 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """info is for information that is shared for a whole
     tree, from vfile all the way down to fields
     super(Dataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.children = Bucket(ordered=True)
     self.active_child = None
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(Grid, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)
class Grid(tree.Node):
    """Computational grid container

    Grids contain fields and coordinates. Datasets recurse to grids
    using ``__getitem__`` and get_field in order to find fields. Grids
    can also calculate fields by defining ``_get_*`` methods.

    Attributes can be overridden globally to affect all data reads of
    a given grid type. Subclasses of Grid document their own special
    attributes. For example, one can change the default vector layout

        ``viscid.grid.Grid.force_vector_layout = LAYOUT_INTERLACED``

        force_vecter_layout (``field.LAYOUT_*``): force all vectors to
            be of a certain layout when they're created
            (default: LAYOUT_DEFAULT)
        longterm_field_caches (bool): If True, then when a field is
            cached, it must be explicitly removed from memory with
            "clear_cache" or using the 'with' statemnt. If False,
            "shell copies" of fields are made so that memory is freed
            when the returned instance is garbage collected.
            Default: False
    topology_info = None
    geometry_info = None
    _src_crds = None
    _crds = None
    fields = None
    # so... not all grids have times? if we try to access time on a grid
    # that doesnt have one, there is probably a bug somewhere
    # time = None

    # these attributes are intended to control how fields are read
    # they can be customized by setting the class value, and inherited
    # by grids that get created in the future
    force_vector_layout = field.LAYOUT_DEFAULT
    longterm_field_caches = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Grid, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)

    def null_transform(something):
        return something

    def field_names(self):
        return self._fields.get_primary_handles()

    def crds(self):
        if self._src_crds is None:
            for fld in self._fields.values():
                fld_crds = fld.crds
                if fld_crds is not None:
                    self._src_crds = fld_crds

        if self._crds is None:
            self._crds = self._src_crds.apply_reflections()

        return self._crds

    def crds(self, val):
        self._crds = None
        self._src_crds = val

    def xl_nc(self):
        return self.crds.xl_nc

    def xh_nc(self):
        return self.crds.xh_nc

    def xl_cc(self):
        return self.crds.xl_cc

    def xh_cc(self):
        return self.crds.xh_cc

    # def set_time(self, time):
    #     self.time = time

    def set_crds(self, crds_object):
        self.crds = crds_object

    def add_field(self, *fields):
        """ Note: in XDMF reader, the grid will NOT have crds when adding
        fields, so any grid crd transforms won't be set
        for f in fields:
            self[f.name] = f

    def remove_all_items(self):
        for fld in self._fields:
        self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)

    def clear_cache(self):
        """clear the cache on all child fields"""
        for fld in self._fields:

    def nr_times(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201
        return 1

    def iter_times(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        # FIXME: it is unclear to me what to do here, since a dataset
        # may have > 1 grid... and if so only the first will be returned...
        # i guess there is some ambiguity if there is no temporal dataset...
        with self as me:
            yield me

    def get_times(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return list(self.iter_times(*args, **kwargs))

    def get_time(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_times(*args, **kwargs)[0]

    def to_dataframe(self, fld_names=None, selection=Ellipsis,
                     time_sel=slice(None), time_col='time',
        """Consolidate grid's field data into pandas dataframe

            fld_names (sequence, None): grab specific fields by name,
                or None to grab all fields
            selection (selection): for selecting only parts of fields

        assert time_sel == slice(None)

        import pandas

        frame = pandas.DataFrame()

        if fld_names is None:
            fld_names = self.field_names
        fld_list = list(self.iter_fields(fld_names=fld_names))

        if fld_list:
            fld0 = fld_list[0][selection]

            # add coordinates as series
            mesh = np.meshgrid(*fld0.get_crds(), indexing='ij')
            for ax_name, ax_arr in zip(fld0.crds.axes, mesh):
                frame[ax_name] = ax_arr.reshape(-1)

            # add time as series
            frame.insert(0, time_col, fld0.time)
                frame.insert(1, datetime_col, fld0.time_as_datetime64())
            except viscid.NoBasetimeError:

