def compare_vectors(cc_fld, ecfc_fld, to_cc_fn, catol=1e-8, rtol=2.2e-6, trim_slc='x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1', make_plots=False): trimmed = cc_fld[trim_slc] cc = to_cc_fn(ecfc_fld) reldiff = (cc - trimmed) / viscid.magnitude(trimmed) reldiff = reldiff["x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1"] = + " - " + reldiff.pretty_name = cc.pretty_name + " - " + trimmed.pretty_name comp_beyond_limit = [False] * 3 for i, d in enumerate('xyz'): abs_max_rel_diff = np.nanmax(np.abs(reldiff[d])) max_crd_diff = np.max(trimmed.get_crd(d) - cc.get_crd(d)) print("{0}{1}, max absolute relative diff: {2:.3e} ({1} crds: {3:.1e})" "".format(, d, abs_max_rel_diff, max_crd_diff)) if abs_max_rel_diff > rtol or abs(max_crd_diff) > catol: comp_beyond_limit[i] = True # plot differences? if make_plots: ax1 = mpl.plt.subplot(311) mpl.plot(cc_fld[d]['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(cc[d]['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(reldiff[d]['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) if any(comp_beyond_limit): raise RuntimeError("Tolerance exceeded on ->CC accuracy")
def run_test_2d(f, main__file__, show=False): mpl.clf() slc = "x=-20f:12f, y=0f" plot_kwargs = dict(title=True, earth=True) mpl.subplot(141) mpl.plot(f['pp'], slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) mpl.plot(np.abs(f['psi']), style='contour', logscale=True, levels=30, linewidths=0.8, colors='grey', linestyles='solid', cbar=None, x=(-20, 12)) mpl.subplot(142) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(f['bcc']), slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) mpl.plot2d_quiver(f['v'][slc], step=5, color='y', pivot='mid', width=0.03, scale=600) mpl.subplot(143) mpl.plot(f['jy'], slc, clim=[-0.005, 0.005], **plot_kwargs) mpl.streamplot(f['v'][slc], linewidth=0.3) mpl.subplot(144) mpl.plot(f['jy'], "x=7f:12f, y=0f, z=0f") mpl.plt.suptitle("2D File") mpl.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9, wspace=1.3)) mpl.plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 4) mpl.savefig(next_plot_fname(main__file__)) if show:
def compare_vectors(orig_fld, cmp_fld, catol=1e-8, rtol=2e-6, trim_slc='x=2:-2, y=2:-2, z=2:-2', make_plots=False): # mag_shape = list(orig_fld.sshape) + [1] mag = viscid.magnitude(orig_fld) # .data.reshape(mag_shape) reldiff = (cmp_fld - orig_fld) / mag reldiff = reldiff[trim_slc] = + " - " + reldiff.pretty_name = cmp_fld.pretty_name + " - " + orig_fld.pretty_name comp_beyond_limit = [False] * 3 for i, d in enumerate('xyz'): abs_max_rel_diff = np.nanmax(np.abs(reldiff[d])) max_crd_diff = np.max(orig_fld.get_crd(d) - cmp_fld.get_crd(d)) print("{0}{1}, max absolute relative diff: {2:.3e} ({1} crds: {3:.1e})" "".format(, d, abs_max_rel_diff, max_crd_diff)) if abs_max_rel_diff > rtol or abs(max_crd_diff) > catol: comp_beyond_limit[i] = True # plot differences? if make_plots: mpl.plt.clf() ax1 = mpl.plt.subplot(311) mpl.plot(orig_fld[d]['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(cmp_fld[d]['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(reldiff[d]['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
def guess_dipole_moment(b, r=2.0, strength=DEFAULT_STRENGTH, cap_angle=40, cap_ntheta=121, cap_nphi=121, plot=False): """guess dipole moment from a B field""" viscid.warn("guess_dipole_moment doesn't seem to do better than 1.6 " "degrees, you may want to use cotr instead.") cap = seed.SphericalCap(r=r, angle=cap_angle, ntheta=cap_ntheta, nphi=cap_nphi) b_cap = interp_trilin(b, cap) # FIXME: this doesn't get closer than 1.6 deg @ (theta, mu) = (0, 7.5) # so maybe the index is incorrect somehow? idx = np.argmax(viscid.magnitude(b_cap).data) pole = cap.points()[:, idx] # FIXME: it should be achievabe to get strength from the magimum magnitude, # up to the direction pole = strength * pole / np.linalg.norm(pole) # # not sure where 0.133 comes from, this is probably not correct # pole *= 0.133 *,, 3)[idx, :]) * r**3 if plot: from viscid.plot import mpl mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(b_cap)) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(b_cap), style='contour', levels=10, colors='k', colorbar=False, ax=mpl.plt.gca()) return pole
