def draw_colocalization(G, seed_nodes_1, seed_nodes_2,, export_file='colocalization.json', export_network=False, highlight_nodes=None, k=None, largest_connected_component=False,, node_size=10, num_nodes=None, physics_enabled=False, Wprime=None, **kwargs): ''' Implements and displays the network propagation for a given graph and two sets of seed nodes. Additional kwargs are passed to visJS_module. Inputs: - G: a networkX graph - seed_nodes_1: first set of nodes on which to initialize the simulation - seed_nodes_2: second set of nodes on which to initialize the simulation - edge_cmap: matplotlib colormap for edges, optional, default: - export_file: JSON file to export graph data, default: 'colocalization.json' - export_network: export network to Cytoscape, default: False - highlight_nodes: list of nodes to place borders around, default: None - k: float, optional, optimal distance between nodes for nx.spring_layout(), default: None - largest_connected_component: boolean, optional, whether or not to display largest_connected_component, default: False - node_cmap: matplotlib colormap for nodes, optional, default: - node_size: size of nodes, default: 10 - num_nodes: the number of the hottest nodes to graph, default: None (all nodes will be graphed) - physics_enabled: enable physics simulation, default: False - Wprime: Normalized adjacency matrix (from normalized_adj_matrix) Returns: - VisJS html network plot (iframe) of the colocalization. ''' # check for invalid nodes in seed_nodes invalid_nodes = [(node, 'seed_nodes_1') for node in seed_nodes_1 if node not in G.nodes()] invalid_nodes.extend([(node, 'seed_nodes_2') for node in seed_nodes_2 if node not in G.nodes()]) for node in invalid_nodes: print('Node {} in {} not in graph'.format(node[0], node[1])) if invalid_nodes: return # perform the colocalization if Wprime is None: Wprime = normalized_adj_matrix(G) prop_graph_1 = network_propagation(G, Wprime, seed_nodes_1).to_dict() prop_graph_2 = network_propagation(G, Wprime, seed_nodes_2).to_dict() prop_graph = { node: (prop_graph_1[node] * prop_graph_2[node]) for node in prop_graph_1 } nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='node_heat', values=prop_graph) # find top num_nodes hottest nodes and connected component if requested G = set_num_nodes(G, num_nodes) if largest_connected_component: G = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) nodes = list(G.nodes()) edges = list(G.edges()) # check for empty nodes and edges after getting subgraph of G if not nodes: print('There are no nodes in the graph. Try increasing num_nodes.') return if not edges: print('There are no edges in the graph. Try increasing num_nodes.') return # set position of each node if k is None: pos = nx.spring_layout(G) else: pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=k) xpos, ypos = zip(*pos.values()) nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='xpos', values=dict( zip(pos.keys(), [x * 1000 for x in xpos]))) nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='ypos', values=dict( zip(pos.keys(), [y * 1000 for y in ypos]))) # set the border width of nodes if 'node_border_width' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_border_width'] = 2 border_width = {} for n in nodes: if n in seed_nodes_1 or n in seed_nodes_2: border_width[n] = kwargs['node_border_width'] elif highlight_nodes is not None and n in highlight_nodes: border_width[n] = kwargs['node_border_width'] else: border_width[n] = 0 nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='nodeOutline', values=border_width) # set the shape of each node nodes_shape = [] for node in G.nodes(): if node in seed_nodes_1: nodes_shape.append('triangle') elif node in seed_nodes_2: nodes_shape.append('square') else: nodes_shape.append('dot') node_to_shape = dict(zip(G.nodes(), nodes_shape)) nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='nodeShape', values=node_to_shape) # add a field for node labels if highlight_nodes: node_labels = {} for node in nodes: if node in seed_nodes_1 or n in seed_nodes_2: node_labels[node] = str(node) elif node in highlight_nodes: node_labels[node] = str(node) else: node_labels[node] = '' else: