def initialize_visdom(visStartUpSec=5): vis = Visdom(server='http://localhost', port=8097) while not vis.check_connection() and visStartUpSec > 0.0: time.sleep(0.1) visStartUpSec -= 0.1 assert vis.check_connection(), 'No connection could be formed quickly' print("VisdomLinePlotter initialized.") return vis
def testCallbackUpdateGraph(self): with subprocess.Popen(['python', '-m', 'visdom.server', '-port', str(self.port)]) as proc: # wait for visdom server startup (any better way?) viz = Visdom(, port=self.port) for attempt in range(5): time.sleep(1.0) # seconds if viz.check_connection(): break assert viz.check_connection() viz.close() self.model.update(self.corpus) proc.kill()
def get_default_visdom_env(): """ Create and return default environment from visdom Returns ------- Visdom Visdom class object """ default_port = 8097 default_hostname = "http://localhost" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Demo arguments') parser.add_argument('-port', metavar='port', type=int, default=default_port, help='port the visdom server is running on.') parser.add_argument( '-server', metavar='server', type=str, default=default_hostname, help='Server address of the target to run the demo on.') flags = parser.parse_args() viz = Visdom(port=flags.port, server=flags.server) assert viz.check_connection(timeout_seconds=3), \ 'No connection could be formed quickly' return viz
def visdom_server(): # Start Visdom server once and stop it with visdom_server_stop global vd_hostname, vd_port, vd_server_process if vd_server_process is None: import subprocess import time from visdom import Visdom from visdom.server import download_scripts download_scripts() vd_hostname = "localhost" vd_port = random.randint(8089, 8887) try: vis = Visdom(server=vd_hostname, port=vd_port, raise_exceptions=True) except ConnectionError: pass vd_server_process = subprocess.Popen( ["python", "-m", "visdom.server", "--hostname", vd_hostname, "-port", str(vd_port)] ) time.sleep(5) vis = Visdom(server=vd_hostname, port=vd_port) assert vis.check_connection() vis.close() yield (vd_hostname, vd_port)
def visualize(epoch, input): # C,target,fin1,fin2,fin3): from visdom import Visdom viz = Visdom() assert viz.check_connection() # print(tar.shape) # for c in range(C): # print(fin1.cpu()[n,c][np.newaxis, :].shape) # viz.image( # fin1.cpu()[0,c][np.newaxis, :], # opts=dict(title='fin1', caption='fin1'), # ) # viz.image( # fin2.cpu()[0,c][np.newaxis, :], # opts=dict(title='fin2', caption='fin2'), # ) # viz.image( # fin3.cpu()[0,c][np.newaxis, :], # opts=dict(title='fin3', caption='fin3'), # ) viz.heatmap(input[0, 0], opts=dict(colormap='Electric', title='Epoch-{} input'.format(epoch))) # viz.heatmap(X=target[0, c], # opts=dict(colormap='Electric', title='Epoch-{} Points-{} target'.format(epoch, c))) # viz.heatmap(X=fin1[0, c], # opts=dict(colormap='Electric', title='Epoch-{} Points-{} fin1'.format(epoch, c))) # viz.heatmap(X=fin2[0, c], # opts=dict(colormap='Electric', title='Epoch-{} Points-{} fin2'.format(epoch, c))) # viz.heatmap(X=fin3[0, c], # opts=dict(colormap='Electric', title='Epoch-{} Points-{} fin3'.format(epoch, c))) return
class VisdomWriter(object): def __init__(self, title, xlabel='Epoch', ylabel='Loss'): """Extended Visdom Writer""" self.vis = Visdom() assert self.vis.check_connection() self.title = title self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.x = 0 = None def update_text(self, text): """Text Memo (usually used to note hyperparameter-configurations)""" self.vis.text(text) def update(self, y): """Update loss (X: Step (Epoch) / Y: loss)""" self.x += 1 if is None: = self.vis.line(X=np.array([self.x]), Y=np.array([y]), opts=dict( title=self.title, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, )) else: self.vis.updateTrace(X=np.array([self.x]), Y=np.array([y]),
class ZcsVisdom: def __init__(self, server='', port=8899): self.vis = Visdom(server=server, port=port) assert self.vis.check_connection() self.wins = {} def plot(self, data, win): ''' array: np.array win: str ''' x = np.arange(data.shape[0]) self.vis.line(data, x, win=win)#, update='append') def append(self, data, win, opts): ''' data是个list,长度和绘制的折线数一致 ''' assert isinstance(data, list) if win not in self.wins.keys(): self.vis.close(win) self.wins[win] = 0 y = [data] x = [self.wins[win]] self.vis.line(Y=y, X=x, win=win, update='append', opts=opts) self.wins[win] += 1
def visualize( self, viz: Visdom, visdom_env_imgs: str, preds: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str, ) -> None: """ Helper function to visualize the predictions generated in the forward pass. Args: viz: Visdom connection object visdom_env_imgs: name of visdom environment for the images. preds: predictions dict like returned by forward() prefix: prepended to the names of images """ if not viz.check_connection():"no visdom server! -> skipping batch vis") return idx_image = 0 title = f"{prefix}_im{idx_image}" vis_utils.visualize_basics(viz, preds, visdom_env_imgs, title=title)
