class Controls(object): """Main class Neuronvisio""" def __init__(self): app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() self.ui_dir = 'ui' # Loading the UI self.ui = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "neuronvisio.ui")) # Connecting self.ui.Plot3D.connect(self.ui.Plot3D, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.launch_visio) self.ui.plot_vector_btn.connect(self.ui.plot_vector_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.plot_vector) self.ui.init_btn.connect(self.ui.init_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.init) self.ui.run_btn.connect(self.ui.run_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.ui.dtSpinBox.connect(self.ui.dtSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.dt_changed) self.ui.tstopSpinBox.connect(self.ui.tstopSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.tstop_changed) self.ui.vSpinBox.connect(self.ui.vSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.v_changed) self.ui.create_vector.connect(self.ui.create_vector, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.create_vector) self.ui.actionAbout.connect(self.ui.actionAbout, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.about) self.ui.timelineSlider.connect(self.ui.timelineSlider, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.on_timeline_value_changed) self.ui.animationTime.connect(self.ui.animationTime, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.on_animation_time_return_pressed) self.ui.actionLoad.connect(self.ui.actionLoad, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.load) self.ui.actionSave.connect(self.ui.actionSave, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.save_hdf) self.ui.tabWidget.connect(self.ui.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL('currentChanged(int)'), self.populate_treeview_model) self.ui.tree_models.connect(self.ui.tree_models, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged ()'), self.select_model_treeview) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.load_model_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.load_selected_model) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.filter_list_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.filter_list) self.ui.filter_input.connect(self.ui.filter_input, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.filter_list) ### Connection with the console widgetDic = {'dt' : self.ui.dtSpinBox, 'tstop' : self.ui.tstopSpinBox, 'v_init' : self.ui.vSpinBox, 'time_label' : self.ui.time_label } self.timeLoop = Timeloop(widgetDic) app.connect( self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateDt(double)"), self.update_dt ) app.connect( self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateTstop(double)"), self.update_tstop ) app.connect( self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateVInit(double)"), self.update_v_init ) self.timeLoop.start() ### Manager class self.manager = manager.Manager() self.path_to_hdf = None self.visio = None self.tab_model_already_populated = False # Start the main event loop. #app.exec_() self.AUTHORS = 1 self.YEAR = 0 self.TITLE = 2 self.ID = 3 # Dictionary to hold the models class for the ModelDb integration self.models = Models() def populate_treeview_model(self, index, filter=""): """populate the tree view and the scroll_area when the tab is activated""" if index == 3 and (filter or not self.tab_model_already_populated): self.ui.tree_models.clear() # Populating the treeview with the dictionary for model_name in self.models.get_model_names(filter): model = self.models.get_model(model_name) model_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.tree_models, 'Models') model_item.setText(self.YEAR, model.get_year()) model_item.setText(self.AUTHORS, model.get_authors()) model_item.setText(self.TITLE, model.get_title()) model_item.setData(self.ID, 0, model.get_id()) self._set_tooltip(model, model_item) #Resizing the column. #self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.YEAR) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.TITLE) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.ID) self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertPlainText("No model selected.") self.tab_model_already_populated = True #we populated only once. def _set_tooltip(self, model, model_item): # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() for i in range (cols): tooltip = model.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) def _retrieve_selected_model(self): "Return the model selected in the " items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() if items: selected_item = items[0] #first element model_id = int(selected_item.text(self.ID)) models_name = self.models.get_model_names() for name in models_name: mod = self.models.get_model(name) if model_id == mod.get_id(): return mod else:'No model selected!') return None def filter_list(self): "Filter the models list using the given text." filter = self.ui.filter_input.text() logger.debug("Filtering list using keyword '%s'" %(filter)) self.populate_treeview_model(3, filter) def about(self): self.aboutUi = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "qtAbout.ui")) import neuronvisio name = '<font size=24><b>Neuronvisio %s<b><font>' %neuronvisio.__version__ authors = '%s' %neuronvisio.__authors__ self.aboutUi.authors.setText(authors) def animation(self): self.ui.timelineSlider.setRange(0, len (self.manager.groups['t'])) self.ui.timelineSlider.setEnabled(True) def create_vector(self): var = self.ui.var.text() if not var: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("No var specified.") msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() else: if self.ui.all_sections.isChecked(): allCreated = self.manager.add_all_vecRef(str(var)) elif self.ui.selected_section.isChecked(): if self.visio.selected_cyl is not None: sec = self.visio.cyl2sec[self.visio.selected_cyl] self.manager.add_vecRef(str(var), sec) else: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("<b>No vector has been created.</b>") msg = "You need to select the section where you want to create the vector" msgBox.setInformativeText(msg) msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() self.update_tree_view() def dt_changed(self): h.dt = self.ui.dtSpinBox.value() def init(self): """Set the vm_init from the spin button and prepare the simulator""" if not self.manager.refs.has_key('VecRef') : message = "No vector Created. Create at least one vector to run the simulation" self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(message, 3500) return False else: v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # Set the v_init h.v_init = v_init h.finitialize(v_init) h.fcurrent() # Reset the time in the GUI self.ui.time_label.setNum(h.t) return True def insert_item_treeview(self, groupName, section_name, vecs, details = None): """Insert a new item in the treewidget. Items are grouped by types. If a new type is provided a new group is added. Items are then grouped by section. In one section more than one variable is allowed. Each variable can have a detail associated in a dictionary form """ group_root = self.get_unique_parent(groupName) sec_root = self.get_unique_parent(section_name, parentItem = group_root) for var,vec in vecs.iteritems(): item = ItemRef(sec_root, vec) item.setText(0, var) item.setText(1, details) sec_root.addChild(item) def insert_refs_in_treeview(self): for group, ref_list in self.manager.refs.iteritems(): for ref in ref_list: self.insert_item_treeview(group, ref.sec_name, ref.vecs, ref.detail) def launch_visio(self): msg = "Plotting..