def _prepare_colors(color, values, limits_c, colormap, alpha, chan=None):
    """Return colors for all the channels based on various inputs.

    color : tuple
        3-, 4-element tuple, representing RGB and alpha, between 0 and 1
    values : ndarray
        array with values for each channel
    limits_c : tuple of 2 floats, optional
        min and max values to normalize the color
    colormap : str
        one of the colormaps in vispy
    alpha : float
        transparency (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
    chan : instance of Channels
        use labels to create channel groups

    1d / 2d array
        colors for all the channels or for each channel individually
    tuple of two float or None
        limits for the values
    if values is not None:
        if limits_c is None:
            limits_c = array([-1, 1]) * nanmax(abs(values))

        norm_values = normalize(values, *limits_c)

        cm = get_colormap(colormap)
        colors = cm[norm_values]

    elif color is not None:
        colors = ColorArray(color)

        cm = get_colormap('hsl')
        group_idx = _chan_groups_to_index(chan)
        colors = cm[group_idx]

    if alpha is not None:
        colors.alpha = alpha

    return colors, limits_c
def test_color_interpretation():
    """Test basic color interpretation API"""
    # test useful ways of single color init
    r = ColorArray('r')
    print(r)  # test repr
    r2 = ColorArray(r)
    assert_equal(r, r2)
    r2.rgb = 0, 0, 0
    assert_equal(r2, ColorArray('black'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r'))  # modifying new one preserves old
    assert_equal(r, r.copy())
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('#ff0000'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('#FF0000FF'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('red'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('red', alpha=1.0))
    assert_equal(ColorArray((1, 0, 0, 0.1)), ColorArray('red', alpha=0.1))
    assert_array_equal(r.rgb.ravel(), (1., 0., 0.))
    assert_array_equal(r.rgba.ravel(), (1., 0., 0., 1.))
    assert_array_equal(r.RGBA.ravel(), (255, 0, 0, 255))

    # handling multiple colors
    rgb = ColorArray(list('rgb'))
    print(rgb)  # multi repr
    assert_array_equal(rgb, ColorArray(np.eye(3)))
    # complex/annoying case
    rgb = ColorArray(['r', (0, 1, 0), '#0000ffff'])
    assert_array_equal(rgb, ColorArray(np.eye(3)))
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, ColorArray, ['r', np.eye(3)])  # can't nest

    # getting/setting properties
    r = ColorArray('#ffff')
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('white'))
    r = ColorArray('#ff000000')
    assert_true('turquoise' in get_color_names())  # make sure our JSON loaded
    assert_equal(r.alpha, 0)
    r.alpha = 1.0
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r'))
    r.alpha = 0
    r.rgb = (1, 0, 0)
    assert_equal(r.alpha, 0)
    assert_equal(r.hex, ['#ff0000'])
    r.alpha = 1
    r.hex = '00ff00'
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('g'))
    assert_array_equal(r.rgb.ravel(), (0., 1., 0.))
    r.RGB = 255, 0, 0
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r'))
    assert_array_equal(r.RGB.ravel(), (255, 0, 0))
    r.RGBA = 255, 0, 0, 0
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r', alpha=0))
    w = ColorArray()
    w.rgb = ColorArray('r').rgb + ColorArray('g').rgb + ColorArray('b').rgb
    assert_equal(w, ColorArray('white'))
    w = ColorArray('white')
    assert_equal(w, w.darker().lighter())
    assert_equal(w, w.darker(0.1).darker(-0.1))
    w2 = w.darker()
    assert_true(w != w2)
    assert_equal(w, w2)
    with use_log_level('warning', record=True, print_msg=False) as w:
        w = ColorArray('white')
        w.value = 2
        assert_equal(len(w), 1)
    assert_equal(w, ColorArray('white'))