def server_updateTrace_plot(x: np.array, y: np.array, win=None, xlabel='iters', ylabel='loss', vis=None): ''' 第一次执行时,输入win=None,以后执行时,输入win为上一步的输出win e.g. win=server_updateTrace_plot(x=np.array([1,2,3]),y=np.array([321,453,542])) server_updateTrace_plot(x=np.array([4,5,6]),y=np.array([312,345,453]),win=win) :param x: np.array :param y: np.array :param win: :param xlabel: :param ylabel: :return: ''' from visdom import Visdom if (vis == None): vis = Visdom() warnings.warn('may cause error when dealing with large dataset!') if (not vis.check_connection()): warnings.warn('excecute "python -m visdom.server"') ConnectionError else: if (win == None): win = vis.line(X=x.reshape(-1, 1), Y=y.reshape(-1, 1), opts=dict( xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel )) else: vis.line(X=x.reshape(-1, 1), Y=y.reshape(-1, 1), win=win, update='append') return win
def main(): viz = Visdom(server='', port=8097, env='cifar100') assert viz.check_connection() train_set = ds.CIFAR100('./data', train=True, transform=transform, download=True) train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=NUM_OF_WORKERS) test_set = ds.CIFAR100('./data', train=False, transform=transform, download=True) test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE * 2, shuffle=True, num_workers=NUM_OF_WORKERS) net = getDefaultAlexNet(INPUT_CHANNEL, NUM_CLASS, "dcm").cuda() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY) # ------- Save training data ------------------------------------------------------------- train_file = open(os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'train.csv'), 'w') train_file.write('Epoch,Loss,Training Accuracy\n') test_file = open(os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'test.csv'), 'w') test_file.write('Epoch,Loss,Test Accuracy\n ') # Starting training process: train_loss_plot, test_loss_plot = np.array([]), np.array([]) train_acc_plot, test_acc_plot = np.array([]), np.array([]) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=STEP_SIZE, gamma=0.1) for i in range(1, NUM_OF_EPOCHS + 1): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") train_loss, train_acc = train(i, net, optimizer, criterion, train_loader, train_file) train_loss_plot = np.append(train_loss_plot, train_loss) train_acc_plot = np.append(train_acc_plot, train_acc) test_loss, test_acc = test(i, net, criterion, test_loader, test_file) test_acc_plot = np.append(test_acc_plot, test_acc) test_loss_plot = np.append(test_loss_plot, test_loss) scheduler.step(epoch=i) print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") if i % VISUAL_EVERY_EPOCH == 0: x_axis = range(1, i + 1) viz.line( Y=np.column_stack((train_loss_plot, test_loss_plot)), X=np.column_stack((x_axis, x_axis)), opts=dict( title="loss plot at epoch (%d)" % i, linecolor=np.row_stack((np.array(RGB_CYAN), np.array(RGB_MAGENTA))), legend=["train loss", "test loss"] ) ) viz.line( Y=np.column_stack((train_acc_plot, test_acc_plot)), X=np.column_stack((x_axis, x_axis)), opts=dict( title="accuracy plot at epoch (%d)" % i, linecolor=np.row_stack((np.array(RGB_DODGERBLUE), np.array(RGB_FIREBRICK))), legend=["train accuracy", "test accuracy"] ) )
class Logger(): """Logger for training.""" def __init__(self, enable_visdom=False, curve_names=None): self.curve_names = curve_names if enable_visdom: self.vis = Visdom() assert self.vis.check_connection() self.curve_x = np.array([0]) else: self.curve_names = None def log(self, xval=None, win_name='loss', **kwargs): """Log and print the information.""" print("##############################################################") for key, value in kwargs.items(): print(key, value, sep='\t') if self.curve_names: if not xval: xval = self.curve_x for i in range(len(self.curve_names)): name = self.curve_names[i] if name not in kwargs: continue yval = np.array([kwargs[name]]) self.vis.line(Y=yval, X=xval, win=win_name, update='append', name=name, opts=dict(showlegend=True)) self.curve_x += 1 def plot_curve(self, yvals, xvals, win_name='pr_curves'): """Plot curve.""" self.vis.line(Y=np.array(yvals), X=np.array(xvals), win=win_name) def plot_marking_points(self, image, marking_points, win_name='mk_points'): """Plot marking points on visdom.""" width, height = image.size draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for point in marking_points: p0_x = width * point.x p0_y = height * point.y p1_x = p0_x + 50 * math.cos(point.direction) p1_y = p0_y + 50 * math.sin(point.direction) draw.line((p0_x, p0_y, p1_x, p1_y), fill=(255, 0, 0)) p2_x = p0_x - 50 * math.sin(point.direction) p2_y = p0_y + 50 * math.cos(point.direction) if point.shape > 0.5: draw.line((p2_x, p2_y, p0_x, p0_y), fill=(255, 0, 0)) else: p3_x = p0_x + 50 * math.sin(point.direction) p3_y = p0_y - 50 * math.cos(point.direction) draw.line((p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y), fill=(255, 0, 0)) image = np.asarray(image, dtype="uint8") image = np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)) self.vis.image(image, win=win_name)