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) if self.visio == None: # Checking there are sections in the model. i = 0 for sec in h.allsec(): i += 1 if i > 0: self.visio = Visio(self.ui.sec_info_label, self.manager) self.visio.draw_model() self.ui.selected_section.setEnabled(True) else: msg = """No model found, no section created. You need to have at least one.""" logger.warning(msg) else: #Raise the visio window # Enabling the animation try: self.animation() except KeyError: # No simulation run an nothing loaded. # just pass pass def load(self, path_to_file=None): """General loading method. It loads either an hoc file or a hdf5 file. The file type is recognised on the extension""" if path_to_file == None: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName() if filename: path_to_file = str(filename) base_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(path_to_file) if (file_extension == '.hoc'): file_path, hoc_file = os.path.split(path_to_file) self.load_hoc_model(file_path, hoc_file) else: self.load_hdf(path_to_file) def load_hdf(self, path_to_hdf): if path_to_hdf != None: self.path_to_hdf=os.path.abspath(path_to_hdf) self.manager.load_from_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) self.update_tree_view() msg = "Loaded db: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) # Enablig the Animation button self.animation() # Disabling all the rest self.ui.init_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.run_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.create_vector.setEnabled(False) def load_hoc_model(self, model_dir, hoc_file): """Load an hoc files. It compiles the mod before loading the hoc.""" try: os.path.isfile(os.path.join (model_dir, hoc_file)) except IOError: logger.error("Not existing file: %s" %e.value) old_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())"Path changed to %s" %(os.path.abspath(model_dir))) if model_dir != '' : os.chdir(model_dir) try: # Add all mod files into current directory self.find_mod_files() # If windows if == 'nt': self.windows_compile_mod_files('.') from neuron import h h.nrn_load_dll('./nrnmech.dll') else: # Anything else. call(['nrnivmodl']) import neuron neuron.load_mechanisms('.') # Auto loading. Not needed anymore. from neuron import gui # to not freeze neuron gui from neuron import h"Loading model in %s from %s"%(model_dir, hoc_file)) h.load_file(hoc_file) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error running model: " + e.message)"Path changed back to %s" %old_dir) os.chdir(old_dir) return True def load_selected_model(self): "Load the model selected in the treeview." mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: model_path = mod.download_model() # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() model_item = items[0] for i in range (cols): tooltip = mod.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod.get_dir(), 'mosinit.hoc')): self.load_hoc_model(mod.get_dir(), 'mosinit.hoc') else: path_info = "Could not locate a predefined mosinit.hoc. Can't automatically load the model. \ Check the README for hints on which hoc to use and copy it to %s/mosinit.hoc" %model_path logging.warning(path_info) self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(path_info, 10000) mod.browse() def on_animation_time_return_pressed(self): "Getting the value from the text" time = self.ui.animationTime.text() try: time = int (time) time_list = self.manager.groups['t'] time_point_indx = 0 # If it's a vector on the just ran sim. if hasattr(time_list, 'to_python'): time_list = time_list.to_python() time_list = np.around(time_list, 3) time_point_indx = np.where(time_list==time)[0] # If it's a numpy array saved on the disk else: rounded = time_point_indx = np.where(rounded==time)[0] self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) self.ui.timelineSlider.setValue(time_point_indx) except: logger.warning("Value not present in the array.") def on_timeline_value_changed(self): """Draw the animation according to the value of the timeline""" time_point_indx = self.ui.timelineSlider.value() self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) def plot_vector(self): items = self.ui.treeWidget.selectedItems() x = None # Plot legend if required legend_status = self.ui.legend.isChecked() #return True if toggled. points_status = self.ui.points.isChecked() # Retrieve the fig num fig_num = self.ui.fig_num_spinBox.value() for item in items: if item.childCount() == 0: # Leaf, so it is the variable to plot sectionItem = item.parent() sectionName = str(sectionItem.text(0)) #Column used var = str(item.text(0)) detail = str(item.text(1)) groupName = str(sectionItem.parent().text(0)) x = self.manager.groups[groupName] key = sectionName + "_" + var vecs_to_plot = { key : item.vec} self.manager.plot_vecs(vecs_to_plot, x=x, legend=legend_status, figure_num=fig_num, points=points_status) def get_unique_parent(self, name, parentItem = None): """Search the name in the treeview and return the qtElement. Raise an exception if not unique""" search = self.ui.treeWidget.findItems(name , Qt.MatchFixedString) root_item = None if len(search) == 0: # We create the group root_item = None if parentItem is None: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.treeWidget) else: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem) root_item.setText(0, name) elif len(search) == 1: root_item = search[0] else: error = "ERROR - too many match: %d. Group Name not \ unique." %len(search) raise NameError(error) return root_item def run(self): """Run the simulator till tstop""" #Initializing if self.init(): # Run msg = "Running simulation. It will take a while maybe..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 5000) while h.t < h.tstop: h.fadvance() self.ui.time_label.setText("<b>" + str(h.t) + "</b>") self.animation() def save_hdf(self): if not self.path_to_hdf: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() self.path_to_hdf = str(filename) # It will go with python 3 if self.path_to_hdf != None: self.manager.save_to_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) msg = "Saved hdf file: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) def select_model_treeview(self): """Synch the README and the modelOverview with the selected model.""" mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: readme = mod.get_readme_html() overview = mod.get_overview() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertHtml(readme) self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.insertHtml(overview) def select_sections(self, list_of_sections): """Select an arbitrary number of sections from the command line. :param: list_of_section - the list of sections to select. Each section should be given by the name ( from Neuron point of view. """ if self.visio is not None: selection_scalar = self.visio.get_selection_scalar(list_of_sections) self.visio.redraw_color(selection_scalar, 'v') self.visio.update_sections_info(list_of_sections) else: logger.warning("You have to launch the 3D Visio window first!") def sync_visio_3d(self, time_point_indx): var = self.ui.varToShow.text() var = str(var) # This will go with Py3 # # #Update the label on the scale if len (self.manager.groups['t']) == time_point_indx: time_point_indx = time_point_indx - 1 # Avoid to go out of scale time = self.manager.groups['t'][time_point_indx] self.ui.animationTime.setText(str(time)) start_value = float(self.ui.startValue.text()) end_value = float(self.ui.endValue.text()) self.visio.show_variable_timecourse(var, time_point_indx, start_value, end_value) def tstop_changed(self): h.tstop = self.ui.tstopSpinBox.value() def update_dt(self, new_dt): self.ui.dtSpinBox.setValue(new_dt) def update_tree_view(self): # Fill the treeview wit all the vectors created #Clear all the row self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self.insert_refs_in_treeview() def update_tstop(self, new_tstop): self.ui.tstopSpinBox.setValue(new_tstop) def update_v_init(self, new_v_init): self.ui.vSpinBox.setValue(new_v_init) def v_changed(self): h.v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # create the command line to compile mod files into nrnmech.dll and launch it. command line is # <cygwin-dir>\bin\bash.exe -c "cd <model-dir>; /usr/bin/sh -c '<nrnhome>/lib/ <nrnhome>'" def windows_compile_mod_files(self, model_dir): # Get the required pathes if os.environ.has_key('NEURONHOME'): s1=os.environ['NEURONHOME'] s2=os.environ['NEURONHOME'] else: import _winreg k1=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Cygwin\\setup") s1=_winreg.QueryValueEx(k1, 'rootdir')[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k1) k2=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NEURON\\nrn72") s2=_winreg.QueryValueEx(k2, 'Install_Dir')[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k2) s1u=s1.replace('\\', '/') s2u=s2.replace('\\', '/') cmd=s1+"\\bin\\bash.exe" arg="cd "+model_dir+";"+s1u+"/bin/sh -c '" + s2u + "/lib/ " + s2u + "'" import subprocess subprocess.Popen([cmd, '-c', arg], stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input="\r\n") # Copy all mod files under model directory into the root directory def find_mod_files(self): import shutil mod_files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'): if (root == '.'): continue for filename in filenames: base_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if file_extension == '.mod':'Copy %s into model directory'%os.path.join(root, filename)) # Double checking we are not copying over the same file. logger.debug("%s %s" %(root, filename)) filename_src = os.path.join(root, filename) filename_dest = os.path.join('.', filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename_dest): shutil.copy(filename_src, filename_dest)
