def plot_earth_3d(figure=None, daycol=(1, 1, 1), nightcol=(0, 0, 0),
                  radius=1.0, res=24, crd_system="gse", night_only=False,
    """Plot a black and white sphere (Earth) showing sunward direction

        figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
        daycol (tuple, optional): color of dayside (RGB)
        nightcol (tuple, optional): color of nightside (RGB)
        res (optional): rosolution of teh sphere
        crd_system (str, other): One of ('mhd', 'gse'), or anything
            that returns from :py:func:`viscid.get_crd_system`.

        Tuple (day, night) as vtk sources
    if figure is None:
        figure = mlab.gcf()

    crd_system = viscid.get_crd_system(crd_system)
    if crd_system == "mhd":
        theta_dusk, theta_dawn = 270, 90
    elif crd_system == "gse":
        theta_dusk, theta_dawn = 90, 270
        # use GSE convention?
        theta_dusk, theta_dawn = 90, 270

    night = BuiltinSurface(source='sphere', name='night')
    night.data_source.set(center=(0, 0, 0), radius=radius,
                          start_theta=theta_dusk, end_theta=theta_dawn,
                          theta_resolution=res, phi_resolution=res)
    mod = mlab.pipeline.surface(night, color=nightcol, figure=figure, **kwargs)
    mod.actor.property.backface_culling = True

    if not night_only:
        day = BuiltinSurface(source='sphere', name='day')
        day.data_source.set(center=(0, 0, 0), radius=radius,
                            start_theta=theta_dawn, end_theta=theta_dusk,
                            theta_resolution=res, phi_resolution=res)
        mod = mlab.pipeline.surface(day, color=daycol, figure=figure, **kwargs)
        mod.actor.property.backface_culling = True
        day = None

    return day, night
def make_dipole(m=(0, 0, -DEFAULT_STRENGTH), strength=None, l=None, h=None,
                n=None, twod=False, dtype='f8', nonuniform=False,
                crd_system='gse', name='b'):
    """Generate a dipole field with magnetic moment m [x, y, z]"""
    if l is None:
        l = [-5] * 3
    if h is None:
        h = [5] * 3
    if n is None:
        n = [256] * 3
    x = np.array(np.linspace(l[0], h[0], n[0]), dtype=dtype)
    y = np.array(np.linspace(l[1], h[1], n[1]), dtype=dtype)
    z = np.array(np.linspace(l[2], h[2], n[2]), dtype=dtype)
    if twod:
        y = np.array(np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 2), dtype=dtype)

    if nonuniform:
        z += 0.01 * ((h[2] - l[2]) / n[2]) * np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi, n[2]))

    B = field.empty([x, y, z], nr_comps=3, name=name, center='cell',
                    layout='interlaced', dtype=dtype)
    B.set_info('crd_system', viscid.get_crd_system(crd_system))
    return fill_dipole(B, m=m, strength=strength)
    def save_fields(cls, fname, flds, **kwargs):
        """ save some fields using the format given by the class """
        # FIXME: this is only good for writing cartesian rectilnear flds
        # FIXME: axes are renamed if flds[0] is 1D or 2D
        assert len(flds) > 0
        fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname))

        # FIXME: all coordinates are saved as non-uniform, the proper
        #        way to do this is to have let coordinate format its own
        #        hdf5 / xdmf / numpy binary output
        clist = flds[0].crds.get_clist(full_arrays=True)
        crd_arrs = [np.array([0.0])] * 3
        crd_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
        for i, c in enumerate(clist):
            crd_arrs[i] = c[1]
        crd_shape = [len(arr) for arr in crd_arrs]
        time = flds[0].time

        # write arrays to the hdf5 file
        with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as f:
            for axis_name, arr in zip(crd_names, crd_arrs):
                loc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + axis_name
                f[loc] = arr

            for fld in flds:
                loc = cls._FLD_GROUPS[fld.center.lower()] + '/' + fld.name
                # xdmf files use kji ordering
                f[loc] = fld.data.T

            # big bad openggcm time_str hack to put basetime into hdf5 file
            for fld in flds:
                    tfmt = "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S.%f"
                    sec_td = viscid.as_timedelta64(fld.time, 's')
                    dtime = viscid.as_datetime(fld.basetime + sec_td).strftime(tfmt)
                    epoch = viscid.readers.openggcm.GGCM_EPOCH
                    ts = viscid.as_timedelta(fld.basetime - epoch).total_seconds()
                    ts += fld.time
                    timestr = "time= {0} {1:.16e} {2} 300c".format(fld.time, ts, dtime)
                    f['openggcm'].attrs['time_str'] = np.string_(timestr)
                except viscid.NoBasetimeError:

