def reset(self): """ Reset. """ # last key press (it should have a mutex, but visualization is not # safety critical, so let's do things wrong) self.action = "no" # no, next, back, quit are the possibilities # new canvas prepared for visualizing data self.canvas = SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True, size=self.canvas_size) # interface (n next, b back, q quit, very simple) # laserscan part self.scan_view = vispy.scene.widgets.ViewBox(border_color='white', parent=self.canvas.scene) = vispy.scene.TurntableCamera(elevation=30, azimuth=-90, distance=30, translate_speed=30, up='+z') # grid self.grid = self.canvas.central_widget.add_grid() self.grid.add_widget(self.scan_view) self.scan_vis = visuals.Markers(parent=self.scan_view.scene) self.scan_vis.antialias = 0 # self.scan_view.add(self.scan_vis) visuals.XYZAxis(parent=self.scan_view.scene) self.line = visuals.Line(width=1, method='gl', parent=self.scan_view.scene) self.text = visuals.Text(color='red', font_size=600, bold=True, parent=self.scan_view.scene) self.gt_line = visuals.Line(width=1000, parent=self.scan_view.scene) # if self.show_img: # img canvas size # new canvas for img self.img_canvas = SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True, size=(1242, 375)) # grid self.img_grid = self.img_canvas.central_widget.add_grid() # interface (n next, b back, q quit, very simple) # add a view for the depth self.img_view = vispy.scene.widgets.ViewBox( border_color='white', parent=self.img_canvas.scene) self.img_grid.add_widget(self.img_view, 0, 0) self.img_vis = visuals.Image(cmap='viridis') self.img_view.add(self.img_vis)
def __build_gaze_rays(self): self.le_vtx = np.vstack((self.leyeball, self.leyeball)) self.re_vtx = np.vstack((self.reyeball, self.reyeball)) le_ray = visuals.Line(self.le_vtx, color='red', width=3) re_ray = visuals.Line(self.re_vtx, color='green', width=3) self.view.add(le_ray) self.view.add(re_ray)
def __init__(self, _xyz=[], c_xyz=None, c_connect=None, c_select=None, c_colorby='strength', c_dynamic=None, c_cmap='viridis', c_vmin=None, c_vmax=None, c_colval=None, c_under=None, c_over=None, c_clim=(0., 1.), c_linewidth=3., c_dradius=30., c_blxyz=.1, c_blradius=13., c_bundling=False, **kwargs): """Init.""" # Initialize elements : if (_xyz is not None) and (c_xyz is None): warn("No node's coordinates found for connectivity (c_xyz). " "Source's location will be used instead") # Connectivity properties : = _xyz else: = c_xyz self.connect = c_connect = c_select self._lw = c_linewidth self.needupdate = True # Color : self.colorby = c_colorby self.dynamic = c_dynamic self.colval = c_colval # Density : self.dradius = c_dradius # Bundling : = c_bundling self.blradius = c_blradius self.blxyz = c_blxyz self.blinterp = 100 # Initialize colormap : isvmin, isvmax = c_vmin is not None, c_vmax is not None CbarArgs.__init__(self, c_cmap, c_clim, isvmin, c_vmin, isvmax, c_vmax, c_under, c_over) # Object creation : if ( is not None) and (self.connect is not None): self.mesh = visu.Line(name='Connectivity', antialias=False) self.mesh.set_gl_state('translucent') self.update() self._maskbck = self.connect.mask.copy() else: self.mesh = visu.Line(name='NoneConnect')
def __init__(self): vispy.scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, keys='interactive', size=(800, 800), show=True) self.line = visuals.Line(pos, color, parent=self.scene) evt: self.update)
def __init__(self, name, nodes, edges, select=None, line_width=3., color_by='strength', custom_colors=None, alpha=1., antialias=False, dynamic=None, dynamic_order=1, dynamic_orientation='ascending', cmap='viridis', clim=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, under='gray', over='red', transform=None, parent=None, verbose=None, _z=-10., **kw): """Init.""" VisbrainObject.__init__(self, name, parent, transform, verbose, **kw) self._update_cbar_args(cmap, clim, vmin, vmax, under, over) # _______________________ CHECKING _______________________ # Nodes : assert isinstance(nodes, np.ndarray) and nodes.ndim == 2 sh = nodes.shape self._n_nodes = sh[0] assert sh[1] >= 2 pos = nodes if sh[1] == 3 else np.c_[nodes, np.full((len(self),), _z)] self._pos = pos.astype(np.float32)" %i nodes detected" % self._pos.shape[0]) # Edges : if np.ndim(edges) == 3: self.time_edges = edges edges = edges[:,:,0] assert edges.shape == (len(self), len(self)) if not mask = np.zeros(edges.shape, dtype=bool) edges =, mask=mask) # Select : if isinstance(select, np.ndarray): assert select.shape == edges.shape and select.dtype == bool edges.mask = np.invert(select) if color_by is not 'causal': edges.mask[np.tril_indices(len(self), 0)] = True edges.mask[np.diag_indices(len(self))] = True self._edges = edges # Colorby : assert color_by in ['strength', 'count', 'causal'] self._color_by = color_by # Dynamic : if dynamic is not None: assert len(dynamic) == 2 self._dynamic = dynamic assert isinstance(dynamic_order, int) and dynamic_order > 0 self._dyn_order = dynamic_order self._dyn_orient = dynamic_orientation # Custom color : if custom_colors is not None: assert isinstance(custom_colors, dict) self._custom_colors = custom_colors # Alpha : assert 0. <= alpha <= 1. self._alpha = alpha # _______________________ LINE _______________________ self._connect = visuals.Line(name='ConnectObjLine', width=line_width, antialias=antialias, parent=self._node, connect='segments') self._connect.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False, cull_face=False) self._build_line()