class Controls(): """Main class Neuronvisio""" def __init__(self): app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() self.ui_dir = 'ui' # Loading the UI self.ui = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "neuronvisio.ui")) # Connecting self.ui.Plot3D.connect(self.ui.Plot3D, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.launch_visio) self.ui.plot_vector_btn.connect(self.ui.plot_vector_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.plot_vector) self.ui.init_btn.connect(self.ui.init_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.init) self.ui.run_btn.connect(self.ui.run_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.ui.dtSpinBox.connect(self.ui.dtSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.dt_changed) self.ui.tstopSpinBox.connect(self.ui.tstopSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.tstop_changed) self.ui.vSpinBox.connect(self.ui.vSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.v_changed) self.ui.create_vector.connect(self.ui.create_vector, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.create_vector) self.ui.actionAbout.connect(self.ui.actionAbout, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.about) self.ui.timelineSlider.connect(self.ui.timelineSlider, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.on_timeline_value_changed) self.ui.animationTime.connect(self.ui.animationTime, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.on_animation_time_return_pressed) self.ui.actionLoad.connect(self.ui.actionLoad, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.load_hdf) self.ui.actionSave.connect(self.ui.actionSave, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.save_hdf) self.ui.tabWidget.connect(self.ui.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL('currentChanged(int)'), self.populate_treeview_model) self.ui.tree_models.connect(self.ui.tree_models, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged ()'), self.select_model_treeview) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.load_model_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.load_selected_model) ### Connection with the console widgetDic = {'dt' : self.ui.dtSpinBox, 'tstop' : self.ui.tstopSpinBox, 'v_init' : self.ui.vSpinBox, 'time_label' : self.ui.time_label } self.timeLoop = Timeloop(widgetDic) self.timeLoop.start() ### Manager class self.manager = manager.Manager() self.path_to_hdf = None self.visio = None self.tab_model_already_populated = False # Start the main event loop. #app.exec_() self.AUTHORS = 1 self.YEAR = 0 self.TITLE = 2 self.ID = 3 # Dictionary to old the models class for the ModelDb integration self.models = None def populate_treeview_model(self, index): """populate the tree view and the scroll_area when the tab is activated""" if not self.tab_model_already_populated and index == 3 : self.models = Models() # Populating the treeview with the dictionary for model_name in self.models.get_model_names(): model = self.models.get_model(model_name) model_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.tree_models, 'Models') model_item.setText(self.YEAR, model.get_year()) model_item.setText(self.AUTHORS, model.get_authors()) model_item.setText(self.TITLE, model.get_title()) model_item.setData(self.ID, 0, model.get_id()) # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() for i in range (cols): tooltip = model.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) #Resizing the column. #self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.YEAR) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.TITLE) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.ID) self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertPlainText("No model selected.") self.tab_model_already_populated = True #we populated only once. def select_model_treeview(self): """Synch the README and the modelOverview with the selected model.""" mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: readme = mod.get_readme_html() overview = mod.get_overview() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertHtml(readme) self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.insertHtml(overview) def _retrieve_selected_model(self): "Return the model selected in the " items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() if items: selected_item = items[0] #first element model_id = int(selected_item.text(self.ID)) models_name = self.models.get_model_names() for name in models_name: mod = self.models.get_model(name) if model_id == mod.get_id(): return mod else:'No model selected!') return None def load_selected_model(self): "Load the model selected in the treeview." mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: model_path = mod.download_model() # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() model_item = items[0] for i in range (cols): tooltip = mod.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) self.run_extracted_model(mod) # create the command line to compile mod files into nrnmech.dll and launch it. command line is # <cygwin-dir>\bin\bash.exe -c "cd <model-dir>; /usr/bin/sh -c '<nrnhome>/lib/ <nrnhome>'" def windows_compile_mod_files(self, model_dir): import _winreg k1=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Cygwin\\setup") s1=_winreg.QueryValueEx(k1, 'rootdir')[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k1) k2=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NEURON\\nrn72") s2=_winreg.QueryValueEx(k2, 'Install_Dir')[0] s2=s2.replace('\\', '/') _winreg.CloseKey(k2) cmd=s1+"\\bin\\bash.exe" arg="cd "+model_dir+";/usr/bin/sh -c '" + s2 + "/lib/ " + s2 + "'" import subprocess subprocess.Popen([cmd, '-c', arg], stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input="\r\n") def run_extracted_model(self, mod): model_dir = mod.get_dir() if os.path.exists(os.path.join (model_dir, 'mosinit.hoc')): old_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())"Path changed to %s" %(os.path.abspath(model_dir))) os.chdir(model_dir) try: # If windows if == 'nt': self.windows_compile_mod_files('.') from neuron import h h.nrn_load_dll('./nrnmech.dll') else: # Anything else. call(['nrnivmodl']) import neuron neuron.load_mechanisms('./') from neuron import gui # to not freeze neuron gui from neuron import h"Loading model in %s" %model_dir) h.load_file('mosinit.hoc') except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error running model: "+e.message)"Path changed back to %s" %old_dir) os.chdir(old_dir) else: response = """We didn't find any mosinit.hoc . Unfortunately we can't automatically run the model. Check the README, maybe there is an hint.""" logging.warning(response) path_info = "You can find the extracted model in %s" %model_dir mod.browse() def load_hdf(self, path_to_hdf=None): if path_to_hdf != None: self.path_to_hdf=os.path.abspath(path_to_hdf) else: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName() if filename: self.path_to_hdf = str(filename) if self.path_to_hdf != None: self.manager.load_from_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) self.update_tree_view() msg = "Loaded db: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) # Enablig the Animation button self.animation() # Disabling all the rest self.ui.init_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.run_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.create_vector.setEnabled(False) def save_hdf(self): if not self.path_to_hdf: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() self.path_to_hdf = str(filename) # It will go with python 3 if self.path_to_hdf != None: self.manager.save_to_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) msg = "Saved hdf file: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) def launch_visio(self): msg = "Plotting..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) if self.visio == None: # Checking there are sections in the model. i = 0 for sec in h.allsec(): i += 1 if i > 0: self.visio = Visio(self.ui.sec_info_label, self.manager) self.visio.draw_model() self.ui.selected_section.setEnabled(True) else: msg = """No model found, no section created. You need to have at least one.""" logger.warning(msg) else: #Raise the visio window # Enabling the animation try: self.animation() except KeyError: # No simulation run an nothing loaded. # just pass pass def init(self): """Set the vm_init from the spin button and prepare the simulator""" if not self.manager.refs.has_key('VecRef') :"No vector Created. Create at least one vector to run the simulation") return False else: v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # Set the v_init h.v_init = v_init h.finitialize(v_init) h.fcurrent() # Reset the time in the GUI self.ui.time_label.setNum(h.t) return True def run(self): """Run the simulator till tstop""" #Initializing if self.init(): # Run msg = "Running simulation. It will take a while maybe..