def show_dependencies(filename, draw): with open(filename) as fp: deps = refactor.get_dependencies(ast.parse( if draw: visualize.draw(deps) else: click.echo(pprint.pformat(deps))
def main(): cInit = [1] cBase = [50, 100] #modelResults = {(np.log10(init), np.log10(base)): evaluate(init, base) for init, base in it.product(cInit, cBase)} numTotalSimulationTimes = [64] numTrees = [1] subtleties = [500] #, 500, 11, 3.3, 1.83, 0.92, 0.31, 0.001] #, 50, 3.3, 0.92] precisionToSubtletyDict = { 500: 0, 50: 5, 11: 30, 3.3: 60, 1.83: 90, 0.92: 120, 0.31: 150, 0.001: 180 } modelResults = { (numTree, precisionToSubtletyDict[chasingSubtlety]): evaluate(numTree, chasingSubtlety, numTotalSimulation, init, base) for numTree, chasingSubtlety, numTotalSimulation, init, base in it.product(numTrees, subtleties, numTotalSimulationTimes, cInit, cBase) } print("Finished evaluating") # Visualize #independentVariableNames = ['cInit', 'cBase'] independentVariableNames = ['numTree', 'chasingSubtlety'] draw(modelResults, independentVariableNames)
def main(): cInit = [0.1, 1, 10] cBase = [0.01, 0.1, 1] modelResults = {(np.log10(init), np.log10(base)): evaluate(init, base) for init, base in it.product(cInit, cBase)} print("Finished evaluating") # Visualize independentVariableNames = ['cInit', 'cBase'] draw(modelResults, independentVariableNames)
def worlddet_frame(data, frame, i_frame): dets, colors, calib = data det = dets[dets['frame_number'] == i_frame] frame = draw(frame, det, colors, coords='world', calib=calib) return frame
def detections_video(detections, videopath, outvideopath, classnames, dataset, res, fps=15, conf_thresh=0.75, show_frame_number=True, coords='pixels'): """ Renders a video with the detections drawn on top Arguments: detections -- the detections as a pandas table videopath -- path to input video outvideopath -- path to output video showing the detections classnames -- list of all the classes dataset -- name of the dataset res -- resolution of output video and coordinates in csv file (assumed to be the same). Probably SSD resolution if performed on direct csv files, and probably the video resolution if performed on csv files with world coordinates fps -- frames-per-second of output video conf_thresh -- Detections with confidences below this are not shown in output video. Set to negative to not visualize confidences, or set to 0.0 to show all of them. show_frame_number -- writes the frame number in the top left corner of the video coords -- coordinate system of detections """ masker = Masker(dataset) calib = None if coords == 'world': calib = Calibration(dataset) num_classes = len(classnames)+1 colors = class_colors(num_classes) outwidth = make_divisible(res[0], 16) outheight = make_divisible(res[1], 16) pad_vid = True if (outwidth == res[0]) and (outheight == res[1]): pad_vid = False with io.get_reader(videopath) as vid: with io.get_writer(outvideopath, fps=fps) as outvid: for i,frame in enumerate(vid): frame = masker.mask(frame, alpha=0.5) frame = cv2.resize(frame, (res[0], res[1])) dets = detections[detections['frame_number']==i] if len(dets) > 0: frame = draw(frame, dets, colors, conf_thresh=conf_thresh, coords=coords, calib=calib) if pad_vid: padded = 255*np.ones((outheight, outwidth, 3), dtype=np.uint8) padded[0:res[1], 0:res[0], :] = frame frame = padded if show_frame_number: cv2.putText(frame, 'Frame {}'.format(i), (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255,255,255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) outvid.append_data(frame) if i%500 == 0: print_flush("Frame {}".format(i))