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test divergence") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = viscid.vutil.common_argparse(parser) # = True t = viscid.linspace_datetime64("2006-06-10 12:30:00.0", "2006-06-10 12:33:00.0", 16) tL = viscid.as_datetime64("2006-06-10 12:31:00.0") tR = viscid.as_datetime64("2006-06-10 12:32:00.0") y = np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 4 * np.pi, 12) ### plots with a datetime64 axis f0 = viscid.ones([t, y], crd_names="ty", center="node") T, Y = f0.get_crds(shaped=True) += np.arange(T.size).reshape(T.shape) += np.cos(Y) fig = mpl.plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) # 1D plot mpl.subplot(121) mpl.plot(f0[tL:tR]["y=0"], marker="^") mpl.plt.xlim(*viscid.as_datetime(t[[0, -1]]).tolist()) # 2D plot mpl.subplot(122) mpl.plot(f0, x=(t[0], t[-1])) mpl.plt.suptitle("datetime64") mpl.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9)) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if mpl.plt.close(fig) ### plots with a timedelta64 axis tL = tL - t[0] tR = tR - t[0] t = t - t[0] f0 = viscid.ones([t, y], crd_names="ty", center="node") T, Y = f0.get_crds(shaped=True) += np.arange(T.size).reshape(T.shape) += np.cos(Y) fig = mpl.plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) # 1D plot mpl.subplot(121) mpl.plot(f0[tL:tR]["y=0"], marker="^") mpl.plt.xlim(*viscid.as_datetime(t[[0, -1]]).tolist()) # 2D plot mpl.subplot(122) mpl.plot(f0, x=(t[0], t[-1]), y=(y[0], y[-1])) mpl.plt.suptitle("timedelta64") mpl.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9)) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if mpl.plt.close(fig) return 0
def run_test(show=False): f = viscid.load_file(sample_dir + "/amr.xdmf") plot_kwargs = dict(patchec="y") mpl.plot(f["f"], "z=0.0f", **plot_kwargs) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if show:
def run_test(fld, seeds, kind, show=False): mpl.plt.clf() mpl.plot(viscid.interp(fld, seeds, kind=kind)) mpl.plt.title(kind) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if show:
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test xdmf") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = vutil.common_argparse(parser) f = viscid.load_file(sample_dir + '/test.asc') mpl.plot(f['c1'], show=False) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test quasi potential") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = vutil.common_argparse(parser) b, e = make_arcade(8.0, N=[64, 64, 64]) epar = viscid.project(e, b) epar.pretty_name = "E parallel" ############### # Calculate Xi seeds = viscid.Volume(xl=[-10, 0.0, -10], xh=[10, 0.0, 10], n=[64, 1, 64]) b_lines, _ = viscid.calc_streamlines(b, seeds) xi_dat = viscid.integrate_along_lines(b_lines, e, reduction='dot') xi = seeds.wrap_field(xi_dat, name='xi', pretty_name=r"$\Xi$") ################################ # Make 2D Matplotlib plot of Xi mpl.plot(xi, x=(-10, 10), y=(-10, 10), style='contourf', levels=256, lin=(2e-4, 1.5718)) mpl.plot(xi, x=(-10, 10), y=(-10, 10), style='contour', colors='grey', levels=[0.5, 1.0]) mpl.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if ############################################################ # Make 3D mayavi plot of Xi and the 'brightest' field lines # as well as some other field lines for context try: from viscid.plot import mvi except ImportError: xfail("Mayavi not installed") mvi.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not inds = np.argsort(xi_dat)[-64:] inds = np.concatenate([inds, np.arange(len(xi_dat))[::71]]) s = mvi.plot_lines(b_lines[inds], scalars=epar, cmap='viridis') mvi.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=xi, cmap='inferno') mvi.colorbar(s, orientation='horizontal', title=epar.pretty_name) # mvi.streamline(b, scalars=e, seedtype='sphere', seed_resolution=4, # integration_direction='both') oa = mvi.orientation_axes() oa.marker.set_viewport(0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0) mvi.view(roll=0, azimuth=90, elevation=25, distance=30.0, focalpoint=[0, 2, 0]) mvi.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if
def _main(): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 128) y = z = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.25, 8) B = viscid.zeros((x, y, z), nr_comps=3, layout='interlaced', name="B") X, Y, Z = B.get_crds("xyz", shaped=True) # pylint: disable=unused-variable xl, yl, zl = B.xl # pylint: disable=unused-variable xh, yh, zh = B.xh # pylint: disable=unused-variable xm, ym, zm = 0.5 * (B.xl + B.xh) # pylint: disable=unused-variable B['x'] = 0.0 # np.sin(1.0 * np.pi * X / (xh - xl) + 0.5 * np.pi) B['y'] = np.sin(1.0 * np.pi * X / (xh - xl) + 0.5 * np.pi) B['z'] = np.sin(1.0 * np.pi * X / (xh - xl) - 1.0 * np.pi) B += 0.33 * np.random.random_sample(B.shape) # R = viscid.make_rotation_matrix((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1)) # B[...] = np.einsum("ij,lmnj->lmni", R, B) lmn = find_minvar_lmn(B, (xl, ym, zm), (xh, ym, zm), l_basis=None) # lmn = find_minvar_lmn(B, (xl, ym, zm), (xh, ym, zm), l_basis=(0, 0, 1)) print("LMN matrix:\n", lmn, sep='') ########## from viscid.plot import mpl p0 = np.array((xm, ym, zm)).reshape((3,)) pl = p0 + 0.25 * lmn[:, 0] pm = p0 + 0.25 * lmn[:, 1] pn = p0 + 0.25 * lmn[:, 2] print("p0", p0) print("pl", pl) print("pm", pm) print("pn", pn) mpl.subplot(211) mpl.plot2d_quiver(B['z=0f']) mpl.plt.plot([p0[0], pl[0]], [p0[1], pl[1]], color='r', ls='-') mpl.plt.plot([p0[0], pm[0]], [p0[1], pm[1]], color='c', ls='-') mpl.plt.plot([p0[0], pn[0]], [p0[1], pn[1]], color='b', ls='-') mpl.plt.ylabel("Y") mpl.subplot(212) mpl.plot2d_quiver(B['y=0f']) mpl.plt.plot([p0[0], pl[0]], [p0[2], pl[2]], color='r', ls='-') mpl.plt.plot([p0[0], pm[0]], [p0[2], pm[2]], color='c', ls='-') mpl.plt.plot([p0[0], pn[0]], [p0[2], pn[2]], color='b', ls='-') mpl.plt.xlabel("X") mpl.plt.ylabel("Z") ########## return 0
