def log_analyzer(job_id): """ Analyse the log file got from polarion :param job_id: polarion job id """ ret, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( f'curl -k ' f'-u {args.username}:{args.password} ' f'-X GET {args.url}-log?jobId={job_id} > {args.log_file}') if ret == 0: ret, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(f'cat {args.log_file}') output = output.replace('"', '\"').replace(''', '\'') log = json.loads(output[output.rfind('Message Content:') + 17:output.rfind('}') + 1], strict=False) case_pass_num = 0 case_fail_num = 0 log_url = log['log-url'] case_list = log['import-testcases'] for i in range(len(case_list)): case_status = case_list[i]['status'] if case_status == 'passed': case_pass_num += 1 else: case_fail_num += 1 case_total_num = case_pass_num + case_fail_num'Total uploading case number: {case_total_num}\n' f'Passed uploading case number: {case_pass_num}\n' f'Failed uploading case number: {case_fail_num}\n' f'Log URL: {log_url}') if case_fail_num > 0: raise FailException('Failed to upload all test cases to polarion') else: raise FailException('Failed to get the polarion job log')
def associate(self, hypervisor, guest): """ Check the hypervisor is associated with guest on web. :param guest: guest name :param hypervisor: hypervisor host name/uuid/hwuuid """ host_id = self.host_id(host=hypervisor) guest_id = self.host_id(host=guest) if host_id and guest_id: # Find the guest in hypervisor page ret, output = request_get(url=f'{self.api}/api/v2/hosts/{host_id}', auth=self.auth) if guest.lower() in str(output): 'Succeeded to find the associated guest in hypervisor page') else: raise FailException( 'Failed to find the associated guest in hypervisor page') # Find the hypervisor in guest page ret, output = request_get(url=f'{self.api}/api/v2/hosts/{guest_id}', auth=self.auth) if hypervisor.lower() in str(output): 'Succeeded to find the associated hypervisor in guest page') else: raise FailException( 'Failed to find the associated hypervisor in guest page')
def satellite_manifest_upload(ssh, url, admin_username, admin_password): """ Upload manifest to satellite by hammer command. :param ssh: ssh access to satellite host. :param url: manifest url :param admin_username: username of admin account. :param admin_password: password of admin account. """ path = "/tmp/manifest" ssh.runcmd(f'rm -rf {path}; mkdir -p {path}') ssh.runcmd(f'wget {url} -P {path}') ret, output = ssh.runcmd(f'ls {path}') if output: filename = f'{path}/{output.strip()}' else: raise FailException('No manifest file found') ret, _ = ssh.runcmd(f'hammer -u {admin_username} -p {admin_password} ' f'subscription upload ' f'--organization-label Default_Organization ' f'--file {filename}') if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to upload manifest for satellite') ret, _ = ssh.runcmd(f'hammer -u {admin_username} -p {admin_password} ' f'subscription refresh-manifest ' f'--organization="Default Organization"') if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to refresh satellite manifest')
def grub_update(ssh, ks_url, vmlinuz_url, initrd_url, repo_url): """ Update grub menuentry :param ssh: ssh access to the host :param ks_url: url of ks file :param vmlinuz_url: url of compose vmlinuz file :param initrd_url: url of compose initrd file :param repo_url: url of compose repo """'-----{ks_url}')'-----{vmlinuz_url}')'-----{initrd_url}')'-----{repo_url}') if (not base.url_validation(ks_url) or not base.url_validation(vmlinuz_url) or not base.url_validation(initrd_url) or not base.url_validation(repo_url)): raise FailException('The necessary urls are not available') menu_title = 'rhel-reinstall' vmlinuz_name = 'vmlinuz-reinstall' initrd_name = 'initrd-reinstall.img' ssh.runcmd(f'rm -f /boot/{vmlinuz_name};' f'curl -L {vmlinuz_url} -o /boot/{vmlinuz_name};' f'sync') ssh.runcmd(f'rm -f /boot/{initrd_name};' f'curl -L {initrd_url} -o /boot/{initrd_name};' f'sync') cmd = ( 'cat <<EOF > /etc/grub.d/40_custom\n' '#!