def find_near_flare(): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() pre_process = lib.pre_process(image.bgr, 'flare') mask = get_mask() kernel_box = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(7, 7)) kernel_vertical = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(1, 25)) vertical = cv.erode(mask.copy(), kernel_vertical) vertical = cv.dilate(vertical.copy(), kernel_box) kernel_erode = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(3, 13)) vertical = cv.erode(vertical.copy(), kernel_erode) mask = vertical cx, cy, area, obj, box = get_obj(mask) mode = area != 0 color = ct.PURPLE if mode == 0: lib.print_result("NOT FOUND " + color + "(NEAR)", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'near/display') lib.publish_result(mask, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'near/mask') return message() if mode == 1:, (int(cx), int(cy)), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) cv.drawContours(image.display, [box], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) lib.print_result("FOUND " + color + "(NEAR)", ct.GREEN) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'near/display') lib.publish_result(mask, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'near/mask') return message(cx=cx, cy=cy, area=area, state=mode) return message(state=0)
def find_drum(color, return_option): global mask_gripper if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) himg, wimg = image.display.shape[:2] drum_mask = get_mask(color) obj = get_obj(drum_mask, color) state = obj != [] if state == 0: lib.print_result("CANNOT FOUND DRUM", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(drum_mask, 'gray', public_topic + 'mask/drum') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'image_result') return message() lib.print_result("FOUND DRUM", ct.GREEN), lib.most_point(obj, 'right'), 5, (255, 255, 0), -1), lib.most_point(obj, 'left'), 5, (0, 255, 255), -1) cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, area = get_cx(obj, return_option=return_option) forward, backward, left, right = get_excess(obj) lib.publish_result(drum_mask, 'gray', public_topic + 'mask/drum') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'display') return message(state=state, cx1=cx1, cy1=cy1, cx2=cx2, cy2=cy2, forward=forward, backward=backward, left=left, right=right, area=area)
def find_drum(color, return_option): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() himg, wimg = image.display.shape[:2] drum_mask = get_mask(color) obj = get_obj(drum_mask, color) state = obj != [] if state == 0: lib.print_result("CANNOT FOUND DRUM", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(drum_mask, 'gray', public_topic + 'mask') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'display') return message() temp_function(obj) lib.print_result("FOUND DRUM", ct.GREEN), lib.most_point(obj, 'right'), 10, (255, 255, 0), -1), lib.most_point(obj, 'left'), 10, (0, 255, 255), -1) cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, area = get_cx(obj, return_option=return_option) t1 = lib.Aconvert(cx1, wimg) ty1 = -1.0 * lib.Aconvert(cy1, himg) t2 = lib.Aconvert(cx2, wimg) ty2 = -1.0 * lib.Aconvert(cy2, himg) forward, backward, left, right = get_excess(obj) cv.putText(image.display, "pt1 = ({:.2f},{:.2f})".format(t1, ty1), (0, himg - 100), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 255, 5) cv.putText(image.display, "pt2 = ({:.2f},{:.2f})".format(t2, ty2), (0, himg - 20), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 255, 5) lib.publish_result(drum_mask, 'gray', public_topic + 'mask') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'display') return message(state=state, cx1=cx1, cy1=cy1, cx2=cx2, cy2=cy2, forward=forward, backward=backward, left=left, right=right, area=area)
def find_mat(): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() himg, wimg = image.display.shape[:2] mat_mask = get_mask("green") contours = cv.findContours(mat_mask, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] processed_contours = [] for cnt in contours: if cv.contourArea(cnt) < 1000: continue processed_contours.append(cnt) state = len(processed_contours) lib.publish_result(mat_mask, 'gray', public_topic + 'mask/mat') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'display/mat') if state == 0: lib.print_result("CANNOT FOUND MAT", ct.RED) return message() lib.print_result("FOUND MAT", ct.GREEN) return message(state=1)