def pixeldet_frame(data, frame, i_frame): dets, colors, x_scale, y_scale = data det = dets[dets['frame_number'] == i_frame] frame = draw(frame, det, colors, x_scale=x_scale, y_scale=y_scale, coords='pixels') return frame
def slideshow(dataset, outpath, fps=10, repeat=20): ld = LoadDetections() dets = ld.custom(dataset) imfiles = list(set(dets.image_file)) if not imfiles: return False cc = class_colors() mask = Masker(dataset) classnames = get_classnames(dataset) with io.get_writer(outpath, fps=fps) as vid: for imfile in imfiles: d = dets[dets.image_file == imfile] # Add "class_name" and "class_index" columns which are missing d = d.rename(index=str, columns={"type": "class_name"}) indices = [1 + classnames.index(x) for x in d['class_name']] d['class_index'] = indices im = io.imread(imfile) im = mask.mask(im, alpha=0.5) width = float(im.shape[1]) height = float(im.shape[0]) frame = draw(im, d, cc, conf_thresh=-1.0, x_scale=width, y_scale=height) for i in range(repeat): vid.append_data(frame) return True
def main(args): n_sequences = get_n_sequences(args.infile) print("Number of sequences:", n_sequences) print("create alignment") align(args.infile, args.outfile, n_sequences * 10) print("read alignment result") headers, sequences = read_fasta(args.outfile) print("make consensus") consensus_sequence, consensus_frequencies = consensus.consensus(sequences) headers.append('consensus') sequences.append(consensus_sequence) colors = colourschemes.create_colour_scheme(args.colors) img = visualize.draw(headers, sequences, consensus_frequencies, AA_colors=colors, max_width=args.width, same_length=args.same_length)
def main(): # action space actionSpace = [[10, 0], [7, 7], [0, 10], [-7, 7], [-10, 0], [-7, -7], [0, -10], [7, -7]] numActionSpace = len(actionSpace) # state space numStateSpace = 4 xBoundary = [0, 360] yBoundary = [0, 360] checkBoundaryAndAdjust = ag.CheckBoundaryAndAdjust(xBoundary, yBoundary) initSheepPositionMean = np.array([180, 180]) initWolfPositionMean = np.array([180, 180]) initSheepPositionNoise = np.array([120, 120]) initWolfPositionNoise = np.array([60, 60]) sheepPositionReset = ag.SheepPositionReset(initSheepPositionMean, initSheepPositionNoise, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) wolfPositionReset = ag.WolfPositionReset(initWolfPositionMean, initWolfPositionNoise, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) numOneAgentState = 2 positionIndex = [0, 1] sheepPositionTransition = ag.SheepPositionTransition(numOneAgentState, positionIndex, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) wolfPositionTransition = ag.WolfPositionTransition(numOneAgentState, positionIndex, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) numAgent = 2 sheepId = 0 wolfId = 1 transitionFunction = env.TransitionFunction(sheepId, wolfId, sheepPositionReset, wolfPositionReset, sheepPositionTransition, wolfPositionTransition) minDistance = 15 isTerminal = env.IsTerminal(sheepId, wolfId, numOneAgentState, positionIndex, minDistance) screen = pg.display.set_mode([xBoundary[1], yBoundary[1]]) screenColor = [255, 255, 255] circleColorList = [[50, 255, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50]] circleSize = 8 saveImage = False saveImageFile = 'image' render = env.Render(numAgent, numOneAgentState, positionIndex, screen, screenColor, circleColorList, circleSize, saveImage, saveImageFile) aliveBouns = -1 deathPenalty = 20 rewardDecay = 0.99 rewardFunction = reward.TerminalPenalty(sheepId, wolfId, numOneAgentState, positionIndex, aliveBouns, deathPenalty, isTerminal) accumulateRewards = PG.AccumulateRewards(rewardDecay, rewardFunction) maxTimeStep = 150 sampleTrajectory = PG.SampleTrajectory(maxTimeStep, transitionFunction, isTerminal) approximatePolicy = PG.ApproximatePolicy(actionSpace) trainPG = PG.TrainTensorflow(actionSpace) numTrajectory = 20 maxEpisode = 1000 # Generate models. learningRate = 1e-4 hiddenNeuronNumbers = [128, 256, 512, 1024] hiddenDepths = [2, 4, 8] # hiddenNeuronNumbers = [128] # hiddenDepths = [2] generateModel = GeneratePolicyNet(numStateSpace, numActionSpace, learningRate) models = {(n, d): generateModel(d, round(n / d)) for n, d in it.product(hiddenNeuronNumbers, hiddenDepths)} print("Models generated") # Train. policyGradient = PG.PolicyGradient(numTrajectory, maxEpisode, render) trainModel = lambda model: policyGradient(model, approximatePolicy, sampleTrajectory, accumulateRewards, trainPG) trainedModels = {key: trainModel(model) for key, model in models.items()} print("Finished training") # Evaluate modelEvaluate = Evaluate(numTrajectory, approximatePolicy, sampleTrajectory, rewardFunction) meanEpisodeRewards = {key: modelEvaluate(model) for key, model in trainedModels.items()} print("Finished evaluating") # print(meanEpisodeRewards) # Visualize independentVariableNames = ['NeuroTotalNumber', 'layerNumber'] draw(meanEpisodeRewards, independentVariableNames) print("Finished visualizing", meanEpisodeRewards)
def test_on_video(model, name, experiment, videopath, outvideopath, classnames, batch_size=32, input_shape=(480, 640, 3), soft=False, width=480, height=640, conf_thresh=0.75, csv_conf_thresh=0.75): """ Applies a trained SSD model to a video Arguments: model -- the SSD model, e.g. from get_model name -- name of dataset experiment -- name of training run videopath -- path to input video outvideopath -- path to output video showing the detections classnames -- list of all the classes batch_size -- number of images processed in parallell, lower this if you get out-of-memory errors input_shape -- size of images fed to SSD soft -- Whether to do soft NMS or normal NMS width -- Width to scale detections with (can be set to 1 if detections are already on right scale) height -- Height to scale detections with (can be set to 1 if detections are already on right scale) conf_thresh -- Detections with confidences below this are not shown in output video. Set to negative to not visualize confidences. csv_conf_thresh -- Detections with confidences below this are ignored. This should be same as conf_thresh unless conf_thresh is negative. """ masker = Masker(name) num_classes = len(classnames) + 1 colors = class_colors(num_classes) make_vid = True suffix = outvideopath.split('.')[-1] if suffix == 'csv': make_vid = False csvpath = outvideopath else: csvpath = outvideopath.replace('.{}'.format(suffix), '.csv') print_flush('Generating priors') im_in = np.random.random( (1, input_shape[1], input_shape[0], input_shape[2])) priors = model.predict(im_in, batch_size=1)[0, :, -8:] bbox_util = BBoxUtility(num_classes, priors) vid = io.get_reader(videopath) if make_vid: outvid = io.get_writer(outvideopath, fps=30) inputs = [] frames = [] all_detections = [] for i, frame in enumerate(vid): frame = masker.mask(frame) resized = cv2.resize(frame, (input_shape[0], input_shape[1])) frames.append(frame.copy()) inputs.append(resized) if len(inputs) == batch_size: inputs = np.array(inputs).astype(np.float64) inputs = preprocess_input(inputs) preds = model.predict(inputs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) results = bbox_util.detection_out(preds, soft=soft) for result, frame, frame_number in zip(results, frames, range(i - batch_size, i)): result = [ r if len(r) > 0 else np.zeros((1, 6)) for r in result ] raw_detections = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(result), columns=[ 'class_index', 'confidence', 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax' ]) rescale(raw_detections, 'xmin', width) rescale(raw_detections, 'xmax', width) rescale(raw_detections, 'ymin', height) rescale(raw_detections, 'ymax', height) rescale(raw_detections, 'class_index', 1) ci = raw_detections['class_index'] cn = [classnames[int(x) - 1] for x in ci] raw_detections['class_name'] = cn raw_detections['frame_number'] = (frame_number + 2) all_detections.append(raw_detections[ raw_detections.confidence > csv_conf_thresh]) if make_vid: frame = draw(frame, raw_detections, colors, conf_thresh=conf_thresh) outvid.append_data(frame) frames = [] inputs = [] if i % (10 * batch_size) == 0: print_flush(i) detections = pd.concat(all_detections) detections.to_csv(csvpath)
from visualize import draw if __name__ == "__main__": test_examples = [ "+ a * b c", " + * 5 ^ x 2 * 8 x", "+ * 3 ^ * 3 * 2 ^ x 2 x 6" ] inexp_list = list() for ind, test_example in enumerate(test_examples): print() pre_exp = parse_input(test_example) in_exp = pre2in(pre_exp) post_exp = in2post(in_exp) pre_exp = in2pre(in_exp) print("prefix expression:", print_expression(pre_exp)) print("infix expression:", print_expression(in_exp)) print("postfix expression:", print_expression(post_exp)) # print("write expression from infix expression:", write_exp(in_exp)) if ind == 1 or ind == 2: assigned_post = assign("x", 3, post_exp) print("assign result:", cal_postfix_expression(assigned_post)) inexp_list.append(in_exp) # Visualize root_add_id = PostExpTree(in2post( compound_inexp(inexp_list[0], inexp_list[1])), add_id=True) draw(root_add_id)
dataSet = PD.loadData(dataSetPath) random.shuffle(dataSet) trainingDataSizes = [8000] #list(range(10000, 10000, 1000)) trainingDataList = [([state for state, _ in dataSet[:size]], [label for _, label in dataSet[:size]]) for size in trainingDataSizes] trainingData = trainingDataList[0] learningRate = 0.0001 regularizationFactor = 1e-4 generatePolicyNet = NN.GeneratePolicyNet(numStateSpace, numActionSpace, learningRate, regularizationFactor) policyNetDepth = [2, 3, 4, 5] policyNetWidth = [32, 64, 128, 256] nnList = it.product(policyNetDepth, policyNetWidth) models = {(width, depth): generatePolicyNet(depth, width) for depth, width in nnList} maxStepNum = 50000 reportInterval = 500 lossChangeThreshold = 1e-6 lossHistorySize = 10 train = SL.Train(maxStepNum, learningRate, lossChangeThreshold, lossHistorySize, reportInterval, summaryOn=False, testData=None) trainedModels = {key: train(model, trainingData) for key, model in models.items()} evalTrain = {key: SL.evaluate(model, trainingData) for key, model in trainedModels.items()} evaluateDataPath = 'NeuralNetworkEvaluation.pkl' file = open(evaluateDataPath, "wb") pickle.dump(dataSet, file) file.close() VI.draw(evalTrain, ["neurons per layer", "layer"], ["Loss", "Accuracy"])
def main(): #tf.set_random_seed(123) #np.random.seed(123) actionSpace = [[10, 0], [7, 7], [0, 10], [-7, 7], [-10, 0], [-7, -7], [0, -10], [7, -7]] numActionSpace = len(actionSpace) numStateSpace = 4 xBoundary = [0, 360] yBoundary = [0, 360] checkBoundaryAndAdjust = ag.CheckBoundaryAndAdjust(xBoundary, yBoundary) initSheepPosition = np.array([180, 180]) initWolfPosition = np.array([180, 180]) initSheepVelocity = np.array([0, 0]) initWolfVelocity = np.array([0, 0]) initSheepPositionNoise = np.array([120, 120]) initWolfPositionNoise = np.array([60, 60]) sheepPositionReset = ag.SheepPositionReset(initSheepPosition, initSheepPositionNoise, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) wolfPositionReset = ag.WolfPositionReset(initWolfPosition, initWolfPositionNoise, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) numOneAgentState = 2 positionIndex = [0, 1] sheepPositionTransition = ag.SheepPositionTransition( numOneAgentState, positionIndex, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) wolfPositionTransition = ag.WolfPositionTransition(numOneAgentState, positionIndex, checkBoundaryAndAdjust) numAgent = 2 sheepId = 0 wolfId = 1 transitionFunction = env.TransitionFunction(sheepId, wolfId, sheepPositionReset, wolfPositionReset, sheepPositionTransition, wolfPositionTransition) minDistance = 15 isTerminal = env.IsTerminal(sheepId, wolfId, numOneAgentState, positionIndex, minDistance) screen = pg.display.set_mode([xBoundary[1], yBoundary[1]]) screenColor = [255, 255, 255] circleColorList = [[50, 255, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50], [50, 50, 50]] circleSize = 8 saveImage = False saveImageFile = 'image' render = env.Render(numAgent, numOneAgentState, positionIndex, screen, screenColor, circleColorList, circleSize, saveImage, saveImageFile) aliveBouns = -1 deathPenalty = 20 rewardDecay = 0.99 rewardFunction = reward.RewardFunctionTerminalPenalty( sheepId, wolfId, numOneAgentState, positionIndex, aliveBouns, deathPenalty, isTerminal) accumulateReward = A2CMC.AccumulateReward(rewardDecay, rewardFunction) maxTimeStep = 150 sampleTrajectory = A2CMC.SampleTrajectory(maxTimeStep, transitionFunction, isTerminal) approximatePolicy = A2CMC.ApproximatePolicy(actionSpace) approximateValue = A2CMC.approximateValue trainCritic = A2CMC.TrainCriticMonteCarloTensorflow(accumulateReward) estimateAdvantage = A2CMC.EstimateAdvantageMonteCarlo(accumulateReward) trainActor = A2CMC.TrainActorMonteCarloTensorflow(actionSpace) numTrajectory = 5 maxEpisode = 1 actorCritic = A2CMC.OfflineAdvantageActorCritic(numTrajectory, maxEpisode, render) # Generate models. learningRateActor = 1e-4 learningRateCritic = 3e-4 hiddenNeuronNumbers = [128, 256, 512, 1024] hiddenDepths = [2, 4, 8] generateModel = GenerateActorCriticModel(numStateSpace, numActionSpace, learningRateActor, learningRateCritic) modelDict = {(n, d): generateModel(d, round(n / d)) for n, d in it.product(hiddenNeuronNumbers, hiddenDepths)} print("Generated graphs") # Train. actorCritic = A2CMC.OfflineAdvantageActorCritic(numTrajectory, maxEpisode, render) modelTrain = lambda actorModel, criticModel: actorCritic( actorModel, criticModel, approximatePolicy, sampleTrajectory, trainCritic, approximateValue, estimateAdvantage, trainActor) trainedModelDict = { key: modelTrain(model[0], model[1]) for key, model in modelDict.items() } print("Finished training") # Evaluate modelEvaluate = Evaluate(numTrajectory, approximatePolicy, sampleTrajectory, rewardFunction) meanEpisodeRewards = { key: modelEvaluate(model[0], model[1]) for key, model in trainedModelDict.items() } print("Finished evaluating") # Visualize independentVariableNames = ['NeuroTotalNumber', 'layerNumber'] draw(meanEpisodeRewards, independentVariableNames)