            # add fields
            for fld_name, fld in zip(fld_names, fld_list):
                frame[fld_name] = fld[selection].data.reshape(-1)

        return frame

    def iter_fields(self, fld_names=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        """ iterate over fields in a grid, if fld_names is given, it should
        be a list of field names to iterate over
        # Note: using 'with' here is better than making a shell copy
        if fld_names is None:
            fld_names = self.field_names

        for name in fld_names:
            with self._fields[name] as f:
                yield f

    def iter_field_items(self, fld_names=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        """ iterate over fields in a grid, if fld_names is given, it should
        be a list of field names to iterate over
        # Note: using 'with' here is better than making a shell copy
        if fld_names is None:
            fld_names = self.field_names

        for name in fld_names:
            with self._fields[name] as f:
                yield (name, f)

    def field_dict(self, fld_names=None, **kwargs):
        """ fields as dict of {name: field} """
        return OrderedDict(list(self.iter_field_items(fld_names=fld_names)))

    def print_tree(self, depth=-1, prefix=""):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        self._fields.print_tree(prefix=prefix + tree_prefix)

    ## Utility methods to get at crds
    # these are the same as something like self._src_crds['xnc']
    # or self._src_crds.get_crd()
    def get_crd_nc(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_nc(axis, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crd_cc(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_cc(axis, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crd_ec(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_ec(axis, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crd_fc(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_fc(axis, shaped=shaped)

    ## these return all crd dimensions
    # these are the same as something like self._src_crds.get_crds()
    def get_crds_nc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all node centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_nc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crds_cc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all cell centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_cc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crds_fc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all face centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_fc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crds_ec(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all edge centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_ec(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_field(self, fldname, time=None, force_longterm_caches=False,
                  slc=Ellipsis):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        ret = None
        try_final_slice = True

            if force_longterm_caches or self.longterm_field_caches:
                ret = self._fields[fldname]
                ret = self._fields[fldname].shell_copy(force=False)
        except KeyError:
            func = "_get_" + fldname
            if hasattr(self, func):
                ret = getattr(self, func)()
            elif len(fldname.split('=')) == 2:
                result_name, eqn = (s.strip() for s in fldname.split('='))
                ret = evaluate(self, result_name, eqn, slc=slc)
                try_final_slice = False
                raise KeyError("field not found: {0}".format(fldname))

        process_func = "_process_" + fldname
        if hasattr(self, process_func):
            ret = getattr(self, process_func)(ret)

        if hasattr(self, "_processALL"):
            ret = getattr(self, "_processALL")(ret)

        if slc != Ellipsis and try_final_slice:
            ret = ret.slice_and_keep(slc)
        return ret

    def get_grid(self, time=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return self

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self._fields

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._fields)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ returns a field by name, or if no field is found, a coordinate by
        name some crd identifier, see Coordinate.get_item for details
            return self.get_field(item)
        except KeyError:
            if self._src_crds is not None and item in self._src_crds:
                return self._src_crds[item]
                raise KeyError(item)

    def __setitem__(self, fldname, fld):
        if isinstance(fld, field.VectorField):
            fld.layout = self.force_vector_layout
        self._fields[fldname] = fld

    def __delitem__(self, fldname):

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Grid name={0}>".format(self.name)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
        return None
 def remove_all_items(self):
     for fld in self._fields:
     self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)
 def remove_all_items(self):
     for child in self.children:
     self.children = Bucket(ordered=True)
class Dataset(tree.Node):
    """Datasets contain grids or other datasets

        Datasets should probably be created using a vfile's
        `_make_dataset` to make sure the info dict is propogated