def draw(items, labels): length = len(items) viz = Visdom() assert viz.check_connection() Y = labels freq = items[:, 4] norm_F = items[:, 5] freq = freq.reshape((length, 1)) norm_F = norm_F.reshape((length, 1)) print('[INFO] draw : frew.shape', freq.shape) print('[INFO] draw : norm_F.shape', norm_F.shape) X = np.concatenate([freq, norm_F], 1) print('[INFO] draw : X.shape', X.shape) # scatter = viz.scatter( # X=np.random.rand(100, 2), # Y=(Y[Y > 0] + 1.5).astype(int), # opts=dict( # legend=['Apples', 'Pears'], # xtickmin=0, # xtickmax=1, # xtickstep=0.5, # ytickmin=0, # ytickmax=1, # ytickstep=0.5, # markersymbol='cross-thin-open', # ), # ) # viz.scatter( # X=np.random.rand(255, 2), # #随机指定1或者2 # Y=(np.random.rand(255) + 1.5).astype(int), # opts=dict( # markersize=10, # ## 分配两种颜色 # markercolor=np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 3,)), # ), # ) #3D 散点图 viz.scatter( X=X, Y=Y, opts=dict( legend=['NEG', 'POS'], markersize=5, ) )
def visdom_plot(total_num_steps, cum_reward): from visdom import Visdom global vis global win1 global win2 global avg_reward if vis is None: vis = Visdom() assert vis.check_connection() # Close all existing plots vis.close() # Running average for curve smoothing # avg_reward = avg_reward * 0.9 + 0.1 * cum_reward avg_reward = cum_reward / total_num_steps X.append(total_num_steps) Y1.append(cum_reward) Y2.append(avg_reward) # The plot with the handle 'win' is updated each time this is called win1 = vis.line( X=np.array(X), Y=np.array(Y1), opts=dict( #title = 'All Environments', xlabel='Total number of steps', ylabel='Cumulative reward', ytickmin=0, #ytickmax=1, #ytickstep=0.1, #legend=legend, #showlegend=True, width=900, height=500), win=win1) # The plot with the handle 'win' is updated each time this is called win2 = vis.line( X=np.array(X), Y=np.array(Y2), opts=dict( # title = 'All Environments', xlabel='Total number of episodes', ylabel='Average Reward', ytickmin=0, # ytickmax=1, # ytickstep=0.1, # legend=legend, # showlegend=True, width=900, height=500), win=win2)
def main(config): loss_weight = torch.ones(config.nb_classes) loss_weight[0] = 1.53297775619 loss_weight[1] = 7.63194124408 model = EDANet(config= config) print(model) # create visdom viz = Visdom(server=args.server, port=args.port, assert viz.check_connection(timeout_seconds=3), \ 'No connection could be formed quickly' train_dataset = MyDataset(config=config, subset='train') valid_dataset = MyDataset(config=config, subset='val') test_dataset = MyDataset(config=config, subset='test') train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2, drop_last=True) # TODO will drop_last will have effects on accuracy? no valid_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=valid_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, drop_last=True) test_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, drop_last=True) begin_time ='%m%d_%H%M%S') for_train(model = model, config=config, train_data_loader = train_data_loader, valid_data_loader= valid_data_loader, begin_time= begin_time, resume_file= None, loss_weight= loss_weight, visdom=viz) """ # testing phase does not need visdom, just one scalar for loss, miou and accuracy """ for_test(model = model, config=config, test_data_loader=test_data_loader, begin_time= begin_time, loss_weight= loss_weight, do_predict= True,)
class VisdomWebServer(object): def __init__(self): DEFAULT_PORT = 8097 DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "http://localhost" self.vis = Visdom(port=DEFAULT_PORT, server=DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) def update(self, metrics): if not self.vis.check_connection(): 'No connection could be formed quickly' return # Learning curve try: fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(metrics['train_loss'], label='Training loss', color='#32526e') plt.plot(metrics['val_loss'], label='Validation loss', color='#ff6b57') plt.legend() ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.grid(zorder=0, color='lightgray', linestyle='--') self.vis.matplot(plt, win='lrcurve') plt.close() plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(metrics['learning_rate'], color='#32526e') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.grid(zorder=0, color='lightgray', linestyle='--') self.vis.matplot(plt, win='lr_rate') plt.close() plt.clf() #plt.figure() #plt.plot(metrics['zernike_train_loss'], label='Zernike train loss', color='blue') #plt.plot(metrics['zernike_val_loss'], label='Zernike val loss', color='red') #plt.legend() #plt.grid() #self.vis.matplot(plt, win='lrcurve_z') #plt.close() #plt.clf() except BaseException as err: print('Skipped matplotlib example') print('Error message: ', err)
