirt, skip them.
    help_info = virsh.help("list").stdout.strip()
    if vm_ref and not re.search(vm_ref, help_info):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version do not support vm type:%s"
                                % vm_ref)
    if list_ref and not re.search(list_ref, help_info):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version do not support list type:%s"
                                % list_ref)

    # If a transient domain is destroyed, it will disappear.
    if vm_ref == "transient" and options_ref == "inactive":
        logging.info("Set addition_status_error to yes")
            "because transient domain will disappear after destroyed.")
        addition_status_error = "yes"

    if vm_ref == "transient":
        vm_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    elif vm_ref == "managed-save":
        virsh.managedsave(vm_name, ignore_status=True, print_info=True)

    # run test case
    if list_ref == "--uuid":
        result_expected = domuuid
        logging.info("%s's uuid is: %s", vm_name, domuuid)
    elif list_ref == "--title":
        vm_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if options_ref == "inactive":
            virsh.desc(vm_name, "--config --title", desc)
            virsh.desc(vm_name, "--live --title", desc)
        result_expected = desc
        logging.info("%s's title is: %s", vm_name, desc)
        result_expected = vm_name
        logging.info("domain's name is: %s", vm_name)

    if options_ref == "vm_id":
        logging.info("%s's running-id is: %s", vm_name, domid)
        options_ref = "%s %s" % (domid, list_ref)
    elif options_ref == "vm_uuid":
        logging.info("%s's uuid is: %s", vm_name, domuuid)
        options_ref = "%s %s" % (domuuid, list_ref)
    elif options_ref == "inactive":
        options_ref = "--inactive %s" % list_ref
    elif options_ref == "vm_name":
        options_ref = "%s %s" % (vm_name, list_ref)
    elif options_ref == "all":
        options_ref = "--all %s" % list_ref
    elif options_ref == "":
        options_ref = "%s" % list_ref

    # Prepare libvirtd status
    if libvirtd == "off":

    if remote_ref == "remote":
        if remote_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM") or local_ip.count("EXAMPLE.COM"):
            raise error.TestNAError(
                "Remote test parameters unchanged from default")
        logging.info("Execute virsh command on remote host %s.", remote_ip)
        status, output = list_local_domains_on_remote(
            options_ref, remote_ip, remote_pwd, local_ip)
        logging.info("Status:%s", status)
        logging.info("Output:\n%s", output)
        if vm_ref:
            options_ref = "%s --%s" % (options_ref, vm_ref)
        result = virsh.dom_list(
            options_ref, ignore_status=True, print_info=True)
        status = result.exit_status
        output = result.stdout.strip()

    # Recover libvirtd service status
    if libvirtd == "off":

    # Recover of domain
    if vm_ref == "transient" or list_ref == "--title":
    elif vm_ref == "managed-save":
        # Recover saved guest.
        virsh.managedsave_remove(vm_name, ignore_status=True, print_info=True)

    # Check result
    status_error = (status_error == "no") and (addition_status_error == "no")
    if vm_ref == "managed-save":
        saved_output = re.search(vm_name + "\s+saved", output)
        if saved_output:
            output = saved_output.group(0)
            output = ""

    if not status_error:
        if not status and re.search(result_expected, output):
            raise error.TestFail("Run successful with wrong command!")
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
        if not re.search(result_expected, output):
            raise error.TestFail("Run successful but result is not expected.")
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh help.

    1.Get all parameters from configuration.
    2.Perform virsh help operation.
    3.Check help information valid or not.
    4.Check result.
    extra = params.get("help_extra", "")
    cmd = params.get("help_command", "")
    test_target = params.get("help_target", "")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    def help_check(test_target):
        Check all virsh commands or groups's help information

        :param test_target: Test target,all virsh or all virsh groups
        :return: True if check successfully
        help_list = []
        if test_target == "all_command":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_only("", False, ignore_status=True)
        elif test_target == "all_group":
            help_list = virsh.help_command_group("", False, ignore_status=True)
        if len(help_list) == 0:
            raise error.TestError("Cannot get any virsh command/group!")
        fail_list = []
        # If any command or group's check failed, the test failed
        check_result = True
        for virsh_cmd_group in help_list:
            logging.info("Test command or group: '%s'", virsh_cmd_group)
            result = virsh.help(virsh_cmd_group, ignore_status=True)
            status = result.exit_status
            output = result.stdout.strip()
            if status != 0:
                # No need to check output
            if not output:
        # List all failed commands or groups
        if len(fail_list) > 0:
            check_result = False
            logging.info("These commands or groups' check failed!!!")
            for fail_cmd in fail_list:
                logging.info("%s", fail_cmd)
        return check_result

    if test_target == "":
        cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, extra)
        result = virsh.help(cmd, ignore_status=True)
        check_result = help_check(test_target)

    if test_target == "":
        status = result.exit_status
        output = result.stdout.strip()