    It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure objects added to a AOEUIDH
    dataset have __getitem__ and get_fields methods, this is not
    children = None  # Bucket or (time, grid)
    active_child = None

    topology_info = None
    geometry_info = None
    crds = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """info is for information that is shared for a whole
        tree, from vfile all the way down to fields
        super(Dataset, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if self.children is None:
            self.children = Bucket(ordered=True)
        self.active_child = None
        for arg in args:

    def add(self, child, set_active=True):
        self.children[child.name] = child
        if set_active:
            self.active_child = child

    def add_deferred(self, key, callback, callback_args=None,
                     callback_kwargs=None, set_active=True):
        child = DeferredChild(callback, callback_args=callback_args,
                              parent=self, name=key)
        self.add(child, set_active=set_active)

    def _clear_cache(self):
        for child in self.children:

    def clear_cache(self):
        """Clear all childrens' caches"""

    def remove_all_items(self):
        for child in self.children:
        self.children = Bucket(ordered=True)

    def activate(self, child_handle):
        """ it may not look like it, but this will recursively look
        in my active child for the handle because it uses getitem """
        self.active_child = self.children[child_handle]

    def activate_time(self, time):
        """ this is basically 'activate' except it specifically picks out
        temporal datasets, and does all children, not just the active child """
        for child in self.children:
            except AttributeError:

    def nr_times(self, sel=slice(None), val_endpoint=True, interior=False,
                 tdunit='s', tol=100):
        for child in self.children:
                return child.nr_times(sel=sel, val_endpoint=val_endpoint,
                                      interior=interior, tdunit=tdunit, tol=tol)
            except AttributeError:
        raise RuntimeError("I find no temporal datasets")

    def iter_times(self, sel=slice(None), val_endpoint=True, interior=False,
                   tdunit='s', tol=100, resolved=True):
        for child in self.iter_resolved_children():
                return child.iter_times(sel=sel, val_endpoint=val_endpoint,
                                        interior=interior, tdunit=tdunit, tol=tol,
            except AttributeError:
        raise RuntimeError("I find no temporal datasets")

    def tslc_range(self, sel=slice(None), tdunit='s'):
        """Find endpoints for a time slice selection

            If the selection is slice-by-location, the values are not
            adjusted to the nearest frame. For this functionality,
            you will want to use :py:func:`get_times` and pull out the
            first and last values.
        for child in self.children:
                return child.tslc_range(sel=sel, tdunit=tdunit)
            except AttributeError:
        raise RuntimeError("I find no temporal datasets")

    def get_times(self, sel=slice(None), val_endpoint=True, interior=False,
                  tdunit='s', tol=100):
        return list(self.iter_times(sel=sel, val_endpoint=val_endpoint,
                                    interior=interior, tdunit=tdunit, tol=tol,

    def get_time(self, sel=slice(None), val_endpoint=True, interior=False,
                 tdunit='s', tol=100):
            return next(self.iter_times(sel=sel, val_endpoint=val_endpoint,
                                        interior=interior, tdunit=tdunit, tol=tol))
        except StopIteration:
            raise RuntimeError("Dataset has no time slices")

    def to_dataframe(self, fld_names=None, selection=Ellipsis,
                     time_sel=slice(None), time_col='time',
        """Consolidate grid's field data into pandas dataframe

            fld_names (sequence, None): grab specific fields by name,
                or None to grab all fields
            selection (selection): optional spatial selection
            time (selection): optional time selection

        # deferred import so that viscid does not depend on pandas
        import pandas
        frames = [child.to_dataframe(fld_names=fld_names, selection=selection,
                                     time_sel=time_sel, time_col=time_col,
                  for child in self.children]
        frame = pandas.concat(frames, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
        # make sure crds are all at the beginning, since concat can reorder them
        col0 = list(frames[0].columns)
        frame = frame[col0 + list(set(frame.columns) - set(col0))]
        return frame

    def iter_fields(self, time=None, fld_names=None):
        """ generator for fields in the active dataset,
        this will recurse down to a grid """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.iter_fields(time=time, fld_names=fld_names)

    def iter_field_items(self, time=None, fld_names=None):
        """ generator for (name, field) in the active dataset,
        this will recurse down to a grid """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.iter_field_items(time=time, fld_names=fld_names)

    def field_dict(self, time=None, fld_names=None, **kwargs):
        """ fields as dict of {name: field} """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.field_dict(time=time, fld_names=fld_names)

    def print_tree(self, depth=-1, prefix=""):
        if prefix == "":
            prefix += tree_prefix

        for child in self.children:
            suffix = ""
            if child is self.active_child:
                suffix = " <-- active"
            print("{0}{1}{2}".format(prefix, child, suffix))
            if depth != 0:
                child.print_tree(depth=depth - 1, prefix=prefix + tree_prefix)