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 5000) while h.t < h.tstop: h.fadvance() self.ui.time_label.setText("<b>" + str(h.t) + "</b>") def tstop_changed(self): h.tstop = self.ui.tstopSpinBox.value() def dt_changed(self): h.dt = self.ui.dtSpinBox.value() def v_changed(self): h.v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() def plot_vector(self): items = self.ui.treeWidget.selectedItems() x = None # Plot legend if required legend_status = self.ui.legend.isChecked() #return True if toggled. points_status = self.ui.points.isChecked() # Retrieve the fig num fig_num = self.ui.fig_num_spinBox.value() for item in items: if item.childCount() == 0: # Leaf, so it is the variable to plot sectionItem = item.parent() sectionName = str(sectionItem.text(0)) #Column used var = str(item.text(0)) detail = str(item.text(1)) groupName = str(sectionItem.parent().text(0)) x = self.manager.groups[groupName] key = sectionName + "_" + var vecs_to_plot = { key : item.vec} self.manager.plot_vecs(vecs_to_plot, x=x, legend=legend_status, figure_num=fig_num, points=points_status) def create_vector(self): var = self.ui.var.text() if var.isEmpty(): msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("No var specified.") msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() else: if self.ui.all_sections.isChecked(): allCreated = self.manager.add_all_vecRef(str(var)) elif self.ui.selected_section.isChecked(): if self.visio.selected_cyl is not None: sec = self.visio.cyl2sec[self.visio.selected_cyl] self.manager.add_vecRef(str(var), sec) else: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("<b>No vector has been created.</b>") msg = "You need to select the section where you want to create the vector" msgBox.setInformativeText(msg) msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() self.update_tree_view() def get_unique_parent(self, name, parentItem = None): """Search the name in the treeview and return the qtElement. Raise an exception if not unique""" search = self.ui.treeWidget.findItems(name , Qt.MatchFixedString) root_item = None if len(search) == 0: # We create the group root_item = None if parentItem is None: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.treeWidget) else: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem) root_item.setText(0, name) elif len(search) == 1: root_item = search[0] else: error = "ERROR - too many match: %d. Group Name not \ unique." %len(search) raise NameError(error) return root_item def insert_item_treeview(self, groupName, section_name, vecs, details = None): """Insert a new item in the treewidget. Items are grouped by types. If a new type is provided a new group is added. Items are then grouped by section. In one section more than one variable is allowed. Each variable can have a detail associated in a dictionary form """ group_root = self.get_unique_parent(groupName) sec_root = self.get_unique_parent(section_name, parentItem = group_root) for var,vec in vecs.iteritems(): item = ItemRef(sec_root, vec) item.setText(0, var) item.setText(1, details) sec_root.addChild(item) def insert_refs_in_treeview(self): for group, ref_list in self.manager.refs.iteritems(): for ref in ref_list: self.insert_item_treeview(group, ref.sec_name, ref.vecs, ref.detail) def update_tree_view(self): # Fill the treeview wit all the vectors created #Clear all the row self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self.insert_refs_in_treeview() def animation(self): self.ui.timelineSlider.setRange(0, len (self.manager.groups['t'])) self.ui.timelineSlider.setEnabled(True) def select_sections(self, list_of_sections): """Select an arbitrary number of sections from the command line. :param: list_of_section - the list of sections to select. Each section should be given by the name ( from Neuron point of view. """ if self.visio is not None: selection_scalar = self.visio.get_selection_scalar(list_of_sections) self.visio.redraw_color(selection_scalar, 'v') self.visio.update_sections_info(list_of_sections) else: logger.warning("You have to launch the 3D Visio window first!") def on_animation_time_return_pressed(self): "Getting the value from the text" time = self.ui.animationTime.text() try: time = int (time) time_list = self.manager.groups['t'] time_point_indx = 0 # If it's a vector on the just ran sim. if hasattr(time_list, 'to_python'): time_list = time_list.to_python() time_list = np.around(time_list, 3) time_point_indx = np.where(time_list==time)[0] # If it's a numpy array saved on the disk else: rounded = time_point_indx = np.where(rounded==time)[0] self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) self.ui.timelineSlider.setValue(time_point_indx) except: logger.warning("Value not present in the array.") def on_timeline_value_changed(self): """Draw the animation according to the value of the timeline""" time_point_indx = self.ui.timelineSlider.value() self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) def sync_visio_3d(self, time_point_indx): var = self.ui.varToShow.text() var = str(var) # This will go with Py3 # # #Update the label on the scale if len (self.manager.groups['t']) == time_point_indx: time_point_indx = time_point_indx - 1 # Avoid to go out of scale time = self.manager.groups['t'][time_point_indx] self.ui.animationTime.setText(str(time)) start_value = float(self.ui.startValue.text()) end_value = float(self.ui.endValue.text()) self.visio.show_variable_timecourse(var, time_point_indx, start_value, end_value) def about(self): self.aboutUi = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "qtAbout.ui")) import neuronvisio name = '<font size=24><b>Neuronvisio %s<b><font>' %neuronvisio.__version__ authors = '%s' %neuronvisio.__authors__ self.aboutUi.authors.setText(authors)
class Controls(object): """Main class Neuronvisio""" def __init__(self): dynamic_neuron_home() app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() self.ui_dir = "ui" # Loading the UI self.ui = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "neuronvisio.ui")) # Connecting self.ui.Plot3D.connect(self.ui.Plot3D, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.launch_visio) self.ui.plot_vector_btn.connect(self.ui.plot_vector_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.plot_vector) self.ui.init_btn.connect(self.ui.init_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.init) self.ui.run_btn.connect(self.ui.run_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.ui.dtSpinBox.connect(self.ui.dtSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.dt_changed) self.ui.tstopSpinBox.connect(self.ui.tstopSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.tstop_changed) self.ui.vSpinBox.connect(self.ui.vSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.v_changed) self.ui.create_vector.connect(self.ui.create_vector, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.create_vector) self.ui.actionAbout.connect(self.ui.actionAbout, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.about) self.ui.timelineSlider.connect( self.ui.timelineSlider, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.on_timeline_value_changed ) self.ui.animationTime.connect( self.ui.animationTime, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.on_animation_time_return_pressed ) self.ui.actionLoad.connect(self.ui.actionLoad, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.load) self.ui.actionSave.connect(self.ui.actionSave, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.save_hdf) self.ui.tabWidget.connect(self.ui.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentChanged(int)"), self.populate_treeview_model) self.ui.tree_models.connect( self.ui.tree_models, QtCore.SIGNAL("itemSelectionChanged ()"), self.select_model_treeview ) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.load_model_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.load_selected_model) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.filter_list_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.filter_list) self.ui.filter_input.connect(self.ui.filter_input, QtCore.SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.filter_list) ### Connection with the console widgetDic = { "dt": self.ui.dtSpinBox, "tstop": self.ui.tstopSpinBox, "v_init": self.ui.vSpinBox, "time_label": self.ui.time_label, } self.timeLoop = Timeloop(widgetDic) app.connect(self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateDt(double)"), self.update_dt) app.connect(self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateTstop(double)"), self.update_tstop) app.connect(self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateVInit(double)"), self.update_v_init) self.timeLoop.start() ### Manager class self.manager = manager.Manager() self.path_to_hdf = None self.visio = None self.tab_model_already_populated = False # Start the main event loop. # app.exec_() self.AUTHORS = 1 self.YEAR = 0 self.TITLE = 2 self.ID = 3 # Dictionary to hold the models class for the ModelDb integration self.models = Models() def populate_treeview_model(self, index, filter=""): """Populate the tree view on the gui and the scroll_area when the tab is activated. Args: index (int): the index of the activated tab filter (string): the string used to filter the search on the treeview """ if index == 3 and (filter or not self.tab_model_already_populated): self.ui.tree_models.clear() # Populating the treeview with the dictionary for model_name in self.models.get_model_names(filter): model = self.models.get_model(model_name) model_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.tree_models, "Models") model_item.setText(self.YEAR, model.get_year()) model_item.setText(self.AUTHORS, model.get_authors()) model_item.setText(self.TITLE, model.get_title()) model_item.setData(self.ID, 0, model.get_id()) self._set_tooltip(model, model_item) # Resizing the column. # self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.YEAR) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.TITLE) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.ID) self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertPlainText("No model selected.") self.tab_model_already_populated = True # we populated only once. def _set_tooltip(self, model, model_item): # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() for i in range(cols): tooltip = model.