        # now write an xdmf file
        xdmf_fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".xdmf"
        relh5fname = "./" + os.path.basename(fname)
        with open(xdmf_fname, 'w') as f:
            xloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[0]
            yloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[1]
            zloc = cls._CRDS_GROUP + '/' + crd_names[2]
            dim_str = " ".join([str(l) for l in crd_shape][::-1])
            s = cls._XDMF_TEMPLATE_RECTILINEAR_GRID_BEGIN.format(
                grid_name="vgrid", crd_dims=dim_str, h5fname=relh5fname,
                xdim=crd_shape[0], ydim=crd_shape[1], zdim=crd_shape[2],
                xloc=xloc, yloc=yloc, zloc=zloc)

            for fld in flds:
                _crd_system = viscid.get_crd_system(fld, None)
                if _crd_system:

            for fld in flds:
                fld = fld.as_flat().T
                dt = fld.dtype.name.rstrip("0123456789").title()
                precision = fld.dtype.itemsize
                fld_dim_str = " ".join([str(l) for l in fld.shape])
                loc = cls._FLD_GROUPS[fld.center.lower()] + '/' + fld.name
                s = cls._XDMF_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE.format(
                    fld_type=fld.fldtype, center=fld.center.title(),
                    dtype=dt, precision=precision, fld_dims=fld_dim_str,
                    h5fname=relh5fname, fld_loc=loc)

    def __init__(self, p0=(0, 0, 0), r=0.0, pole=(0, 0, 1), ntheta=20, nphi=20,
                 thetalim=(0, 180.0), philim=(0, 360.0), roll=0.0, crd_system=None,
                 theta_endpoint='auto', phi_endpoint='auto', pole_is_vector=True,
                 theta_phi=False, cache=False, dtype=None):
        """Make seeds on the surface of a sphere

            There is some funny business about the meaning of phi=0 and
            `crd_system`. By default, this seed generator is agnostic
            to coordinate systems and phi=0 always means the +x axis.
            If crd_system is 'gse', 'mhd', or an object whose find_info
            method returns a 'crd_system', then phi=0 means midnight.
            This is important when specifying a phi range or plotting
            on a matplotlib polar plot.

            p0 (list, tuple, or ndarray): Origin of sphere as (x, y, z)
            r (float): Radius of sphere; or calculated from pole if 0
            pole (list, tuple, or ndarray): Vector pointing
                in the direction of the north pole of the sphere.
                Defaults to (0, 0, 1).
            ntheta (int): Number of points in theta
            nphi (int): Number of points in phi
            thetalim (list): min and max theta (in degrees)
            philim (list): min and max phi (in degrees)
            roll (float): Roll the seeds around the pole by this angle
                in deg
            crd_system (str, Field): a crd system ('gse', 'mhd') or an
                object that has 'crd_system' info such that phi=0
                means midnight instead of the +x axis.
            theta_endpoint (str): this is a bit of a hack to keep from
                having redundant seeds at poles. You probably just want
                auto here
            phi_endpoint (bool): if true, then let phi inclue upper
                value. This is false by default since 0 == 2pi.
            pole_is_vector (bool): Whether pole is a vector or a
            theta_phi (bool): If True, the uv and local representations
                are ordered (theta, phi), otherwise (phi, theta)

            ValueError: if thetalim or philim don't have 2 values each
        super(Sphere, self).__init__(cache=cache, dtype=dtype)

        self.p0 = np.asarray(p0, dtype=self.dtype)

        if pole_is_vector:
            self.pole = np.asarray(pole, dtype=self.dtype)
            if pole is None:
                pole = p0 + np.asarray([0, 0, 1], dtype=self.dtype)
                pole = np.asarray(pole, dtype=self.dtype)

            self.pole = pole - p0

        if not r:
            r = np.linalg.norm(self.pole)
        self.pole = self.pole / np.linalg.norm(self.pole)

        if not len(thetalim) == len(philim) == 2:
            raise ValueError("thetalim and philim must have both min and max")

            roll = float(roll)
        except TypeError:

        # square away crd system
        if crd_system:
            if hasattr(crd_system, 'find_info'):
                crd_system = viscid.get_crd_system(crd_system, 'none')
            crd_system = 'none'
        if crd_system.strip().lower() == 'gse':
            crd_system_roll = -180.0
            crd_system_roll = 0.0

        self.r = r
        self.ntheta = ntheta
        self.nphi = nphi
        self.thetalim = np.deg2rad(thetalim)
        self.philim = np.deg2rad(philim)
        self.theta_endpoint = theta_endpoint
        self.phi_endpoint = phi_endpoint
        self.theta_phi = theta_phi
        self.roll = roll
        self.crd_system_roll = crd_system_roll
def get_mp_info(pp, b, j, e, cache=True, cache_dir=None,
                slc="x=5.5f:11.0f, y=-4.0f:4.0f, z=-3.6f:3.6f",
                fit="mp_xloc", fit_p0=(9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0)):
    """Get info about m-pause as flattened fields