def main(): f = viscid.load_file("~/dev/work/tmedium/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") grid = f.get_grid() gslc = "x=-26f:12.5f, y=-15f:15f, z=-15f:15f" # gslc = "x=-12.5f:26f, y=-15f:15f, z=-15f:15f" b_cc = f['b_cc'][gslc] = "b_cc" b_fc = f['b_fc'][gslc] = "b_fc" e_cc = f['e_cc'][gslc] = "e_cc" e_ec = f['e_ec'][gslc] = "e_ec" pp = f['pp'][gslc] = 'pp' pargs = dict(logscale=True, earth=True) # mpl.clf() # ax1 = mpl.subplot(211) # mpl.plot(f['pp']['y=0f'], **pargs) # # mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(f['b_cc']['y=0f']), **pargs) # # # mpl.subplot(212, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) # mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(viscid.fc2cc(f['b_fc'])['y=0f']), **pargs) # basename = './tmediumR.3d.{0:06d}'.format(int(grid.time)) viscid.save_fields(basename + '.h5', [b_cc, b_fc, e_cc, e_ec, pp]) f2 = viscid.load_file(basename + ".xdmf") pargs = dict(logscale=True, earth=True) mpl.clf() ax1 = mpl.subplot(211) mpl.plot(f2['pp']['y=0f'], style='contour', levels=5, colorbar=None, colors='k', **pargs) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(f2['b_cc']['y=0f']), **pargs) mpl.subplot(212, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(viscid.fc2cc(f2['b_fc'])['y=0f']), **pargs) os.remove(basename + '.h5') os.remove(basename + '.xdmf') return 0
def run_test_3d(f, main__file__, show=False): mpl.clf() slc = "x=-20f:12f, y=0f" plot_kwargs = dict(title=True, earth=True) mpl.subplot(141) mpl.plot(f['pp'], slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) mpl.subplot(142) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(f['bcc']), slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) mpl.plot2d_quiver(f['v'][slc], step=5, color='y', pivot='mid', width=0.03, scale=600) mpl.subplot(143) mpl.plot(f['jy'], slc, clim=(-0.005, 0.005), **plot_kwargs) mpl.streamplot(f['v'][slc], linewidth=0.3) mpl.subplot(144) mpl.plot(f['jy'], "x=7f:12f, y=0f, z=0f") mpl.plt.suptitle("3D File") mpl.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9, wspace=1.3)) mpl.plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 4) mpl.savefig(next_plot_fname(main__file__)) if show:
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = vutil.common_argparse(parser) ####### test binary files f_bin = viscid.load_file(sample_dir + '/ath_sample.*.bin') for i, grid in enumerate(f_bin.iter_times(":")): plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, i)) mpl.plot(grid['bx']) plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, i)) mpl.plot(grid['by']) mpl.plt.suptitle("athena bin (binary) files") mpl.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9)) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if plt.clf() ####### test ascii files f_tab = viscid.load_file(sample_dir + '/ath_sample.*.tab') for i, grid in enumerate(f_tab.iter_times(":")): plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, i)) mpl.plot(grid['bx']) plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, i)) mpl.plot(grid['by']) mpl.plt.suptitle("athena tab (ascii) files") mpl.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9)) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if plt.clf()
def main(): mhd_type = "C" make_plots = 1 mhd_type = mhd_type.upper() if mhd_type.startswith("C"): if mhd_type in ("C",): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") elif mhd_type in ("C2", "C3"): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium2/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") else: raise ValueError() catol = 1e-8 rtol = 2e-6 elif mhd_type in ("F", "FORTRAN"): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium3/*.3df.[-1]") catol = 1e-8 rtol = 7e-2 else: raise ValueError() do_fill_dipole = True gslc = "x=-21.2f:12f, y=-11f:11f, z=-11f:11f" b = f['b_cc'][gslc] b1 = f['b_fc'][gslc] e_cc = f['e_cc'][gslc] e_ec = f['e_ec'][gslc] if do_fill_dipole: mask = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b, rmax=3.5) viscid.fill_dipole(b, mask=mask) mask = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1, rmax=3.5) viscid.fill_dipole(b1, mask=mask) mask = None # seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(r=1.02, ntheta=64, nphi=32, angle0=17, angle=20, # philim=(100, 260), roll=-180.0) # seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(r=1.02, ntheta=64, nphi=32, angle0=17, angle=20, # philim=(0, 10), roll=0.0) seedsN = viscid.Sphere(r=1.02, ntheta=16, nphi=16, thetalim=(15, 25), philim=(0, 300), crd_system=b) seedsS = viscid.Sphere(r=1.02, ntheta=16, nphi=16, thetalim=(155, 