class VisTorch: DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "" DEFAULT_PORT = 8097 VIS_CON = None def __init__(self, env_name=None): if env_name is None: env_name = str("%m%d%H%M%S")) self.env_name = env_name self.loss_window = None def close(self): self.VIS_CON.close() def __vis_initializer(self): if self.VIS_CON is None: self.VIS_CON = Visdom(server=self.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, port=self.DEFAULT_PORT) assert self.VIS_CON.check_connection( timeout_seconds=3), 'No connection could be formed quickly' def plot_loss(self, epoch, *losses, loss_type='Loss', ytickmin=None, ytickmax=None): self.__vis_initializer() legend = ['Training', 'Evaluation', 'Training_1'] linecolors = np.array([[0, 191, 255], [255, 10, 0], [255, 0, 255]]) self.loss_window = self.VIS_CON.line( Y=np.column_stack(losses), X=np.column_stack([epoch] * len(losses)), win=self.loss_window, update='append' if self.loss_window else None, opts={ 'xlabel': 'Epoch', 'ylabel': loss_type, 'ytickmin': ytickmin, 'ytickmax': ytickmax, 'title': 'Learning curve', 'showlegend': True, 'linecolor': linecolors[:len(losses)], 'legend': legend[:len(losses)] })
class VVisual(): def __init__(self, env): self.viz = Visdom(env=env) assert self.viz.check_connection(), 'No Visdom Connection' def line(self, log, x): try: for k, v in log.items(): self.viz.line(Y=np.array([v]), X=np.array([x]), win=k, update='append' if x else None, opts={'title': k}) except BaseException as e: print('Visdom exception: {}'.format(repr(e)))
def testCallbackUpdateGraph(self): # Popen have no context-manager in 2.7, for this reason - try/finally. try: # spawn visdom.server proc = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-m', 'visdom.server', '-port', str(self.port)]) # wait for visdom server startup (any better way?) time.sleep(3) viz = Visdom(, port=self.port) assert viz.check_connection() # clear screen viz.close() self.model.update(self.corpus) finally: proc.kill()
def testCallbackUpdateGraph(self): # Popen have no context-manager in 2.7, for this reason - try/finally. try: # spawn visdom.server proc = subprocess.Popen( ['python', '-m', 'visdom.server', '-port', str(self.port)]) # wait for visdom server startup (any better way?) time.sleep(3) viz = Visdom(, port=self.port) assert viz.check_connection() # clear screen viz.close() self.model.update(self.corpus) finally: proc.kill()
def visdom_plot(total_num_steps, mean_reward): # Lazily import visdom so that people don't need to install visdom # if they're not actually using it from visdom import Visdom global vis global win global avg_reward if vis is None: vis = Visdom() assert vis.check_connection() # Close all existing plots vis.close() # Running average for curve smoothing avg_reward = avg_reward * 0.9 + 0.1 * mean_reward X.append(total_num_steps) Y.append(avg_reward) # The plot with the handle 'win' is updated each time this is called win = vis.line( X=np.array(X), Y=np.array(Y), opts=dict( #title = 'All Environments', xlabel='Total time steps', ylabel='Reward per episode', ytickmin=0, #ytickmax=1, #ytickstep=0.1, #legend=legend, #showlegend=True, width=900, height=500), win=win)
class visdom_recorder: def __init__(self): self.viz = Visdom() time.sleep( 1 ) #this is only necessary if your network is somehow slow like mine assert self.viz.check_connection( ), 'Visdom server connection failed, start server with python -m visdom.server and default port = 8097' = {} def add_scalar(self, tag, val, niter): val, niter = map( lambda x: np.ones([1]) * x, [val, niter]) #create array from scalar to make visdom happy if tag not in lineplot = self.viz.line(Y=val, X=niter, opts=dict(title=tag))[tag] = lineplot else: win =[tag] self.viz.line( Y=val, X=niter, win=win, update='append', ) def add_image_grid(self, tag, x, niter): if tag not in grid = self.viz.images(x, opts=dict( title=tag, caption='At Iter {}'.format(niter)))[tag] = grid else: win =[tag] self.viz.images(x, win=win)
class VisdomLinePlotter(object): """Plots to Visdom""" def __init__(self, env_name='main'): self.viz = Visdom() assert (self.viz.check_connection()) self.env = env_name self.plots = {} def plot(self, var_name, split_name, title_name, x, y, update='append'): if var_name not in self.plots: self.plots[var_name] = self.viz.line(X=np.array(x), Y=np.array(y), env=self.env, opts=dict(legend=[split_name], title=title_name, xlabel='X-axis', ylabel=var_name)) else: self.viz.line(X=np.array(x), Y=np.array(y), env=self.env, win=self.plots[var_name], name=split_name, update=update)
def testCallbackUpdateGraph(self): # create a new process for visdom.server proc = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-m', 'visdom.server']) # wait for visdom server startup time.sleep(3) # create visdom object print(FLAGS.port) print(FLAGS.server) viz = Visdom(port=FLAGS.port, server=FLAGS.server) # check connection assert viz.check_connection() # clear screen viz.close() # test callback's update graph function try: self.model.update(self.corpus) # raise AttributeError("test") except Exception as e: print(e) # kill visdom.server proc.kill() print('server killed') self.assertTrue(0) # kill visdom.server try: proc.wait(timeout=3) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() print('server killed')