        The first thing this function does is mask locations where
        the GSE-y current density < 1e-4. This masks out the bow
        shock and current free regions. This works for southward IMF,
        but it is not very general.

        pp (ScalarcField): pressure
        b (VectorField): magnetic field
        j (VectorField): current density
        e (VectorField, None): electric field (same centering as b). If
            None, then the info that requires E will be filled with NaN
        cache (bool, str): Save to and load from cache, if "force",
            then don't load from cache if it exists, but do save a
            cache at the end
        cache_dir (str): Directory for cache, if None, same directory
            as that file to which the grid belongs
        slc (str): slice that gives a box that contains the m-pause
        fit (str): to which resulting field should the paraboloid be fit,
            defaults to mp_xloc, but pp_max_xloc might be useful in some
        fit_p0 (tuple): Initial guess vector for paraboloid fit

        dict: Unless otherwise noted, the entiries are 2D (y-z) fields

          - **mp_xloc** location of minimum abs(Bz), this works
            better than max of J^2 for FTEs
          - **mp_sheath_edge** location where Jy > 0.1 * Jy when
            coming in from the sheath side
          - **mp_sphere_edge** location where Jy > 0.1 * Jy when
            coming in from the sphere side
          - **mp_width** difference between m-sheath edge and
            msphere edge
          - **mp_shear** magnetic shear taken 6 grid points into
            the m-sheath / m-sphere
          - **pp_max** max pp
          - **pp_max_xloc** location of max pp
          - **epar_max** max e parallel
          - **epar_max_xloc** location of max e parallel
          - **paraboloid** numpy.recarray of paraboloid fit. The
            parameters are given in the 0th element, and
            the 1st element contains the 1-sigma values for the fit

        RuntimeError: if using MHD crds instead of GSE crds
    if not cache_dir:
        cache_dir = pp.find_info("_viscid_dirname", "./")
    run_name = pp.find_info("run", None)
    if cache and run_name:
        t = pp.time
        mp_fname = "{0}/{1}.mpause.{2:06.0f}".format(cache_dir, run_name, t)
        mp_fname = ""

        force = cache.strip().lower() == "force"
    except AttributeError:
        force = False

        if force or not mp_fname or not os.path.isfile(mp_fname + ".xdmf"):
            raise IOError()

        mp_info = {}
        with viscid.load_file(mp_fname + ".xdmf") as dat:
            fld_names = ["mp_xloc", "mp_sheath_edge", "mp_sphere_edge",
                         "mp_width", "mp_shear", "pp_max", "pp_max_xloc",
                         "epar_max", "epar_max_xloc"]
            for fld_name in fld_names:
                mp_info[fld_name] = dat[fld_name]["x=0"]

    except (IOError, KeyError):
        mp_info = {}

        crd_system = viscid.get_crd_system(b, None)
        if crd_system != 'gse':
            raise RuntimeError("get_mp_info can't work in MHD crds, "
                               "switch to GSE please")

        if j.nr_patches == 1:
            pp_block = pp[slc]
            b_block = b[slc]
            j_block = j[slc]
            if e is None:
                e_block = np.nan * viscid.empty_like(j_block)
                e_block = e[slc]
            # interpolate an amr grid so we can proceed
            obnd = pp.get_slice_extent(slc)
            dx = np.min(pp.skeleton.L / pp.skeleton.n, axis=0)
            nx = np.ceil((obnd[1] - obnd[0]) / dx)
            vol = viscid.seed.Volume(obnd[0], obnd[1], nx, cache=True)
            pp_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(pp, vol),
            b_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(b, vol),
            j_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(j, vol),
            if e is None:
                e_block = np.nan * viscid.empty_like(j_block)
                e_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(e, vol),