165), philim=(0, 300), crd_system=b) bl_kwargs = dict(ibound=0.9, obound0=(-20, -10, -10), obound1=(11, 10, 10)) # blines_cc, topo_cc = viscid.streamlines(b, seeds, **bl_kwargs) blinesN_fc, topoN_fc = viscid.streamlines(b1, seedsN, **bl_kwargs) _, topoS_fc = viscid.streamlines(b1, seedsS, output=viscid.OUTPUT_TOPOLOGY, **bl_kwargs) if True: from viscid.plot import mvi mesh = mvi.mesh_from_seeds(seedsN, scalars=topoN_fc) = True # mvi.plot_lines(blines_cc, scalars="#000000", tube_radius=0.03) mvi.plot_lines(blinesN_fc, scalars=viscid.topology2color(topoN_fc), opacity=0.7) mvi.plot_blue_marble(r=1.0) mvi.plot_earth_3d(radius=1.01, crd_system=b, night_only=True, opacity=0.5) if True: mpl.subplot(121, projection='polar') mpl.plot(topoN_fc) mpl.subplot(122, projection='polar') mpl.plot(topoS_fc) return 0
def main(): mhd_type = "C3" make_plots = 1 mhd_type = mhd_type.upper() if mhd_type.startswith("C"): if mhd_type in ("C",): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") elif mhd_type in ("C2", "C3"): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium2/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") else: raise ValueError() catol = 1e-8 rtol = 2e-6 elif mhd_type in ("F", "FORTRAN"): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium3/*.3df.[-1]") catol = 1e-8 rtol = 7e-2 else: raise ValueError() b = f['b_cc'] b1 = f['b_fc'] e_cc = f['e_cc'] e_ec = f['e_ec'] # divb = f['divB'] # viscid.interact() if True: bD = viscid.empty_like(b) = np.array( b1D = viscid.empty_like(b1) = np.array( mask5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(bD, rmax=3.5) mask1_5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(bD, rmax=1.5) viscid.fill_dipole(bD, mask=mask5) viscid.set_in_region(bD, bD, 0.0, 0.0, mask=mask1_5, out=bD) # compare_vectors(_b, bD, make_plots=True) mask5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1D, rmax=3.5) mask1_5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1D, rmax=1.5) viscid.fill_dipole(b1D, mask=mask5) viscid.set_in_region(b1D, b1D, 0.0, 0.0, mask=mask1_5, out=b1D) compare_vectors(bD["x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1"], b1D.as_cell_centered(), make_plots=True) # mpl.plt.clf() # dkwargs = dict(symmetric=True, earth=True, clim=(-1e2, 1e2)) # ax1 = mpl.plt.subplot(311) # mpl.plot(viscid.div(b1)['y=0f'], **dkwargs) # mpl.plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) # mpl.plot(viscid.div(b)['y=0f'], **dkwargs) # mpl.plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) # mpl.plot(viscid.div(b1D)['y=0f'], **dkwargs) # bD = b1D = mask5 = mask1_5 = None # straight up interpolate b1 to cc crds and compare with b if True: b1_cc = viscid.interp_trilin(b1, b).as_flat() viscid.set_in_region(b, b, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=b, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(b, rmax=5.0)) viscid.set_in_region(b1_cc, b1_cc, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=b1_cc, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1_cc, rmax=5.0)) compare_vectors(b, b1_cc, make_plots=True) # make div? if True: # make seeds for 1.5x supersampling b1 n = 128 seeds = viscid.Volume((5.1, -0.02, -5.0), (12.0, 0.02, 5.0), (n, 3, n)) # do interpolation onto new seeds b2 = viscid.interp_trilin(b1, seeds) div_b = viscid.div(b) div_b1 = viscid.div(b1) div_b2 = viscid.div(b2) viscid.set_in_region(div_b, div_b, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=div_b, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b, rmax=5.0)) viscid.set_in_region(div_b1, div_b1, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=div_b1, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b1, rmax=5.0)) viscid.set_in_region(div_b2, div_b2, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=div_b2, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b2, rmax=5.0)) viscid.set_in_region(divb, divb, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=divb, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(divb, rmax=5.0)) mpl.plt.clf() ax1 = mpl.subplot(311) mpl.plot(div_b['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) # mpl.plot(div_b1['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plot(div_b2['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(divb['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) return 0