from __future__ import unicode_literals from visdom import Visdom import numpy as np import math import os.path import getpass import time from sys import platform as _platform from six.moves import urllib try: viz = Visdom() startup_sec = 1 while not viz.check_connection() and startup_sec > 0: time.sleep(0.1) startup_sec -= 0.1 assert viz.check_connection(), 'No connection could be formed quickly' textwindow = viz.text('Hello World!') updatetextwindow = viz.text('Hello World! More text should be here') assert updatetextwindow is not None, 'Window was none' viz.text('And here it is', win=updatetextwindow, append=True) # text window with Callbacks txt = 'This is a write demo notepad. Type below. Delete clears text:<br>' callback_text_window = viz.text(txt) def type_callback(event):
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from visdom import Visdom import numpy as np import math import os.path import getpass from sys import platform as _platform from six.moves import urllib viz = Visdom() assert viz.check_connection() textwindow = viz.text('Hello World!') updatetextwindow = viz.text('Hello World! More text should be here') viz.text('And here it is', win=updatetextwindow, append=True) # video demo: try: video = np.empty([256, 250, 250, 3], dtype=np.uint8) for n in range(256): video[n, :, :, :].fill(n) # video demo: download video from video_url = ''
def pretrain(config): image_datasets = {phase: ClsDataLoader(data_dir=config.data_dir, phase=phase, data_size=config.data_size) for phase in ['train', 'eval']} print('loading dataset: train: {}, eval: {}' .format(len(image_datasets['train']), len(image_datasets['eval']))) dataset_loaders = {'train': data.DataLoader(image_datasets['train'], batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4), 'eval': data.DataLoader(image_datasets['eval'], batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0) } model = PretrainedModel(config.out_channels) if config.model_prefix > 0: model_file = os.path.join(config.out_dir, 'models', str(config.model_prefix)+'.pt') assert os.path.exists(model_file), \ 'pretrained model file ({}) does not exist, please check'.format(model_file) checkpoint = torch.load(model_file, map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['seg'], strict=False) opt1 = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=checkpoint['lr']) print('loading checkpoint from {}'.format(str(config.model_prefix)+'.pt')) print('loss: {}'.format(checkpoint['loss'])) else: opt1 = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr_scheduler_1 = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(opt1, gamma=0.99) CELoss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() print('running on {}'.format(config.device)) # set visdom if config.use_visdom: viz = Visdom() assert viz.check_connection() visline1 = viz.line( X=torch.Tensor([1]).cpu() * config.model_prefix, Y=torch.Tensor([0]).cpu(), win=1, opts=dict(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', title='training loss', ) ) visline2 = viz.line( X=torch.Tensor([1]).cpu() * config.model_prefix, Y=torch.Tensor([0]).cpu(), win=2, opts=dict(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='loss', title='evaluation loss', ) ) visline3 = viz.line( X=torch.Tensor([1]).cpu() * config.model_prefix, Y=torch.Tensor([0]).cpu(), win=3, opts=dict(xlabel='epochs', ylabel='LR', title='Learning rate') ) model = global_steps = {'train': 0, 'eval': 0} global min_loss min_loss = 1e5 for epoch in range(config.model_prefix, config.epochs): lr_scheduler_1.step() for phase in ['train', 'eval']: running_loss = [] if phase == 'train': model.train() else: model.eval() for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(dataset_loaders[phase]): start = time.time() images = labels = opt1.zero_grad() with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'): outputs = model(images) loss = CELoss(outputs, labels) running_loss.append(loss.item()) if phase == 'train': loss.backward() opt1.step() end = time.time() print('*'*20) print('epoch: {}/{} {}_global_steps: {} processing_time: {:.4f} s LR: {:.8f}'. format(epoch, config.epochs, phase, global_steps[phase], end-start, opt1.param_groups[0]['lr'])) print('{} loss: {:.6}'.format(phase, loss.item())) if phase == 'train' and i % 10 == 0:'epoch:{} steps:{} processing_time:{:.4f}s LR:{:.8f} loss:{:.6}'. format(epoch, global_steps[phase], end-start, opt1.param_groups[0]['lr'], loss.item())) if phase == 'eval':'eval_epoch:{} steps:{} processing_time:{:.4f}s LR:{:.8f} loss:{:.6}'. format(epoch, global_steps[phase], end - start, opt1.param_groups[0]['lr'], loss.item())) # set visdom if config.use_visdom and i % 5 == 0: if phase == 'train': viz.line( X=torch.Tensor([1]).cpu() * (epoch + i * config.batch_size / len(image_datasets[phase])), Y=torch.Tensor([loss.item()]).cpu(), win=visline1, update='append' ) viz.line( X=torch.Tensor([1]).cpu() * (epoch + i * config.batch_size / len(image_datasets[phase])), Y=torch.Tensor([opt1.param_groups[0]['lr']]), win=visline3, update='append' ) else: viz.line( X=torch.Tensor([1]).cpu() * (epoch + i * config.batch_size / len(image_datasets[phase])), Y=torch.Tensor([loss.item()]), win=visline2, update='append' ) global_steps[phase] += 1 current_loss = sum(running_loss)/len(running_loss) if phase == 'train' and epoch % config.model_intervals == 0 and current_loss < min_loss:{ 'epoch': epoch, 'seg': model.state_dict(), # 'cls': classifier.state_dict(), 'lr1': opt1.param_groups[0]['lr'], # 'lr2': opt2.param_groups[0]['lr'], # 'loss': current_loss }, os.path.join(config.out_dir, 'models', str(epoch)+'.pt') ) running_loss.clear() min_loss = current_loss print('Saving model in {} for {} epoches'.format(config.out_dir +'/models', epoch))