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) def _retrieve_selected_model(self): "Return the model selected in the treeview" items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() if items: selected_item = items[0] # first element model_id = int(selected_item.text(self.ID)) models_name = self.models.get_model_names() for name in models_name: mod = self.models.get_model(name) if model_id == mod.get_id(): return mod else:"No model selected!") return None def filter_list(self): "Filter the models list using the given text in the filter box" filter = self.ui.filter_input.text() logger.debug("Filtering list using keyword '%s'" % (filter)) self.populate_treeview_model(3, filter) def about(self): self.aboutUi = uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "qtAbout.ui")) import neuronvisio name = "<font size=24><b>Neuronvisio %s<b><font>" % neuronvisio.__version__ authors = "%s" % neuronvisio.__authors__ self.aboutUi.authors.setText(authors) def animation(self): self.ui.timelineSlider.setRange(0, len(self.manager.groups["t"])) self.ui.timelineSlider.setEnabled(True) def create_vector(self): var = self.ui.var.text() if not var: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("No var specified.") msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() else: if self.ui.all_sections.isChecked(): allCreated = self.manager.add_all_vecRef(str(var)) elif self.ui.selected_section.isChecked(): if self.visio.selected_cyl is not None: sec = self.visio.cyl2sec[self.visio.selected_cyl] self.manager.add_vecRef(str(var), sec) else: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("<b>No vector has been created.</b>") msg = "You need to select the section where you want to create the vector" msgBox.setInformativeText(msg) msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() self.update_tree_view() def dt_changed(self): h.dt = self.ui.dtSpinBox.value() def init(self): """Set the vm_init from the spin button and prepare the simulator""" if not self.manager.refs.has_key("VecRef"): message = "No vector Created. Create at least one vector to run the simulation" self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(message, 3500) return False else: v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # Set the v_init h.v_init = v_init h.finitialize(v_init) h.fcurrent() # Reset the time in the GUI self.ui.time_label.setNum(h.t) return True def insert_item_treeview(self, groupName, section_name, vecs, details=None): """Insert a new item in the treewidget. Items are grouped by types. If a new type is provided a new group is added. Items are then grouped by section. In one section more than one variable is allowed. Each variable can have a detail associated in a dictionary form """ group_root = self.get_unique_parent(groupName) sec_root = self.get_unique_parent(section_name, parentItem=group_root) for var, vec in vecs.iteritems(): item = ItemRef(sec_root, vec) item.setText(0, var) item.setText(1, details) sec_root.addChild(item) def insert_refs_in_treeview(self): for group, ref_list in self.manager.refs.iteritems(): for ref in ref_list: self.insert_item_treeview(group, ref.sec_name, ref.vecs, ref.detail) def launch_visio(self): msg = "Plotting..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) if self.visio == None: # Checking there are sections in the model. i = 0 for sec in h.allsec(): i += 1 if i > 0: self.visio = Visio(self.ui.sec_info_label, self.manager) self.visio.draw_model() self.ui.selected_section.setEnabled(True) else: msg = """No model found, no section created. You need to have at least one.""" logger.warning(msg) else: # Raise the visio window # Enabling the animation try: self.animation() except KeyError: # No simulation run an nothing loaded. # just pass pass def load(self, path_to_file=None): """ General loading method for any kind of format. Extensions recognised: .xml - NeuroML .hoc - NEURON hoc file .h5 - HDF file formatted according to Neuronvisio format. The file type is recognised using the extension. """ if path_to_file == None: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName() if filename: path_to_file = str(filename) base_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(path_to_file) try: if file_extension == ".hoc": file_path, hoc_file = os.path.split(path_to_file) self.load_hoc_model(file_path, hoc_file) elif file_extension == ".xml": self.manager.load_neuroml(path_to_file) elif file_extension == ".h5": self.load_hdf(path_to_file) else: raise ExtensionNotRecognised except ExtensionNotRecognised: msg = """ File extension not recognised!! Neuronvisio was not able to recognise the file extension. Extensions recognised: .xml - NeuroML .hoc - NEURON hoc file .h5 - HDF file formatted according to Neuronvisio format. """ logger.error(msg) def load_hdf(self, path_to_hdf): if path_to_hdf != None: self.path_to_hdf = os.path.abspath(path_to_hdf) self.manager.load_from_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) self.update_tree_view() msg = "Loaded db: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) # Enablig the Animation button self.animation() # Disabling all the rest self.ui.init_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.run_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.create_vector.setEnabled(False) def load_hoc_model(self, model_dir, hoc_file): """Load an hoc files. It compiles the mod before loading the hoc.""" try: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(model_dir, hoc_file)) except IOError: logger.error("Not existing file: %s" % e.value) old_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())"Path changed to %s" % (os.path.abspath(model_dir))) if model_dir != "": os.chdir(model_dir) try: # Add all mod files into current directory self.find_mod_files() # If windows if == "nt": self.windows_compile_mod_files(".") from neuron import h h.nrn_load_dll("./nrnmech.dll") else: # Anything else. call(["nrnivmodl"]) import neuron neuron.load_mechanisms(".") # Auto loading. Not needed anymore. from neuron import gui # to not freeze neuron gui from neuron import h"Loading model in %s from %s" % (model_dir, hoc_file)) h.load_file(hoc_file) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error running model: " + e.message)"Path changed back to %s" % old_dir) os.chdir(old_dir) return True def load_selected_model(self): "Load the model selected in the treeview." mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: model_path = mod.download_model() # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() model_item = items[0] for i in range(cols): tooltip = mod.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod.get_dir(), "mosinit.hoc")): self.load_hoc_model(mod.get_dir(), "mosinit.hoc") else: log_warning = """No mosinit.hoc present. I can't locate the `mosinit.hoc` therefore I can't load automatically the model.""" logger.warning(log_warning) self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("WARNING: Can't load the model automatically.", 10000) info_warning = """<h3>No <code>mosinit.hoc</code> present!</h3> <p>I couldn't find any <code>mosinit.hoc</code>, therefore I have no idea how to load this model.</p> <p>What I can do is to open the folder where the model has been downloaded. Then, you need to read the docs of the model to know which file you need to load to get the model up.</p> <p>How to load an arbitrary hoc file with Neuronvisio is written on the docs: <a href=''>Loading a file</a></p> """ warning_box = QtGui.QMessageBox() warning_box.