def test_too_expensive_buy():
    assert db
    c = 1000.0
    a = va.VirtualAccount(c, db.get_all_symbol_data())
    assert a
    a.buy_at_market(0, 'SPY', 2000)
    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 0
    assert a.get_cash() == c
def test_invalid_buy_qty():
    assert db
    c = 1000.0
    a = va.VirtualAccount(c, db.get_all_symbol_data())
    assert a
    a.buy_at_market(0, 'SPY', 0)
    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 0
    assert a.get_cash() == c
    a.buy_at_market(0, 'SPY', -10)
    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 0
    assert a.get_cash() == c
def test_too_expensive_sell():
    assert db
    c = 10000.0
    a = va.VirtualAccount(c, db.get_all_symbol_data())
    assert a
    a.buy_at_market(0, 'SPY', 1)
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 1
    assert a.get_cash() < c
    a.delta_cash(-a.get_cash() + 0.1)
    assert a.get_cash() > 0.0
    c = a.get_cash()
    a.sell_at_market(a.get_open_positions()[0], 10)
    assert a.get_cash() == c
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 1
def test_invalid_sell():
    assert db
    c = 1000.0
    a = va.VirtualAccount(c, db.get_all_symbol_data())
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 0
    assert a
    a.buy_at_market(0, 'SPY', 1)
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 1
    p = a.get_open_positions()[0]
    a.sell_at_market(p, 1)  # 1st sell, ok
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions()) == 1
    c = a.get_cash()
    a.sell_at_market(p, 2)  # 2nd invalid sell same position
    assert a.get_cash() == c
def simulate2():

    a = va.VirtualAccount(50000.00, dic)

    print("Initial cash", a.get_cash())

    # Symbol loop
    symbol_list = list(dic.keys())
    for symbol in symbol_list:
        print("Simulating with", symbol)
        df = dic[symbol]

        # The various series (starting with s):
        s_close = fu.get_close(df)

        # Technical indicators
        s_close_sma = ti.sma(s_close, 200)

        # Bar loops (1 bar per day)
        # start index to include various moving average lag
        # end at -1 to include "tomorrow" (corresponds to last valid bar)
        # TBD to fix this with real signals
        for bar in range(200, len(df) - 1):
            # Positions loop
            open_positions = a.get_open_positions(symbol)
            for pos in open_positions:
                # TBD sell logic
                sell_signal = s_close[bar] > 1.15 * pos.get_entry_price() or \
                              s_close[bar] < 0.95 * pos.get_entry_price()
                if sell_signal:
                    a.sell_at_market(pos, bar + 1)  # bar + 1 = tomorrow
            if not open_positions:
                # TBD buy logic
                buy_signal = ti.cross_over(s_close, s_close_sma)[bar]
                if buy_signal:
                    nb_share = int(
                        2500 / s_close[bar]
                    )  # 2500$ => about 0.8% commission buy + sell
                    a.buy_at_market(bar + 1, symbol,
                                    nb_share)  # bar + 1 = tomorrow

    for p in a.get_all_positions():

    print("Final cash", a.get_cash())
def simulate():

    initial_cash = 100000.0
    a = va.VirtualAccount(initial_cash, dic)

    print("Initial cash", a.get_cash())

    # Target allocation:
    ratio = {
        'XBB.TO': 0.1,
        'ZCN.TO': 0.3,
        'VUN.TO': 0.3,
        'XEF.TO': 0.2,
        'XEC.TO': 0.1

    # Symbol loop
    symbol_list = list(dic.keys())

    df = pd.DataFrame(index=symbol_list,
                      data=[ratio[s] for s in symbol_list],

    df['NbShare'] = np.zeros(len(symbol_list))

    df_prices = db.get_all_symbol_single_data_item('Close')
    for i in range(len(df_prices)):
        if i % 100 == 0:  # Adjust rebalance frequency here
            print("Rebalance", i)

            # Roughly Matching StockPortfolio_RRSP column ordering

            df['Price'] = df_prices.iloc[i]

            df['MktValue'] = df['Price'] * df['NbShare']

            total_value = sum(df['Price'] * df['NbShare']) + a.get_cash()

            df['CurrAlloc'] = df['MktValue'] / total_value
            df['DeltaAlloc'] = df['CurrAlloc'] - df['TgtAlloc']

            df['TgtValue'] = df['TgtAlloc'] * total_value

            # +:Buy  -:Sell
            df['DeltaShare'] = np.floor(
                (df['TgtValue']) / df['Price']) - df['NbShare']

            c = [calc_commission_etf(n) for n in df['DeltaShare'].values]

            # TBD not sure about the commission formula for both buy & sell...

            for s in symbol_list:
                n = df.loc[s, 'DeltaShare']
                if n > 0:
                    print("  Buy {} of {}".format(n, s))
                    a.delta_cash(-n * df.loc[s, 'Price'])
                    df.loc[s, 'NbShare'] += n
                    #a.buy_at_market(i, s, n)
                elif n < 0:
                    print("  Sell {} of {}".format(-n, s))
                    a.delta_cash(-n * df.loc[s, 'Price'])
                    df.loc[s, 'NbShare'] += n

            # Do not tolerate after all transactions are done.
            if a.get_cash() < 0:
                print("Error: not enough money", a.get_cash())

            #print("skip", i)

    print("Initial Cash =", initial_cash)
    # Update last price
    df['Price'] = [dic[s].iloc[-1]['Close'] for s in symbol_list]
    print("Final Cash = ", sum(df['Price'] * df['NbShare']) + a.get_cash())
def test_virtual_account():
    assert db
    a = va.VirtualAccount(100000.0, db.get_all_symbol_data())
    assert a

    assert a.get_cash() == 100000.0
    assert a.get_cash() == 100200.0
    assert a.get_cash() == 100100.0

    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('SPY')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('SPY')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('SPY')) == 0

    a.buy_at_market(0, 'SPY', 100)

    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 1
    assert len(a.get_close_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('SPY')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('IBM')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('IBM')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('IBM')) == 0

    a.buy_at_market(1, 'IBM', 200)

    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 2
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 2
    assert len(a.get_close_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('SPY')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('IBM')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('IBM')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('IBM')) == 0

    a.sell_at_market(a.get_open_positions()[0], 12)

    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 2
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 1
    assert len(a.get_close_positions()) == 1
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('SPY')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('IBM')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('IBM')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('IBM')) == 0

    a.sell_at_market(a.get_open_positions()[0], 13)

    assert len(a.get_all_positions()) == 2
    assert len(a.get_open_positions()) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions()) == 2
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('SPY')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('SPY')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_all_positions('IBM')) == 1
    assert len(a.get_open_positions('IBM')) == 0
    assert len(a.get_close_positions('IBM')) == 1