NUM_OF_INDIVIDUALS) average_fitness.append(calc_average_fitness(population)) gen += 1 results = [] # Storing the final Rank 1 solutions for key, value in population.items(): if value['Rank'] == 1: results.append(value['result']) # Plot using plotly color_index = vis.draw_solution(pieces=packages) vis.draw(results, color_index) # Plot using matplotlib color_index = vis2.draw(pieces=packages, title="True Solution Packing") for each in results: vis2.draw(each, color_index, title="Rank 1 Solution Packing For Iteration {}".format(i)) draw_pareto(population) average_vol.append(average_fitness[-1][0]) average_num.append(average_fitness[-1][1]) average_value.append(average_fitness[-1][2]) plot_stats(average_fitness, title="Average Fitness Values for Run {} over {} generations".format(i + 1, NUM_OF_GENERATIONS)) print(tabulate( [['Problem Set', p_ind], ['Runs', NUM_OF_ITERATIONS], ['Avg. Volume%', sum(average_vol) / len(average_vol)], ['Avg. Number%', sum(average_num) / len(average_num)], ['Avg. Value%', sum(average_value) / len(average_value)]], headers=['Parameter', 'Value'], tablefmt="github"))
regularizationFactor) models = [generatePolicyNet(3, 32) for _ in range(len(trainingDataSizes))] maxStepNum = 50000 reportInterval = 500 lossChangeThreshold = 1e-6 lossHistorySize = 10 train = SL.Train(maxStepNum, learningRate, lossChangeThreshold, lossHistorySize, reportInterval, summaryOn=False, testData=None) trainedModels = [ train(model, data) for model, data in zip(models, trainingDataList) ] # evalResults = [(SL.evaluate(model, trainingData), SL.evaluate(model, testData)) for trainingData, model in zip(trainingDataList, trainedModels)] evalTrain = { ("Train", len(trainingData[0])): SL.evaluate(model, trainingData) for trainingData, model in zip(trainingDataList, trainedModels) } evalTest = {("Test", len(trainingData[0])): SL.evaluate(model, testData) for trainingData, model in zip(trainingDataList, trainedModels) } evalTrain.update(evalTest) VI.draw(evalTrain, ["mode", "training_set_size"], ["Loss", "Accuracy"])
def run(f, i, cH, cD, vH, vW, minS, maxS, dirMin, dirMax, pNum): global out2, out3 frameNum = int(f) iterationTime = int(i) cameraHeight = cH cameraDistance = cD viewHeight = vH viewWidth = vW minSpeed = minS maxSpeed = maxS walkingDirectionRange = [dirMin, dirMax] personNum = int(pNum) start_position = (0, 0) box_width_height = (10, 10) moving_speed = 10 gap = 1 randomX = 0 randomY = 360 # perform random walk for j in range(0, iterationTime): personList = [] for k in range(0, personNum): newPerson = loadPersonOne(cwd, viewWidth, viewHeight) newPerson.startFromEdge() personList.append(newPerson) randomNoiseIndex = randint(10, 40) for i in range(1, frameNum + int(frameNum/10) + 1): currPoseList = [] # person 1 for person in personList: speedOne = randint(minSpeed, maxSpeed) direction = 0 if i % 20 == 0: randX , randY = getRandomRange() direction += randint(randX, randY) person.walk(speedOne, direction) currPose = person.getCurrentWalkingPose() if i == randomNoiseIndex: currPose = createRandomNoise(currPose) currPoseList.append(currPose) minX, minY, maxX, maxY = currPose.getBound() if minX < 0 or minY < 0 or maxX >= 1980 or maxY >= 1080: out3.write("-1 -1 -1 -1 ") # for n in currPoseList[0].getPoseNodes(): # n.invalid() else: out3.write(str(minX) + " " + str(minY) + " " + str(maxX) + " " + str(maxY) + " ") # specify the output file order inputDataWithRankingOrder(currPoseList) out2.write("\n") out3.write("\n") out2.close() out3.close() #inputData = open(cwd + "/data/inputData.txt", 'w') #outputData = open(cwd + "/data/outputData.txt", 'w') inputData = open("/Users/mars/Desktop/PData/inputData.txt", 'w') outputData = open("/Users/mars/Desktop/PData/outputData.txt", 'w') out2 = open(cwd + "/data/out2.txt", 'r') out3 = open(cwd + "/data/out3.txt", 'r') # this is for a bug in file operations, remove unrelated lines and spaces for line in out2: if line != "\n": inputData.write(line) for line in out3: b = "100000 100000 -1 -1 " in line if b == False: outputData.write(line) # *********************************************************************** inputData.close() outputData.close() draw()