    # Check status_error
    if status_error == "yes":
        if test_target == "":
            if status == 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
    elif status_error == "no":
        if test_target == "":
            if status != 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command")
            if output == "":
                raise error.TestFail("Cannot see help information")
            if not check_result:
                raise error.TestFail(
                    "virsh help command or groups test failed")
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh qemu-monitor-command.

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "domname")
    vm_state = params.get("vm_state", "running")
    cmd = params.get("qemu_cmd", "")
    options = params.get("options", "")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()
    domid = ""
    libvirtd_inst = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()

    help_info = virsh.help("qemu-monitor-command").stdout.strip()
    if "--pretty" in options:
        if "--pretty" not in help_info:
            raise error.TestNAError("--pretty option is not supported in"
                                    " current version")

        # Prepare vm state for test
        if vm_state != "shutoff":
            domid = vm.get_id()
        if vm_state == "paused":

        if vm_ref == "domname":
            vm_ref = vm_name
        elif vm_ref == "domid":
            vm_ref = domid
        elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
            vm_ref = domuuid
        elif domid and vm_ref == "hex_id":
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

        # Run virsh command
        cmd_result = virsh.qemu_monitor_command(vm_ref, cmd, options,
        output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
        status = cmd_result.exit_status

        # Check result
        if not libvirtd_inst.is_running():
            raise error.TestFail("Libvirtd is not running after run command.")
        if status_error:
            if not status:
                # Return status is 0 with unknown command
                if "unknown command:" in output:
                    logging.debug("Command failed: %s" % output)
                    raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")
                logging.debug("Command failed as expected.")
            if status:
                raise error.TestFail("Expect succeed, but run fail.")
        # Cleanup
        if not libvirtd_inst.is_running():
    desc = params.get("list_desc", "")
    libvirtd = params.get("libvirtd", "on")
    remote_ref = params.get("remote_ref", "")
    remote_ip = params.get("remote_ip", "REMOTE.EXAMPLE.COM")
    remote_pwd = params.get("remote_pwd", None)
    local_ip = params.get("local_ip", "LOCAL.EXAMPLE.COM")
    remote_user = params.get("remote_user", "root")
    local_user = params.get("username", "root")
    local_pwd = params.get("local_pwd", "password")

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()
    domid = vm.get_id()

    # Some parameters are not supported on old libvirt, skip them.
    help_info = virsh.help("list").stdout.strip()
    if vm_ref and not re.search(vm_ref, help_info):
        raise exceptions.TestSkipError(
            "This version do not support vm type:%s" % vm_ref)
    if list_ref and not re.search(list_ref, help_info):
        raise exceptions.TestSkipError("This version do not support list"
                                       " type:%s" % list_ref)

    # If a transient domain is destroyed, it will disappear.
    if vm_ref == "transient" and options_ref == "inactive":
        logging.info("Set addition_status_error to yes")
            "because transient domain will disappear after destroyed.")
        addition_status_error = "yes"

    if vm_ref == "transient":
    remote_ip = params.get("remote_ip")
    remote_pwd = params.get("remote_pwd", None)
    local_ip = params.get("local_ip")
    remote_user = params.get("remote_user", "root")
    local_user = params.get("username", "root")
    local_pwd = params.get("local_pwd", None)

    if "EXAMPLE" in remote_ip or "EXAMPLE" in local_ip:
        test.cancel("Please set real value for remote_ip or local_ip")

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()
    domid = vm.get_id()

    # Some parameters are not supported on old libvirt, skip them.
    help_info = virsh.help("list").stdout.strip()
    if vm_ref and not re.search(vm_ref, help_info):
        raise exceptions.TestSkipError("This version do not support vm type:%s"
                                       % vm_ref)
    if list_ref and not re.search(list_ref, help_info):
        raise exceptions.TestSkipError("This version do not support list"
                                       " type:%s" % list_ref)

    # If a transient domain is destroyed, it will disappear.
    if vm_ref == "transient" and options_ref == "inactive":
        logging.info("Set addition_status_error to yes")
            "because transient domain will disappear after destroyed.")
        addition_status_error = "yes"

    if vm_ref == "transient":