def find_golf(objective): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() image.get_gray() himg, wimg = image.bgr.shape[:2] obj = lib.bg_subtraction(image.gray, mode='pos') drum_mask = get_mask("blue", shade='golf') cnt = get_obj(drum_mask, "blue") temp = np.zeros((himg, wimg), np.uint8) if len(cnt) > 0: (x, y), radius = cv.minEnclosingCircle(cnt) center = (int(x), int(y)) radius = int(radius), center, radius, (255), -1) # cv.drawContours(temp, np.array(cnt), 0, (255), -1) obj = cv.bitwise_and(obj, temp) contours = cv.findContours(obj.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[1] circle = [] for cnt in contours: area_cnt = cv.contourArea(cnt) (x, y), radius = cv.minEnclosingCircle(cnt) center = (int(x), int(y)) area_cir = math.pi * (radius**2) if area_cir <= 0 or area_cnt / area_cir < 0.8: continue, center, int(radius), lib.get_color('yellow'), 3) circle.append([x, y, radius]) state = len(circle) if state == 0: lib.print_result("CANNOT FOUND GOLF", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', public_topic + 'golf/mask') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'golf/display') return message() himg, wimg = image.display.shape[:2] lib.print_result("FOUND GOLF", ct.GREEN) circle = sorted(circle, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) circle = circle[0] x, y, radius = circle, (int(x), int(y)), int(radius), lib.get_color('green'), 3) x1, x2 = max(x - radius, 0), min(x + radius, wimg) y1, y2 = max(y - radius, 0), min(y + radius, himg) area = math.pi * (radius**2) forward, backward, left, right = get_excess(obj) lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', public_topic + 'golf/mask') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'golf/display') return message(state=state, cx1=x1, cy1=y1, cx2=x2, cy2=y2, forward=forward, backward=backward, left=left, right=right, area=area), (int(x), int(y)), int(radius), lib.get_color('green'), 3) x1, x2 = max(x - radius, 0), min(x + radius, wimg) y1, y2 = max(y - radius, 0), min(y + radius, himg) area = math.pi * (radius**2) forward, backward, left, right = get_excess(obj) lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', public_topic + 'golf/mask') lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', public_topic + 'golf/display') return message(state=state, cx1=x1, cy1=y1, cx2=x2, cy2=y2, forward=forward, backward=backward, left=left, right=right, area=area) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('vision_drum', anonymous=False) image_topic = image.topic("bottom") rospy.Subscriber(image_topic, CompressedImage, image.callback) rospy.Service('vision/drum', vision_srv_drum(), mission_callback) lib.print_result("INIT NODE DRUM", ct.GREEN) rospy.spin() lib.print_result("END PROGRAM", ct.YELLOW_HL + ct.RED)
def find_qualify_pole(): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() log.update_time() image.get_gray() hsv = cv.cvtColor(image.bgr, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV) hue, s, v = cv.split(hsv) # hue = cv.equalizeHist(hue) clahe = cv.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) cl1 = clahe.apply(hue) obj = lib.bg_subtraction(cl1, mode='neg', fg_blur_size=3) kernel_box = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(7, 7)) kernel_vertical = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(1, 25)) kernel_horizontal = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(25, 1)) vertical = cv.erode(obj.copy(), kernel_vertical) vertical = cv.dilate(vertical.copy(), kernel_box) hori = cv.erode(obj.copy(), kernel_horizontal) hori = cv.dilate(hori.copy(), kernel_box) kernel_erode = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(3, 11)) kernel_erode_hori = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(11, 3)) vertical = cv.erode(vertical.copy(), kernel_erode) hori = cv.erode(hori.copy(), kernel_erode_hori) vertical_pipe, no_pipe_v = find_pipe(vertical) vertical_cx1 = [] vertical_cx2 = [] vertical_cy1 = [] vertical_cy2 = [] for res in vertical_pipe: x, y, w, h, angle = res cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(x - w / 2.), int(y - h / 2.)), (int(x + w / 2.), int(y + h / 2.)), (108, 105, 255), 2) vertical_cx1.append((x - w / 2.)) vertical_cx2.append((x + w / 2.)) vertical_cy1.append((y - h / 2.)) vertical_cy2.append((y + h / 2.)) himg, wimg = obj.shape[:2] mode = no_pipe_v lib.print_result("NOT FOUND", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') lib.publish_result(image.gray, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'gray') lib.publish_result(hue, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'hue') lib.publish_result(hori, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'hori') if mode == 0: return message() elif mode == 1: lib.print_result("FOUNG ONE POLE", ct.YELLOW) elif mode == 2: lib.print_result("FOUND", ct.GREEN) cx1 = min(vertical_cx2) cx2 = max(vertical_cx1) cy1 = max(vertical_cy1) cy2 = min(vertical_cy2) cx1, cx2 = min(cx1, cx2), max(cx1, cx2) cy1, cy2 = min(cy1, cy2), max(cy1, cy2) cx1, cx2 = max(cx1, 0), min(cx2, wimg) cy1, cy2 = max(cy1, 0), min(cy2, himg) cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(cx1), int(cy1)), (int(cx2), int(cy2)), (0, 255, 0), 3), (int((cx1 + cx2) / 2), int((cy1 + cy2) / 2)), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) area = 1.0 * abs(cx2 - cx1) * abs(cy2 - cy1) / (himg * wimg) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') # lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') lib.publish_result(image.gray, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'gray') lib.publish_result(hue, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'hue') # lib.publish_result(hori, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'hori') log.assume_pole(mode=mode, x=cx1, y=cy1) pos = log.assume_to_pos() log.save_data(state=mode, cx1=cx1, cx2=cx2, cy1=cy1, cy2=cy2) return message(state=mode, cx1=cx1, cy1=cy1, cx2=cx2, cy2=cy2, pos=pos, area=area)
(0, 255, 0), 3), (int((cx1 + cx2) / 2), int((cy1 + cy2) / 2)), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) area = 1.0 * abs(cx2 - cx1) * abs(cy2 - cy1) / (himg * wimg) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') # lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') lib.publish_result(image.gray, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'gray') lib.publish_result(hue, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'hue') # lib.publish_result(hori, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'hori') log.assume_pole(mode=mode, x=cx1, y=cy1) pos = log.assume_to_pos() log.save_data(state=mode, cx1=cx1, cx2=cx2, cy1=cy1, cy2=cy2) return message(state=mode, cx1=cx1, cy1=cy1, cx2=cx2, cy2=cy2, pos=pos, area=area) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('vision_qualification', anonymous=False) rospy.Subscriber(image.topic('front'), CompressedImage, image.callback) rospy.Service('vision/qualification', vision_srv_gate(), mission_callback) lib.print_result("INIT NODE QUALIFICATION", ct.GREEN) rospy.spin() lib.print_result("END PROGRAM", ct.YELLOW_HL + ct.RED)
def find_gate(): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) pre_process = lib.pre_process(image.bgr,'gate') gray = cv.cvtColor(pre_process.copy(), cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) hsv = cv.cvtColor(pre_process,cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV) b,g,r = cv.split(pre_process) # equ = lib.equalize(gray) clahe = cv.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8)) equ = clahe.apply(b) lib.publish_result(equ, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'gray') obj = lib.bg_subtraction(gray,mode='neg') kernel_box = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(7, 7)) kernel_vertical = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(1, 21)) vertical = cv.erode(obj.copy(), kernel_vertical) vertical = cv.dilate(vertical.copy(), kernel_box) kernel_erode = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(3, 11)) vertical = cv.erode(vertical.copy(), kernel_erode) # remove flare from vertical vertical = cv.bitwise_and(vertical,cv.bitwise_not(get_flare(pre_process))) kernel_horizontal = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(21, 1)) horizontal = cv.erode(obj.copy(), kernel_horizontal) horizontal = cv.dilate(horizontal.copy(), kernel_box) kernel_erode = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(11, 3)) horizontal = cv.erode(horizontal.copy(), kernel_erode) horizontal = cv.bitwise_and(horizontal,cv.bitwise_not(get_flare(pre_process))) vertical_pipe, no_pipe_v = find_pipe(vertical, 'v') print('v',no_pipe_v) horizontal_pipe, no_pipe_h = find_pipe(horizontal, 'h') print('h',no_pipe_h) # horizontal if no_pipe_h > 0: x, y, w, h, angle = horizontal_pipe[0] # cv.rectangle(display, (int(x - w / 2.), int(y - h / 2.)), # (int(x + w / 2.), int(y + h / 2.)), (0, 255, 0), 2) horizontal_x = [(x - w / 2.), (x + w / 2.)] horizontal_y = [(y - h / 2.), (y + h / 2.)] vertical_x1 = [] vertical_x2 = [] vertical_y1 = [] vertical_y2 = [] for res in vertical_pipe: x, y, w, h, angle = res cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(x - w / 2.), int(y - h / 2.)), (int(x + w / 2.), int(y + h / 2.)), (108, 105, 255), 2) vertical_x1.append((x - w / 2.)) vertical_x2.append((x + w / 2.)) vertical_y1.append((y - h / 2.)) vertical_y2.append((y + h / 2.)) himg, wimg = obj.shape[:2] state = no_pipe_v if no_pipe_v == 1: state == 1 elif no_pipe_v == 2: state == 2 else: state == 0 if state == 0: lib.print_result("NOT FOUND", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(horizontal, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/horizontal') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') return message() if state == 2: lib.print_result("FOUND GATE", ct.GREEN) x1 = max(vertical_x1) x2 = min(vertical_x2) y1 = min(vertical_y1) y2 = max(vertical_y2) if state == 1: lib.print_result("FOUND ONE V", ct.YELLOW) x1 = int(min(vertical_x1)) x2 = int(max(vertical_x2)) y1 = int(min(vertical_y1)) y2 = int(max(vertical_y2)) h = int(abs(x1-x2)) cy = (y1+y2)/2 # print((y1,h,x1,x2)) gray = equ temp = int(max(y1-1.5*h,0)) left_h = gray[temp:y1+h/2, 0:x1] right_h = gray[temp:y1+h/2, x2:wimg] low_left_h = gray[cy:cy+h/2, 0:x1] low_right_h = gray[cy:cy+h/2, x2:wimg] lib.publish_result(left_h, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'l') lib.publish_result(right_h, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'r') lib.publish_result(low_left_h, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'll') lib.publish_result(low_right_h, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'lr') # mode_left_h = get_mode(left_h.ravel()) # mode_right_h = get_mode(right_h.ravel()) # mode_low_left_h = get_mode(low_left_h.ravel()) # mode_low_right_h = get_mode(low_right_h.ravel()) mean_left_h = 1.0*get_mean(left_h.ravel()) mean_right_h = 1.0*get_mean(right_h.ravel()) mean_low_left_h = 1.0*get_mean(low_left_h.ravel()) mean_low_right_h = 1.0*get_mean(low_right_h.ravel()) diff_left = abs(mean_left_h-mean_low_left_h) diff_right = abs(mean_right_h-mean_low_right_h) print(mean_left_h,mean_low_left_h,mean_right_h,mean_low_right_h) # if(mean_left_h < mean_right_h): # print(abs(diff_left-diff_right)) # if abs(diff_left-diff_right) < 500: # pass if (diff_left > diff_right): x1, x2 = 0, min(x1,x2) else: x1, x2 = max(x1,x2), wimg right_excess = (x2 > 0.95*wimg) left_excess = (x1 < (0.05*wimg)) if (right_excess and not left_excess): pos = 1 elif (not right_excess and left_excess): pos = -1 else: pos = 0 cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 255, 0), 3), (int((x1+x2)/2), int((y1+y2)/2)), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) area = 1.0*abs(x2-x1)*abs(y1-y2)/(himg*wimg) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(horizontal, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/horizontal') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') return message(state=state, x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, pos=pos, area=area)