def init_canvas(self): if self.verbose == 1: print('init_canvas') app.use_app('ipynb_webgl') ca = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True,size=(self.canvas_width,self.canvas_height),bgcolor=[1,1,1]) self.canvas = ca view = ca.central_widget.add_view() self.text = visuals.Text(anchor_x='right') view.add(self.text) self.label_texts = visuals.Text(anchor_x='right') view.add(self.label_texts) = CustomPanZoomCamera([self.text,self.label_texts]) = axis = visuals.Axis(parent=view.scene) self.view = view self.line = visuals.Line() self.line.set_data(pos=np.array([[0,0,0]]),color=np.array([[0,0,0,0]])) self.line.order = 1 self.view.add(self.line) self.mesh = visuals.Mesh() self.mesh.order = 0 self.view.add(self.mesh)
def __init__(self, keyupdateCB): scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, keys=None) self.size = 800, 600 self.unfreeze() self.view = self.central_widget.add_view() self.view.bgcolor = '#ffffff' = TurntableCamera(fov=10.0, distance=30.0, up='+z', center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.last_pos = [0, 0, 0] self.pos_markers = visuals.Markers() self.meas_markers = visuals.Markers() self.pos_data = np.array([0, 0, 0], ndmin=2) self.meas_data = np.array([0, 0, 0], ndmin=2) self.lines = [] self.view.add(self.pos_markers) self.view.add(self.meas_markers) for i in range(6): line = visuals.Line() self.lines.append(line) self.view.add(line) self.keyCB = keyupdateCB self.freeze() scene.visuals.XYZAxis(parent=self.view.scene)
def plot_line(skel, center=np.asarray([0,0,0])): line_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) lines = [] segments = lines_from_skel(skel, center) for l in segments: line = visuals.Line(l, color=line_color, width=10) lines.append(line) return lines
def make_grid(view, x_span, x_major_tick, y_span, y_major_tick): x_count = int(np.ceil(x_span/x_major_tick)) y_count = int(np.ceil(y_span/y_major_tick)) x_range = x_count*x_major_tick y_range = y_count*y_major_tick for k in range(y_count+1): y = k*y_major_tick line = visuals.Line( pos=np.array([[-x_range, y], [x_range, y]]), color=(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) view.add(line) for k in range(-x_count, x_count+1): x = k*x_major_tick line = visuals.Line( pos=np.array([[x, 0], [x, y_range]]), color=(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) view.add(line)
def __init__(self, name, data, xyz, select=None, line_width=1.5, color='white', ts_amp=6., ts_width=20., alpha=1., antialias=False, translate=(0., 0., 1.), transform=None, parent=None, verbose=None, _z=-10., **kw): """Init.""" # Init Visbrain object base class : VisbrainObject.__init__(self, name, parent, transform, verbose, **kw) # _______________________ CHECKING _______________________ # Data : assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.ndim == 2 self._n_nodes, self._n_pts = data.shape self._data = data # XYZ : sh = xyz.shape assert sh[1] in [2, 3] xyz = xyz if sh[1] == 3 else np.c_[xyz, np.full((len(self), ), _z)] self._xyz = xyz.astype(np.float32) # Select : select = np.arange(len(self)) if select is None else select assert isinstance(select, (list, np.ndarray)) self._select = select # Amplitude / width : assert isinstance(ts_amp, float) and isinstance(ts_width, float) self._ts_amp, self._ts_width = ts_amp, ts_width # Translate : assert len(translate) == 3 tr = vist.STTransform(translate=translate) self._translate = translate # Line width : self._line_width = line_width # Color : self._color = color2vb(color, alpha=alpha) self._alpha = alpha # _______________________ LINE _______________________ self._ts = visuals.Line(name='TimeSeriesObjLine', parent=self._node, width=line_width, color=self._color, antialias=antialias) self._ts.transform = tr self._build_line()
def __init__(self): vispy.scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, keys='interactive', size=(800, 800), show=True) # Create several visuals demonstrating different features of Line self.lines = [ # agg-mode lines: visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=color, mode='agg'), # per-vertex color visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=(0, 0.5, 0.3, 1), mode='agg'), # solid visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=color, width=5, mode='agg'), # wide # GL-mode lines: visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=color, mode='gl'), visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=(0, 0.5, 0.3, 1), mode='gl'), visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=color, width=5, mode='gl'), # GL-mode: "connect" not available in AGG mode yet visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=(0, 0.5, 0.3, 1), connect='segments', mode='gl'), # only connect alternate vert pairs visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=(0, 0.5, 0.3, 1), connect=connect, mode='gl'), # connect specific pairs ] counts = [0, 0] for i, line in enumerate(self.lines): # arrange lines in a grid tidx = (line.mode == 'agg') x = 400 * tidx y = 140 * (counts[tidx] + 1) counts[tidx] += 1 line.transform = STTransform(translate=[x, y]) # redraw the canvas if any visuals request an update evt: self.update()) line.parent = self.central_widget self.texts = [ visuals.Text('GL', bold=True, font_size=24, color='w', pos=(200, 40), parent=self.central_widget), visuals.Text('Agg', bold=True, font_size=24, color='w', pos=(600, 40), parent=self.central_widget) ]