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--notwo", dest='notwo', action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--nothree", dest='nothree', action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = viscid.vutil.common_argparse(parser, default_verb=0) plot2d = not args.notwo plot3d = not args.nothree # plot2d = True # plot3d = True # = True img = np.load(sample_dir + "/logo.npy") x = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[1]) z = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[2]) logo = viscid.arrays2field(img, [x, y, z]) if 1:'Testing Line...') seeds = viscid.Line([-1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 2], n=5) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, if 1:'Testing Plane...') seeds = viscid.Plane([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], 2, 2, nl=160, nm=170, NL_are_vectors=True) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, if 1:'Testing Volume...') seeds = viscid.Volume([-0.8, -0.8, -0.8], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], n=[64, 64, 3]) # note: can't make a 2d plot of the volume w/o a slice run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=False, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="3d", if 1:'Testing Volume (with ignorable dim)...') seeds = viscid.Volume([-0.8, -0.8, 0.0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.0], n=[64, 64, 1]) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="2d", if 1:'Testing Spherical Sphere (phi, theta)...') seeds = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=160, nphi=170, pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=False) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="PT", if 1:'Testing Spherical Sphere (theta, phi)...') seeds = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=160, nphi=170, pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=True) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="TP", if 1:'Testing Spherical Cap (phi, theta)...') seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(p0=[0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=64, nphi=80, pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=False) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="PT", view_kwargs=dict(azimuth=180, elevation=180), if 1:'Testing Spherical Cap (theta, phi)...') seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(p0=[0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=64, nphi=80, pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=True) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="TP", view_kwargs=dict(azimuth=180, elevation=180), if 1:'Testing Spherical Patch...') seeds = viscid.SphericalPatch(p0=[0, 0, 0], p1=[0, -0, -1], max_alpha=30.0, max_beta=59.9, nalpha=65, nbeta=80, r=0.5, roll=45.0) run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, if 1:'Testing RectilinearMeshPoints...') f = viscid.load_file(sample_dir + '/sample_xdmf.3d.[-1].xdmf') slc = 'x=-40f:12f, y=-10f:10f, z=-10f:10f' b = f['b'][slc] z = b.get_crd('z') sheet_iz = np.argmin(b['x']**2, axis=2) sheet_pts = b['z=0:1'].get_points() sheet_pts[2, :] = z[sheet_iz].reshape(-1) isphere_mask = np.sum(sheet_pts[:2, :]**2, axis=0) < 5**2 day_mask = sheet_pts[0:1, :] > -1.0 sheet_pts[2, :] = np.choose(isphere_mask, [sheet_pts[2, :], 0]) sheet_pts[2, :] = np.choose(day_mask, [sheet_pts[2, :], 0]) nx, ny, _ = b.sshape sheet_seed = viscid.RectilinearMeshPoints(sheet_pts.reshape(3, nx, ny)) vx_sheet = viscid.interp_nearest(f['vx'], sheet_seed) try: if not plot2d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import mpl mpl.clf() mpl.plot(vx_sheet, symmetric=True) mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d')) if except ImportError: pass try: if not plot3d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import mvi mvi.clf() mesh = mvi.mesh_from_seeds(sheet_seed, scalars=vx_sheet, clim=(-400, 400)) mvi.plot_earth_3d(crd_system=b) mvi.view(azimuth=+90.0 + 45.0, elevation=90.0 - 25.0, distance=30.0, focalpoint=(-10.0, +1.0, +1.0)) mvi.title("RectilinearMeshPoints") mvi.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d')) if except ImportError: pass return 0
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test grad") parser.add_argument("--prof", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = vutil.common_argparse(parser) b = viscid.make_dipole(l=(-5, -5, -5), h=(5, 5, 5), n=(256, 256, 128), m=(0, 0, -1)) b2 = np.sum(b * b, axis=b.nr_comp) if print("Without boundaries") viscid.timeit(viscid.grad, b2, bnd=False, timeit_repeat=10, timeit_print_stats=True) print("With boundaries") viscid.timeit(viscid.grad, b2, bnd=True, timeit_repeat=10, timeit_print_stats=True) grad_b2 = viscid.grad(b2) grad_b2.pretty_name = r"$\nabla$ B$^2$" conv = viscid.convective_deriv(b) conv.pretty_name = r"(B $\cdot \nabla$) B" _ = mpl.plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4.2)) ax1 = mpl.subplot(231) mpl.plot(b2['z=0f'], logscale=True) mpl.plot(b2['z=0f'], logscale=True, style='contour', levels=10, colors='grey') # mpl.plot2d_quiver(viscid.normalize(b['z=0f']), step=16, pivot='mid') ax2 = mpl.subplot(234) mpl.plot(b2['y=0f'], logscale=True) mpl.plot(b2['y=0f'], logscale=True, style='contour', levels=10, colors='grey') mpl.plot2d_quiver(viscid.normalize(b['y=0f'], preferred='numpy'), step=16, pivot='mid') mpl.subplot(232, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(1e-4 + viscid.magnitude(grad_b2['z=0f']), logscale=True) mpl.plot(1e-4 + viscid.magnitude(grad_b2['z=0f']), logscale=True, style='contour', levels=10, colors='grey') mpl.plot2d_quiver(viscid.normalize(grad_b2['z=0f']), step=16, pivot='mid') mpl.subplot(235, sharex=ax2, sharey=ax2) mpl.plot(1e-4 + viscid.magnitude(grad_b2['y=0f']), logscale=True) mpl.plot(1e-4 + viscid.magnitude(grad_b2['y=0f']), logscale=True, style='contour', levels=10, colors='grey') mpl.plot2d_quiver(viscid.normalize(grad_b2['y=0f']), step=16, pivot='mid') mpl.subplot(233, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(conv['z=0f']), logscale=True) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(conv['z=0f']), logscale=True, style='contour', levels=10, colors='grey') mpl.plot2d_quiver(viscid.normalize(conv['z=0f']), step=16, pivot='mid') mpl.subplot(236, sharex=ax2, sharey=ax2) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(conv['y=0f']), logscale=True) mpl.plot(viscid.magnitude(conv['y=0f']), logscale=True, style='contour', levels=10, colors='grey') mpl.plot2d_quiver(viscid.normalize(conv['y=0f']), step=16, pivot='mid') mpl.auto_adjust_subplots() mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if
def _get_sep_pts_bisect( fld, seed, trace_opts=None, min_depth=3, max_depth=7, plot=False, perimeter_check=perimeter_check_bitwise_or, make_3d=True, start_uneven=False, _base_quadrent="", _uneven_mask=0, _first_recurse=True, ): if len(_base_quadrent) == max_depth: return [_base_quadrent] # causes pylint to complain if trace_opts is None: trace_opts = dict() nx, ny = seed.uv_shape (xlim, ylim) = seed.uv_extent if _first_recurse and start_uneven: _uneven_mask = UNEVEN_MASK if _first_recurse and plot: from viscid.plot import mvi from viscid.plot import mpl mpl.clf() _, all_topo = viscid.calc_streamlines(fld, seed, **trace_opts) mpl.plot(np.bitwise_and(all_topo, 15), show=False) verts, arr = seed.wrap_mesh( mvi.mesh(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], scalars=arr, opacity=0.75) # quadrents and lines are indexed as follows... # directions are counter clackwise around the quadrent with # lower index (which matters for lines which are shared among # more than one quadrent, aka, lines 1,2,6,7). Notice that even # numbered lines are horizontal, like the interstate system :) # -<--10-----<-8--- # | ^ ^ # 11 2 9 3 7 # \/ | | # --<-2-----<-6---- # | ^ ^ # 3 0 1 1 5 # \/ | | # ----0->-----4->-- # find low(left), mid(center), and high(right) crds in x and y low_quad = "{0}{1:x}".format(_base_quadrent, 0 | _uneven_mask) high_quad = "{0}{1:x}".format(_base_quadrent, 3 | _uneven_mask) xl, xm, yl, ym = _quadrent_limits(low_quad, xlim, ylim) _, xh, _, yh = _quadrent_limits(high_quad, xlim, ylim) segsx, segsy = [None] * 12, [None] * 12 topo = [None] * 12 nxm, nym = nx // 2, ny // 2 # make all the line segments segsx[0], segsy[0] = np.linspace(xl, xm, nxm), np.linspace(yl, yl, nxm) segsx[1], segsy[1] = np.linspace(xm, xm, nym), np.linspace(yl, ym, nym) segsx[2], segsy[2] = np.linspace(xm, xl, nxm), np.linspace(ym, ym, nxm) segsx[3], segsy[3] = np.linspace(xl, xl, nym), np.linspace(ym, yl, nym) segsx[4], segsy[4] = np.linspace(xm, xh, nxm), np.linspace(yl, yl, nxm) segsx[5], segsy[5] = np.linspace(xh, xh, nym), np.linspace(yl, ym, nym) segsx[6], segsy[6] = np.linspace(xh, xm, nxm), np.linspace(ym, ym, nxm) segsx[7], segsy[7] = np.linspace(xh, xh, nym), np.linspace(ym, yh, nym) segsx[8], segsy[8] = np.linspace(xh, xm, nxm), np.linspace(yh, yh, nxm) segsx[9], segsy[9] = np.linspace(xm, xm, nym), np.linspace(ym, yh, nym) segsx[10], segsy[10] = np.linspace(xm, xl, nxm), np.linspace(yh, yh, nxm) segsx[11], segsy[11] = np.linspace(xl, xl, nym), np.linspace(yh, ym, nym) allx = np.concatenate(segsx) ally = np.concatenate(segsy) # print("plot::", _base_quadrent, '|', _uneven_mask, '|', len(allx), len(ally)) pts3d = seed.to_3d(seed.uv_to_local(np.array([allx, ally]))) _, all_topo = viscid.calc_streamlines(fld, pts3d, **trace_opts) topo[0] = all_topo[: len(segsx[0])] cnt = len(topo[0]) for i, segx in zip(count(1), segsx[1:]): topo[i] = all_topo[cnt : cnt + len(segx)] # print("??", i, cnt, cnt + len(segx), np.bitwise_and.reduce(topo[i])) cnt += len(topo[i]) # assemble the lines into the four quadrents quad_topo = [None] * 4 # all arrays snip off the last element since those are # duplicated by the next line... reversed arrays do the # snipping with -1:0:-1 quad_topo[0] = np.concatenate([topo[0][:-1], topo[1][:-1], topo[2][:-1], topo[3][:-1]]) quad_topo[1] = np.concatenate([topo[4][:-1], topo[5][:-1], topo[6][:-1], topo[1][-1:0:-1]]) quad_topo[2] = np.concatenate([topo[2][-1:0:-1], topo[9][:-1], topo[10][:-1], topo[11][:-1]]) quad_topo[3] = np.concatenate([topo[6][-1:0:-1], topo[7][:-1], topo[8][:-1], topo[9][-1:0:-1]]) # now that the quad arrays are populated, decide which quadrents # still contain the separator (could be > 1) required_uneven_subquads = False