def __init__(self, draw=True, colour='blue', side='left', main_pitch=True, load_bg_model=False, corners_from_mem=False): _filepath = sys.argv[0] _relpath = os.path.split(_filepath)[0] if _relpath is not '': _relpath = _relpath + '/' self._bg = cv.LoadImage(_relpath + "b02.jpg") self._draw = draw self._colour = colour self._side = side self._n_avg_bg = 30 self._corners_from_mem = corners_from_mem self._last_update = 0 self._fps_update_interval = 0.5 self._num_frames = 0 self._fps = 0 self._calibrate = Calibrate((9,6)) self.calibrate_cam(from_mem = True) self._config = yaml.load(file('config/020311-0830-main_pitch.yaml', 'r')) self._vision = Vision(self._bg, self._calibrate, self._config, fix_distortions = True, main_pitch=main_pitch, corners_from_mem=self._corners_from_mem) self._vision_com = VisionCom(self._vision, colour=self._colour, side=self._side) self._ba = None self._load_bg_model = load_bg_model self._frame_name = 'annotated' self._capture = Capture() self._base_time = 0
def __init__(self, avg_bg_frames = 30, online = True, main = True, advanced = False, config = "config/020311-0830-secondary_pitch.yaml"): # Set up vision, visioncom calibrate = Calibrate((9,6)) calibrate.calibrate_camera_from_mem("calibration_data/") self._config = yaml.load(file(config, 'r')) self._offline_img = cv.LoadImage("b02.jpg") self._vision = Vision(self._offline_img, calibrate, self._config, fix_distortions = True, main_pitch = main) self._visioncom = VisionCom(self._vision) self._capture_pipe, capture_pipe = Pipe() self._capture = Process(target=Capture, args = (capture_pipe,)) self._capture.start() self._fps_then = 0 self._fps_frames = 0 self._fps = 0 self._base_time = 0 self._advanced = advanced self._online = online if self._online: if avg_bg_frames: frames = [] for i in range(avg_bg_frames): frames.append(self.get_frame()) self._vision.avg_bg_frames(frames) # Set up GUI and start process self._events_pipe , events_pipe = Pipe(False) set_shapes_pipe, get_shapes_pipe = False, False if advanced: self._set_shapes_pipe, set_shapes_pipe = Pipe(False) get_shapes_pipe , self._get_shapes_pipe = Pipe(False) feed_pipe , self._feed_pipe = Pipe(False) locations_pipe , self._locations_pipe = Pipe(False) self._gui_process = Process(target = gui.Gui, args = (events_pipe, locations_pipe, feed_pipe, self._config, get_shapes_pipe, set_shapes_pipe)) self._gui_process.start() self._locations_pipe.send(("pitch",{True:"main",False:"other"}[main])) self._window = "source" self._our_colour = "blue" self._show_window = True self._run = True self._loop()
class VisionWrapper: def __init__(self, draw=True, colour='blue', side='left', main_pitch=True, load_bg_model=False, corners_from_mem=False): _filepath = sys.argv[0] _relpath = os.path.split(_filepath)[0] if _relpath is not '': _relpath = _relpath + '/' self._bg = cv.LoadImage(_relpath + "b02.jpg") self._draw = draw self._colour = colour self._side = side self._n_avg_bg = 30 self._corners_from_mem = corners_from_mem self._last_update = 0 self._fps_update_interval = 0.5 self._num_frames = 0 self._fps = 0 self._calibrate = Calibrate((9,6)) self.calibrate_cam(from_mem = True) self._config = yaml.load(file('config/020311-0830-main_pitch.yaml', 'r')) self._vision = Vision(self._bg, self._calibrate, self._config, fix_distortions = True, main_pitch=main_pitch, corners_from_mem=self._corners_from_mem) self._vision_com = VisionCom(self._vision, colour=self._colour, side=self._side) self._ba = None self._load_bg_model = load_bg_model self._frame_name = 'annotated' self._capture = Capture() self._base_time = 0 def online_feed(self): frames = [] if self._load_bg_model: frames = [self._capture.pull()] else: frames = [self._capture.pull() for i in range(self._n_avg_bg)] self._vision.avg_bg_frames(frames, load_from_mem=self._load_bg_model) reset_base = False last_base_time = 0 time_interval = 60 while 1: lstart = time.time() if lstart - last_base_time >= time_interval: self.calc_baseline() last_base_time = time.time() frame = self._capture.pull() timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.correct_timestamp() / 1000.0).