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) warning_box.setText(info_warning) warning_box.exec_() mod.browse() def make_animation_screenshots(self, time_start, time_stop=None, saving_dir="anim"): """Creates a series of screenshots which can be put together using memcoder to make a movie Args: time_start (float): time from where to start to take the screenshots time_stop (float): time where to stop. If None will continue till the end saving_dir (string): directory where to save the screenshots. Default is anim """ from mayavi import mlab t = self.manager.get_time() indx_start = t.indwhere("==", time_start) indx_stop = None if time_stop: indx_stop = t.indwhere("==", time_stop) else: indx_stop = len(t) if not os.path.exists(saving_dir): os.mkdir(saving_dir) png_format = "%09d.png" for i in range(int(indx_start), int(indx_stop)): figure_filename_animation = png_format % (i - indx_start) logger.debug(figure_filename_animation) self.sync_visio_3d(i) mlab.savefig(os.path.join(saving_dir, figure_filename_animation))"files created in %s" % saving_dir)"To create a video run:")"ffmpeg -f image2 -r 10 -i %s -sameq -pass 2" % png_format) def on_animation_time_return_pressed(self): "Getting the value from the text" time = self.ui.animationTime.text() try: time = int(time) time_list = self.manager.groups["t"] time_point_indx = 0 # If it's a vector on the just ran sim. if hasattr(time_list, "to_python"): time_list = time_list.to_python() time_list = np.around(time_list, 3) time_point_indx = np.where(time_list == time)[0] # If it's a numpy array saved on the disk else: rounded = time_point_indx = np.where(rounded == time)[0] self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) self.ui.timelineSlider.setValue(time_point_indx) except: logger.warning("Value not present in the array.") def on_timeline_value_changed(self): """Draw the animation according to the value of the timeline""" time_point_indx = self.ui.timelineSlider.value() self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) def plot_vector(self): items = self.ui.treeWidget.selectedItems() x = None # Plot legend if required legend_status = self.ui.legend.isChecked() # return True if toggled. points_status = self.ui.points.isChecked() # Retrieve the fig num fig_num = self.ui.fig_num_spinBox.value() for item in items: if item.childCount() == 0: # Leaf, so it is the variable to plot sectionItem = item.parent() sectionName = str(sectionItem.text(0)) # Column used var = str(item.text(0)) detail = str(item.text(1)) groupName = str(sectionItem.parent().text(0)) x = self.manager.groups[groupName] key = sectionName + "_" + var vecs_to_plot = {key: item.vec} self.manager.plot_vecs( vecs_to_plot, x=x, legend=legend_status, figure_num=fig_num, points=points_status ) def get_unique_parent(self, name, parentItem=None): """Search the name in the treeview and return the qtElement. Raise an exception if not unique""" search = self.ui.treeWidget.findItems(name, Qt.MatchFixedString) root_item = None if len(search) == 0: # We create the group root_item = None if parentItem is None: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.treeWidget) else: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem) root_item.setText(0, name) elif len(search) == 1: root_item = search[0] else: error = ( "ERROR - too many match: %d. Group Name not \ unique." % len(search) ) raise NameError(error) return root_item def run(self): """Run the simulator till tstop""" # Initializing if self.init(): # Run msg = "Running simulation. It will take a while maybe..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 5000) while h.t < h.tstop: h.fadvance() self.ui.time_label.setText("<b>" + str(h.t) + "</b>") self.animation() def save_hdf(self): if not self.path_to_hdf: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() self.path_to_hdf = str(filename) # It will go with python 3 if self.path_to_hdf != None: self.manager.save_to_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) msg = "Saved hdf file: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) def select_model_treeview(self): """Synch the README and the modelOverview with the selected model.""" mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: readme = mod.get_readme_html() overview = mod.get_overview() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertHtml(readme) self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.insertHtml(overview) def sync_visio_3d(self, time_point_indx): var = self.ui.varToShow.text() var = str(var) # This will go with Py3 # # #Update the label on the scale if len(self.manager.groups["t"]) == time_point_indx: time_point_indx = time_point_indx - 1 # Avoid to go out of scale time = self.manager.groups["t"][time_point_indx] time_point_string = "%.3f" % round(time, 3) self.ui.animationTime.setText(time_point_string) start_value = float(self.ui.startValue.text()) end_value = float(self.ui.endValue.text()) self.visio.show_variable_timecourse(var, time_point_indx, start_value, end_value) def tstop_changed(self): h.tstop = self.ui.tstopSpinBox.value() def update_dt(self, new_dt): self.ui.dtSpinBox.setValue(new_dt) def update_tree_view(self): # Fill the treeview wit all the vectors created # Clear all the row self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self.insert_refs_in_treeview() def update_tstop(self, new_tstop): self.ui.tstopSpinBox.setValue(new_tstop) def update_v_init(self, new_v_init): self.ui.vSpinBox.setValue(new_v_init) def v_changed(self): h.v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # create the command line to compile mod files into nrnmech.dll and launch it. command line is # <cygwin-dir>\bin\bash.exe -c "cd <model-dir>; /usr/bin/sh -c '<nrnhome>/lib/ <nrnhome>'" def windows_compile_mod_files(self, model_dir): # Get the required pathes if os.environ.has_key("NEURONHOME"): s1 = os.environ["NEURONHOME"] s2 = os.environ["NEURONHOME"] else: import _winreg k1 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Cygwin\\setup") s1 = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k1, "rootdir")[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k1) k2 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NEURON\\nrn72") s2 = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k2, "Install_Dir")[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k2) s1u = s1.replace("\\", "/") s2u = s2.replace("\\", "/") cmd = s1 + "\\bin\\bash.exe" arg = "cd " + model_dir + ";" + s1u + "/bin/sh -c '" + s2u + "/lib/ " + s2u + "'" import subprocess subprocess.Popen([cmd, "-c", arg], stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input="\r\n") # Copy all mod files under model directory into the root directory def find_mod_files(self): import shutil mod_files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("."): if root == ".": continue for filename in filenames: base_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if file_extension == ".mod":"Copy %s into model directory" % os.path.join(root, filename)) # Double checking we are not copying over the same file. logger.debug("%s %s" % (root, filename)) filename_src = os.path.join(root, filename) filename_dest = os.path.join(".", filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename_dest): shutil.copy(filename_src, filename_dest)
class Controls(object): """Main class Neuronvisio""" def __init__(self): dynamic_neuron_home() app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() self.ui_dir = 'ui' # Loading the UI self.ui = uic.loadUi( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "neuronvisio.ui")) # Connecting self.ui.Plot3D.connect(self.ui.Plot3D, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.launch_visio) self.ui.plot_vector_btn.connect(self.ui.plot_vector_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.plot_vector) self.ui.init_btn.connect(self.ui.init_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.init) self.ui.run_btn.connect(self.ui.run_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.ui.dtSpinBox.connect(self.ui.dtSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.dt_changed) self.ui.tstopSpinBox.connect(self.ui.tstopSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.tstop_changed) self.ui.vSpinBox.connect(self.ui.vSpinBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), self.v_changed) self.ui.create_vector.connect(self.ui.create_vector, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.create_vector) self.ui.actionAbout.connect(self.ui.actionAbout, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.about) self.ui.timelineSlider.connect(self.ui.timelineSlider, QtCore.SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.on_timeline_value_changed) self.ui.animationTime.connect(self.ui.animationTime, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.on_animation_time_return_pressed) self.ui.actionLoad.connect(self.ui.actionLoad, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.load) self.ui.actionSave.connect(self.ui.actionSave, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.save_hdf) self.ui.tabWidget.connect(self.ui.