def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: migrate-compcache <domain> [--size <number>]

    1) Run migrate-compcache command and check return code.
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "name")
    vm_name = params.get('main_vm')
    start_vm = 'yes' == params.get('start_vm', 'yes')
    pause_vm = 'yes' == params.get('pause_after_start_vm', 'no')
    expect_succeed = 'yes' == params.get('expect_succeed', 'yes')
    size_option = params.get('size_option', 'valid')
    action = params.get('compcache_action', 'get')
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    # Check if the virsh command migrate-compcache is available
    if not virsh.has_help_command('migrate-compcache'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "virsh command migrate-compcache")

    # Prepare the VM state if it's not correct.
    if start_vm and not vm.is_alive():
    elif not start_vm and vm.is_alive():
    if pause_vm and not vm.is_paused():

    # Setup domain reference
    if vm_ref == 'domname':
        vm_ref = vm_name

    # Setup size according to size_option:
    # minimal: Same as memory page size
    # maximal: Same as guest memory
    # empty: An empty string
    # small: One byte less than page size
    # large: Larger than guest memory
    # huge : Largest int64
    page_size = get_page_size()
    if size_option == 'minimal':
        size = str(page_size)
    elif size_option == 'maximal':
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024)
    elif size_option == 'empty':
        size = '""'
    elif size_option == 'small':
        size = str(page_size - 1)
    elif size_option == 'large':
        # Guest memory is larger than the max mem set,
        # add 50MB to ensure size exceeds guest memory.
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024 + 50000000)
    elif size_option == 'huge':
        size = str(2**64 - 1)
        size = size_option

    # If we need to get, just omit the size option
    if action == 'get':
        size = None

    # Run testing command
    result = virsh.migrate_compcache(vm_ref, size=size)

    remote_uri = params.get("jobabort_remote_uri")
    remote_host = params.get("migrate_dest_host")
    remote_user = params.get("migrate_dest_user", "root")
    remote_pwd = params.get("migrate_dest_pwd")
    check_job_compcache = False
    if not remote_host.count(
            "EXAMPLE") and size is not None and expect_succeed:
        # Config ssh autologin for remote host
        ssh_key.setup_ssh_key(remote_host, remote_user, remote_pwd, port=22)
        if vm.is_dead():
        if vm.is_paused():
        # Do actual migration to verify compression cache of migrate jobs
        command = "virsh migrate %s %s --compressed" % (vm_name, remote_uri)
        p = subprocess.Popen(command,

        # Give enough time for starting job
        t = 0
        while t < 5:
            jobtype = vm.get_job_type()
            if "None" == jobtype:
                t += 1
            elif jobtype is False:
                logging.error("Get job type failed.")
                logging.debug("Job started: %s", jobtype)

        jobinfo = virsh.domjobinfo(vm_ref, debug=True,
        check_job_compcache = True
        if p.poll():
            except OSError:

        # Cleanup in case of successful migration
        utlv.MigrationTest().cleanup_dest_vm(vm, None, remote_uri)

    # Shut down the VM to make sure the compcache setting cleared
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Check test result
    if expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status != 0:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected succeed, but failed with result:\n%s' % result)
        if check_job_compcache:
            for line in jobinfo.splitlines():
                detail = line.split(":")
                if detail[0].count("Compression cache"):
                    value = detail[-1].split()[0].strip()
                    value = int(float(value))
                    unit = detail[-1].split()[-1].strip()
                    if unit == "KiB":
                        size = int(int(size) / 1024)
                    elif unit == "MiB":
                        size = int(int(size) / 1048576)
                    elif unit == "GiB":
                        size = int(int(size) / 1073741824)
                    if value != size:
                        raise error.TestFail("Compression cache is not match"
                                             " with setted")
            raise error.TestFail("Get compression cahce in job failed.")
    elif not expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected fail, but succeed with result:\n%s' % result)
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: migrate-compcache <domain> [--size <number>]