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') self._vision.update(frame) self._vision_com.transmit(timestamp) self.update_fps() try: if self._frame_name == 'annotated': vframe = self._vision.get_frame(name='source', annotated=True) else: vframe = self._vision.get_frame(name=self._frame_name, annotated=False) except: vframe = self._vision.get_frame(name='annotated', annotated=True) font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.75, 0.75, 0.0, 1, cv.CV_AA) msg = ">> FPS: %.2f" % (self._fps,) cv.PutText(vframe, msg, (10,15), font, cv.Scalar(0,0,255)) if self._draw: cv.ShowImage("Feed", vframe) c = cv.WaitKey(2) % 0x100 if c != -1: if c == 27 or chr(c) == 'q' : break if chr(c) == 'p' : cv.SaveImage(timestamp + ".jpg", vframe) if chr(c) == 'a' : self._frame_name = 'annotated' if chr(c) == 's' : self._frame_name = 'source' if chr(c) == 'r' : self._frame_name = 'threshed_red' if chr(c) == 'y' : self._frame_name = 'threshed_yellow' if chr(c) == 'b' : self._frame_name = 'threshed_blue' if chr(c) == 'h' : self._frame_name = 'threshed_black' if chr(c) == 'g' : self._frame_name = 'threshed_green' if chr(c) == 'f' : self._frame_name = 'foreground' if chr(c) == 'c' : self._frame_name = 'foreground_connected' def offline_feed(self, filename): capture = cv.CaptureFromFile(filename) width = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) fps = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)) frames = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) for f in range(frames - 2): frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture) timestamp ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') frame = self._calibrate.undistort_single_image(frame) self._vision.update(frame) self._vision_com.transmit(timestamp) self.update_fps() if self._draw: cv.ShowImage("Feed", frame) if cv.WaitKey(1000 / fps) == 27: break def calc_baseline(self): for i in range(3): self._capture.pull() self._base_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def correct_timestamp(self): t = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) return t - (t - self._base_time) % 40 def update_fps(self): self._num_frames += 1 current_update = time.time() if(current_update - self._last_update > self._fps_update_interval): self._fps = self._num_frames / (current_update - self._last_update) self._last_update = current_update self._num_frames = 0 def calibrate_cam(self, from_mem=True, filenames=[]): if from_mem: self._calibrate.calibrate_camera_from_mem("calibration_data/") else: images = [cv.LoadImage(file) for file in filenames] self._calibrate.calibrate_camera(images, save_data=True)
class StartGui: def __init__(self, avg_bg_frames = 30, online = True, main = True, advanced = False, config = "config/020311-0830-secondary_pitch.yaml"): # Set up vision, visioncom calibrate = Calibrate((9,6)) calibrate.calibrate_camera_from_mem("calibration_data/") self._config = yaml.load(file(config, 'r')) self._offline_img = cv.LoadImage("b02.jpg") self._vision = Vision(self._offline_img, calibrate, self._config, fix_distortions = True, main_pitch = main) self._visioncom = VisionCom(self._vision) self._capture_pipe, capture_pipe = Pipe() self._capture = Process(target=Capture, args = (capture_pipe,)) self._capture.start() self._fps_then = 0 self._fps_frames = 0 self._fps = 0 self._base_time = 0 self._advanced = advanced self._online = online if self._online: if avg_bg_frames: frames = [] for i in range(avg_bg_frames): frames.append(self.get_frame()) self._vision.avg_bg_frames(frames) # Set up GUI and start process self._events_pipe , events_pipe = Pipe(False) set_shapes_pipe, get_shapes_pipe = False, False if advanced: self._set_shapes_pipe, set_shapes_pipe = Pipe(False) get_shapes_pipe , self._get_shapes_pipe = Pipe(False) feed_pipe , self._feed_pipe = Pipe(False) locations_pipe , self._locations_pipe = Pipe(False) self._gui_process = Process(target = gui.Gui, args = (events_pipe, locations_pipe, feed_pipe, self._config, get_shapes_pipe, set_shapes_pipe)) self._gui_process.start() self._locations_pipe.send(("pitch",{True:"main",False:"other"}[main])) self._window = "source" self._our_colour = "blue" self._show_window = True self._run = True self._loop() def get_frame(self): self._capture_pipe.send("") while not self._capture_pipe.poll(): pass data = self._capture_pipe.recv() frame = cv.CreateImage((640,480),8,3) cv.SetData(frame, data) return frame def _loop(self): last_base_time = 0 time_interval = 60 while self._run: lstart = time.time() if lstart - last_base_time >= time_interval: self.calc_baseline() last_base_time = time.time() # Update feed and locations self._current_frame = self.get_frame() if self._online else cv.CloneImage(self._offline_img) self._vision.update(self._current_frame) timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.correct_timestamp() / 1000.0).