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL('currentChanged(int)'), self.populate_treeview_model) self.ui.tree_models.connect(self.ui.tree_models, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged ()'), self.select_model_treeview) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.load_model_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.load_selected_model) self.ui.load_model_btn.connect(self.ui.filter_list_btn, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.filter_list) self.ui.filter_input.connect(self.ui.filter_input, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.filter_list) ### Connection with the console widgetDic = { 'dt': self.ui.dtSpinBox, 'tstop': self.ui.tstopSpinBox, 'v_init': self.ui.vSpinBox, 'time_label': self.ui.time_label } self.timeLoop = Timeloop(widgetDic) app.connect(self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateDt(double)"), self.update_dt) app.connect(self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateTstop(double)"), self.update_tstop) app.connect(self.timeLoop, QtCore.SIGNAL("updateVInit(double)"), self.update_v_init) self.timeLoop.start() ### Manager class self.manager = manager.Manager() self.path_to_hdf = None self.visio = None self.tab_model_already_populated = False # Start the main event loop. #app.exec_() self.AUTHORS = 1 self.YEAR = 0 self.TITLE = 2 self.ID = 3 # Dictionary to hold the models class for the ModelDb integration self.models = Models() def populate_treeview_model(self, index, filter=""): """Populate the tree view on the gui and the scroll_area when the tab is activated. Args: index (int): the index of the activated tab filter (string): the string used to filter the search on the treeview """ if index == 3 and (filter or not self.tab_model_already_populated): self.ui.tree_models.clear() # Populating the treeview with the dictionary for model_name in self.models.get_model_names(filter): model = self.models.get_model(model_name) model_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.tree_models, 'Models') model_item.setText(self.YEAR, model.get_year()) model_item.setText(self.AUTHORS, model.get_authors()) model_item.setText(self.TITLE, model.get_title()) model_item.setData(self.ID, 0, model.get_id()) self._set_tooltip(model, model_item) #Resizing the column. #self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.YEAR) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.TITLE) self.ui.tree_models.resizeColumnToContents(self.ID) self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertPlainText("No model selected.") self.tab_model_already_populated = True #we populated only once. def _set_tooltip(self, model, model_item): # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() for i in range(cols): tooltip = model.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) def _retrieve_selected_model(self): "Return the model selected in the treeview" items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() if items: selected_item = items[0] #first element model_id = int(selected_item.text(self.ID)) models_name = self.models.get_model_names() for name in models_name: mod = self.models.get_model(name) if model_id == mod.get_id(): return mod else:'No model selected!') return None def filter_list(self): "Filter the models list using the given text in the filter box" filter = self.ui.filter_input.text() logger.debug("Filtering list using keyword '%s'" % (filter)) self.populate_treeview_model(3, filter) def about(self): self.aboutUi = uic.loadUi( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.ui_dir, "qtAbout.ui")) import neuronvisio name = '<font size=24><b>Neuronvisio %s<b><font>' % neuronvisio.__version__ authors = '%s' % neuronvisio.__authors__ self.aboutUi.authors.setText(authors) def animation(self): self.ui.timelineSlider.setRange(0, len(self.manager.groups['t'])) self.ui.timelineSlider.setEnabled(True) def create_vector(self): var = self.ui.var.text() if not var: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("No var specified.") msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() else: if self.ui.all_sections.isChecked(): allCreated = self.manager.add_all_vecRef(str(var)) elif self.ui.selected_section.isChecked(): if self.visio.selected_cyl is not None: sec = self.visio.cyl2sec[self.visio.selected_cyl] self.manager.add_vecRef(str(var), sec) else: msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("<b>No vector has been created.</b>") msg = "You need to select the section where you want to create the vector" msgBox.setInformativeText(msg) msgBox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.exec_() self.update_tree_view() def dt_changed(self): h.dt = self.ui.dtSpinBox.value() def init(self): """Set the vm_init from the spin button and prepare the simulator""" if not self.manager.refs.has_key('VecRef'): message = "No vector Created. Create at least one vector to run the simulation" self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(message, 3500) return False else: v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # Set the v_init h.v_init = v_init h.finitialize(v_init) h.fcurrent() # Reset the time in the GUI self.ui.time_label.setNum(h.t) return True def insert_item_treeview(self, groupName, section_name, vecs, details=None): """Insert a new item in the treewidget. Items are grouped by types. If a new type is provided a new group is added. Items are then grouped by section. In one section more than one variable is allowed. Each variable can have a detail associated in a dictionary form """ group_root = self.get_unique_parent(groupName) sec_root = self.get_unique_parent(section_name, parentItem=group_root) for var, vec in vecs.iteritems(): item = ItemRef(sec_root, vec) item.setText(0, var) item.setText(1, details) sec_root.addChild(item) def insert_refs_in_treeview(self): for group, ref_list in self.manager.refs.iteritems(): for ref in ref_list: self.insert_item_treeview(group, ref.sec_name, ref.vecs, ref.detail) def launch_visio(self): msg = "Plotting..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) if self.visio == None: # Checking there are sections in the model. i = 0 for sec in h.allsec(): i += 1 if i > 0: self.visio = Visio(self.ui.sec_info_label, self.manager) self.visio.draw_model() self.ui.selected_section.setEnabled(True) else: msg = """No model found, no section created. You need to have at least one.""" logger.warning(msg) else: #Raise the visio window # Enabling the animation try: self.animation() except KeyError: # No simulation run an nothing loaded. # just pass pass def load(self, path_to_file=None): """ General loading method for any kind of format. Extensions recognised: .xml - NeuroML .hoc - NEURON hoc file .h5 - HDF file formatted according to Neuronvisio format. The file type is recognised using the extension. """ if path_to_file == None: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName() if filename: path_to_file = str(filename) base_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(path_to_file) try: if (file_extension == '.hoc'): file_path, hoc_file = os.path.split(path_to_file) self.load_hoc_model(file_path, hoc_file) elif (file_extension == ".xml"): self.manager.load_neuroml(path_to_file) elif (file_extension == ".h5"): self.load_hdf(path_to_file) else: raise ExtensionNotRecognised except ExtensionNotRecognised: msg = """ File extension not recognised!! Neuronvisio was not able to recognise the file extension. Extensions recognised: .xml - NeuroML .hoc - NEURON hoc file .h5 - HDF file formatted according to Neuronvisio format. """ logger.error(msg) def load_hdf(self, path_to_hdf): if path_to_hdf != None: self.path_to_hdf = os.path.abspath(path_to_hdf) self.manager.load_from_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) self.update_tree_view() msg = "Loaded db: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) # Enablig the Animation button self.animation() # Disabling all the rest self.ui.init_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.run_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.create_vector.setEnabled(False) def load_hoc_model(self, model_dir, hoc_file): """Load an hoc files. It compiles the mod before loading the hoc.""" try: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(model_dir, hoc_file)) except IOError: logger.error("Not existing file: %s" % e.value) old_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())"Path changed to %s" % (os.path.abspath(model_dir))) if model_dir != '': os.chdir(model_dir) try: # Add all mod files into current directory self.find_mod_files() # If windows if == 'nt': self.windows_compile_mod_files('.') from neuron import h h.nrn_load_dll('./nrnmech.dll') else: # Anything else. call(['nrnivmodl']) import neuron neuron.load_mechanisms( '.') # Auto loading. Not needed anymore. from neuron import gui # to not freeze neuron gui from neuron import h"Loading model in %s from %s" % (model_dir, hoc_file)) h.load_file(hoc_file) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error running model: " + e.message)"Path changed back to %s" % old_dir) os.chdir(old_dir) return True def load_selected_model(self): "Load the model selected in the treeview." mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: model_path = mod.download_model() # tooltip cols = self.ui.tree_models.columnCount() items = self.ui.tree_models.selectedItems() model_item = items[0] for i in range(cols): tooltip = mod.get_tooltip() model_item.setToolTip(i, tooltip) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod.get_dir(), 'mosinit.hoc')): self.load_hoc_model(mod.get_dir(), 'mosinit.hoc') else: log_warning = """No mosinit.hoc present. I can't locate the `mosinit.hoc` therefore I can't load automatically the model.""" logger.warning(log_warning) self.ui.statusbar.showMessage( "WARNING: Can't load the model automatically.", 10000) info_warning = """<h3>No <code>mosinit.hoc</code> present!