        self_copy = ShapeMaxN(forward_model=self.forward_model,
        parts_copy = deepcopy(self.parts)
        viewpoint_copy = deepcopy(self.viewpoint)
        self_copy.parts = parts_copy
        self_copy.viewpoint = viewpoint_copy
        return self_copy

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import vision_forward_model as vfm
    import mcmclib.proposal
    import i3d_proposal

    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=(200, 200))
    max_part_count = 10
    h = ShapeMaxN(forward_model=fwm,
                  viewpoint=[(np.sqrt(2.), -np.sqrt(2.), 2.0)],
                  params={'LL_VARIANCE': 0.0001},
    moves = {'shape_add_remove_part': shape_add_remove_part, 'shape_move_part': shape_move_part,
             'shape_move_part_local': shape_move_part_local, 'shape_change_part_size': shape_change_part_size,
             'shape_change_part_size_local': shape_change_part_size_local, 'shape_move_object': shape_move_object,
             'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint_z}

    moves = {
        'shape_add_remove_part': shape_add_remove_part,
        'shape_move_part_local': shape_move_part_local,
def run_voxel_based_shape_experiment(**kwargs):
    """This method runs the chain with a VoxelBasedShape hypothesis and given parameters.

    This method is intended to be used in an Experiment instance. This method prepares the necessary data and
    calls `run_chain`.

        kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments are as follows
            input_file (str): mame of the data file containing the observed image
            data_folder (str): folder containing the data files
            results_folder (str):
            sampler (str): see `run_chain` function
            max_depth (int): maximum depth of hypothesis
            ll_variance (float): variance of the Gaussian likelihood
            max_pixel_value (float): maximum pixel intensity value
            change_viewpoint_variance (float): variance for the change viewpoint move
            scale_space_variance (float): variance for the scale space move
            burn_in (int): see `run_chain` function
            sample_count (int): see `run_chain` function
            best_sample_count (int): see `run_chain` function
            thinning_period (int): see `run_chain` function
            report_period (int): see `run_chain` function
            temperatures (list): see `run_chain` function

        dict: run results
        input_file = kwargs['input_file']
        results_folder = kwargs['results_folder']
        data_folder = kwargs['data_folder']
        sampler = kwargs['sampler']
        max_depth = None
        if 'max_depth' in kwargs:
            max_depth = kwargs['max_depth']
        ll_variance = kwargs['ll_variance']
        max_pixel_value = kwargs['max_pixel_value']
        change_viewpoint_variance = kwargs['change_viewpoint_variance']
        scale_space_variance = kwargs['scale_space_variance']
        burn_in = kwargs['burn_in']
        sample_count = kwargs['sample_count']
        best_sample_count = kwargs['best_sample_count']
        thinning_period = kwargs['thinning_period']
        report_period = kwargs['report_period']
        temperatures = None
        if 'temperatures' in kwargs:
            temperatures = kwargs['temperatures']
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ValueError("All experiment parameters should be provided. Missing parameter {0:s}".format(e.message))

    import numpy as np

    import mcmclib.proposal as proposal
    import i3d_proposal
    import vision_forward_model as vfm

    # read the data file
    data = np.load("{0:s}/{1:s}_single_view.npy".format(data_folder, input_file))
    render_size = data.shape[1:]

    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=render_size)

    shape_params = {'LL_VARIANCE': ll_variance, 'MAX_PIXEL_VALUE': max_pixel_value}

    kernel_params = {'CHANGE_VIEWPOINT_VARIANCE': change_viewpoint_variance,
                     'SCALE_SPACE_VARIANCE': scale_space_variance}

    import voxel_based_shape as vox

    moves = {'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint_z,
             'voxel_flip_full_vs_empty': vox.voxel_based_shape_flip_full_vs_empty,
             'voxel_flip_partial_vs_full': vox.voxel_based_shape_flip_full_vs_partial,
             'voxel_flip_partial_vs_empty': vox.voxel_based_shape_flip_empty_vs_partial,
             'voxel_scale_space': vox.voxel_scale_space}

    viewpoint = [(np.sqrt(8.0), -45.0, 45.0)]
    hypothesis_class = 'VoxelBasedShape'
    if max_depth is None:
        h = vox.VoxelBasedShape(forward_model=fwm, viewpoint=viewpoint, params=shape_params)
        hypothesis_class = 'VoxelBasedShapeMaxD'
        h = vox.VoxelBasedShapeMaxD(forward_model=fwm, viewpoint=viewpoint, params=shape_params, max_depth=max_depth)
        kernel_params['MAX_DEPTH'] = max_depth