/bin/sh\n' 'exec tail -n +3 \$0\n' "menuentry '%s' --class red --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {\n" 'load_video\n' 'set gfxpayload=keep\n' 'insmod gzio\n' 'insmod part_msdos\n' 'insmod xfs\n' 'set root="hd0,msdos1"\n' 'linux16 /%s ksdevice=bootif ip=dhcp ks=%s repo=%s quiet LANG=en_US.UTF-8 acpi=off\n' 'initrd16 /%s\n' '}\n' 'EOF') % (menu_title, vmlinuz_name, ks_url, repo_url, initrd_name) ret1, _ = ssh.runcmd(cmd) ret2, _ = ssh.runcmd('grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg') ret3, _ = ssh.runcmd( f'grub2-set-default "{menu_title}"; grub2-editenv list') if ret1 != 0 or ret2 != 0 or ret3 != 0: raise FailException('Failed to update grub file.') time.sleep(60)
def attach(self, pool=None, quantity=None): """ Attach subscription by Pool ID or --auto. :param pool: Pool ID, attach by --auto when pool=None :param quantity: subscription number to attach, default is auto. :return: tty output. """ cmd = 'subscription-manager attach ' if pool: cmd += f'--pool={pool} ' if quantity: cmd += f'--quantity={quantity}' if not pool: cmd += f'--auto ' self.refresh() ret, output = self.ssh.runcmd(cmd) if ret == 0:'Succeeded to attach subscription for {}') return output.strip() if '--auto' in cmd and 'Unable to find available' in output: logger.warning( f'Failed to attach subscription by auto for {}.') return output.strip() if 'Multi-entitlement not supported' in output: logger.warning(output) return output.strip() else: raise FailException(f'Failed to attach subscription for {}')
def install_rhel_by_beaker(args): """ Install rhel os by submitting job to beaker with required arguments. Please refer to the utils/README for usage. """ job_name = f'virtwho-{args.rhel_compose}' ssh_client = SSHConnect( host=config.beaker.client, user=config.beaker.client_username, pwd=config.beaker.client_password ) beaker_client_kinit( ssh_client, config.beaker.keytab, config.beaker.principal ) job_id = beaker_job_submit( ssh_client, job_name, args.rhel_compose, args.arch, args.variant, args.job_group,, args.host_type, args.host_require, ) while beaker_job_status(ssh_client, job_name, job_id): time.sleep(60) host = beaker_job_result(ssh_client, job_name, job_id) if host:'Succeeded to install {args.rhel_compose} by beaker ' f'({host})') return host raise FailException('Failed to install {args.rhel_compose} by beaker')
def satellite_repo_enable_dogfood(ssh, rhel_ver, sat_ver, repo_type='satellite'): """ Enable the required repos for installing satellite that is still in development. :param ssh: ssh access to satellite host. :param sat_ver: satellite version, such as 6.8, 6.9. :param rhel_ver: rhel version, such as 6, 7, 8. :param repo_type: satellite, capsule or satellite-tools. :return: True or raise Fail. """ maintenance_pool = '8a88800f5ca45116015cc807610319ed' dogfood = config.satellite.dogfood org = 'Sat6-CI' ssh.runcmd('subscription-manager unregister;' 'subscription-manager clean') ssh.runcmd('rpm -qa |' 'grep katello-ca-consumer |' 'xargs rpm -e |' 'sort') ssh.runcmd(f'yum -y localinstall {dogfood}') ret, _ = ssh.runcmd( f'subscription-manager register ' f'--org {org} ' f'--activationkey "{repo_type}-{sat_ver}-qa-rhel{rhel_ver}"') if ret == 0: ssh.runcmd(f'subscription-manager attach ' f'--pool {maintenance_pool}') return True raise FailException('Failed to enable dogfood repo.')