</h3> <p>I couldn't find any <code>mosinit.hoc</code>, therefore I have no idea how to load this model.</p> <p>What I can do is to open the folder where the model has been downloaded. Then, you need to read the docs of the model to know which file you need to load to get the model up.</p> <p>How to load an arbitrary hoc file with Neuronvisio is written on the docs: <a href=''>Loading a file</a></p> """ warning_box = QtGui.QMessageBox() warning_box.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) warning_box.setText(info_warning) warning_box.exec_() mod.browse() def make_animation_screenshots(self, time_start, time_stop=None, saving_dir='anim'): """Creates a series of screenshots which can be put together using memcoder to make a movie Args: time_start (float): time from where to start to take the screenshots time_stop (float): time where to stop. If None will continue till the end saving_dir (string): directory where to save the screenshots. Default is anim """ from mayavi import mlab t = self.manager.get_time() indx_start = t.indwhere("==", time_start) indx_stop = None if time_stop: indx_stop = t.indwhere("==", time_stop) else: indx_stop = len(t) if not os.path.exists(saving_dir): os.mkdir(saving_dir) png_format = "%09d.png" for i in range(int(indx_start), int(indx_stop)): figure_filename_animation = png_format % (i - indx_start) logger.debug(figure_filename_animation) self.sync_visio_3d(i) mlab.savefig(os.path.join(saving_dir, figure_filename_animation))"files created in %s" % saving_dir)"To create a video run:")"ffmpeg -f image2 -r 10 -i %s -sameq -pass 2" % png_format) def on_animation_time_return_pressed(self): "Getting the value from the text" time = self.ui.animationTime.text() try: time = int(time) time_list = self.manager.groups['t'] time_point_indx = 0 # If it's a vector on the just ran sim. if hasattr(time_list, 'to_python'): time_list = time_list.to_python() time_list = np.around(time_list, 3) time_point_indx = np.where(time_list == time)[0] # If it's a numpy array saved on the disk else: rounded = time_point_indx = np.where(rounded == time)[0] self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) self.ui.timelineSlider.setValue(time_point_indx) except: logger.warning("Value not present in the array.") def on_timeline_value_changed(self): """Draw the animation according to the value of the timeline""" time_point_indx = self.ui.timelineSlider.value() self.sync_visio_3d(time_point_indx) def plot_vector(self): items = self.ui.treeWidget.selectedItems() x = None # Plot legend if required legend_status = self.ui.legend.isChecked() #return True if toggled. points_status = self.ui.points.isChecked() # Retrieve the fig num fig_num = self.ui.fig_num_spinBox.value() for item in items: if item.childCount() == 0: # Leaf, so it is the variable to plot sectionItem = item.parent() sectionName = str(sectionItem.text(0)) #Column used var = str(item.text(0)) detail = str(item.text(1)) groupName = str(sectionItem.parent().text(0)) x = self.manager.groups[groupName] key = sectionName + "_" + var vecs_to_plot = {key: item.vec} self.manager.plot_vecs(vecs_to_plot, x=x, legend=legend_status, figure_num=fig_num, points=points_status) def get_unique_parent(self, name, parentItem=None): """Search the name in the treeview and return the qtElement. Raise an exception if not unique""" search = self.ui.treeWidget.findItems(name, Qt.MatchFixedString) root_item = None if len(search) == 0: # We create the group root_item = None if parentItem is None: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.ui.treeWidget) else: root_item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem) root_item.setText(0, name) elif len(search) == 1: root_item = search[0] else: error = "ERROR - too many match: %d. Group Name not \ unique." % len(search) raise NameError(error) return root_item def run(self): """Run the simulator till tstop""" #Initializing if self.init(): # Run msg = "Running simulation. It will take a while maybe..." self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 5000) while h.t < h.tstop: h.fadvance() self.ui.time_label.setText("<b>" + str(h.t) + "</b>") self.animation() def save_hdf(self): if not self.path_to_hdf: filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() self.path_to_hdf = str(filename) # It will go with python 3 if self.path_to_hdf != None: self.manager.save_to_hdf(self.path_to_hdf) msg = "Saved hdf file: %s" % self.path_to_hdf self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(msg, 3500) def select_model_treeview(self): """Synch the README and the modelOverview with the selected model.""" mod = self._retrieve_selected_model() if mod: readme = mod.get_readme_html() overview = mod.get_overview() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_readme.insertHtml(readme) self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.clear() self.ui.textBrowser_model_overview.insertHtml(overview) def sync_visio_3d(self, time_point_indx): var = self.ui.varToShow.text() var = str(var) # This will go with Py3 # # #Update the label on the scale if len(self.manager.groups['t']) == time_point_indx: time_point_indx = time_point_indx - 1 # Avoid to go out of scale time = self.manager.groups['t'][time_point_indx] time_point_string = "%.3f" % round(time, 3) self.ui.animationTime.setText(time_point_string) start_value = float(self.ui.startValue.text()) end_value = float(self.ui.endValue.text()) self.visio.show_variable_timecourse(var, time_point_indx, start_value, end_value) def tstop_changed(self): h.tstop = self.ui.tstopSpinBox.value() def update_dt(self, new_dt): self.ui.dtSpinBox.setValue(new_dt) def update_tree_view(self): # Fill the treeview wit all the vectors created #Clear all the row self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self.insert_refs_in_treeview() def update_tstop(self, new_tstop): self.ui.tstopSpinBox.setValue(new_tstop) def update_v_init(self, new_v_init): self.ui.vSpinBox.setValue(new_v_init) def v_changed(self): h.v_init = self.ui.vSpinBox.value() # create the command line to compile mod files into nrnmech.dll and launch it. command line is # <cygwin-dir>\bin\bash.exe -c "cd <model-dir>; /usr/bin/sh -c '<nrnhome>/lib/ <nrnhome>'" def windows_compile_mod_files(self, model_dir): # Get the required pathes if os.environ.has_key('NEURONHOME'): s1 = os.environ['NEURONHOME'] s2 = os.environ['NEURONHOME'] else: import _winreg k1 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Cygwin\\setup") s1 = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k1, 'rootdir')[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k1) k2 = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NEURON\\nrn72") s2 = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k2, 'Install_Dir')[0] _winreg.CloseKey(k2) s1u = s1.replace('\\', '/') s2u = s2.replace('\\', '/') cmd = s1 + "\\bin\\bash.exe" arg = "cd " + model_dir + ";" + s1u + "/bin/sh -c '" + s2u + "/lib/ " + s2u + "'" import subprocess subprocess.Popen([cmd, '-c', arg], stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input="\r\n") # Copy all mod files under model directory into the root directory def find_mod_files(self): import shutil mod_files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'): if (root == '.'): continue for filename in filenames: base_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if file_extension == '.mod':'Copy %s into model directory' % os.path.join(root, filename)) # Double checking we are not copying over the same file. logger.debug("%s %s" % (root, filename)) filename_src = os.path.join(root, filename) filename_dest = os.path.join('.', filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename_dest): shutil.copy(filename_src, filename_dest)