node_labels = {n: str(n) for n in nodes} nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='nodeLabel', values=node_labels) # set the title of each node node_titles = [ str(node[0]) + '<br/>heat = ' + str(round(node[1]['node_heat'], 10)) for node in G.nodes(data=True) ] node_titles = dict(zip(nodes, node_titles)) nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='nodeTitle', values=node_titles) # set the color of each node node_to_color = visJS_module.return_node_to_color( G, field_to_map='node_heat', cmap=node_cmap, color_vals_transform='log') # set heat value of edge based off hottest connecting node's value node_attr = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'node_heat') edge_weights = {} for e in edges: if node_attr[e[0]] > node_attr[e[1]]: edge_weights[e] = node_attr[e[0]] else: edge_weights[e] = node_attr[e[1]] nx.set_edge_attributes(G, name='edge_weight', values=edge_weights) # set the color of each edge edge_to_color = visJS_module.return_edge_to_color( G, field_to_map='edge_weight', cmap=edge_cmap, color_vals_transform='log') # create the nodes_dict with all relevant fields nodes_dict = [{ 'id': str(n), 'border_width': border_width[n], 'degree':, 'color': node_to_color[n], 'node_label': node_labels[n], 'node_size': node_size, 'node_shape': node_to_shape[n], 'title': node_titles[n], 'x': np.float64(pos[n][0]).item() * 1000, 'y': np.float64(pos[n][1]).item() * 1000 } for n in nodes] # map nodes to indices for source/target in edges node_map = dict(zip(nodes, range(len(nodes)))) # create the edges_dict with all relevant fields edges_dict = [{ 'source': node_map[edges[i][0]], 'target': node_map[edges[i][1]], 'color': edge_to_color[edges[i]] } for i in range(len(edges))] # set node_size_multiplier to increase node size as graph gets smaller if 'node_size_multiplier' not in kwargs.keys(): if len(nodes) > 500: kwargs['node_size_multiplier'] = 1 elif len(nodes) > 200: kwargs['node_size_multiplier'] = 3 else: kwargs['node_size_multiplier'] = 5 kwargs['physics_enabled'] = physics_enabled # if node hovering color not set, set default to black if 'node_color_hover_background' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_color_hover_background'] = 'black' # node size determined by size in nodes_dict, not by id if 'node_size_field' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_size_field'] = 'node_size' # node label determined by value in nodes_dict if 'node_label_field' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_label_field'] = 'node_label' # export the network to JSON for Cytoscape if export_network: node_colors = map_node_to_color(G, 'node_heat', True) nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='nodeColor', values=node_colors) edge_colors = map_edge_to_color(G, 'edge_weight', True) nx.set_edge_attributes(G, name='edgeColor', values=edge_colors) visJS_module.export_to_cytoscape(G=G, export_file=export_file) return visJS_module.visjs_network(nodes_dict, edges_dict, **kwargs)
def draw_graph_overlap(G1, G2,, export_file='graph_overlap.json', export_network=False, highlight_nodes=None, k=None,, node_name_1='graph 1', node_name_2='graph 2', node_size=10, physics_enabled=False, **kwargs): ''' Takes two networkX graphs and displays their overlap, where intersecting nodes are triangles. Additional kwargs are passed to visjs_module. Inputs: - G1: a networkX graph - G2: a networkX graph - edge_cmap: matplotlib colormap for edges, default: - export_file: JSON file to export graph data, default: 'graph_overlap.json' - export_network: export network to Cytoscape, default: False - highlight_nodes: list of nodes to place borders around, default: None - k: float, optimal distance between nodes for nx.spring_layout(), default: None - node_cmap: matplotlib colormap for nodes, default: - node_name_1: string to name first graph's nodes, default: 'graph 1' - node_name_2: string to name second graph's nodes, default: 'graph 2' - node_size: size of nodes, default: 10 - physics_enabled: enable physics simulation, default: False Returns: - VisJS html network plot (iframe) of the graph overlap. ''' G_overlap = create_graph_overlap(G1, G2, node_name_1, node_name_2) # create