ret = [] for i in range(4): if perimeter_check(quad_topo[i]): next_quad = "{0}{1:x}".format(_base_quadrent, i | _uneven_mask) subquads = _get_sep_pts_bisect( fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, plot=plot, _base_quadrent=next_quad, _uneven_mask=0, _first_recurse=False, ) ret += subquads if len(ret) == 0: perimeter = np.concatenate( [ topo[0][::-1], topo[4][::-1], topo[5][::-1], topo[7][::-1], topo[8][::-1], topo[10][::-1], topo[11][::-1], topo[3][::-1], ] ) if _uneven_mask: if len(_base_quadrent) > min_depth: print("sep trace issue, but min depth reached: {0} > {1}" "".format(len(_base_quadrent), min_depth)) ret = [_base_quadrent] else: print("sep trace issue, the separator ended prematurely") elif perimeter_check(perimeter): ret = _get_sep_pts_bisect( fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, plot=plot, _base_quadrent=_base_quadrent, _uneven_mask=UNEVEN_MASK, _first_recurse=False, ) required_uneven_subquads = True if plot and not required_uneven_subquads: from viscid.plot import mvi from viscid.plot import mpl _pts3d = seed.to_3d(seed.uv_to_local(np.array([allx, ally]))) mvi.points3d(_pts3d[0], _pts3d[1], _pts3d[2],, scale_mode="none", scale_factor=0.02) mpl.plt.scatter( allx, ally, color=np.bitwise_and(all_topo, 15), vmin=0, vmax=15, marker="o", edgecolor="y", s=40 ) if _first_recurse: # turn quadrent strings into locations xc = np.empty(len(ret)) yc = np.empty(len(ret)) for i, r in enumerate(ret): xc[i], yc[i] = _quadrent_center(r, xlim, ylim) pts_uv = np.array([xc, yc]) if plot: from viscid.plot import mvi from viscid.plot import mpl mpl.plt.plot(pts_uv[0], pts_uv[1], "y*", ms=20, markeredgecolor="k", markeredgewidth=1.0) # return seed.to_3d(seed.uv_to_local(pts_uv)) # if pts_uv.size == 0: # return None if make_3d: return seed.uv_to_3d(pts_uv) else: return pts_uv else: return ret
def benchmark_streamline(precompile=True, profile=True, scale=True, plot=True): which = "streamline" print(which) print('-' * len(which)) f0, seeds = make_vector_fld() print("Timing", which) sl_kwargs = dict(ibound=3.7, ds0=0.020) lines, _ = viscid.streamlines(f0, seeds, **sl_kwargs) nsegs_cython = np.sum([line.shape[1] for line in lines]) lines = None ft_stats, cy_stats = dict(), dict() bench_output_type = viscid.OUTPUT_TOPOLOGY sl_kwargs.update(output=bench_output_type) retFT = viscid.timeit(fort_topology, f0, seeds, timeit_repeat=6, timeit_stats=ft_stats) _, retCY = viscid.timeit(viscid.streamlines, f0, seeds, timeit_repeat=6, timeit_stats=cy_stats, **sl_kwargs) fort_per_seg = ft_stats['min'] / retFT.get_info('nsegs') cy_per_seg = cy_stats['min'] / nsegs_cython print("Segs Fortran", retFT.get_info('nsegs')) print("Segs Cython ", nsegs_cython) print("Fortran took {0:.3g} sec/seg".format(fort_per_seg)) print("Cython took {0:.3g} sec/seg".format(cy_per_seg)) print_seedup("Cython", cy_per_seg, "Fortran", fort_per_seg, prefix="@ ") if plot: from viscid.plot import mpl mpl.clf() mpl.subplot(121, projection='polar') mpl.plot(retCY, hemisphere='north') mpl.subplot(122, projection='polar') mpl.plot(retCY, hemisphere='south') if scale: thetas = np.logspace(np.log10(3), np.log10(144), 8).astype('i') cy_nsegs = [None] * len(thetas) fort_nsegs = [None] * len(thetas) cy_mintime = [None] * len(thetas) fort_mintime = [None] * len(thetas) for i, ntheta in enumerate(thetas): seeds = viscid.Sphere(r=10.0, ntheta=ntheta, nphi=32) _stats = dict() topo = viscid.timeit(fort_topology, f0, seeds, timeit_repeat=5, timeit_stats=_stats, timeit_quiet=True) fort_nsegs[i] = topo.get_info('nsegs') fort_mintime[i] = _stats['min'] _, topo = viscid.timeit(viscid.calc_streamlines, f0, seeds, ibound=3.7, ds0=0.020, output=bench_output_type, timeit_repeat=5, timeit_stats=_stats, timeit_quiet=True) lines, _ = viscid.streamlines(f0, seeds, ibound=3.7, ds0=0.020) cy_nsegs[i] = np.sum([line.shape[1] for line in lines]) cy_mintime[i] = _stats['min'] from viscid.plot import mpl mpl.clf() mpl.plt.plot(cy_nsegs, cy_mintime, label="Cython") mpl.plt.plot(fort_nsegs, fort_mintime, label="Fortran") mpl.plt.legend(loc=0) mpl.plt.xlabel('Number of segments calculated') mpl.plt.ylabel('time to calculate') mpl.clf() cy_tperseg = np.array(cy_mintime) / np.array(cy_nsegs) fort_tperseg = np.array(fort_mintime) / np.array(fort_nsegs) mpl.plt.plot(thetas, cy_tperseg / fort_tperseg, label="over cython") mpl.plt.xlabel('ntheta') mpl.plt.ylabel('Fortran Speedup')