        # jsq = viscid.dot(j_block, j_block)
        bsq = viscid.dot(b_block, b_block)

        # extract ndarrays and mask out bow shock / current free regions
        maskval = 1e-4
        jy_mask = j_block['y'].data < maskval
        masked_bsq = 1.0 * bsq
        masked_bsq.data = np.ma.masked_where(jy_mask, bsq)

        xcc = j_block.get_crd_cc('x')
        nx = len(xcc)

        mp_xloc = np.argmin(masked_bsq, axis=0)  # indices
        mp_xloc = mp_xloc.wrap(xcc[mp_xloc.data])  # location

        pp_max = np.max(pp_block, axis=0)
        pp_max_xloc = np.argmax(pp_block, axis=0)  # indices
        pp_max_xloc = pp_max_xloc.wrap(xcc[pp_max_xloc.data])  # location

        epar = viscid.project(e_block, b_block)
        epar_max = np.max(epar, axis=0)
        epar_max_xloc = np.argmax(epar, axis=0)  # indices
        epar_max_xloc = pp_max_xloc.wrap(xcc[epar_max_xloc.data])  # location

        _ret = find_mp_edges(j_block, 0.1, 0.1, maskval=maskval)
        sheath_edge, msphere_edge, mp_width, sheath_ind, sphere_ind = _ret

        # extract b and b**2 at sheath + 6 grid points and sphere - 6 grid pointns
        # clipping cases where things go outside the block. clipped ponints are
        # set to nan
        step = 6
        # extract b
        if b_block.layout == "flat":
            comp_axis = 0
            ic, _, iy, iz = np.ix_(*[np.arange(si) for si in b_block.shape])
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind + step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sheath = b_block.data[ic, ix, iy, iz]
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind - step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sphere = b_block.data[ic, ix, iy, iz]
        elif b_block.layout == "interlaced":
            comp_axis = 3
            _, iy, iz = np.ix_(*[np.arange(si) for si in b_block.shape[:-1]])
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind + step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sheath = b_block.data[ix, iy, iz]
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind - step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sphere = b_block.data[ix, iy, iz]
        # extract b**2
        bmag_sheath = np.sqrt(np.sum(b_sheath**2, axis=comp_axis))
        bmag_sphere = np.sqrt(np.sum(b_sphere**2, axis=comp_axis))
        costheta = (np.sum(b_sheath * b_sphere, axis=comp_axis) /
                    (bmag_sphere * bmag_sheath))
        costheta = np.where((sheath_ind + step < nx) & (sphere_ind - step >= 0),
                            costheta, np.nan)
        mp_shear = mp_width.wrap((180.0 / np.pi) * np.arccos(costheta))

        # don't bother with pretty name since it's not written to file
        # plane_crds = b_block.crds.slice_keep('x=0', cc=True)
        # fld_kwargs = dict(center="Cell", time=b.time)
        mp_width.name = "mp_width"
        mp_xloc.name = "mp_xloc"
        sheath_edge.name = "mp_sheath_edge"
        msphere_edge.name = "mp_sphere_edge"
        mp_shear.name = "mp_shear"
        pp_max.name = "pp_max"
        pp_max_xloc.name = "pp_max_xloc"
        epar_max.name = "epar_max"
        epar_max_xloc.name = "epar_max_xloc"

        mp_info = {}
        mp_info["mp_width"] = mp_width
        mp_info["mp_xloc"] = mp_xloc
        mp_info["mp_sheath_edge"] = sheath_edge
        mp_info["mp_sphere_edge"] = msphere_edge
        mp_info["mp_shear"] = mp_shear
        mp_info["pp_max"] = pp_max
        mp_info["pp_max_xloc"] = pp_max_xloc
        mp_info["epar_max"] = epar_max
        mp_info["epar_max_xloc"] = epar_max_xloc

        # cache new fields to disk
        if mp_fname:
            viscid.save_fields(mp_fname + ".h5", mp_info.values())

        _paraboloid_params = fit_paraboloid(mp_info[fit], p0=fit_p0)
        mp_info["paraboloid"] = _paraboloid_params
    except ImportError as _exception:
            msg = _exception.message
        except AttributeError:
            msg = _exception.msg
        mp_info["paraboloid"] = viscid.DeferredImportError(msg)

    mp_info["mp_width"].pretty_name = "Magnetopause Width"
    mp_info["mp_xloc"].pretty_name = "Magnetopause $X_{gse}$ Location"
    mp_info["mp_sheath_edge"].pretty_name = "Magnetosheath Edge"
    mp_info["mp_sphere_edge"].pretty_name = "Magnetosphere Edge"
    mp_info["mp_shear"].pretty_name = "Magnetic Shear"
    mp_info["pp_max"].pretty_name = "Max Pressure"
    mp_info["pp_max_xloc"].pretty_name = "Max Pressure Location"
    mp_info["epar_max"].pretty_name = "Max E Parallel"
    mp_info["epar_max_xloc"].pretty_name = "Max E Parallel Location"

    return mp_info