nodes dict and edges dict for input to visjs nodes = list(G_overlap.nodes()) edges = list(G_overlap.edges()) # set the position of each node if k is None: pos = nx.spring_layout(G_overlap) else: pos = nx.spring_layout(G_overlap, k=k) xpos, ypos = zip(*pos.values()) nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='xpos', values=dict( zip(pos.keys(), [x * 1000 for x in xpos]))) nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='ypos', values=dict( zip(pos.keys(), [y * 1000 for y in ypos]))) # set the border width of nodes if 'node_border_width' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_border_width'] = 2 border_width = {} for n in nodes: if highlight_nodes is not None and n in highlight_nodes: border_width[n] = kwargs['node_border_width'] else: border_width[n] = 0 nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='nodeOutline', values=border_width) # set the shape of each node nodes_shape = [] for node in G_overlap.nodes(data=True): if node[1]['node_overlap'] == 0: nodes_shape.append('dot') elif node[1]['node_overlap'] == 2: nodes_shape.append('square') elif node[1]['node_overlap'] == 1: nodes_shape.append('triangle') node_to_shape = dict(zip(G_overlap.nodes(), nodes_shape)) nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='nodeShape', values=node_to_shape) # set the node label of each node if highlight_nodes: node_labels = {} for node in nodes: if node in highlight_nodes: node_labels[node] = str(node) else: node_labels[node] = '' else: node_labels = {n: str(n) for n in nodes} nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='nodeLabel', values=node_labels) # set the node title of each node node_titles = [ node[1]['node_name_membership'] + '<br/>' + str(node[0]) for node in G_overlap.nodes(data=True) ] node_titles = dict(zip(G_overlap.nodes(), node_titles)) nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='nodeTitle', values=node_titles) # set color of each node node_to_color = visJS_module.return_node_to_color( G_overlap, field_to_map='node_overlap', cmap=node_cmap, color_max_frac=.9, color_min_frac=.1) # set color of each edge edge_to_color = visJS_module.return_edge_to_color( G_overlap, field_to_map='edge_weight', cmap=edge_cmap, alpha=.3) # create the nodes_dict with all relevant fields nodes_dict = [{ 'id': str(n), 'border_width': border_width[n], 'color': node_to_color[n], 'degree':, 'node_label': node_labels[n], 'node_shape': node_to_shape[n], 'node_size': node_size, 'title': node_titles[n], 'x': np.float64(pos[n][0]).item() * 1000, 'y': np.float64(pos[n][1]).item() * 1000 } for n in nodes] # map nodes to indices for source/target in edges node_map = dict(zip(nodes, range(len(nodes)))) # create the edges_dict with all relevant fields edges_dict = [{ 'source': node_map[edges[i][0]], 'target': node_map[edges[i][1]], 'color': edge_to_color[edges[i]] } for i in range(len(edges))] # set node_size_multiplier to increase node size as graph gets smaller if 'node_size_multiplier' not in kwargs.keys(): if len(nodes) > 500: kwargs['node_size_multiplier'] = 3 elif len(nodes) > 200: kwargs['node_size_multiplier'] = 5 else: kwargs['node_size_multiplier'] = 7 kwargs['physics_enabled'] = physics_enabled # if node hovering color not set, set default to black if 'node_color_hover_background' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_color_hover_background'] = 'black' # node size determined by size in nodes_dict, not by id if 'node_size_field' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_size_field'] = 'node_size' # node label determined by value in nodes_dict if 'node_label_field' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['node_label_field'] = 'node_label' # export the network to JSON for Cytoscape if export_network: node_colors = map_node_to_color(G_overlap, 'node_overlap', False) nx.set_node_attributes(G_overlap, name='nodeColor', values=node_colors) edge_colors = map_edge_to_color(G_overlap, 'edge_weight', False) nx.set_edge_attributes(G_overlap, name='edgeColor', values=edge_colors) visJS_module.export_to_cytoscape(G=G_overlap, export_file=export_file) return visJS_module.visjs_network(nodes_dict, edges_dict, **kwargs)