    # form the proposal
    kernel = proposal.RandomMixtureProposal(moves=moves, params=kernel_params)

    results = run_chain(name=input_file, sampler=sampler, initial_h=h, data=data, kernel=kernel, burn_in=burn_in,
                        thinning_period=thinning_period, sample_count=sample_count, best_sample_count=best_sample_count,
                        results_folder="{0:s}/{1:s}".format(results_folder, hypothesis_class),

    return results
    for part in sm.spatial_states.values():
        if np.any((part.position + change) > 1.0) or np.any((part.position + change) < -1.0):
            return hp, 1.0, 1.0
    # if updated position is in bounds
    for part in sm.spatial_states.values():
        part.position += change
    # proposal is symmetric; hence, q(hp|h) = q(h|hp)
    return hp, 1.0, 1.0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import vision_forward_model as vfm
    import mcmclib.proposal
    import i3d_proposal

    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=(200, 200), offscreen_rendering=False)
    h = BDAoOSSShape(forward_model=fwm, viewpoint=[[np.sqrt(8.0), -45.0, 45.0]], params={'LL_VARIANCE': 0.0001})

    moves = {'bdaooss_add_remove_part': bdaooss_add_remove_part, 'bdaooss_change_part_size': bdaooss_change_part_size,
             'bdaooss_change_part_size_local': bdaooss_change_part_size_local,
             'bdaooss_change_part_dock_face': bdaooss_change_part_dock_face,
             'bdaooss_move_object': bdaooss_move_object, 'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint_z}

    moves = {'bdaooss_add_remove_part': bdaooss_add_remove_part,
             'bdaooss_change_part_size_local': bdaooss_change_part_size_local,
             'bdaooss_change_part_dock_face': bdaooss_change_part_dock_face,
             'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint_z}

    params = {'MOVE_OBJECT_VARIANCE': 0.00005,
        # NOTE that we are not copying params. This assumes that params do not change from
        # hypothesis to hypothesis.
        shape_copy = self.shape.copy()
        viewpoint_copy = deepcopy(self.viewpoint)
        return BDAoOSSShapeMaxD(forward_model=self.forward_model, shape=shape_copy, params=self.params,
                                max_depth=self.max_depth, viewpoint=viewpoint_copy)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import vision_forward_model as vfm
    import mcmclib.proposal
    import i3d_proposal
    import bdaooss_shape as bd

    max_depth = 3

    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=(200, 200), offscreen_rendering=False, custom_lighting=True)
    h = BDAoOSSShapeMaxD(forward_model=fwm, viewpoint=[(np.sqrt(2.0), -np.sqrt(2.0), 2.0)],
                         params={'LL_VARIANCE': 0.0001}, max_depth=max_depth)

    moves = {'bdaooss_add_remove_part': bdaooss_add_remove_part, 'bdaooss_change_part_size': bdaooss_change_part_size,
             'bdaooss_change_part_size_local': bdaooss_change_part_size_local,
             'bdaooss_change_part_dock_face': bdaooss_change_part_dock_face,
             'bdaooss_move_object': bdaooss_move_object, 'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint}

    moves = {'bdaooss_add_remove_part': bd.bdaooss_add_remove_part,
             'bdaooss_change_part_size_local': bd.bdaooss_change_part_size_local,
             'bdaooss_change_part_dock_face': bd.bdaooss_change_part_dock_face,
             'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint}
Created on Feb 1, 2016

Goker Erdogan

from Infer3DShape.similarity.calculate_similarity import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np
    import cPickle as pkl
    import pandas as pd
    import pandasql as psql
    import vision_forward_model as vfm

    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel()

    data_folder = "./data/stimuli20150624_144833"

    # load the 3D shapes for the stimuli
    gt_shapes = pkl.load(open(data_folder + '/shapes_single_view.pkl'))

    objects = ['o1', 'o2', 'o3', 'o4', 'o5', 'o6', 'o7', 'o8', 'o9', 'o10']
    transformations = [
        't1_cs_d1', 't1_cs_d2', 't2_ap_d1', 't2_ap_d2', 't2_mf_d1', 't2_mf_d2',
        't2_rp_d1', 't2_rp_d2'
    comparisons = {o: [o + '_' + t for t in transformations] for o in objects}

    df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(0, 8 * len(objects)),
def run_bdaooss_experiment(**kwargs):
    """This method runs the chain with a BDAoOSSShape hypothesis and given parameters.