def line_box(self, box, color=(0, 1, 0, 0.1)): p0 = np.array([ box[1] - float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] - float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] - float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p1 = np.array([ box[1] - float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] + float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] - float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p2 = np.array([ box[1] + float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] + float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] - float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p3 = np.array([ box[1] + float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] - float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] - float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p4 = np.array([ box[1] - float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] - float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] + float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p5 = np.array([ box[1] - float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] + float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] + float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p6 = np.array([ box[1] + float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] + float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] + float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) p7 = np.array([ box[1] + float(box[4]) / 2.0, box[2] - float(box[5]) / 2.0, box[3] + float(box[6]) / 2.0, ]) pos = np.vstack( (p0, p1, p2, p3, p0, p4, p5, p6, p7, p4, p5, p1, p2, p6, p7, p3)) lines = visuals.Line(pos=pos, connect='strip', width=1, color=color, method='gl') return lines
def add_box(view, size=132, offset=54): box_coord = np.array( [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float32) box_pos = box_coord * size + offset box = visuals.Line(pos=box_pos, color=(0.7, 0, 0, 1), method='gl', name='unit box', parent=view)
def line_box_stand(box, color=(0, 1, 0, 0.1)): box_np = np.array([box[1], box[2], box[3], box[4], box[5], box[6]], dtype=np.float32) p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 = box3d_2conner( box_np, box[7]) # box : x,y,z,l,w,h,rot pos = np.vstack( (p0, p1, p2, p3, p0, p4, p5, p6, p7, p4, p5, p1, p2, p6, p7, p3)) lines = visuals.Line(pos=pos, connect='strip', width=1, color=color, antialias=True, method='gl') return lines
def line_box(box_center, box_size, rot, color=(0, 1, 0, 0.1)): box = np.array([ box_center[0], box_center[1], box_center[2], 2.0, box_size[0], box_size[2] ], dtype=np.float32) #box_size[1] #TODO:just for view p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 = box3d_2conner(box, rot) pos = np.vstack( (p0, p1, p2, p3, p0, p4, p5, p6, p7, p4, p5, p1, p2, p6, p7, p3)) lines = visuals.Line(pos=pos, connect='strip', width=1, color=color, antialias=True, method='gl') return lines
def search_button_click(self): print('searching object : {}'.format(self.le.text())) objects_dict = self.scan.tsdf_vol.node_data is_obj_exist = [] self.clear_searched_items(self.verticalLayoutRight) for key, val in objects_dict.items(): if (val['class'] == self.le.text()): print('find {}'.format(self.le.text())) thumbnail_path = os.path.join( self.scan.tsdf_vol.bbox_path, 'thumbnail_' + str(key) + '_' + str(int(objects_dict[str(key)]['detection_cnt'] / 2)) + '.png') cv2_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(thumbnail_path), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = QImage(, cv2_img.shape[1], cv2_img.shape[0], cv2_img.strides[0], QImage.Format_RGB888) image_frame = QLabel() image_frame.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image)) self.verticalLayoutRight.addWidget(image_frame) checkBox = QCheckBox(val['class'] + str(key)) self.checkBox_list += [[checkBox, val['class'], str(key)]] scan_bbox_3d = visuals.Line() self.checkBox_with_3D += [scan_bbox_3d] self.scan_view.add(scan_bbox_3d) checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.checkBoxState) # searched_obj = QLabel(val['class'] + str(key)) self.verticalLayoutRight.addWidget(checkBox) is_obj_exist += [True] if (not is_obj_exist): searched_obj = QLabel("Nothing was found!") self.verticalLayoutRight.addWidget(searched_obj) else: searched_obj = QLabel( "Check box if you want to find objects in 3D Scene.") self.verticalLayoutRight.addWidget(searched_obj)
def clear_searched_items(self, layout): # reset rearching results widget while layout.count() > 0: item = layout.takeAt(0) if not item: continue w = item.widget() if w: w.deleteLater() # reset visuals.Line for 3D BBox of searched objects for i, check in enumerate(self.checkBox_list): self.checkBox_with_3D[i].parent = None self.checkBox_with_3D[i] = visuals.Line() self.scan_view.add(self.checkBox_with_3D[i]) self.checkBox_list = [] self.checkBox_with_3D = []