    # def get_non_dataset(self):
    #     """ recurse down datasets until active_grid is not a subclass
    #         of Dataset """
    #     if isinstance(self.activate_grid, Dataset):
    #         return self.active_grid.get_non_dataset()
    #     else:
    #         return self.active_grid

    def get_field(self, fldname, time=None, slc=Ellipsis):
        """ recurse down active children to get a field """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.get_field(fldname, time=time, slc=slc)

    def get_grid(self, time=None):
        """ recurse down active children to get a field """
        child = self.active_child.resolve()

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.get_grid(time=time)

    def get_child(self, item):
        """ get a child from this Dataset,  """
        return self.children[item].resolve()

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ if a child exists with handle, return it, else ask
        the active child if it knows what you want """
        if item in self.children:
            return self.get_child(item)
        elif self.active_child is not None:
            return self.active_child[item]
            raise KeyError()

    def __delitem__(self, item):
        # FIXME, is it possable to de-resolve item to a DeferredChild?
        child = self.get_child(item)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.children.__len__()

    def __setitem__(self, name, child):
        # um... is this kosher??
        child.name = name

    def __contains__(self, item):
        # FIXME, is it possable to de-resolve item to a DeferredChild?
        if item in self.children:
            return True
        # FIXME: this might cause a bug somewhere someday
        if item in self.active_child:
            return True
        return False

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
        return None

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.iter_resolved_children()
class Dataset(tree.Node):
    """Datasets contain grids or other datasets

        Datasets should probably be created using a vfile's
        `_make_dataset` to make sure the info dict is propogated

    It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure objects added to a AOEUIDH
    dataset have __getitem__ and get_fields methods, this is not
    children = None  # Bucket or (time, grid)
    active_child = None

    topology_info = None
    geometry_info = None
    crds = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """info is for information that is shared for a whole
        tree, from vfile all the way down to fields
        super(Dataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.children = Bucket(ordered=True)
        self.active_child = None

    def add(self, child, set_active=True):
        self.children[child.name] = child
        if set_active:
            self.active_child = child

    def _clear_cache(self):
        for child in self.children:

    def clear_cache(self):
        """Clear all childrens' caches"""

    def remove_all_items(self):
        for child in self.children:
        self.children = Bucket(ordered=True)

    def activate(self, child_handle):
        """ it may not look like it, but this will recursively look
        in my active child for the handle because it uses getitem """
        self.active_child = self.children[child_handle]

    def activate_time(self, time):
        """ this is basically 'activate' except it specifically picks out
        temporal datasets, and does all children, not just the active child """
        for child in self.children:
            except AttributeError:

    def nr_times(self, slice_str=":"):
        for child in self.children:
                return child.nr_times(slice_str)
            except AttributeError:
        raise RuntimeError("I find no temporal datasets")

    def iter_times(self, slice_str=":"):
        for child in self.children:
                return child.iter_times(slice_str)
            except AttributeError:
        raise RuntimeError("I find no temporal datasets")

    def get_times(self, slice_str=":"):
        return list(self.iter_times(slice_str=slice_str))

    def get_time(self, slice_str=":"):
            return next(self.iter_times(slice_str))
        except StopIteration:
            raise RuntimeError("Dataset has no time slices")

    def iter_fields(self, time=None, named=None):
        """ generator for fields in the active dataset,
        this will recurse down to a grid """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.iter_fields(time=time, named=named)

    def print_tree(self, depth=-1, prefix=""):
        if prefix == "":
            prefix += tree_prefix

        for child in self.children:
            suffix = ""
            if child is self.active_child:
                suffix = " <-- active"
            print("{0}{1}{2}".format(prefix, child, suffix))
            if depth != 0:
                child.print_tree(depth=depth - 1, prefix=prefix + tree_prefix)