    This method is intended to be used in an Experiment instance. This method prepares the necessary data and
    calls `run_chain`.

        kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments are as follows
            input_file (str): mame of the data file containing the observed image
            data_folder (str): folder containing the data files
            results_folder (str):
            sampler (str): see `run_chain` function
            inverted (bool): whether the input image is inverted, i.e., upside down
            max_depth (int): maximum depth of the hypothesis trees
            ll_variance (float): variance of the Gaussian likelihood
            max_pixel_value (float): maximum pixel intensity value
            change_size_variance (float): variance for the change part size move
            change_viewpoint_variance (float): variance for the change viewpoint move
            burn_in (int): see `run_chain` function
            sample_count (int): see `run_chain` function
            best_sample_count (int): see `run_chain` function
            thinning_period (int): see `run_chain` function
            report_period (int): see `run_chain` function
            temperatures (list): see `run_chain` function

        dict: run results
        input_file = kwargs['input_file']
        results_folder = kwargs['results_folder']
        data_folder = kwargs['data_folder']
        sampler = kwargs['sampler']
        inverted = kwargs['inverted']
        ll_variance = kwargs['ll_variance']
        max_pixel_value = kwargs['max_pixel_value']
        max_depth = None
        if 'max_depth' in kwargs:
            max_depth = kwargs['max_depth']
        change_size_variance = kwargs['change_size_variance']
        change_viewpoint_variance = kwargs['change_viewpoint_variance']
        burn_in = kwargs['burn_in']
        sample_count = kwargs['sample_count']
        best_sample_count = kwargs['best_sample_count']
        thinning_period = kwargs['thinning_period']
        report_period = kwargs['report_period']
        temperatures = None
        if 'temperatures' in kwargs:
            temperatures = kwargs['temperatures']
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            "All experiment parameters should be provided. Missing parameter {0:s}"

    import numpy as np

    import mcmclib.proposal as proposal
    import i3d_proposal
    import vision_forward_model as vfm

    # read the data file
    if not inverted:
        viewpoint = [[np.sqrt(8.0), -45.0, 45.0]]
        data = np.load("{0:s}/{1:s}_single_view.npy".format(
            data_folder, input_file))
        custom_lighting = True
        data = np.load("{0:s}/{1:s}_single_view_inverted.npy".format(
            data_folder, input_file))
        viewpoint = [[np.sqrt(8.0), -45.0, 135.0]]
        # for inverted images we use VTK's default lighting because in the custom lighting, bottoms of objects are not
        # well illuminated
        custom_lighting = False

    render_size = data.shape[1:]
    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=render_size,

    shape_params = {
        'LL_VARIANCE': ll_variance,
        'MAX_PIXEL_VALUE': max_pixel_value

    kernel_params = {
        'CHANGE_SIZE_VARIANCE': change_size_variance,
        'CHANGE_VIEWPOINT_VARIANCE': change_viewpoint_variance

    import bdaooss_shape as bdaooss

    moves = {
        'change_viewpoint': i3d_proposal.change_viewpoint_z,
        'bdaooss_add_remove_part': bdaooss.bdaooss_add_remove_part,
        'bdaooss_change_part_dock_face': bdaooss.bdaooss_change_part_dock_face

    if max_depth is None:
        hypothesis_class = 'BDAoOSShape'
        h = bdaooss.BDAoOSSShape(forward_model=fwm,

        import bdaooss_shape_maxd as bdaooss_maxd
        hypothesis_class = 'BDAoOSSShapeMaxD'
        h = bdaooss_maxd.BDAoOSSShapeMaxD(forward_model=fwm,
        kernel_params['MAX_DEPTH'] = max_depth

    # form the proposal
    kernel = proposal.RandomMixtureProposal(moves=moves, params=kernel_params)

    results = run_chain(name=input_file,
                            results_folder, hypothesis_class),

    return results
def run_chain(name, sampler, initial_h, data, kernel, burn_in, thinning_period, sample_count, best_sample_count,
              report_period, results_folder, temperatures=None):
    """Run an MCMC chain and save results.

    This function is used by run_experiment scripts to run chains and save results.

        name (str): name of the chain. Used as the folder name to save sample images
        sampler (str): Sampler to use. 'mh' for Metropolis-Hastings, 'pt' for Parallel Tempering
        initial_h (I3DHypothesis): Initial hypothesis
        data (numpy.ndarray): Observed data
        kernel (mcmclib.Proposal): Transition kernel of the chain
        burn_in (int): Number of burn in iterations
        thinning_period (int): Keep every ith sample
        sample_count (int): Number of samples to take
        best_sample_count (int): Size of the best samples list
        report_period (int): Report the status of the chain every report_period iterations
        results_folder (str): Folder to save the results
        temperatures (list): Temperatures of each chain for Parallel Tempering sampler

        dict: results
    if sampler == 'mh':
        from mcmclib.mh_sampler import MHSampler
        sampler = MHSampler(initial_h=initial_h, data=data, proposal=kernel, burn_in=burn_in, sample_count=sample_count,
                            best_sample_count=best_sample_count, thinning_period=thinning_period,
    elif sampler == 'pt':
        if temperatures is None:
            raise ValueError('ParallelTempering sampler requires temperatures parameter.')