class VisdomWriter: def __init__(self): try: from visdom import Visdom except ImportError: raise ImportError("Visdom visualization requires installation of Visdom") self.scalar_dict = {} self.server_connected = False self.vis = Visdom() = {} self._try_connect() def _try_connect(self): startup_sec = 1 self.server_connected = self.vis.check_connection() while not self.server_connected and startup_sec > 0: time.sleep(0.1) startup_sec -= 0.1 self.server_connected = self.vis.check_connection() assert self.server_connected, 'No connection could be formed quickly' @_check_connection def add_scalar(self, tag, scalar_value, global_step=None, main_tag='default'): """Add scalar data to Visdom. Plots the values in a plot titled {main_tag}-{tag}. Args: tag (string): Data identifier scalar_value (float or string/blobname): Value to save global_step (int): Global step value to record main_tag (string): Data group identifier """ if self.scalar_dict.get(main_tag) is None: self.scalar_dict[main_tag] = {} exists = self.scalar_dict[main_tag].get(tag) is not None self.scalar_dict[main_tag][tag] = self.scalar_dict[main_tag][tag] + [scalar_value] if exists else [scalar_value] plot_name = '{}-{}'.format(main_tag, tag) # If there is no global_step provided, follow sequential order x_val = len(self.scalar_dict[main_tag][tag]) if not global_step else global_step if exists: # Update our existing Visdom window self.vis.line( X=make_np(x_val), Y=make_np(scalar_value), name=plot_name, update='append',[plot_name], ) else: # Save the window if we are creating this graph for the first time[plot_name] = self.vis.line( X=make_np(x_val), Y=make_np(scalar_value), name=plot_name, opts={ 'title': plot_name, 'xlabel': 'timestep', 'ylabel': tag, }, ) @_check_connection def add_scalars(self, main_tag, tag_scalar_dict, global_step=None): """Adds many scalar data to summary. Note that this function also keeps logged scalars in memory. In extreme case it explodes your RAM. Args: tag (string): Data identifier main_tag (string): Data group identifier tag_scalar_dict (dict): Key-value pair storing the tag and corresponding values global_step (int): Global step value to record Examples:: writer.add_scalars('run_14h',{'xsinx':i*np.sin(i/r), 'xcosx':i*np.cos(i/r), 'arctanx': numsteps*np.arctan(i/r)}, i) This function adds three plots: 'run_14h-xsinx', 'run_14h-xcosx', 'run_14h-arctanx' with the corresponding values. """ for key in tag_scalar_dict.keys(): self.add_scalar(key, tag_scalar_dict[key], global_step, main_tag) @_check_connection def export_scalars_to_json(self, path): """Exports to the given 'path' an ASCII file containing all the scalars written so far by this instance, with the following format: {writer_id : [[timestamp, step, value], ...], ...} The scalars saved by ``add_scalars()`` will be flushed after export. """ with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.scalar_dict, f) self.scalar_dict = {} @_check_connection def add_histogram(self, tag, values, global_step=None, bins='tensorflow'): """Add histogram to summary. Args: tag (string): Data identifier values (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): Values to build histogram global_step (int): Global step value to record bins (string): one of {'tensorflow', 'auto', 'fd', ...}, this determines how the bins are made. You can find other options in: """ values = make_np(values) self.vis.histogram(make_np(values), opts={'title': tag}) @_check_connection def add_image(self, tag, img_tensor, global_step=None, caption=None): """Add image data to summary. Note that this requires the ``pillow`` package. Args: tag (string): Data identifier img_tensor (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): Image data global_step (int): Global step value to record Shape: img_tensor: :math:`(C, H, W)`. Use ``torchvision.utils.make_grid()`` to prepare it is a good idea. C = colors (can be 1 - grayscale, 3 - RGB, 4 - RGBA) """ img_tensor = make_np(img_tensor) self.vis.image(img_tensor, opts={'title': tag, 'caption': caption}) @_check_connection def add_figure(self, tag, figure, global_step=None, close=True): """Render matplotlib figure into an image and add it to summary. Note that this requires the ``matplotlib`` package. Args: tag (string): Data identifier figure (matplotlib.pyplot.figure) or list of figures: figure or a list of figures global_step (int): Global step value to record close (bool): Flag to automatically close the figure """ self.add_image(tag, figure_to_image(figure, close), global_step) @_check_connection def