def plot3d(p, ll, km_): canvas = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True) view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() for c in range(max(km_) + 1): yes = n.array(km_) == c pp = p[yes] scatter = visuals.Markers() scatter.set_data(pp, edge_color=None, face_color=(c % 2, (c + 1) % 2, (c // 2) % 2, .5), size=5) view.add(scatter) line = visuals.Line(pos=p[ll], connect='segments', color=(1, 1, 1, 0.4), method='gl') view.add(line) = 'turntable' # or try 'arcball'
def checkBoxState(self): # checkBox_list is composed of [QcheckBox, class_name, class_3D_ID] for i, check in enumerate(self.checkBox_list): if check[0].isChecked() == True: print('checked!!!') # Find 3D BBox in 3D Scene Canvas\ bbox_3d = np.array(self.scan.tsdf_vol.bbox_3ds[check[2]]) bbox_connect = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]]) self.checkBox_with_3D[i].set_data(bbox_3d, color='green', width=3, connect=bbox_connect) else: self.checkBox_with_3D[i].parent = None self.checkBox_with_3D[i] = visuals.Line() self.scan_view.add(self.checkBox_with_3D[i])
def __init__(self): # Define several Line visuals that use the same position data # but have different colors and transformations colors = [color, (1, 0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1)] self.lines = [visuals.Line(pos=pos, color=colors[i]) for i in range(6)] center = STTransform(translate=(400, 400)) self.lines[0].transform = center self.lines[1].transform = (center * STTransform(scale=(1, 0.1, 1))) self.lines[2].transform = (center * STTransform(translate=(200, 200, 0)) * STTransform(scale=(0.3, 0.5, 1))) self.lines[3].transform = (center * STTransform(translate=(-200, -200, 0), scale=(200, 1)) * LogTransform(base=(10, 0, 0)) * STTransform(translate=(1, 0, 0))) self.lines[4].transform = AffineTransform() self.lines[4].transform.rotate(45, (0, 0, 1)) self.lines[4].transform.scale((0.3, 0.3, 1)) self.lines[4].transform.translate((200, 200, 0)) self.lines[5].transform = (STTransform(translate=(200, 600, 0), scale=(5, 5)) * PolarTransform() * LogTransform(base=(2, 0, 0)) * STTransform(scale=(0.01, 0.1), translate=(4, 20))) vispy.scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, keys='interactive') self.size = (800, 800)
def __init__(self): self.canvas = SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True) self.grid = self.canvas.central_widget.add_grid() self.view = vispy.scene.widgets.ViewBox(border_color='white', parent=self.canvas.scene) self.grid.add_widget(self.view, 0, 0) # Point Cloud Visualizer self.sem_vis = visuals.Markers() = vispy.scene.cameras.TurntableCamera(up='z', azimuth=90) self.view.add(self.sem_vis) visuals.XYZAxis(parent=self.view.scene) # Object Detection Visualizer self.obj_vis = visuals.Line() self.view.add(self.obj_vis) self.connect = np.asarray([[0, 1], [0, 3], [0, 4], [2, 1], [2, 3], [2, 6], [5, 1], [5, 4], [5, 6], [7, 3], [7, 4], [7, 6]]) = load_data( 'data/data.p') # Change to data.p for your final submission
def __init__(self, ts_xyz=None, ts_data=None, ts_color='white', ts_amp=6., ts_width=20., ts_lw=1.5, ts_dxyz=(0., 0., 1.), ts_select=None, **kwargs): """Init.""" = ts_xyz = ts_data = ts_select self.color = color2vb(ts_color) self.amp = ts_amp self.width = ts_width self.lw = ts_lw self.dxyz = ts_dxyz self.mesh = visu.Line(name='NoneTimeSeries') if (ts_xyz is not None) and (ts_data is not None): self._data2xyz() = 'TimeSeries'
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """Init.""" # _____________________ INIT _____________________ self._n = 1000 self._ratio = 4 / 5 CbarBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) # _____________________ CANVAS _____________________ if parent is None: # Define a canvas : self._canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=False, resizable=True, dpi=600, bgcolor=self._bgcolor, size=(300, 900)) self._wc = self._canvas.central_widget.add_view() parent = self._wc.scene # Define the camera : self._camera = FixedCam(rect=(-1.2, -1.2, 2.4, 2.4)) = self._camera self.parent = parent # _____________________ OBJECTS _____________________ # --------------------- Node --------------------- # Define node parent and limit node : self._cbNode = Node(name='Colorbar', parent=parent) self._limNode = Node(name='Limits', parent=self._cbNode) # Rescale between (-1., 1.) : self._rsc = vist.STTransform(scale=(self._width, 2 / self._n, 1), translate=(0, -1., 0)) # Set transformation to the node : self._cbNode.transform = self._rsc # --------------------- Image --------------------- self._mImage = visuals.Image(parent=self._cbNode, name='image') # --------------------- Border --------------------- pos = np.array([[0., 0., -3.], [1., 0., -3.], [1., 0., -3.], [1., self._n, -3.], [1., self._n, -3.], [0., self._n, -3.], [0., self._n, -3.], [0., 0., -3.]]) self._mBorder = visuals.Line(parent=self._cbNode, name='Border') self._mBorder.set_data(pos=pos, width=2., connect='segments', color=self._txtcolor) self._mBorder.visible = self._border # --------------------- Labels --------------------- # Clim labels : self._mClimM = visuals.Text(parent=self._limNode, color=self._txtcolor, font_size=self._txtsz, name='Clim_M', anchor_x='left') self._mClimm = visuals.Text(parent=self._limNode, color=self._txtcolor, font_size=self._txtsz, name='Clim_m', anchor_x='left') # Cblabel : self._mcblabel = visuals.Text(parent=self._limNode, name='Cblabel', color=self._txtcolor, anchor_x='center', font_size=self._cbtxtsz) self._mcblabel.rotation = -90 # Vmin/Vmax : self._vmMNode = Node(name='VminVmax', parent=self._limNode) self._mVm = visuals.Text(parent=self._vmMNode, color=self._txtcolor, font_size=self._ratio * self._txtsz, name='Vmin', anchor_x='left') self._mVM = visuals.Text(parent=self._vmMNode, color=self._txtcolor, font_size=self._ratio * self._txtsz, name='Vmax', anchor_x='left') # Build colorbar : self._build(True, 'all')
# test = get_rawReps() ######################################################### Draw ######################################################### # Make a canvas and add simple view (copied from canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True, bgcolor='w') view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() = camera_view = 60 = [0, 0, 0] #plot all reps if plotReps: repsVis = visuals.Line(pos=finalReps['points'], connect=finalReps['connections'], parent=view.scene, width=repetition_line_width, color=finalReps['colors']) #plot clusters if plotClusters: clusterVis = visuals.Line(pos=clusters['points'], connect=clusters['connections'], parent=view.scene, color=clusters['colors'], width=clusters_line_width) # cloud scatter if plotCloud: scatter = visuals.Markers(parent=view.scene) scatter.antialias = 0 scatter.set_data(pos=cloudPos,
for y_value in range(-100, 100, 5): # 二维插值,求出水平侧影线 y = np.linspace(y_value, y_value, 100) x = np.linspace(-80, 80, 100) # y = np.linspace(0, MAX_SIZE , N) # x = np.linspace(0, MAX_SIZE * np.cos(theta), N) # x = np.linspace(0, MAX_SIZE, N) xy = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) # print(MAX_SIZE) point_grid = np.column_stack((x, y)) grid_z = griddata(data[:, 0:2], data[:, 2], point_grid, method='cubic') # print(grid_z) print(grid_z.shape) line = np.column_stack((point_grid, grid_z)) # ax.plot(line[:, 0], line[:, 1], line[:, 2], c='r') Line = visuals.Line(color=(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), width=1, connect='strip', method='gl', antialias=False) Line.set_data(line, width = 5) # plt.title('point cloud') ax.plot(x, grid_z, c='r') ax.axis('off') ax.axis('scaled') # line = np.column_stack((line, grid_z)) # print(line) ###### # PointCloudVisualization(line) view.add(Line)
def __init__(self, exp_df_path, trial_df_path, rig_leds_path): exp_df = pd.read_pickle(exp_df_path) trial_df = pd.read_pickle(trial_df_path) self.df = exp_df.join(trial_df.drop('block', axis=1), on='trial_number') self.rig_leds = np.load(rig_leds_path) self.precalculate_data() verts, faces, normals, nothin = os.path.join(fh.PACKAGE_DIR, '../datafiles', 'head.obj')) verts = np.einsum('ni,ji->nj', (verts - verts.mean(axis=0)), fh.from_yawpitchroll(180, 90, 0)) #verts = verts - verts.mean(axis=0) # add SceneCanvas first to create QApplication object before widget self.vispy_canvas = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas(create_native=True, vsync=True, show=True, bgcolor=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0)) super(ExperimentVisualization, self).__init__() #self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.timer = / 30, start=False, connect=self.advance_frame) self.n_trials = len(self.df) self.current_trial = 0 self.i_frame = 0 self.current_row = self.df.iloc[self.current_trial] self.current_R_helmet = None self.current_gaze_normals = None self.current_ref_points = None self.vispy_view = self.vispy_canvas.central_widget.add_view() = 'turntable' = self.rig_leds[127, :] + ( self.rig_leds[0, :] - self.rig_leds[127, :]) + ( self.rig_leds[254, :] - self.rig_leds[127, :]) = 40 = 1500 self.main_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.main_layout) self.frame_slider = QtWidgets.QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.frame_slider.setMinimum(0) self.frame_slider.valueChanged.connect(self.on_slider_change) self.trial_picker = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() self.trial_picker.setMaximum(self.n_trials) self.trial_picker.valueChanged.connect(self.on_picker_change) self.trial_changed.connect(self.load_trial) self.frame_changed.connect(self.load_frame) self.picker_slider_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.main_layout.addWidget(self.vispy_canvas.native) self.main_layout.addLayout(self.picker_slider_layout) self.animation_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Start Animation') self.picker_slider_layout.addWidget(self.animation_button) self.animation_button.clicked.connect(self.toggle_animation) self.frame_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Frame') self.picker_slider_layout.addWidget(self.frame_label) self.picker_slider_layout.addWidget(self.frame_slider) self.picker_slider_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Trial')) self.picker_slider_layout.addWidget(self.trial_picker) self.rig_vis = visuals.Markers() self.rig_vis.set_gl_state(depth_test=False) self.rig_vis.antialias = 0 self.vispy_view.add(self.rig_vis) self.helmet_vis = visuals.Markers() self.vispy_view.add(self.helmet_vis) self.gaze_vis = visuals.Line() self.vispy_view.add(self.gaze_vis) self.head_mesh = visuals.Mesh(vertices=verts, shading='smooth', faces=faces, mode='triangles', color=(0.5, 0.55, 0.7)) self.head_mesh.shininess = 0 self.head_mesh.light_dir = [0, 1, 1] # self.head_mesh.light_color = np.array((1, 1, 0.95)) * 0.8 self.head_mesh.ambient_light_color = np.array((0.98, 0.98, 1)) * 0.2 self.head_mesh.attach(Alpha(0.3)) self.head_mesh.set_gl_state(depth_test=True, cull_face=True) self.head_mesh_transform = MatrixTransform() self.head_mesh.transform = self.head_mesh_transform self.vispy_view.add(self.head_mesh) self.trial_changed.emit(0) self.frame_changed.emit(0)
vb2 = grid.add_view(row=1, col=0) vb3 = grid.add_view(row=1, col=1) # # Top viewbox: Show a plot line containing fine structure with a 1D # magnification transform. # pos = np.empty((100000, 2)) pos[:, 0] = np.arange(100000) pos[:, 1] = np.random.normal(size=100000, loc=50, scale=10) pos[:, 1] = filter.gaussian_filter(pos[:, 1], 20) pos[:, 1] += np.random.normal(size=100000, loc=0, scale=2) pos[:, 1][pos[:, 1] > 55] += 100 pos[:, 1] = filter.gaussian_filter(pos[:, 1], 2) line = visuals.Line(pos, color='white', parent=vb1.scene) line.transform = STTransform(translate=(0, 0, -0.1)) grid1 = visuals.GridLines(parent=vb1.scene) = Magnify1DCamera(mag=4, size_factor=0.6, radius_ratio=0.6) = 0, 30, 100000, 100 # # Bottom-left viewbox: Image with circular magnification lens. # size = (100, 100) img_data = np.random.normal(size=size + (3, ), loc=58, scale=20).astype(np.ubyte) image = visuals.Image(img_data, parent=vb2.scene, method='impostor')
def __init__(self, xyz=None, channels=None, system='cartesian', unit='degree', title=None, title_color='black', title_size=20., line_color='black', line_width=4., chan_size=12., chan_offset=(0., 0., 0.), chan_mark_color='white', chan_mark_symbol='disc', chan_txt_color='black', bgcolor='white', cbar=True, cb_txt_size=10., margin=.05, parent=None): """Init.""" # ======================== VARIABLES ======================== self._bgcolor = color2vb(bgcolor) scale = 800. # fix GL bugs for small plots pos = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32) # Colors : title_color = color2vb(title_color) line_color = color2vb(line_color) chan_txt_color = color2vb(chan_txt_color) self._chan_mark_color = color2vb(chan_mark_color) self._chan_mark_symbol = chan_mark_symbol # Disc interpolation : self._interp = .1 self._pix = 64 csize = int(self._pix / self._interp) if self._interp else self._pix l = csize / 2 # noqa # ======================== NODES ======================== # Main topoplot node : self.node = scene.Node(name='Topoplot', parent=parent) self.node.transform = vist.STTransform(scale=[scale] * 3) # Headset + channels : self.node_headfull = scene.Node(name='HeadChan', parent=self.node) # Headset node : self.node_head = scene.Node(name='Headset', parent=self.node_headfull) # Channel node : self.node_chan = scene.Node(name='Channels', parent=self.node_headfull) self.node_chan.transform = vist.STTransform(translate=(0., 0., -10.)) # Cbar node : self.node_cbar = scene.Node(name='Channels', parent=self.node) # Dictionaries : kw_line = { 'width': line_width, 'color': line_color, 'parent': self.node_head } # ======================== PARENT VISUALS ======================== # Main disc : self.disc = visuals.Image(pos=pos, name='Disc', parent=self.node_head, interpolation='bilinear') # Title : self.title = visuals.Text(text=title, pos=(0., .6, 0.), name='Title', parent=self.node, font_size=title_size, color=title_color, bold=True) self.title.font_size *= 1.1 # ======================== HEAD / NOSE / EAR ======================== # ------------------ HEAD ------------------ # Head visual : self.head = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='Head', **kw_line) # Head circle : theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.001) head = np.full((len(theta), 3), -1., dtype=np.float32) head[:, 0] = l * (1. + np.cos(theta)) head[:, 1] = l * (1. + np.sin(theta)) self.head.set_data(pos=head) # ------------------ NOSE ------------------ # Nose visual : self.nose = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='Nose', **kw_line) # Nose data : wn, hn = csize * 50. / 512., csize * 30. / 512. nose = np.array([[l - wn, 2 * l - wn, 2.], [l, 2 * l + hn, 2.], [l, 2 * l + hn, 2.], [l + wn, 2 * l - wn, 2.]]) self.nose.set_data(pos=nose, connect='segments') # ------------------ EAR ------------------ we, he = csize * 10. / 512., csize * 30. / 512. ye = l + he * np.sin(theta) # Ear left data : self.earL = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='EarLeft', **kw_line) # Ear left visual : ear_l = np.full((len(theta), 3), 3., dtype=np.float32) ear_l[:, 0] = 2 * l + we * np.cos(theta) ear_l[:, 1] = ye self.earL.set_data(pos=ear_l) # Ear right visual : self.earR = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='EarRight', **kw_line) # Ear right data : ear_r = np.full((len(theta), 3), 3., dtype=np.float32) ear_r[:, 