        chain_count = len(temperatures)
        from mcmclib.parallel_tempering_sampler import ParallelTemperingSampler
        sampler = ParallelTemperingSampler(initial_hs=[initial_h]*chain_count, data=data, proposals=[kernel]*chain_count,
                                           temperatures=temperatures, burn_in=burn_in, sample_count=sample_count,
                                           thinning_period=int(thinning_period / chain_count),
                                           report_period=int(report_period / chain_count))
        raise ValueError('Unknown sampler. Possible choices are mh and pt.')

    start = time.time()
    run = sampler.sample()
    end = time.time()

    # generate a random run id
    run_id = np.random.randint(1000000)
    run_file = "{0:s}/{1:s}_{2:s}_{3:06d}.pkl".format(results_folder, name,
                                                      time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime(start)),

    # save images of samples to disk
    fwm2 = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=(300, 300))

        os.mkdir("{0:s}/{1:s}".format(results_folder, name))
    except OSError as e:

    for i, sample in enumerate(run.samples.samples):
        fwm2.save_render("{0:s}/{1:s}/s{2:d}.png".format(results_folder, name, i), sample)
    for i, sample in enumerate(run.best_samples.samples):
        fwm2.save_render("{0:s}/{1:s}/b{2:d}.png".format(results_folder, name, i), sample)

    sample_lls = [sample.log_likelihood(data) for sample in run.samples.samples]
    best_lls = [sample.log_likelihood(data) for sample in run.best_samples.samples]
    mse_best = -2 * initial_h.params['LL_VARIANCE'] * np.max(best_lls)
    mse_mean = -2 * initial_h.params['LL_VARIANCE'] * np.mean(best_lls)
    mse_sample = -2 * initial_h.params['LL_VARIANCE'] * np.mean(sample_lls)

    # form the results dictionary
    results = {'run_id': run_id, 'run_file': run_file, 'mean_acceptance_rate': run.run_log.IsAccepted.mean(),
               'start_time': start, 'end_time': end, 'duration': (end - start) / 60.0,
               'best_posterior': np.max(run.best_samples.log_probs), 'best_ll': np.max(best_lls), 'mse': mse_best,
               'mean_best_posterior': np.mean(run.best_samples.log_probs),
               'mean_best_ll': np.mean(best_lls), 'mse_mean': mse_mean,
               'mean_sample_posterior': np.mean(run.samples.log_probs),
               'mean_sample_ll': np.mean(sample_lls), 'mse_sample': mse_sample}

    # add acceptance rate by move to results
    acc_rate_by_move = run.acceptance_rate_by_move()
    acc_rates = dict(zip(acc_rate_by_move.MoveType, acc_rate_by_move.AcceptanceRate))

    return results
    for vx in v.voxel.subvoxels[0, 1, 0].subvoxels[1, 1, 0].subvoxels:
        for vy in vx:
            for vz in vy:
                vz.status = EMPTY_VOXEL
    v.voxel.subvoxels[0, 1, 0].subvoxels[1, 1, 0].subvoxels[0, 1, 1].status = FULL_VOXEL
    v.voxel.subvoxels[0, 1, 0].subvoxels[1, 1, 0].subvoxels[1, 1, 0].status = FULL_VOXEL
    v.voxel.subvoxels[0, 1, 0].subvoxels[1, 1, 0].subvoxels[1, 0, 1].status = FULL_VOXEL

    img = fwm.render(v)
    np.save('./data/test5_single_view.npy', img)
    fwm.save_render('./data/test5_single_view.png', v)

    # test 6
    import vision_forward_model as vfm
    fwm = vfm.VisionForwardModel(render_size=(200, 200), custom_lighting=False)

    import paperclip_shape as pc_shape
    joint_positions = np.array([[-0.54028188, 0.41323616, 0.19661439],
                                [-0.20661808, 0.51499101, -0.1030599],
                                [-0.12298621, 0., 0.], [0.12298621, 0., 0.],
                                [0.84088651, 0.1529245, -0.10760027],
                                [0.4336905, -0.07415333, -1.01534363]])

    pc = pc_shape.PaperClipShape(forward_model=fwm,
    img = fwm.render(pc)