    # def get_non_dataset(self):
    #     """ recurse down datasets until active_grid is not a subclass
    #         of Dataset """
    #     if isinstance(self.activate_grid, Dataset):
    #         return self.active_grid.get_non_dataset()
    #     else:
    #         return self.active_grid

    def get_field(self, fldname, time=None, slc=None):
        """ recurse down active children to get a field """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.get_field(fldname, time=time, slc=slc)

    def get_grid(self, time=None):
        """ recurse down active children to get a field """
        child = self.active_child

        if child is None:
            logger.error("Could not get appropriate child...")
            return None
            return child.get_grid(time=time)

    def get_child(self, item):
        """ get a child from this Dataset,  """
        return self.children[item]

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ if a child exists with handle, return it, else ask
        the active child if it knows what you want """
        if item in self.children:
            return self.get_child(item)
        elif self.active_child is not None:
            return self.active_child[item]
            raise KeyError()

    def __delitem__(self, item):
        child = self.get_child(item)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.children.__len__()

    def __setitem__(self, name, child):
        # um... is this kosher??
        child.name = name

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if item in self.children:
            return True
        # FIXME: this might cause a bug somewhere someday
        if item in self.active_child:
            return True
        return False

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
        return None

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.children.__iter__()
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(Grid, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)
class Grid(tree.Node):
    """Computational grid container

    Grids contain fields and coordinates. Datasets recurse to grids
    using ``__getitem__`` and get_field in order to find fields. Grids
    can also calculate fields by defining ``_get_*`` methods.

    Attributes can be overridden globally to affect all data reads of
    a given grid type. Subclasses of Grid document their own special
    attributes. For example, one can change the default vector layout

        ``viscid.grid.Grid.force_vector_layout = LAYOUT_INTERLACED``

        force_vecter_layout (``field.LAYOUT_*``): force all vectors to
            be of a certain layout when they're created
            (default: LAYOUT_DEFAULT)
        longterm_field_caches (bool): If True, then when a field is
            cached, it must be explicitly removed from memory with
            "clear_cache" or using the 'with' statemnt. If False,
            "shell copies" of fields are made so that memory is freed
            when the returned instance is garbage collected.
            Default: False
    topology_info = None
    geometry_info = None
    _src_crds = None
    _crds = None
    fields = None
    # so... not all grids have times? if we try to access time on a grid
    # that doesnt have one, there is probably a bug somewhere
    # time = None

    # these attributes are intended to control how fields are read
    # they can be customized by setting the class value, and inherited
    # by grids that get created in the future
    force_vector_layout = field.LAYOUT_DEFAULT
    longterm_field_caches = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Grid, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)

    def null_transform(something):
        return something

    def field_names(self):
        return self._fields.get_primary_handles()

    def crds(self):
        if self._src_crds is None:
            for fld in self._fields.values():
                fld_crds = fld.crds
                if fld_crds is not None:
                    self._src_crds = fld_crds

        if self._crds is None:
            self._crds = self._src_crds.apply_reflections()

        return self._crds

    def crds(self, val):
        self._crds = None
        self._src_crds = val

    def xl_nc(self):
        return self.crds.xl_nc

    def xh_nc(self):
        return self.crds.xh_nc

    def xl_cc(self):
        return self.crds.xl_cc

    def xh_cc(self):
        return self.crds.xh_cc

    # def set_time(self, time):
    #     self.time = time

    def set_crds(self, crds_object):
        self.crds = crds_object

    def add_field(self, *fields):
        """ Note: in XDMF reader, the grid will NOT have crds when adding
        fields, so any grid crd transforms won't be set
        for f in fields:
            self[f.name] = f

    def remove_all_items(self):
        for fld in self._fields:
        self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)

    def clear_cache(self):
        """clear the cache on all child fields"""
        for fld in self._fields:

    def nr_times(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201
        return 1

    def iter_times(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        # FIXME: it is unclear to me what to do here, since a dataset
        # may have > 1 grid... and if so only the first will be returned...
        # i guess there is some ambiguity if there is no temporal dataset...
        with self as me:
            yield me

    def get_times(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return list(self.iter_times(*args, **kwargs))

    def get_time(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_times(*args, **kwargs)[0]

    def to_dataframe(self,
        """Consolidate grid's field data into pandas dataframe

            fld_names (sequence, None): grab specific fields by name,
                or None to grab all fields
            selection (selection): for selecting only parts of fields

        assert time_sel == slice(None)

        import pandas

        frame = pandas.DataFrame()

        if fld_names is None:
            fld_names = self.field_names
        fld_list = list(self.iter_fields(fld_names=fld_names))

        if fld_list:
            fld0 = fld_list[0][selection]