def virtwho_install(ssh, url=None): """ Install virt-who package, default is from repository, or gating msg, or brew url. :param ssh: ssh access of virt-who host :param url: url link of virt-who package from brew """ rhel_ver = base.rhel_version(ssh) cmd = ('rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/__db*;' 'mv /var/lib/rpm /var/lib/rpm.old;' 'rpm --initdb;' 'rm -rf /var/lib/rpm;' 'mv /var/lib/rpm.old /var/lib/rpm;' 'rm -rf /var/lib/yum/history/*.sqlite;' 'rpm -v --rebuilddb') if rhel_ver == '6': cmd = 'dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id' if rhel_ver == '8': cmd = 'localectl set-locale en_US.utf8; source /etc/profile.d/' _, _ = ssh.runcmd(cmd) if url: virtwho_install_by_url(ssh, url) else: ssh.runcmd('yum remove -y virt-who;' 'yum install -y virt-who') _, output = ssh.runcmd('rpm -qa virt-who') if 'virt-who' not in output: raise FailException('Failed to install virt-who package')'Succeeded to install {output.strip()}') return output.strip()
def run_start(self, cli=None, wait=None): """ Start/loop to run virt-who and analyze the result mainly by the rhsm log. :param cli: the command to run virt-who, such as "virt-who -d -o", will start virt-who by service when no cli configured. :param wait: wait time after run virt-who :return: analyzer data dict """ for i in range(4): rhsm_output = self.thread_start(cli, wait) if self.msg_search(rhsm_output, "status=429"): wait_time = 60 * (i + 3) logger.warning( f"429 code found, re-register virt-who host and try again " f"after {wait_time} seconds...") # self.re_register() need to be defined here later time.sleep(wait_time) elif self.msg_search( rhsm_output, "RemoteServerException: Server error " "attempting a GET.*returned status 500"): logger.warning( "RemoteServerException return 500 code, restart " "virt-who again after 60s") time.sleep(60) else: result_data = self.analyzer(rhsm_output) return result_data raise FailException("Failed to run virt-who service.")
def hostname_get(ssh): """ Get the hostname. :param ssh: ssh access of host """ ret, output = ssh.runcmd('hostname') if ret == 0 and output: return output.strip() raise FailException('Failed to get hostname.')
def selinux_disable(ssh): """ Disable selinux for one host. :param ssh: ssh access of host """ ret, _ = ssh.runcmd("setenforce 0;" "sed -i -e 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' " "/etc/selinux/config") if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to disable selinux')
def etc_hosts_set(ssh, value): """ Set the /etc/hosts file. :param ssh: ssh access of host :param value: should be the format of '{ip} {hostname}' """ ret, _ = ssh.runcmd(f"sed -i '/localhost/!d' /etc/hosts;" f"echo '{value}' >> /etc/hosts") if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to set /etc/hosts')
def ipaddr_get(ssh): """ Get the host ip address. :param ssh: ssh access of host """ ret, output = ssh.runcmd("ip route get |" "awk '/src/ { print $7 }'") if ret == 0 and output: return output.strip() raise FailException(f'Failed to get ip address.')
def unregister(self): """ Unregister and clean host by subscription-manager. """ ret, _ = self.ssh.runcmd('subscription-manager unregister;' 'subscription-manager clean') if ret == 0:'Succeeded to unregister host') else: raise FailException(f'Failed to unregister {}')
def satellite_cert_install(self): """ Install certificate when registering to satellite. """ cmd = f'rpm -ihv http://{self.server}' \ f'/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm' ret, _ = self.ssh.runcmd(cmd) if ret != 0: raise FailException( f'Failed to install satellite certification for {}')
def job_id_get(): """ Get the job id of polarion upload """ ret, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "cat %s | awk '{print $4}' | awk '$1=$1'" % args.log_file) if ret == 0:'Succeeded to get the polarion job id: {output}') return output raise FailException('Fail to get polarion job id')
def libvirt_access_no_password(ssh): """ Configure virt-who host accessing remote libvirt host by ssh without password. :param ssh: ssh access of virt-who host """ ssh_libvirt = SSHConnect(host=config.libvirt.server, user=config.libvirt.username, pwd=config.libvirt.password) _, _ = ssh.runcmd('echo -e "\n" | ' 'ssh-keygen -N "" &> /dev/null') ret, output = ssh.runcmd('cat ~/.ssh/') if ret != 0 or output is None: raise FailException("Failed to create ssh key") _, _ = ssh_libvirt.runcmd(f"mkdir ~/.ssh/;" f"echo '{output}' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys") ret, _ = ssh.runcmd(f'ssh-keyscan -p 22 {config.libvirt.server} >> ' f'~/.ssh/known_hosts') if ret != 0: raise FailException( 'Failed to configure access libvirt without passwd')
def virtwho_install_by_url(ssh, url): """ Install virt-who package by a designated url. :param ssh: ssh access of virt-who host :param url: virt-who package url, whick can be local installed. """ if not base.url_validation(url): raise FailException(f'package {url} is not available') ssh.runcmd('rm -rf /var/cache/yum/;' 'yum clean all;' 'yum remove -y virt-who') ssh.runcmd(f'yum localinstall -y {url}')
def rhel_version(ssh): """ Check the rhel version. :param ssh: ssh access of host :return: one number, such as 7, 8, 9 """ ret, output = ssh.runcmd('cat /etc/redhat-release') if ret == 0 and output: m ='(?<=release )\d', output) rhel_ver = return str(rhel_ver) raise FailException('Failed to check rhel version.')