    1) Run migrate-compcache command and check return code.
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "name")
    vm_name = params.get('main_vm')
    start_vm = 'yes' == params.get('start_vm', 'yes')
    pause_vm = 'yes' == params.get('pause_after_start_vm', 'no')
    expect_succeed = 'yes' == params.get('expect_succeed', 'yes')
    size_option = params.get('size_option', 'valid')
    action = params.get('compcache_action', 'get')
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    # Check if the virsh command migrate-compcache is available
    if not virsh.has_help_command('migrate-compcache'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "virsh command migrate-compcache")

    # Prepare the VM state if it's not correct.
    if start_vm and not vm.is_alive():
    elif not start_vm and vm.is_alive():
    if pause_vm and not vm.is_paused():

    # Setup domain reference
    if vm_ref == 'domname':
        vm_ref = vm_name

    # Setup size according to size_option:
    # minimal: Same as memory page size
    # maximal: Same as guest memory
    # empty: An empty string
    # small: One byte less than page size
    # large: Larger than guest memory
    # huge : Largest int64
    page_size = get_page_size()
    if size_option == 'minimal':
        size = str(page_size)
    elif size_option == 'maximal':
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024)
    elif size_option == 'empty':
        size = '""'
    elif size_option == 'small':
        size = str(page_size - 1)
    elif size_option == 'large':
        # Guest memory is larger than the max mem set,
        # add 50MB to ensure size exceeds guest memory.
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024 + 50000000)
    elif size_option == 'huge':
        size = str(2 ** 64 - 1)
        size = size_option

    # If we need to get, just omit the size option
    if action == 'get':
        size = None

    # Run testing command
    result = virsh.migrate_compcache(vm_ref, size=size)

    # Shut down the VM to make sure the compcache setting cleared
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Check test result
    if expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status != 0:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected succeed, but failed with result:\n%s' % result)
    elif expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected fail, but succeed with result:\n%s' % result)
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: migrate-compcache <domain> [--size <number>]

    1) Run migrate-compcache command and check return code.
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "name")
    vm_name = params.get("migrate_main_vm")
    start_vm = "yes" == params.get("start_vm", "yes")
    pause_vm = "yes" == params.get("pause_after_start_vm", "no")
    expect_succeed = "yes" == params.get("expect_succeed", "yes")
    size_option = params.get("size_option", "valid")
    action = params.get("compcache_action", "get")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    # Check if the virsh command migrate-compcache is available
    if not virsh.has_help_command("migrate-compcache"):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support " "virsh command migrate-compcache")

    # Prepare the VM state if it's not correct.
    if start_vm and not vm.is_alive():
    elif not start_vm and vm.is_alive():
    if pause_vm and not vm.is_paused():

    # Setup domain reference
    if vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name

    # Setup size according to size_option:
    # minimal: Same as memory page size
    # maximal: Same as guest memory
    # empty: An empty string
    # small: One byte less than page size
    # large: Larger than guest memory
    # huge : Largest int64
    page_size = get_page_size()
    if size_option == "minimal":
        size = str(page_size)
    elif size_option == "maximal":
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024)
    elif size_option == "empty":
        size = '""'
    elif size_option == "small":
        size = str(page_size - 1)
    elif size_option == "large":
        # Guest memory is larger than the max mem set,
        # add 50MB to ensure size exceeds guest memory.
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024 + 50000000)
    elif size_option == "huge":
        size = str(2 ** 64 - 1)
        size = size_option

    # If we need to get, just omit the size option
    if action == "get":
        size = None

    # Run testing command
    result = virsh.migrate_compcache(vm_ref, size=size)

    remote_uri = params.get("compcache_remote_uri")
    remote_host = params.get("migrate_dest_host")
    remote_user = params.get("migrate_dest_user", "root")
    remote_pwd = params.get("migrate_dest_pwd")
    check_job_compcache = False
    compressed_size = None
    if not remote_host.count("EXAMPLE") and size is not None and expect_succeed:
        # Config ssh autologin for remote host
        ssh_key.setup_ssh_key(remote_host, remote_user, remote_pwd, port=22)
        if vm.is_dead():
        if vm.is_paused():
        # Do actual migration to verify compression cache of migrate jobs
        command = "virsh migrate %s %s --compressed --unsafe --verbose" % (vm_name, remote_uri)
        logging.debug("Start migrating: %s", command)
        p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

