def get_landmarks_from_image(self, image_file): frame = cv2.imread(image_file) img1, img2, scale, pad = resize_pad(frame) normalized_palm_detections = self.palm_detector.predict_on_image(img1) palm_detections = denormalize_detections(normalized_palm_detections, scale, pad) xc, yc, scale, theta = self.palm_detector.detection2roi( palm_detections) img, affine2, box2 = self.hand_regressor.extract_roi( frame, xc, yc, theta, scale) flags2, handed2, normalized_landmarks2 = self.hand_regressor(img) landmarks2 = self.hand_regressor.denormalize_landmarks( normalized_landmarks2, affine2) for i in range(len(flags2)): landmark, flag = landmarks2[i], flags2[i] print(flag) if flag > 0.5: draw_landmarks(frame, landmark[:, :2], HAND_CONNECTIONS, size=2) return flags2, handed2, normalized_landmarks2
def test_my_map(map_file_name): world, path = execute.load_map_from_json(map_file_name) if not (type(path) == type(list()) and len(path) > 0): raise ValueError("Path must be at least length 1") fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlim([0, world.width]) ax.set_ylim([0, world.height]) visualization.draw_landmarks(ax, world.landmarks) visualization.draw_path(path) Q_robot = visualization.draw_robot(world.robot_pose) green_test_message()
face_detections = denormalize_detections(normalized_face_detections, scale, pad) xc, yc, scale, theta = face_detector.detection2roi(face_detections.cpu()) img, affine, box = face_regressor.extract_roi(frame, xc, yc, theta, scale) flags, normalized_landmarks = face_regressor( landmarks = face_regressor.denormalize_landmarks( normalized_landmarks.cpu(), affine) #frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (0,0), (400,400), (120, 120, 120), 400) for i in range(len(flags)): landmark, flag = landmarks[i], flags[i] if flag > .5: draw_landmarks(frame, landmark[:, :2], FACE_CONNECTIONS, size=1) draw_roi(frame, box) draw_detections(frame, face_detections) cv2.imshow(WINDOW, frame[:, :, :]) # cv2.imwrite('sample/%04d.jpg'%frame_ct, frame[:,:,::-1]) hasFrame, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == 27: break capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
img1, img2, scale, pad = resize_pad(frame) normalized_pose_detections = pose_detector.predict_on_image(img2) pose_detections = denormalize_detections(normalized_pose_detections, scale, pad) xc, yc, scale, theta = pose_detector.detection2roi(pose_detections) img, affine, box = pose_regressor.extract_roi(frame, xc, yc, theta, scale) flags, normalized_landmarks, mask = pose_regressor( landmarks = pose_regressor.denormalize_landmarks(normalized_landmarks, affine) draw_detections(frame, pose_detections) draw_roi(frame, box) for i in range(len(flags)): landmark, flag = landmarks[i], flags[i] if flag > .5: draw_landmarks(frame, landmark, POSE_CONNECTIONS, size=2) cv2.imshow(WINDOW, frame[:, :, ::-1]) # cv2.imwrite('sample/%04d.jpg'%frame_ct, frame[:,:,::-1]) hasFrame, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == 27: break capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
img1 = torch.tensor(img1, device=gpu).byte() img1 = img1.unsqueeze(0) normalized_landmarks2, flags2 = hand_regressor(img1) #for i in range(len(flags)): # landmark, flag = landmarks[i], flags[i] # if flag>.5: # draw_landmarks(frame, landmark[:,:2], FACE_CONNECTIONS, size=1) for i in range(len(flags2)): landmark, flag = normalized_landmarks2[i], flags2[i] #landmark, flag = landmarks2[i], flags2[i] #if flag>.01: if True: draw_landmarks(frame, landmark[:,:2], HAND_CONNECTIONS, size=2) print(flag) #draw_landmarks(frame, landmark[:,:2] * 200, HAND_CONNECTIONS, size=2) #draw_roi(frame, box) #draw_roi(frame, box2) #draw_detections(frame, face_detections) #draw_detections(frame, palm_detections) cv2.imshow(WINDOW, frame) # cv2.imwrite('sample/%04d.jpg'%frame_ct, frame[:,:,::-1]) hasFrame, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == 27: break
if imgs: imgs = torch.stack( imgs) #.permute(0,3,1,2).float() / 255. #/ 127.5 - 1.0 affines = torch.stack(affines) else: imgs = torch.zeros((0, 3, res, res)).to(gpu) affines = torch.zeros((0, 2, 3)).to(gpu) #img, affine2, box2 = hand_regressor.extract_roi(img1, xc, yc, theta, scale) flags2, handed2, normalized_landmarks2 = hand_regressor(imgs) landmarks2 = hand_regressor.denormalize_landmarks(normalized_landmarks2, affines) for i in range(len(flags2)): landmark, flag = landmarks2[i], flags2[i] if flag > .5: draw_landmarks(img1, landmark[:, :2], HAND_CONNECTIONS, size=2) draw_roi(img1, points) cv2.imshow(WINDOW, img1) hasFrame, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == 27: break capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
input_name = ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name while hasFrame: frame_ct += 1 img1, img2, scale, pad = resize_pad(frame) img3 = cv2.resize(img1, (192, 192)) img_in = np.expand_dims(img3, axis=0).astype(np.uint8) ort_inputs = {input_name: img_in} ort_outs =, ort_inputs) frame = cv2.rectangle(img3, (30, 30), (162, 162), (255, 255, 255), -1) img3 = cv2.resize(img3, (960, 960)) for i in range(len(ort_outs[0])): landmark, flag = ort_outs[0][i], ort_outs[1][i] if flag > .5: draw_landmarks(img3, landmark[:, :2] * 5, FACE_CONNECTIONS, size=1) cv2.imshow(WINDOW, img3) hasFrame, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == 27: break capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()