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') self._visioncom.transmit(timestamp) self._calc_fps() self._locations_pipe.send(("fps", "fps", self._fps)) self._src_frame = self._vision.get_frame(self._window) if self._show_window: if self._src_frame: frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(self._src_frame),8,3) if self._window == "source": cv.CvtColor(self._src_frame, frame, cv.CV_BGR2RGB) else: cv.CvtColor(self._src_frame, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB) pixbuf = ( frame.tostring(), gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, frame.width, frame.height, frame.width * frame.nChannels ) self._feed_pipe.send(pixbuf) ball = self._vision.get_ball() if ball: self._locations_pipe.send(("ball", "x", ball[0][0])) self._locations_pipe.send(("ball", "y", ball[0][1])) (our_centre, our_rotation) = self._vision.get_robot(self._our_colour) if our_centre: self._locations_pipe.send(("us", "x", our_centre[0])) self._locations_pipe.send(("us", "y", our_centre[1])) if our_rotation: self._locations_pipe.send(("us", "r", our_rotation)) their_colour = {"blue":"yellow", "yellow":"blue"}[self._our_colour] (their_centre, their_rotation) = self._vision.get_robot(their_colour) if their_centre: self._locations_pipe.send(("them", "x", their_centre[0])) self._locations_pipe.send(("them", "y", their_centre[1])) if their_rotation: self._locations_pipe.send(("them", "r", their_rotation)) # Shapes and sizes if self._advanced: vals = [ "_pnp_dist_thresh", "_cc_area_thresh", "_max_foreground_obj_thresh", "_robot_area_threshold", "_black_dot_area_threshold", "_black_dot_dist_threshold", "_ball_area_threshold", "_plate_area_threshold", "_blob_area_threshold", "_pnp_dist_thresh", "_ball_centre", "_ball_radius", "_ball_roundness_metric", "_blue_robot_centre", "_blue_robot_t_area", "_blue_plate_area", "_yellow_robot_centre", "_yellow_robot_t_area", "_yellow_plate_area", "_offset_bottom" , "_offset_top" , "_offset_left" , "_offset_right" ] while self._set_shapes_pipe.poll(): var, val = self._set_shapes_pipe.recv() if var == "_max_foreground_obj_thresh": val = int(val) if var == "_offset_bottom": val = int(val) if var == "_offset_top": val = int(val) if var == "_offset_left": val = int(val) if var == "_offset_right": val = int(val) if var[-1] not in ["0","1"]: setattr(self._vision, var, val) else: tup = getattr(self._vision, var[:-1]) temp = (val, tup[1]) if var[-1] == "0" else (tup[0], val) setattr(self._vision, var[:-1], temp) for val in vals: self._get_shapes_pipe.send((val, getattr(self._vision, val))) vals = [ "_blue_robot_black_dot", "_yellow_robot_black_dot" ] for val in vals: temp = getattr(self._vision, val) if temp is not None: self._get_shapes_pipe.send((val, temp[0])) # Handle Events while self._events_pipe.poll(): m,a = self._events_pipe.recv() if m == "quit": self._run = False elif m == "change_window": self._window = a[0] elif m == "show_window": self._show_window = a[0] elif m == "game_mode": print "/general/state/" + a[0] stdout.flush() elif m == "our_colour": self._our_colour = a[0] self._visioncom._colour = a[0] elif m == "shooting_direction": self._visioncom._side = a[0] elif m == "save_as": cv.SaveImage("%s.jpg" % a[0], self._current_frame) elif m == "set_hsv_values": self._vision.set_hsv_values(*a) elif m == "thresholds_invert": break # TODO Invert thresholds self._locations_pipe.send("quit") def _calc_fps(self): self._fps_frames += 1 now = time.time() if(now - self._fps_then > 0.5): self._fps = self._fps_frames / (now - self._fps_then) self._fps_then = now self._fps_frames = 0 def calc_baseline(self): for i in range(3): self.get_frame() self._base_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def correct_timestamp(self): t = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) return t - (t - self._base_time) % 40