add_video(self, tag, vid_tensor, global_step=None, fps=4): """Add video data to summary. Note that this requires the ``moviepy`` package. Args: tag (string): Data identifier vid_tensor (torch.Tensor): Video data global_step (int): Global step value to record fps (float or int): Frames per second Shape: vid_tensor: :math:`(B, C, T, H, W)`. (if following tensorboard-pytorch format) vid_tensor: :math:`(T, H, W, C)`. (if following visdom format) B = batches, C = colors (1, 3, or 4), T = time frames, H = height, W = width """ shape = vid_tensor.shape # A batch of videos (tensorboard-pytorch format) is a 5D tensor if len(shape) > 4: for i in range(shape[0]): # Reshape each video to Visdom's (T x H x W x C) and write each video if isinstance(vid_tensor, np.ndarray): ind_vid = torch.from_numpy(vid_tensor[i, :, :, :, :]).permute(1, 2, 3, 0) else: ind_vid = vid_tensor[i, :, :, :, :].permute(1, 2, 3, 0) scale_factor = 255 if np.any((ind_vid > 0) & (ind_vid < 1)) else 1 # Visdom looks for .ndim attr, this is something raw Tensors don't have # Cast to Numpy array to get .ndim attr ind_vid = ind_vid.numpy() ind_vid = (ind_vid * scale_factor).astype(np.uint8) assert ind_vid.shape[3] in [1, 3, 4], \ 'Visdom requires the last dimension to be color, which can be 1 (grayscale), 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA)', opts={'fps': fps}) else:, opts={'fps': fps}) @_check_connection def add_audio(self, tag, snd_tensor, global_step=None, sample_rate=44100): """Add audio data to summary. Args: tag (string): Data identifier snd_tensor (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): Sound data global_step (int): Global step value to record sample_rate (int): sample rate in Hz Shape: snd_tensor: :math:`(1, L)`. The values should lie between [-1, 1]. """ snd_tensor = make_np(snd_tensor), opts={'sample_frequency': sample_rate}) @_check_connection def add_text(self, tag, text_string, global_step=None): """Add text data to summary. Args: tag (string): Data identifier text_string (string): String to save global_step (int): Global step value to record Examples:: writer.add_text('lstm', 'This is an lstm', 0) writer.add_text('rnn', 'This is an rnn', 10) """ if text_string is None: # Visdom doesn't support tags, write the tag as the text_string text_string = tag self.vis.text(text_string) @_check_connection def add_graph_onnx(self, prototxt): # TODO: Visdom doesn't support graph visualization yet, so this is a no-op return @_check_connection def add_graph(self, model, input_to_model=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): # TODO: Visdom doesn't support graph visualization yet, so this is a no-op return @_check_connection def add_embedding(self, mat, metadata=None, label_img=None, global_step=None, tag='default', metadata_header=None): # TODO: Visdom doesn't support embeddings yet, so this is a no-op return @_check_connection def add_pr_curve(self, tag, labels, predictions, global_step=None, num_thresholds=127, weights=None): """Adds precision recall curve. Args: tag (string): Data identifier labels (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): Ground truth data. Binary label for each element. predictions (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): The probability that an element be classified as true. Value should in [0, 1] global_step (int): Global step value to record num_thresholds (int): Number of thresholds used to draw the curve. """ labels, predictions = make_np(labels), make_np(predictions) raw_data = compute_curve(labels, predictions, num_thresholds, weights) # compute_curve returns np.stack((tp, fp, tn, fn, precision, recall)) # We want to access 'precision' and 'recall' precision, recall = raw_data[4, :], raw_data[5, :] self.vis.line( X=recall, Y=precision, name=tag, opts={ 'title': 'PR Curve for {}'.format(tag), 'xlabel': 'recall', 'ylabel': 'precision', }, ) @_check_connection def add_pr_curve_raw(self, tag, true_positive_counts, false_positive_counts, true_negative_counts, false_negative_counts, precision, recall, global_step=None, num_thresholds=127, weights=None): """Adds precision recall curve with raw data. Args: tag (string): Data identifier true_positive_counts (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): true positive counts false_positive_counts (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): false positive counts true_negative_counts (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): true negative counts false_negative_counts (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): false negative counts precision (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): precision recall (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): recall global_step (int): Global step value to record num_thresholds (int): Number of thresholds used to draw the curve. see: """ precision, recall = make_np(precision), make_np(recall) self.vis.line( X=recall, Y=precision, name=tag, opts={ 'title': 'PR Curve for {}'.format(tag), 'xlabel': 'recall', 'ylabel': 'precision', }, ) def close(self): del self.vis del self.scalar_dict gc.collect()