0] = 0. + we * np.cos(theta) ear_r[:, 1] = ye self.earR.set_data(pos=ear_r) # ================== CHANNELS ================== # Channel's markers : self.chanMarkers = visuals.Markers(pos=pos, name='ChanMarkers', parent=self.node_chan) # Channel's text : self.chanText = visuals.Text(pos=pos, name='ChanText', parent=self.node_chan, anchor_x='center', color=chan_txt_color, font_size=chan_size) # ================== CAMERA ================== self.rect = ((-scale / 2) * (1 + margin), (-scale / 2) * (1 + margin), scale * (1. + cbar * .3 + margin), scale * (1.11 + margin)) # ================== CBAR ================== if cbar: self.cbar = CbarVisual(cbtxtsz=1.2 * cb_txt_size, txtsz=cb_txt_size, txtcolor=title_color, cbtxtsh=2., parent=self.node_cbar) self.node_cbar.transform = vist.STTransform(scale=(.6, .4, 1.), translate=(.6, 0., 0.)) # ================== COORDINATES ================== auto = self._get_channel_coordinates(xyz, channels, system, unit) if auto: eucl = np.sqrt(self._xyz[:, 0]**2 + self._xyz[:, 1]**2).max() self.node_head.transform = vpnormalize(head, dist=2 * eucl) # Rescale between (-1:1, -1:1) = circle : circle = vist.STTransform(scale=(.5 / eucl, .5 / eucl, 1.)) self.node_headfull.transform = circle # Text translation : tr = np.array([0., .8, 0.]) + np.array(chan_offset) else: # Get coordinates of references along the x and y-axis : ref_x, ref_y = self._get_ref_coordinates() # Recenter the topoplot : t = vist.ChainTransform() t.prepend(vprecenter(head)) # Rescale (-ref_x:ref_x, -ref_y:ref_y) (ref_x != ref_y => ellipse) coef_x = 2 * ref_x / head[:, 0].max() coef_y = 2 * ref_y / head[:, 1].max() t.prepend(vist.STTransform(scale=(coef_x, coef_y, 1.))) self.node_head.transform = t # Rescale between (-1:1, -1:1) = circle : circle = vist.STTransform(scale=(.5 / ref_x, .5 / ref_y, 1.)) self.node_headfull.transform = circle # Text translation : tr = np.array([0., .04, 0.]) + np.array(chan_offset) self.chanText.transform = vist.STTransform(translate=tr) # ================== GRID INTERPOLATION ================== # Interpolation vectors : x = y = np.arange(0, self._pix, 1) xnew = ynew = np.arange(0, self._pix, self._interp) # Grid interpolation function : def _grid_interpolation(grid): f = interp2d(x, y, grid, kind='linear') return f(xnew, ynew) self._grid_interpolation = _grid_interpolation
def gen_skeleton(blob3d): #------------------------------------------------ # NOTE OUTDATED, keeping only for reference #------------------------------------------------ # Begin by creating a 3d array, with each element either None or the id of the pixel # Then create a second 3d array, with the distances from each internal point to the closest edge point # Find internals by doing all pixels - edge_pixels print("CALLED GEN_SKELETON!!!!") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') xdim = blob3d.maxx - blob3d.minx + 1 ydim = blob3d.maxy - blob3d.miny + 1 zdim = blob3d.highslideheight - blob3d.lowslideheight + 1 minx = blob3d.minx miny = blob3d.miny minz = blob3d.lowslideheight def pixel_to_pos(pixel): # Returns the (x,y,z) location of the pixel in any one of the 3d arrays return (pixel.x - minx, pixel.y - miny, pixel.z - minz) def distance_from_offset(x_offset, y_offset, z_offset): return math.sqrt( math.pow(x_offset, 2) + math.pow(y_offset, 2) + math.pow(z_offset, 2)) def inBounds(x, y, z): if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and z >= 0 and x < xdim and y < ydim and z < zdim: return True return False def find_nearest_neighbor(x, y, z, arr, recur=1): """ :param x: X coordinate within given arr :param y: Y coordinate within given arr :param z: Z coordinate within given arr :param arr: An array populated by the ids of pixels :param recur: How far outwards to extend the 'search cube' :return: (x_coor, y_coor, z_coor, distance, pixel_id) """ # print("Finding nearest neighbor of: " + str((x, y, z, recur))) possible_coordinates = [] # Contains coordinate tuples (x,y,z) # Because am using cube instead of spheres, need to remember all matches and then find the best # arr should # TODO restrict the ranges so that they don't overlap # X restricts Y and Z # Y restricts Z # Z restricts nothing for x_offset in [-recur, recur]: curx = x + x_offset for y_offset in range(-recur, recur + 1): # +1 to include endcap cury = y + y_offset for z_offset in range(-recur, recur + 1): # +1 to include endcap curz = z + z_offset if inBounds(curx, cury, curz) and not np.isnan(arr[curx][cury][curz]): possible_coordinates.append( (curx, cury, curz, distance_from_offset(x_offset, y_offset, z_offset), int(arr[curx][cury][curz]))) # x, y, z, distance, pixel_id # print("Coordinates found: " + str(possible_coordinates)) if len(possible_coordinates) == 0: # print("----Making a recursive call!") return find_nearest_neighbor(x, y, z, arr, recur + 1) # TODO Y and Z else: # Find the closest coordinate possible_coordinates.sort( key=lambda x_y_z_dist_id: x_y_z_dist_id[3]) # Sort by distance # print("SORTED POSSIBLE COORDINATES: " + str(possible_coordinates)) return possible_coordinates[0] # TODO have an option to create a shell around the blob3d, by taking the highest and lowest levels, and making them all count temporarily as # edge pixels. This way, the effects of segmentation will be less dependent on the scan direction edge_pixels = blob3d.get_edge_pixels() # Actual pixels not ids all_pixels = blob3d.get_pixels() inner_pixels = [ Pixel.get(cur_pixel) for cur_pixel in (set( for pixel in all_pixels) - set( for pixel in edge_pixels)) ] edge_array = np.empty((xdim, ydim, zdim)) # , inner_array = np.empty((xdim, ydim, zdim)) # , distances = np.empty((xdim, ydim, zdim), dtype=np.float) edge_array[:] = np.nan inner_array[:] = np.nan distances[:] = np.nan for pixel in edge_pixels: x, y, z = pixel_to_pos(pixel) edge_array[x][y][z] = for pixel in inner_pixels: x, y, z = pixel_to_pos(pixel) inner_array[x][y][z] = inner_pos = np.zeros([len(inner_pixels), 3]) near_pos = np.zeros([len(inner_pixels), 3]) line_endpoints = np.zeros([2 * len(inner_pixels), 3]) index_distance_id = np.zeros([len(inner_pixels), 3]) maxdim = max([xdim, ydim, zdim]) # Adjusting z visualization pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist = [] marker_colors = np.zeros((len(inner_pixels), 4)) mycolors = [ 'r', 'orange', 'yellow', 'white', 'lime', 'g', 'teal', 'blue', 'purple', 'pink' ] # HACK import vispy myrgba = list( vispy.color.ColorArray(color_str).rgba for color_str in mycolors) for index, pixel in enumerate(inner_pixels): # print("Pixel: " + str(pixel)) x, y, z = pixel_to_pos(pixel) inner_pos[index] = x / xdim, y / ydim, z / zdim x_y_z_dist_id = find_nearest_neighbor(x, y, z, edge_array) pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist.append( (pixel, x_y_z_dist_id[4], x_y_z_dist_id[0], x_y_z_dist_id[1], x_y_z_dist_id[2], x_y_z_dist_id[3])) near_pos[index] = (x_y_z_dist_id[0] / xdim, x_y_z_dist_id[1] / ydim, x_y_z_dist_id[2] / zdim) marker_colors[index] = myrgba[int(x_y_z_dist_id[3]) % len(myrgba)] line_endpoints[2 * index] = (x_y_z_dist_id[0] / xdim, x_y_z_dist_id[1] / ydim, x_y_z_dist_id[2] / zdim) line_endpoints[2 * index + 1] = (x / xdim, y / ydim, z / zdim) # index_distance_id[index] = [index, x_y_z_dist_id[3], x_y_z_dist_id[4]] # Sort distances; need to maintain index for accessing id later pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist = sorted(pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist, key=lambda entry: entry[5], reverse=True) # TODO find ridge # Strategy: Iterative, use either the highest n or x percent to find cutoff..? ridge = [pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist[0]] ridge_ends = [pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist[0] ] # Preferable to keep at 2 if we can # HACK TODO for i in pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist: print(' ' + str(i)) # min_threshold = int(pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist[int(.1 * len(pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist))]) # pixel_costs = dict() # for pnnnnd in pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist: # pixel_costs[pnnnnd[0].id] = pnnnnd[5] # Mapping inner pixel's id to its distance (to the closest edge_pixel) # # # # # # n, bins, patches = plt.hist([idi[5] for idi in pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist], bins=np.linspace(0,10,50)) # # hist = np.histogram( [idi[4] for idi in pixel_nid_nx_ny_nz_dist] , bins=np.arange(10)) # import import vispy.scene from vispy.scene import visuals from vispy.util import keys canvas = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas(size=(1200, 1200), keys='interactive', show=True) view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() = vispy.scene.cameras.FlyCamera(parent=view.scene, fov=30, name='Fly') # = vispy.scene.cameras.TurntableCamera(fov=0, azimuth=80, parent=view.scene, distance=1, # elevation=-55, name='Turntable') # = vispy.scene.cameras.ArcballCamera(parent=view.scene, fov=50, distance=1, # name='Arcball') inner_markers = visuals.Markers() near_markers = visuals.Markers() lines = visuals.Line(method=Config.linemethod) lines.set_data(pos=line_endpoints, connect='segments', color='y') inner_markers.set_data(inner_pos, face_color=marker_colors, size=10) near_markers.set_data(near_pos, face_color='g', size=10) print("Inner pos: " + str(inner_pos)) print("Near pos: " + str(near_pos)) view.add(inner_markers) view.add(near_markers) view.add(lines) print('------------')
# indexes = np.random.normal(size=100000, loc=centers.shape[0]/2., # scale=centers.shape[0]/3.) # indexes = np.clip(indexes, 0, centers.shape[0]-1).astype(int) # scales = 10**(np.linspace(-2, 0.5, centers.shape[0]))[indexes][:, np.newaxis] # pos *= scales # pos += centers[indexes] # create scatter object and fill in the data scatter = visuals.Markers() scatter.set_data(pos, edge_color=None, face_color=(1, 1, 1, .5), size=5) scatter2 = visuals.Markers() scatter2.set_data(pos2, edge_color=None, face_color=(1, 0, 1, .5), size=5) line = visuals.Line(pos=np.array([[2, 4, 5], [3, 7, 1], [0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2], [2, 0, 0], [4, 2, 2]]), connect='segments', color=(1, 1, 0, 1), method='gl') view.add(scatter) view.add(scatter2) view.add(line) = 'turntable' # or try 'arcball' # add a colored 3D axis for orientation axis = visuals.XYZAxis(parent=view.scene) if __name__ == '__main__': print('banana')