def process(self, *mats): # x = time.perf_counter() DOWNSIZE_CAMERA = self.options['downsize_camera'] mat = cv2.cvtColor(mats[0], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img2 = resize( to_umat(mat), int(mat.shape[1] * DOWNSIZE_CAMERA), int(mat.shape[0] * DOWNSIZE_CAMERA)) if DOWNSIZE_CAMERA else mat # trainImage board = self.static_process('upper', 'lower') # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT kp2, des2 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(img2, None) cam = {"img": img2, "kp": kp2, "des": des2} p = resize(mats[0], int(mats[0].shape[1] * self.options['downsize_camera']), int(mats[0].shape[0] * self.options['downsize_camera'])) p_mat = p.copy() p, M = self.match(board, cam, p, (255, 0, 0)) if self.options['show_keypoints']: p = cv2.drawKeypoints(p, kp2, None, (255, 255, 0)) assert p is not None self.post_shm(p_mat, p, M)"outline", p)
def find_key_descriptors(im): if self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] != 0 and self.options[ 'source_y_scale_%s' % image] != 0: scaledim = resize( im, int(im.shape[1] * self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image]), int(im.shape[0] * self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image])) scaledim = np.pad(scaledim, ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255) rx = self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] ry = self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image] else: scaledim = im rx = 1 ry = 1 kp, des = self.detector.detectAndCompute(scaledim, None) self.static[image] = { "name": image, "org": im, "img": scaledim, "rx": rx, "ry": ry, "kp": kp, "des": des } image, cv2.drawKeypoints(scaledim, kp, None, (0, 0, 255), flags=0)) return self.static[image]
def process(self, mat): mat = resize(mat, mat.shape[1] // 4, mat.shape[0] // 4) col = cv2.cvtColor(mat, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB).astype(np.int16) dst1 = dst_thresh(col, (self.options['t_l_trg'], self.options['t_a_trg'], self.options['t_b_trg'])) dst2 = dst_thresh(col, (self.options['b_l_trg'], self.options['b_a_trg'], self.options['b_b_trg'])) cdst = dst1.astype(np.uint16) * dst2.astype(np.uint16) t3 = cdst < (self.options['combined_thresh']**2)'dst1', dst1)'dst2', dst2)'cdst', (cdst**.5).astype(np.uint8)) #t2 = dst < self.options['d_thresh'] #t1 = t1.astype(np.uint8) * 255 #t2 = t2.astype(np.uint8) * 255 t3 = t3.astype(np.uint8) * 255't1', t1)'t2', t2)'t3', t3) img, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(t3, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if contours is None or hierarchy is None: shm.bins_status.lever_visible.set(False) else: valid_contours = (hierarchy[0, :, 3] < 0) # (hierarchy[0,:,2] < 0) #print(valid_contours.shape, contours.shape) #print(hierarchy) #print(len(contours), valid_contours) #contours = contours[valid_contours] #print([(cv2.contourArea(x), cv2.arcLength(x, True) ** 2 / 2) for x in contours]) contours = [ x for i, x in enumerate(contours) if valid_contours[i] and cv2.contourArea(x) > cv2.arcLength(x, True)**2 / 2 * self.options['compactness'] ] #print(contours) if contours: mx = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) mm = cv2.moments(mx) if mm['m00'] != 0: cx = mm['m10'] / mm['m00'] cy = mm['m01'] / mm['m00'] cv2.drawContours(mat, [mx], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) norm_x = cx / mat.shape[1] - .5 norm_y = (cy - mat.shape[0] / 2) / mat.shape[1] shm.bins_status.lever_x.set(norm_x) shm.bins_status.lever_y.set(norm_y) shm.bins_status.lever_sz.set(cv2.contourArea(mx)**.5) shm.bins_status.lever_visible.set(True) else: shm.bins_status.lever_visible.set(False) else: shm.bins_status.lever_visible.set(False)'mat', mat)