def firewall_stop(ssh): """ Stop firewall for one host. :param ssh: ssh access of host """ cmd = ('systemctl stop firewalld.service;' 'systemctl disable firewalld.service') if rhel_version(ssh) == '6': cmd = 'service iptables stop; chkconfig iptables off' ret, _ = ssh.runcmd(cmd) if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to stop firewall')
def satellite_installer(ssh, admin_password): """ Run command to deploy satellite by satellite-installer. :param ssh: ssh access to satellite host. :param admin_password: password for admin account. """ ret, output = ssh.runcmd( f'satellite-installer --scenario satellite ' f'--disable-system-checks ' f'--foreman-initial-admin-password={admin_password}') if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to run satellite-installer')
def refresh(self): """ Refresh subscription by command 'subscription-manager refresh'. """ for i in range(3): ret, output = self.ssh.runcmd('subscription-manager refresh') if ret == 0:'Succeeded to refresh subscription') return True logger.warning('Try again to refresh subscription after 180s...') time.sleep(180) raise FailException(f'Failed to refresh subscription for {}')
def facts_remove(self): """ Remove subscription facts. """ ret, output = self.ssh.runcmd('rm -f /etc/rhsm/facts/custom.facts;' 'subscription-manager facts --update') time.sleep(60) if ret == 0 and 'Successfully updated' in output:'Succeeded to remove custom.facts for {}') else: raise FailException( f'Failed to remove custom.facts for {}')
def url_file_download(ssh, local_file, url): """ Test the url existence. :param ssh: ssh access of host :param local_file: local file path and name :param url: url link of remote file """ _, _ = ssh.runcmd(f'rm -f {local_file};' f'curl -L {url} -o {local_file};' f'sync') ret, output = ssh.runcmd(f'cat {local_file}') if ret != 0 or 'Not Found' in output: raise FailException(f'Failed to download {url}')
def unattach(self, pool=None): """ Remove subscription by Pool ID or remove all. :param pool: Pool ID, remove all when pool=None. """ cmd = 'subscription-manager remove --all' if pool: cmd = f'subscription-manager remove --pool={pool}' ret, output = self.ssh.runcmd(cmd) if ret == 0:'Succeeded to remove subscription for {}') else: raise FailException(f'Failed to remove subscription for {}')
def satellite_settings(ssh, name, value): """ Update the settings by hammer command. :param ssh: ssh access to satellite host. :param name: such as unregister_delete_host. :param value: the value. :return: True or raise Fail. """ ret, output = ssh.runcmd(f'hammer settings set ' f'--name={name} ' f'--value={value}') if ret == 0 and f'Setting [{name}] updated to' in output: return True raise FailException(f'Failed to set {name}:{value} for satellite')
def uuid(self, host_name): """ Get the consumer uuid by host name :param host_name: host name :return: consumer uuid or None """ consumer = self.consumers(host_name) if consumer: uuid = consumer['uuid']'Succeeded to get stage consumer uuid: ' f'{host_name}:{uuid}') return uuid raise FailException( f'Failed to get stage consumer uuid for {host_name}')
def settings(self, name, value): """ Update the settings. :param name: such as unregister_delete_host. :param value: the value. :return: True or raise Fail. """ ret, output = self.ssh.runcmd(f'hammer settings set ' f'--name={name} ' f'--value={value}') if ret == 0 and f'Setting [{name}] updated to' in output:'Succeeded to set {name}:{value} for satellite') return True raise FailException(f'Failed to set {name}:{value} for satellite')
def info(self, host_name): """ Get the consumer host information by host name, including the detail facts info. :param host_name: host name :return: output to a dic """ uuid = self.uuid(host_name) status, info = request_get(url=f'{self.api}/consumers/{uuid}', auth=self.auth) if status == 200:'Succeeded to get consumer info for {host_name}') return info raise FailException(f'Failed to get consumer info for {host_name}')
def satellite_pkg_install(ssh): """ Run command to install satellite package. :param ssh: ssh access to satellite host. """ # clean yum history and rebuilddb ssh.runcmd('rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*;' 'rpm --rebuilddb;' 'rm -rf /var/lib/yum/history/*.sqlite;' 'rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*;' 'yum clean all;' 'rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/beaker*') ret, output = ssh.runcmd('yum install -y satellite') if ret != 0: raise FailException('Failed to install satellite package')