def find_pole(): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() log.update_time() image.get_gray() obj = lib.bg_subtraction(image.gray, mode='neg', fg_blur_size=3) kernel_box = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(7, 7)) kernel_vertical = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(1, 25)) vertical = cv.erode(obj.copy(), kernel_vertical) vertical = cv.dilate(vertical.copy(), kernel_box) kernel_erode = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(3, 11)) vertical = cv.erode(vertical.copy(), kernel_erode) vertical_pipe, no_pipe_v = find_pipe(vertical) vertical_cx1 = [] vertical_cx2 = [] vertical_cy1 = [] vertical_cy2 = [] for res in vertical_pipe: x, y, w, h, angle = res cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(x - w / 2.), int(y - h / 2.)), (int(x + w / 2.), int(y + h / 2.)), (108, 105, 255), 2) vertical_cx1.append((x - w / 2.)) vertical_cx2.append((x + w / 2.)) vertical_cy1.append((y - h / 2.)) vertical_cy2.append((y + h / 2.)) himg, wimg = obj.shape[:2] mode = no_pipe_v if mode == 0: lib.print_result("NOT FOUND", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') return message() elif mode == 1: lib.print_result("FOUNG ONE POLE", ct.YELLOW) elif mode == 2: lib.print_result("FOUND", ct.GREEN) cx1 = min(vertical_cx2) cx2 = max(vertical_cx1) cy1 = max(vertical_cy1) cy2 = min(vertical_cy2) cx1, cx2 = min(cx1, cx2), max(cx1, cx2) cy1, cy2 = min(cy1, cy2), max(cy1, cy2) cx1, cx2 = max(cx1, 0), min(cx2, wimg) cy1, cy2 = max(cy1, 0), min(cy2, himg) cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(cx1), int(cy1)), (int(cx2), int(cy2)), (0, 255, 0), 3), (int((cx1 + cx2) / 2), int((cy1 + cy2) / 2)), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) area = 1.0 * abs(cx2 - cx1) * abs(cy2 - cy1) / (himg * wimg) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'mask') log.assume_pole(mode=mode, x=cx1, y=cy1) pos = log.assume_to_pos() log.save_data(state=mode, cx1=cx1, cx2=cx2, cy1=cy1, cy2=cy2) return message(state=mode, cx1=cx1, cy1=cy1, cx2=cx2, cy2=cy2, pos=pos, area=area)
def find_far_flare(): if image.bgr is None: lib.img_is_none() return message(state=-1) image.renew_display() pre_process = lib.pre_process(image.bgr, 'flare') gray = cv.cvtColor(pre_process.copy(), cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) hsv = cv.cvtColor(pre_process, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV) h, s, v = cv.split(hsv) obj = lib.bg_subtraction(h, mode='neg') obj = rm_bg(obj) lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/temp') lib.publish_result(h, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/h_from_hsv') lib.publish_result(gray, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/gray') kernel_box = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(7, 7)) kernel_vertical = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(1, 25)) vertical = cv.erode(obj.copy(), kernel_vertical) vertical = cv.dilate(vertical.copy(), kernel_box) kernel_erode = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(3, 13)) vertical = cv.erode(vertical.copy(), kernel_erode) # kernel = lib.get_kernel(ksize=(1,101)) # vertical = cv.dilate(vertical, kernel) # vertical = cv.erode(vertical, kernel) vertical_pipe, no_v_pipe = find_pipe(vertical) mode = no_v_pipe color = ct.CYAN if mode == 0: lib.print_result("NOT FOUND (FAR)", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/mask') return message() x, y, w, h, angle = vertical_pipe[0] cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(x - w / 2.), int(y - h / 2.)), (int(x + w / 2.), int(y + h / 2.)), (0, 255, 0), 2) vertical_x = [(x - w / 2.), (x + w / 2.)] vertical_y = [(y - h / 2.), (y + h / 2.)] himg, wimg = image.bgr.shape[:2] x1, x2 = max(min(vertical_x), 0), min(max(vertical_x), wimg) y1, y2 = max(min(vertical_y), 0), min(max(vertical_y), himg) area = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) if area > 7000 or area < 700: lib.print_result("NOT FOUND " + color + "(FAR)", ct.RED) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/mask') return message() lib.print_result("FOUND " + color + "(FAR)", ct.GREEN) cv.rectangle(image.display, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 255, 0), 3), (int((x1 + x2) / 2), int((y1 + y2) / 2)), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) lib.publish_result(image.display, 'bgr', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/display') lib.publish_result(vertical, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/mask/vertical') lib.publish_result(obj, 'gray', PUBLIC_TOPIC + 'far/mask') return message(cx=(x1 + x2) / 2., cy=(y1 + y2) / 2., area=area, state=1)