def static_process(self, image): def find_key_descriptors(im): if self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] != 0 and self.options[ 'source_y_scale_%s' % image] != 0: scaledim = resize( im, int(im.shape[1] * self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image]), int(im.shape[0] * self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image])) scaledim = np.pad(scaledim, ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255) rx = self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] ry = self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image] else: scaledim = im rx = 1 ry = 1 kp, des = self.detector.detectAndCompute(scaledim, None) self.static[image] = { "name": image, "org": im, "img": scaledim, "rx": rx, "ry": ry, "kp": kp, "des": des } image, cv2.drawKeypoints(scaledim, kp, None, (0, 0, 255), flags=0)) return self.static[image] if image in self.static: if self.static[image]['rx'] == self.options['source_x_scale_%s'%image] and \ self.static[image]['ry'] == self.options['source_y_scale_%s'%image]: return self.static[image] else: im = self.static[image]["org"] return find_key_descriptors(im) else: im = simple_gaussian_blur( cv2.imread('buoy_images/%s.png' % image, 0), 11, 3) im = resize(im, im.shape[1] // 2, im.shape[0] // 2) return find_key_descriptors(im)
def crop_by_mask(cvtmat, mask, x, y, r, shrink=False): import time t = time.time() cvtmat = cvtmat[:, :, 1:] # TODO: make this adjustable print('foo a', time.time() - t) t = time.time() mask = mask[y - r:y + r, x - r:x + r] print('foo b', time.time() - t) t = time.time() cropped = cvtmat[y - r:y + r, x - r:x + r] print('foo c', time.time() - t) t = time.time() cropped = cv2.bitwise_and(cropped, cropped, mask=mask) print('foo d', time.time() - t) if shrink: size = min(cropped.shape[0], cropped.shape[1], shrink) cropped = resize(cropped, size, size) return cropped
def process(self, mat):'org', mat) mat = resize(mat, mat.shape[1]//2, mat.shape[0]//2) shm.bins_garlic.center_x.set(mat.shape[0]//2) shm.bins_garlic.center_y.set(mat.shape[1]//2) cvtmat, split = bgr_to_lab(mat) self.circles = find_yellow_circle(split, color=[self.options['yellow_{}'.format(s)] for s in COLORSPACE], distance=self.options['circle_color_distance'], erode_kernel=self.options['circle_erode_kernel'], erode_iterations=self.options['circle_erode_iterations'], dilate_kernel=self.options['circle_dilate_kernel'], dilate_iterations=self.options['circle_dilate_iterations'], min_contour_size=self.options['circle_min_contour_size'], min_circularity=self.options['circle_min_circularity'], radius_offset=self.options['garlic_circle_r_offset']) cv2.drawContours(mat, [c['contour'] for c in self.circles], 0, (255, 0, 0), 10) for c in self.circles:, *c['circle'], (0, 255, 0), 10)'circle', mat) self.find_red_garlic(cvtmat, split)
def process(self, mat): t = time.perf_counter()'org', mat) mat = resize(mat, mat.shape[1]//2, mat.shape[0]//2) shm.recovery_vampire.cam_x.set(mat.shape[1]//2) shm.recovery_vampire.cam_y.set(mat.shape[0]//2) # tt = time.perf_counter() # print('1 %f' % (tt - t)) # print(mat.shape) _, split = bgr_to_lab(mat) d = self.options['vampire_color_distance'] color = [self.options["yellow_%s" % c] for c in COLORSPACE] self.rectangles = self.find_yellow_rectangle(split, color, d, self.options['erode_kernel_size'], self.options['erode_iterations'], self.options['dilate_kernel_size'], self.options['dilate_iterations'], self.options['contour_size_min'], self.options['rectangularity_thresh'], -self.options['rectangle_padding']) # t = time.perf_counter() # print('2 %f' % (t - tt)) for y in self.rectangles: rectangle = cv2.boxPoints(y['rectangle']) mat = cv2.drawContours(mat, [np.int0(rectangle)], 0, (0, 0, 255), 10) color = [self.options["purple_%s" % c] for c in COLORSPACE] # purple = self.find_color(mat, color, d, use_first_channel=False, erode_mask=True, dilate_mask=True, iterations=3, rectangular=False) #'purple', purple) # purple_contours = self.contours_and_filter(purple, self.options['contour_size_min']) self.find_vampire(mat, split, color, d) # tt = time.perf_counter() # print('3 %f' % (tt-t)) mat = cv2.drawContours(mat, [r['contour'] for r in self.rectangles], -1, (0, 255, 0), 10) # mat = cv2.drawContours(mat, purple_contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 10)'yellow_contours', mat)