    # warnings and errors
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, '#ffii00')  # non-hex
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, '#ff000')  # too short
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, [0, 0])  # not enough vals
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, [2, 0, 0])  # val > 1
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, [-1, 0, 0])  # val < 0
    c = ColorArray([2., 0., 0.], clip=True)  # val > 1
    assert_true(np.all(c.rgb <= 1))
    c = ColorArray([-1., 0., 0.], clip=True)  # val < 0
    assert_true(np.all(c.rgb >= 0))

    # make sure our color dict works
    for key in get_color_names():
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, 'foo')  # unknown color error

    _color_dict = get_color_dict()
    assert isinstance(_color_dict, dict)
    assert set(_color_dict.keys()) == set(get_color_names())
def test_color_interpretation():
    """Test basic color interpretation API"""
    # test useful ways of single color init
    r = ColorArray('r')
    print(r)  # test repr
    r2 = ColorArray(r)
    assert_equal(r, r2)
    r2.rgb = 0, 0, 0
    assert_equal(r2, ColorArray('black'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r'))  # modifying new one preserves old
    assert_equal(r, r.copy())
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('#ff0000'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('#FF0000FF'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('red'))
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('red', alpha=1.0))
    assert_equal(ColorArray((1, 0, 0, 0.1)), ColorArray('red', alpha=0.1))
    assert_array_equal(r.rgb.ravel(), (1., 0., 0.))
    assert_array_equal(r.rgba.ravel(), (1., 0., 0., 1.))
    assert_array_equal(r.RGBA.ravel(), (255, 0, 0, 255))

    # handling multiple colors
    rgb = ColorArray(list('rgb'))
    print(rgb)  # multi repr
    assert_array_equal(rgb, ColorArray(np.eye(3)))
    # complex/annoying case
    rgb = ColorArray(['r', (0, 1, 0), '#0000ffff'])
    assert_array_equal(rgb, ColorArray(np.eye(3)))
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, ColorArray, ['r', np.eye(3)])  # can't nest

    # getting/setting properties
    r = ColorArray('#ffff')
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('white'))
    r = ColorArray('#ff000000')
    assert_true('turquoise' in get_color_names())  # make sure our JSON loaded
    assert_equal(r.alpha, 0)
    r.alpha = 1.0
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r'))
    r.alpha = 0
    r.rgb = (1, 0, 0)
    assert_equal(r.alpha, 0)
    assert_equal(r.hex, ['#ff0000'])
    r.alpha = 1
    r.hex = '00ff00'
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('g'))
    assert_array_equal(r.rgb.ravel(), (0., 1., 0.))
    r.RGB = 255, 0, 0
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r'))
    assert_array_equal(r.RGB.ravel(), (255, 0, 0))
    r.RGBA = 255, 0, 0, 0
    assert_equal(r, ColorArray('r', alpha=0))
    w = ColorArray()
    w.rgb = ColorArray('r').rgb + ColorArray('g').rgb + ColorArray('b').rgb
    assert_equal(w, ColorArray('white'))
    w = ColorArray('white')
    assert_equal(w, w.darker().lighter())
    assert_equal(w, w.darker(0.1).darker(-0.1))
    w2 = w.darker()
    assert_true(w != w2)
    assert_equal(w, w2)
    with use_log_level('warning', record=True, print_msg=False) as w:
        w = ColorArray('white')
        w.value = 2
        assert_equal(len(w), 1)
    assert_equal(w, ColorArray('white'))

    # warnings and errors
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, '#ffii00')  # non-hex
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, '#ff000')  # too short
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, [0, 0])  # not enough vals
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, [2, 0, 0])  # val > 1
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, [-1, 0, 0])  # val < 0
    c = ColorArray([2., 0., 0.], clip=True)  # val > 1
    assert_true(np.all(c.rgb <= 1))
    c = ColorArray([-1., 0., 0.], clip=True)  # val < 0
    assert_true(np.all(c.rgb >= 0))
    # make sure our color dict works
    for key in get_color_names():
    assert_raises(ValueError, ColorArray, 'foo')  # unknown color error