parser.add_argument('-port', metavar='port', type=int, default=DEFAULT_PORT, help='port the visdom server is running on.') parser.add_argument('-server', metavar='server', type=str, default=DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, help='Server address of the target to run the demo on.') FLAGS = parser.parse_args() try: viz = Visdom(port=FLAGS.port, server=FLAGS.server) assert viz.check_connection(timeout_seconds=3), \ 'No connection could be formed quickly' textwindow = viz.text('Hello World!') updatetextwindow = viz.text('Hello World! More text should be here') assert updatetextwindow is not None, 'Window was none' viz.text('And here it is', win=updatetextwindow, append=True) # text window with Callbacks txt = 'This is a write demo notepad. Type below. Delete clears text:<br>' callback_text_window = viz.text(txt) def type_callback(event): if event['event_type'] == 'KeyPress': curr_txt = event['pane_data']['content']
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from visdom import Visdom import numpy as np import math import os.path import getpass from sys import platform as _platform from six.moves import urllib viz = Visdom() assert viz.check_connection() textwindow = viz.text('Hello World!') updatetextwindow = viz.text('Hello World! More text should be here') assert updatetextwindow is not None, 'Window was none' viz.text('And here it is', win=updatetextwindow, append=True) # video demo: try: video = np.empty([256, 250, 250, 3], dtype=np.uint8) for n in range(256): video[n, :, :, :].fill(n) # video demo: download video from
def check_visdom_works(self): viz = Visdom(server='http://'+self.defaults["server"], port=self.defaults["port"]) try: assert (viz.check_connection()) except: raise Exception("Error: Check Visdom Server Setup")
def main(config, args): loss_weight = torch.ones(config.nb_classes) loss_weight[0] = 1.53297775619 loss_weight[1] = 7.63194124408 # Here config in model, only used for nb_classes, so we do not use args model = ESFNet.ESFNet(config=config) print(model) # create visdom viz = Visdom(server=args.server, port=args.port, assert viz.check_connection(timeout_seconds=3), \ 'No connection could be formed quickly' # TODO there are somewhat still need to change in ../configs/config.cfg train_dataset = MyDataset(config=config, args=args, subset='train') valid_dataset = MyDataset(config=config, args=args, subset='val') test_dataset = MyDataset(config=config, args=args, subset='test') train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, num_workers=args.threads, drop_last=True) valid_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=valid_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, num_workers=args.threads, drop_last=True) test_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, num_workers=args.threads, drop_last=True) begin_time ='%m%d_%H%M%S') for_train(model=model, config=config, args=args, train_data_loader=train_data_loader, valid_data_loader=valid_data_loader, begin_time=begin_time, resume_file=args.weight, loss_weight=loss_weight, visdom=viz) """ # testing phase does not need visdom, just one scalar for loss, miou and accuracy """ for_test( model=model, config=config, args=args, test_data_loader=test_data_loader, begin_time=begin_time, resume_file=args.weight, loss_weight=loss_weight, )
help='learning rate (default: 0.001)') parser.add_argument('--momentum', type=float, default=0.9, metavar='M', help='SGD momentum (default: 0)') parser.add_argument('--save-model', action='store_true', default=True, help='save the current Model') parser.add_argument('--save-directory', type=str, default='save_model', help='learnt models are saving here') parser.add_argument('--class-num', type=int, default=62, help='class num') parser.add_argument('--work', type=str, default='finetune', # train, eval, finetune, predict help='training, eval, predicting or finetuning') args = parser.parse_args() # visdom可视化设置 vis = Visdom(env="traffic-sign-class 20200902") assert vis.check_connection() opts1 = { "title": 'loss of mean/max/min in epoch', "xlabel": 'epoch', "ylabel": 'loss', "width": 1000, "height": 400, "legend": ['train_mean_loss', 'train_max_loss', 'train_min_loss', 'test_mean_loss', 'test_max_loss', 'test_min_loss'] } opts2 = { "title": 'precision recall with epoch', "xlabel": 'epoch', "ylabel": 'precision/recall', "width": 1000, "height": 400,
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from visdom import Visdom import time import numpy as np try: viz = Visdom() startup_sec = 1 while not viz.check_connection() and startup_sec > 0: time.sleep(0.1) startup_sec -= 0.1 assert viz.check_connection(), 'No connection could be formed quickly' # image callback demo def show_color_image_window(color, win=None): image = np.full([3, 256, 256], color, dtype=float) return viz.image( image, opts=dict(title='Colors', caption='Press arrows to alter color.'), win=win ) image_color = 0 callback_image_window = show_color_image_window(image_color)