def find_key_descriptors(im): if self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] != 0 and self.options[ 'source_y_scale_%s' % image] != 0: scaledim = resize( im, int(im.shape[1] * self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image]), int(im.shape[0] * self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image])) scaledim = np.pad(scaledim, ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255) rx = self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] ry = self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image] else: scaledim = im rx = 1 ry = 1 scaledim = simple_gaussian_blur(scaledim, BLUR_KERNEL, BLUR_SD) kp, des = self.detector.detectAndCompute(scaledim, None) self.static[image] = { "name": image, "org": im, "img": scaledim, "rx": rx, "ry": ry, "kp": kp, "des": des, "separation": self.options['board_separation'] } keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(scaledim.copy(), kp, None, (0, 0, 255), flags=0), keypoints) return self.static[image]
def find_key_descriptors(im): scaledim = resize( im, int(im.shape[1] * self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image]), int(im.shape[0] * self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image])) #mean = 0 #sigma = 20 #gauss = np.random.normal(mean,sigma,scaledim.shape) #scaledim = scaledim.astype(np.int16) + gauss.astype(np.int8) #np.clip(scaledim, 0, 255, out=scaledim) #scaledim = scaledim.astype(np.uint8) scaledim = np.pad(scaledim, ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255) rx = self.options['source_x_scale_%s' % image] ry = self.options['source_y_scale_%s' % image] scaledim = simple_gaussian_blur(scaledim, BLUR_KERNEL, BLUR_SD) kp, des = self.detector.detectAndCompute(scaledim, None) self.static[image] = { "name": image, "org": im, "img": scaledim, "rx": rx, "ry": ry, "kp": kp, "des": des } keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(scaledim.copy(), kp, None, (0, 0, 255), flags=0), keypoints) return self.static[image]
def process(self, *mats): x = time.perf_counter() DOWNSIZE_CAMERA = self.options['downsize_camera'] img2 = resize( to_umat(mats[0]), int(mats[0].shape[1] * DOWNSIZE_CAMERA), int(mats[0].shape[0] * DOWNSIZE_CAMERA)) if DOWNSIZE_CAMERA else mats[0] # trainImage #img2 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img2, PADDING,PADDING,PADDING,PADDING, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) draugr = self.static_process('draugr') vetalas = self.static_process('vetalas') aswang = self.static_process('aswang') jiangshi = self.static_process('jiangshi') # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT kp2, des2 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(img2, None) cam = {"img": img2, "kp": kp2, "des": des2} p = self.match(draugr, cam, None, (255, 0, 0)) p = self.match(vetalas, cam, p, (0, 255, 0)) p = self.match(aswang, cam, p, (0, 0, 255)) p = self.match(jiangshi, cam, p, (255, 0, 255)) if self.options['show_keypoints']: p = cv2.drawKeypoints(p, kp2, None, (255, 255, 0)) p = from_umat(p) self.post_shm() shm.vamp_buoy_results.camera_x.set(p.shape[1] // 2) shm.vamp_buoy_results.camera_y.set(p.shape[0] // 2)"outline", p) print(time.perf_counter() - x)