            # add coordinates as series
            mesh = np.meshgrid(*fld0.get_crds(), indexing='ij')
            for ax_name, ax_arr in zip(fld0.crds.axes, mesh):
                frame[ax_name] = ax_arr.reshape(-1)

            # add time as series
            frame.insert(0, time_col, fld0.time)
                frame.insert(1, datetime_col, fld0.time_as_datetime64())
            except viscid.NoBasetimeError:

            # add fields
            for fld_name, fld in zip(fld_names, fld_list):
                frame[fld_name] = fld[selection].data.reshape(-1)

        return frame

    def iter_fields(self, fld_names=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        """ iterate over fields in a grid, if fld_names is given, it should
        be a list of field names to iterate over
        # Note: using 'with' here is better than making a shell copy
        if fld_names is None:
            fld_names = self.field_names

        for name in fld_names:
            with self._fields[name] as f:
                yield f

    def iter_field_items(self, fld_names=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        """ iterate over fields in a grid, if fld_names is given, it should
        be a list of field names to iterate over
        # Note: using 'with' here is better than making a shell copy
        if fld_names is None:
            fld_names = self.field_names

        for name in fld_names:
            with self._fields[name] as f:
                yield (name, f)

    def field_dict(self, fld_names=None, **kwargs):
        """ fields as dict of {name: field} """
        return OrderedDict(list(self.iter_field_items(fld_names=fld_names)))

    def print_tree(self, depth=-1, prefix=""):  # pylint: disable=W0613
        self._fields.print_tree(prefix=prefix + tree_prefix)

    ## Utility methods to get at crds
    # these are the same as something like self._src_crds['xnc']
    # or self._src_crds.get_crd()
    def get_crd_nc(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_nc(axis, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crd_cc(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_cc(axis, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crd_ec(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_ec(axis, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crd_fc(self, axis, shaped=False):
        """ returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
        axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2
        return self._src_crds.get_fc(axis, shaped=shaped)

    ## these return all crd dimensions
    # these are the same as something like self._src_crds.get_crds()
    def get_crds_nc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all node centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_nc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crds_cc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all cell centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_cc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crds_fc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all face centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_fc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_crds_ec(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
        """ returns all edge centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
        shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True
        return self._src_crds.get_crds_ec(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)

    def get_field(self,
                  slc=Ellipsis):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        ret = None
        try_final_slice = True

            if force_longterm_caches or self.longterm_field_caches:
                ret = self._fields[fldname]
                ret = self._fields[fldname].shell_copy(force=False)
        except KeyError:
            func = "_get_" + fldname
            if hasattr(self, func):
                ret = getattr(self, func)()
            elif len(fldname.split('=')) == 2:
                result_name, eqn = (s.strip() for s in fldname.split('='))
                ret = evaluate(self, result_name, eqn, slc=slc)
                try_final_slice = False
                raise KeyError("field not found: {0}".format(fldname))

        process_func = "_process_" + fldname
        if hasattr(self, process_func):
            ret = getattr(self, process_func)(ret)

        if hasattr(self, "_processALL"):
            ret = getattr(self, "_processALL")(ret)

        if slc != Ellipsis and try_final_slice:
            ret = ret.slice_and_keep(slc)
        return ret

    def get_grid(self, time=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return self

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self._fields

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._fields)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ returns a field by name, or if no field is found, a coordinate by
        name some crd identifier, see Coordinate.get_item for details
            return self.get_field(item)
        except KeyError:
            if self._src_crds is not None and item in self._src_crds:
                return self._src_crds[item]
                raise KeyError(item)

    def __setitem__(self, fldname, fld):
        if isinstance(fld, field.VectorField):
            fld.layout = self.force_vector_layout
        self._fields[fldname] = fld

    def __delitem__(self, fldname):

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Grid name={0}>".format(self.name)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
        return None
 def remove_all_items(self):
     for fld in self._fields:
     self._fields = Bucket(ordered=True)