        # Give enough time for starting job
        t = 0
        while t < 5:
            jobinfo = virsh.domjobinfo(vm_ref, debug=True, ignore_status=True).stdout
            jobtype = "None"
            for line in jobinfo.splitlines():
                key = line.split(":")[0]
                if key.count("type"):
                    jobtype = line.split(":")[-1].strip()
                elif key.strip() == "Compression cache":
                    compressed_size = line.split(":")[-1].strip()
            if "None" == jobtype or compressed_size is None:
                t += 1
                check_job_compcache = True
                logging.debug("Job started: %s", jobtype)

        if p.poll():
            except OSError:

        # Cleanup in case of successful migration
        utlv.MigrationTest().cleanup_dest_vm(vm, None, remote_uri)

    # Shut down the VM to make sure the compcache setting cleared
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Check test result
    if expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status != 0:
            raise error.TestFail("Expected succeed, but failed with result:\n%s" % result)
        if check_job_compcache:
            value = compressed_size.split()[0].strip()
            unit = compressed_size.split()[-1].strip()
            value = int(float(value))
            if unit == "KiB":
                size = int(int(size) / 1024)
            elif unit == "MiB":
                size = int(int(size) / 1048576)
            elif unit == "GiB":
                size = int(int(size) / 1073741824)
            if value != size:
                raise error.TestFail("Compression cache is not match" " with setted")
            raise error.TestFail("Get compression cache in job failed.")
            logging.warn("The compressed size wasn't been verified " "during migration.")
    elif not expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail("Expected fail, but succeed with result:\n%s" % result)
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: migrate-compcache <domain> [--size <number>]

    1) Run migrate-compcache command and check return code.
    vm_ref = params.get("vm_ref", "name")
    vm_name = params.get('main_vm')
    start_vm = 'yes' == params.get('start_vm', 'yes')
    pause_vm = 'yes' == params.get('pause_after_start_vm', 'no')
    expect_succeed = 'yes' == params.get('expect_succeed', 'yes')
    size_option = params.get('size_option', 'valid')
    action = params.get('compcache_action', 'get')
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    # Check if the virsh command migrate-compcache is available
    if not virsh.has_help_command('migrate-compcache'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "virsh command migrate-compcache")

    # Prepare the VM state if it's not correct.
    if start_vm and not vm.is_alive():
    elif not start_vm and vm.is_alive():
    if pause_vm and not vm.is_paused():

    # Setup domain reference
    if vm_ref == 'domname':
        vm_ref = vm_name

    # Setup size according to size_option:
    # minimal: Same as memory page size
    # maximal: Same as guest memory
    # empty: An empty string
    # small: One byte less than page size
    # large: Larger than guest memory
    # huge : Largest int64
    page_size = get_page_size()
    if size_option == 'minimal':
        size = str(page_size)
    elif size_option == 'maximal':
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024)
    elif size_option == 'empty':
        size = '""'
    elif size_option == 'small':
        size = str(page_size - 1)
    elif size_option == 'large':
        # Guest memory is larger than the max mem set,
        # add 50MB to ensure size exceeds guest memory.
        size = str(vm.get_max_mem() * 1024 + 50000000)
    elif size_option == 'huge':
        size = str(2**64 - 1)
        size = size_option

    # If we need to get, just omit the size option
    if action == 'get':
        size = None

    # Run testing command
    result = virsh.migrate_compcache(vm_ref, size=size)

    # Shut down the VM to make sure the compcache setting cleared
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Check test result
    if expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status != 0:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected succeed, but failed with result:\n%s' % result)
    elif expect_succeed:
        if result.exit_status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail(
                'Expected fail, but succeed with result:\n%s' % result)