def process(self, *mats): results = shm.gate_vision.get() h, w, _ = mats[0].shape h = int(h * self.options['resize_height_scale']) w = int(w * self.options['resize_width_scale']) results.img_height = h results.img_width = w mat = resize(mats[0], w, h) #print(np.mean(mat)) avg_brightness_ratio = np.mean(mat) / REFERENCE_BRIGHTNESS nonblack_thresh_dist = self.options['nonblack_thresh'] * avg_brightness_ratio lab, lab_split = bgr_to_lab(mat) median_a = np.median(lab_split[1]) median_b = np.median(lab_split[2]) median_filter_a = range_threshold(lab_split[1], median_a - self.options['water_a_thresh'], median_a + self.options['water_a_thresh']) median_filter_b = range_threshold(lab_split[2], median_b - self.options['water_b_thresh'], median_b + self.options['water_b_thresh']) if self.options['debug']:'median filter a', median_filter_a)'median filter b', median_filter_b) nonwater_mask, _ = gray_to_bgr(255 - (median_filter_a & median_filter_b))'nonwater', nonwater_mask) # Tuned for a 320x256 image vehicle_depth = shm.kalman.depth.get() reflection_cutoff = min(h, int(max(0, 3 - vehicle_depth)**2 * CUTOFF_SCALAR)) mat[:reflection_cutoff] *= 0 tmp = mat.copy() draw_text(tmp, 'Depth: {:.2f}'.format(vehicle_depth), (30, 30), 0.5, color=(255, 255, 255))'mat', tmp) #lab, lab_split = bgr_to_lab(mat) #nonblack_mask, _ = gray_to_bgr(np.uint8(255 * (lab_split[0] > self.options['nonblack_thresh']))) nonblack_mask, _ = gray_to_bgr(np.uint8(255 * (np.var(mat, axis=2) > nonblack_thresh_dist)))'nonblack', nonblack_mask) mat &= nonblack_mask mat &= nonwater_mask mat = to_umat(mat) mat = simple_gaussian_blur(mat, to_odd(self.options['blur_kernel']), self.options['blur_std']) lab, lab_split = bgr_to_lab(mat) threshed, dists = thresh_color_distance([lab_split[0], lab_split[1], lab_split[2]], [self.options['lab_l_ref'], self.options['lab_a_ref'], self.options['lab_b_ref']], self.options['color_dist_thresh'], auto_distance_percentile=self.options['auto_distance_percentile'], ignore_channels=[0], weights=[2, 0, 15]) if self.options['debug']:'threshed', threshed)'dists', dists) dilated = dilate(threshed, rect_kernel(self.options['dilate_kernel'])) if self.options['debug']:'dilated', dilated) eroded = erode(dilated, rect_kernel(self.options['erode_kernel'])) if self.options['debug']:'eroded', eroded) contours = outer_contours(eroded) areas = [*map(contour_area, contours)] centroids = [*map(contour_centroid, contours)] xs = [c[0] for c in centroids] ys = [c[1] for c in centroids] rects = [*map(min_enclosing_rect, contours)] lengths = [max(r[1]) for r in rects] ratios = [max(r[1]) / (1e-30 + min(r[1])) for r in rects] vehicle_roll = shm.kalman.roll.get() lines = [cv2.fitLine(c, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01) for c in contours] angles = [np.degrees(np.arctan2(line[1], line[0]))[0] for line in lines] angles = [min(abs(90 - a - vehicle_roll), abs(-90 - a - vehicle_roll)) for a in angles] rectangularities = [a / (1e-30 + rect[1][0] * rect[1][1]) for (c, a, rect) in zip(contours, areas, rects)] contours = [ContourFeats(*feats) for feats in zip(contours, areas, xs, ys, rectangularities, angles, lengths, ratios)] contours = [*filter(lambda c: c.area > self.options['min_contour_area'], contours)] self.post_contours('area', h, w, contours) contours = [*filter(lambda c: c.angle < self.options['max_angle_from_vertical'], contours)] self.post_contours('angle', h, w, contours) contours = [*filter(lambda c: c.length > self.options['min_length'], contours)] self.post_contours('length', h, w, contours) #contours = [*filter(lambda c: c.rect > self.options['min_contour_rect'], contours)] #self.post_contours('rect', h, w, contours) contours = [*filter(lambda c: c.ratio > self.options['min_contour_ratio'], contours)] self.post_contours('ratio', h, w, contours) contours = sorted(contours, key=lambda c: c.area)[:6] contours_by_x = sorted(contours, key=lambda c: c.x) contours_by_x = filter_duplicates_sorted_by_x(contours_by_x) leftmost = try_index(contours_by_x, 0) middle = try_index(contours_by_x, 1) rightmost = try_index(contours_by_x, 2) tmp = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) results.leftmost_visible = leftmost is not None results.middle_visible = middle is not None results.rightmost_visible = rightmost is not None draw_text(tmp, 'Roll: {:.2f}'.format(vehicle_roll), (30, 30), 0.5, color=(255, 255, 255)) if leftmost is not None: draw_contours(tmp, [leftmost.contour], color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) draw_circle(tmp, (leftmost.x, leftmost.y), 5, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) results.leftmost_x = leftmost.x results.leftmost_y = leftmost.y results.leftmost_len = leftmost.length if middle is not None: draw_contours(tmp, [middle.contour], color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) draw_circle(tmp, (middle.x, middle.y), 5, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) results.middle_x = middle.x results.middle_y = middle.y results.middle_len = middle.length if rightmost is not None: draw_contours(tmp, [rightmost.contour], color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) draw_circle(tmp, (rightmost.x, rightmost.y), 5, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) results.rightmost_x = rightmost.x results.rightmost_y = rightmost.y results.rightmost_len = rightmost.length shm.gate_vision.set(results)'contours', tmp)
def process(self, mat): camera_scale = self.options['camera_scale'] debug = self.options['debug'] if camera_scale != 0: mat = resize(mat, int(mat.shape[1] * camera_scale), int(mat.shape[0] * camera_scale)) l_mat = cv2.cvtColor(mat, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab) if debug: mm = l_mat.astype(np.int32) dst_lid = (mm[:,:,0] - self.options['lid_l_trg']) ** 2 + \ (mm[:,:,1] - self.options['lid_a_trg']) ** 2 + \ (mm[:,:,2] - self.options['lid_b_trg']) ** 2'yellowness_lid', ((dst_lid / 3)**.5).astype(np.uint8)) #np.clip(dst_lid, 0, 255, out=dst_lid) #dst_lid = dst_lid.astype(np.uint8) #res, yellow_mask_lid = cv2.threshold(to_umat(dst_lid), self.options['lid_d_thresh'], 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) yellow_mask_lid = (dst_lid < self.options['lid_d_thresh']** 2).astype(np.uint8) * 255'yellow_mask_lid', yellow_mask_lid) img2 = cv2.cvtColor(to_umat(mat), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edg = cv2.Canny(img2, self.options['canny1'], self.options['canny2'], apertureSize=3) #yellow_edg_msk = cv2.erode(yellow_mask_lid, kernel) #yellow_edg_msk = cv2.dilate(yellow_edg_msk, kernel, iterations=4)'edg0', edg) #edg = cv2.bitwise_and(edg, yellow_edg_msk)'edg', edg) lines = cv2.HoughLines(edg, 1, np.pi / 180, self.options['houghness']).get() clrs = [(0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255), (0, 0, 128), (0, 128, 0), (128, 0, 0)] if lines is None:'lines', mat) shm.bins_status.cover_visible.set(False) return lines[lines[:, 0, 0] < 0, :, 1] += np.pi lines[:, :, 0] = np.abs(lines[:, :, 0]) lvecs = np.exp(1j * lines[:, :, 1]) mlvecs = lvecs**2 #print(lvecs) if debug: for i, (dst, vect) in enumerate(zip(lines[:, 0, 0], lvecs[:, 0])): ctr = vect * dst vc = vect * 1j p1 = ctr + 1000 * vc p2 = ctr - 1000 * vc mat = cv2.line(mat, (int(p1.real), int(p1.imag)), (int(p2.real), int(p2.imag)), (0, 0, 200), 2) #print(vect, dst) m = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2) cc = mlvecs.astype(np.complex64).view(np.float32) centers = [] if len(mlvecs) > 1: dsst = 2.83 - shm.kalman.depth.get() plen = 75 / dsst if dsst > 0 else 1000 res = m.match(cc, -cc) for m in res: if m.distance > .05: continue d1 = lvecs[m.trainIdx, 0], lines[m.trainIdx, 0, 0] d2 = lvecs[m.queryIdx, 0], lines[m.queryIdx, 0, 0] try: center = np.linalg.solve( np.complex64([d1[0] / abs(d1[0]), d2[0] / abs(d2[0]) ]).view(np.float32).reshape(2, -1), [[d1[1]], [d2[1]]])[:, 0].astype( np.float64) #.view(np.complex64)[0] except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: print('singular matrix') continue cC = complex(*center) mz = np.zeros(mat.shape[:-1], dtype=np.uint8) mz2 = np.zeros(mat.shape[:-1], dtype=np.uint8) poly = make_poly(d1[0], d2[0]) rpoly = make_poly(d1[0], -d2[0]) mz = cv2.fillConvexPoly(mz, (cC + plen * poly).view( np.float32).astype(np.int32), 255) mz = cv2.fillConvexPoly(mz, (cC - plen * poly).view( np.float32).astype(np.int32), 255) mz2 = cv2.fillConvexPoly(mz2, (cC + plen * rpoly).view( np.float32).astype(np.int32), 255) mz2 = cv2.fillConvexPoly(mz2, (cC - plen * rpoly).view( np.float32).astype(np.int32), 255) m1, sd1 = cv2.meanStdDev(img2, mask=mz) m2, sd2 = cv2.meanStdDev(img2, mask=mz2) m1, sd1, m2, sd2 = (x.get()[0, 0] for x in (m1, sd1, m2, sd2)) score = abs(m1 - m2) / (sd1 * sd2) if score < self.options['min_cross_score']: continue no_swap = np.cross( *np.complex128([[d1[0]], [d2[0]]]).view(np.float64)) > 0 d1, d2 = (d1, d2) if no_swap else (d2, d1) long_axis, short_axis = (d1[0], d2[0]) if m1 < m2 else (d2[0], d1[0]) sm = mz if (m1 > m2) else mz2 # ^ no_swap m_color = cv2.mean(l_mat, mask=sm)[0:3] passes_color = cv2.norm( np.float32(m_color), np.float32([ self.options['lid_l_trg'], self.options['lid_a_trg'], self.options['lid_b_trg'] ])) < self.options['lid_d_thresh'] if passes_color: centers.append( (cC, d1, d2, score, long_axis, short_axis, sm)) try: mat =, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), 10, (255, 0, 0) if passes_color else (0, 200, 200), 2) except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass if centers: mx = max(centers, key=lambda h: h[3]) center, d1, d2, score, long_axis, short_axis, sm = mx #dsst = 4.26 - shm.kalman.depth.get() - .762 pts = (np.complex64([ long_axis + short_axis, long_axis - short_axis, -long_axis - short_axis, -long_axis + short_axis ])[:, np.newaxis] * plen + center).view(np.float32).astype( np.int32) print(pts) mat = cv2.polylines(mat, [pts], True, (255, 255, 255)) print(score, shm.kalman.depth.get()) if long_axis.imag < 0: long_axis *= -1 if short_axis.real < 0: short_axis *= -1'sm', sm) shm.bins_status.cover_x.set(center.real / mat.shape[1] - .5) shm.bins_status.cover_y.set( (center.imag - mat.shape[0] / 2) / mat.shape[1]) shm.bins_status.cover_maj_x.set(long_axis.real) shm.bins_status.cover_maj_y.set(long_axis.imag) shm.bins_status.cover_min_x.set(short_axis.real) shm.bins_status.cover_min_y.set(short_axis.imag) shm.bins_status.cover_visible.set(True) for ax, clr in ((short_axis, (255, 0, 0)), (long_axis, (0, 255, 0))): p1 = center + ax * 1000 p2 = center - ax * 1000 mat = cv2.line(mat, (int(p1.real), int(p1.imag)), (int(p2.real), int(p2.imag)), clr, 2) mat =, (int(center.real), int(center.imag)), 10, (0, 255, 0), 2) else: shm.bins_status.cover_visible.set(False)'lines', mat)
def process(self, *mats): # x = time.perf_counter() CAMERA_SCALE = self.options['camera_scale'] t = time.perf_counter() print('a', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() mat = resize(mats[0], int(mats[0].shape[1] * CAMERA_SCALE), int(mats[0].shape[0] * CAMERA_SCALE)) if CAMERA_SCALE else mats[0] temp = mat.astype( np.uint16) * 2 #self.options_dict['PPX_contrast'].value mat = np.clip(temp, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) p = mat.copy() #rv, ccs = cv2.findChessboardCorners(mat, (1, 1)) #print(rv) #l_mat = cv2.cvtColor(mat, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab) #mm = l_mat.astype(np.int16) #dst = np.abs(mm[:,:,0] - self.options['img_l_trg']) + \ # np.abs(mm[:,:,1] - self.options['img_a_trg']) + \ # np.abs(mm[:,:,2] - self.options['img_b_trg'])'yellowness', (dst // 3).astype(np.uint8)) #np.clip(dst, 0, 255, out=dst) #dst = dst.astype(np.uint8) #res, yellow_mask = cv2.threshold(dst, self.options['img_d_thresh'], 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)'yellow_mask', yellow_mask) img2 = cv2.cvtColor(to_umat(mat), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) print('b', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() #corners = cv2.cornerHarris(img2, 2, 3, .04) #print(corners.get().dtype) #cg = corners.get() #cg[cg <= 0] = cg[cg > 0].min() #print(cg.max()) #print(cg.min(), cg.max()) #ll = np.log(cg) #print(ll.min(), ll.max())'harris', np.clip((ll * 5 + 128), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)) #img2 = to_umat(np.pad(cv2.cvtColor(mat, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255)) #mat = to_umat(np.pad(img2.get(), ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255)) #img2 = resize(to_umat(mat), int(mat.shape[1]*camera_scale), int(mat.shape[0]*camera_scale)) if DOWNSIZE_CAMERA else mat # trainImage print('h', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() bat = self.static_process('bat') wolf = self.static_process('wolf') print('i', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() #black_areas = img2 < self.options['min_gray'] res, black_areas = cv2.threshold(img2, self.options['min_gray'], 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) black_areas = cv2.erode(black_areas, kernel) black_areas = cv2.dilate(black_areas, kernel, iterations=2)'black_areas', black_areas) img, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(black_areas, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) msk = np.zeros(mat.shape[:-1], dtype=np.uint8) #szcs = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) print('j', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() for i, x in enumerate(contours): #szcs[:2]: pts = cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(x)) #mm = np.mean(x, axis=0) mpp = np.mean(pts, axis=0) #print(pts) #print(np.mean(pts, axis=0)) cv2.drawContours(msk, [np.int0(pts - (pts - (pts * 4 + mpp) / 5) * .1)], -1, i + 1, -1) #print(x * 9 + mm, mm) # print(x) #cv2.drawContours(msk, [np.int0((x * 2 + mm) / 3)], -1, i+1, -1) #for p in szcs[0:2]: # msk = cv2.fillPoly(msk, p, 255) colors = np.uint8([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255), (255, 255, 255)])'blk_fill', colors[np.clip(msk, 0, 7)]) print('k', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() #print(szcs) #black_areas = black_areas.astype(np.uint8) #target_area = cv2.dilate(black_areas, kernel, iterations=10) #target_area = target_area.get()'target_area', target_area) #target_area = cv2.erode(yellow_mask, kernel) #target_area = cv2.dilate(target_area, kernel, iterations=10) #target_area &= msk target_area = msk'target_area', target_area) # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT #img2 = cv2.UMat(np.pad(img2.get(), ((PADDING, PADDING), (PADDING, PADDING)), 'constant', constant_values=255)) # boo print('l', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() kp2, des2 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(img2, None) print('l1', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() if des2 is None: print('No points found') return dg = des2.get() if dg is None: print('No points found') return #cv2.UMat(des2, [0, 1, 2]) #print(dir(des2)) #print(des2.get([0, 1, 2])) #print(kp2) #print(max([1] for x in kp2)) #print(max([0] for x in kp2)) #p = resize(mats[0], int(mats[0].shape[1] * self.options['camera_scale']), int(mats[0].shape[0] * self.options['camera_scale'])) #p = cv2.copyMakeBorder(p, PADDING, PADDING, PADDING, PADDING, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, None, (255, 255, 255)) if self.options['show_keypoints']: p = cv2.drawKeypoints(p, kp2, None, (0, 255, 255)) #print([ for x in kp2]) idxs = [ i for (i, x) in enumerate(kp2) if (0 <[1] < target_area.shape[0]) and (0 <[0] < target_area.shape[1]) and target_area[int([1]), int([0])] ] kp2 = [kp2[i] for i in idxs] des2 = cv2.UMat(dg[idxs]) #print(kp2[0].pt) cam = {"img": img2, "kp": kp2, "des": des2} if self.options['show_keypoints']: p = cv2.drawKeypoints(p, kp2, None, (255, 255, 0)) p_mat = p.copy() def get_center_ang(img, mat): ii = img['img'] pts = np.float32([[ii.shape[1] / 2, ii.shape[0] / 2], [ii.shape[1] / 2, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) + PADDING middle, top = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, mat)[:, 0, :] up_vec = top - middle return middle, np.arctan2(up_vec[1], up_vec[0]) if kp2: print('m', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() p, M1 = self.match(bat, cam, p, (0, 0, 255), msk, len(contours)) p, M2 = self.match(wolf, cam, p, (0, 255, 0), msk, len(contours)) if M1 is not None: ctr, ang = get_center_ang(bat, M1) shm.bins_status.bat_x.set(ctr[0] / mat.shape[1] - .5) shm.bins_status.bat_y.set( (ctr[1] - mat.shape[0] / 2) / mat.shape[1]) shm.bins_status.bat_angle.set(ang) shm.bins_status.bat_visible_frames.set( shm.bins_status.bat_visible_frames.get() + 1) shm.bins_status.bat_visible.set(M1 is not None) if M2 is not None: ctr, ang = get_center_ang(bat, M2) shm.bins_status.wolf_x.set(ctr[0] / mat.shape[1] - .5) shm.bins_status.wolf_y.set( (ctr[1] - mat.shape[0] / 2) / mat.shape[1]) shm.bins_status.wolf_angle.set(ang) shm.bins_status.wolf_visible_frames.set( shm.bins_status.wolf_visible_frames.get() + 1) shm.bins_status.wolf_visible.set(M2 is not None) print('n', time.perf_counter() - t) t = time.perf_counter() assert p is not None #try: # self.post_shm(p_mat, p, M) #except cv2.error as e: # print(e)"outline", p)
def match(self, img, min_match=10, ratio=0.7, draw=False): """ Find all instances of source images in an image. img: The image to be matched. min_match: The minimum number of keypoint matches to identify a source. Increasing this number allows sources to be identified more accurately, but less reliably. ratio: A number [0..1] that is used to identify a "good" match using the ratio test. A higher number means more matches are considered "good", but is also more likely to be noise. draw: Whether to draw the matches. I really believe it is not required, usually it is possible to just compare the keypoints through human eye, but is a useful tool for debugging. The function returns the following as a tuple in this order: - A list of identified sources, which is a tuple including the following in this order: - the name of the source - the good matches found - a single contour specifying the area of the match as a transformed rectangle, - a mask of the matched area, - An image showing all matches to the source image; - The keypoints of the imaged passed - The feature descriptors of the image passed """ kp, des = self.sift.detectAndCompute(img, None) matched = [] draw_params = dict(matchColor=(0, 255, 0), singlePointColor=None, matchesMask=None, flags=2) for name, val in self.sources.items(): matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(val["des"], des, k=2) good = SIFT._ratio_test(matches, ratio=ratio) if len(good) < min_match: continue # TODO: What if we don't do homogenous transform? src_pts = np.float32([val["kp"][m.queryIdx].pt for m in good])\ .reshape(-1,1,2) dst_pts = np.float32([kp[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good])\ .reshape(-1,1,2) matrix, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist() h, w = val["source"].shape pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1], [w - 1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) try: # OpenCV sometimes throws assertion errors here. It should have # been fixed by updating opencv, but it's here just in case dst = np.int32(cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, matrix)) except cv2.error as e: print(e) continue drawim = None if draw: draw_params["matchesMask"] = matchesMask drawim = cv2.drawMatches(val["source"], val["kp"], img, kp, good, None, **draw_params) drawim = resize(drawim, int(drawim.shape[1] * 0.5), int(drawim.shape[0] * 0.5)) matched.append((val["name"], good, dst, matchesMask, drawim)) return matched, kp, des