def _main(): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/xi_fte_001/*.3d.[4050f].xdmf") mp = get_mp_info(f['pp'], f['b'], f['j'], f['e_cc'], fit='mp_xloc', slc="x=6.5f:10.5f, y=-4f:4f, z=-4.8f:3f", cache=False) y, z = mp['pp_max_xloc'].meshgrid_flat(prune=True) x = mp['pp_max_xloc'].data.reshape(-1) Y, Z = mp['pp_max_xloc'].meshgrid(prune=True) x2 = paraboloid(Y, Z, *mp['paraboloid'][0]) skip = 117 n = paraboloid_normal(Y, Z, *mp['paraboloid'][0]).reshape(3, -1)[:, ::skip] minvar_y = Y.reshape(-1)[::skip] minvar_z = Z.reshape(-1)[::skip] minvar_n = np.zeros([3, len(minvar_y)]) for i in range(minvar_n.shape[0]): p0 = [0.0, minvar_y[i], minvar_z[i]] p0[0] = mp['pp_max_xloc']['y={0[0]}f, z={0[1]}f'.format(p0)] minvar_n[:, i] = viscid.find_minvar_lmn_around(f['b'], p0, l=2.0, n=64)[2, :] # 2d plots, normals don't look normal in the matplotlib projection if False: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test from viscid.plot import mpl normals = paraboloid_normal(Y, Z, *mp['paraboloid'][0]) p0 = np.array([x2, Y, Z]).reshape(3, -1) p1 = p0 + normals.reshape(3, -1) mpl.scatter_3d(np.vstack([x, y, z])[:, ::skip], equal=True) for i in range(0, p0.shape[1], skip): mpl.plt.gca().plot([p0[0, i], p1[0, i]], [p0[1, i], p1[1, i]], [p0[2, i], p1[2, i]], color='c') # z2 = _ellipsiod(X, Y, *popt) mpl.plt.gca().plot_surface(Y, Z, x2, color='r') # mayavi 3d plots, normals look better here if True: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test from viscid.plot import mvi mvi.points3d(x[::skip], y[::skip], z[::skip], scale_factor=0.25, color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) mp_width = mp['mp_width']['x=0'] mp_sheath_edge = mp['mp_sheath_edge']['x=0'] mp_sphere_edge = mp_sheath_edge - mp_width mvi.mesh(x2, Y, Z, mvi.mesh(, Y, Z, opacity=0.75, color=(0.75, ) * 3) mvi.mesh(, Y, Z, opacity=0.75, color=(0.75, ) * 3) n = paraboloid_normal(Y, Z, *mp['paraboloid'][0]).reshape(3, -1)[:, ::skip] mvi.quiver3d(x2.reshape(-1)[::skip], Y.reshape(-1)[::skip], Z.reshape(-1)[::skip], n[0], n[1], n[2], color=(1, 0, 0)) mvi.quiver3d(x2.reshape(-1)[::skip], Y.reshape(-1)[::skip], Z.reshape(-1)[::skip], minvar_n[0], minvar_n[1], minvar_n[2], color=(0, 0, 1))
def main(): mhd_type = "C" make_plots = 1 test_fc = 1 test_ec = 1 test_div = 1 mhd_type = mhd_type.upper() if mhd_type.startswith("C"): if mhd_type in ("C",): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") elif mhd_type in ("C2", "C3"): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium2/*.3d.[-1].xdmf") else: raise ValueError() catol = 1e-8 rtol = 2.2e-6 elif mhd_type in ("F", "FORTRAN"): f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium3/*.3df.[-1]") catol = 1e-8 rtol = 7e-2 else: raise ValueError() ISLICE = slice(None) # ISLICE = 'y=0f:0.15f' # ################# # # test out fc2cc if test_fc: b = f['b'][ISLICE] b1 = f['b1'][ISLICE] compare_vectors(b, b1, viscid.fc2cc, catol=catol, rtol=rtol, make_plots=make_plots) ################# # test out ec2cc if test_ec: e_cc = f['e_cc'][ISLICE] e_ec = f['e_ec'][ISLICE] if mhd_type not in ("F", "FORTRAN"): compare_vectors(e_cc, e_ec, viscid.ec2cc, catol=catol, rtol=rtol, make_plots=make_plots) ################# # test out divfc # Note: Relative error on Div B is meaningless b/c the coordinates # are not the same up to order (dx/4) I think. You can see this # since (fcdiv - divb_trimmed) is both noisy and stripy if test_div: bnd = 0 if mhd_type not in ("F", "FORTRAN"): b1 = f['b1'][ISLICE] divb = f['divB'][ISLICE] if bnd: trimmed = divb else: trimmed = divb['x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1'] b1mag = viscid.magnitude(viscid.fc2cc(b1, bnd=bnd)) divb1 = viscid.div_fc(b1, bnd=bnd) viscid.set_in_region(trimmed, trimmed, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=trimmed, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(trimmed, rmax=5.0)) viscid.set_in_region(divb1, divb1, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=divb1, mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(divb1, rmax=5.0)) reldiff = (divb1 - trimmed) / b1mag reldiff = reldiff["x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1"] = + " - " + reldiff.pretty_name = divb1.pretty_name + " - " + trimmed.pretty_name abs_max_rel_diff = np.nanmax(np.abs(reldiff)) max_crd_diff = [0.0] * 3 for i, d in enumerate('xyz'): max_crd_diff[i] = np.max(trimmed.get_crd(d) - divb1.get_crd(d)) print("divB max absolute relative diff: {0:.3e} " "(crds: X: {1[0]:.3e}, Y: {1[1]:.3e}, Z: {1[2]:.3e})" "".format(abs_max_rel_diff, max_crd_diff)) # plot differences? if make_plots: ax1 = mpl.plt.subplot(311) mpl.plot(divb['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(divb1['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) mpl.plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) mpl.plot(reldiff['y=0f'], symmetric=True, earth=True) # Since the coordinates will be different by order dx^2 (i think), # there is no way to compare the divB from simulation with the # one we get here. However, they should be the same up to a few %, and # down to noise level with stripes of enhanced noise. These stripes # are the errors in the coordinate values (since the output only # gives us weird nc = averaged cc locations) # # if abs_max_rel_diff > rtol or np.any(np.abs(max_crd_diff) > catol): # raise RuntimeError("Tolerance exceeded on divB calculation") return 0