def display_unit(self): """Adds slice collage, with seg overlays on MRI in each panel.""" if 'cortical' in self.vis_type: if not self.no_surface_vis and self.current_unit_id in self.surface_vis_paths: surf_paths = self.surface_vis_paths[ self.current_unit_id] # is a dict of paths for sf_ax_index, ((hemi, view), spath) in enumerate(surf_paths.items()):[sf_ax_index]) img = mpimg.imread(spath) # img = crop_image(img) h_surf = plt.imshow(img) self.axes[sf_ax_index].text(0, 0, '{} {}'.format(hemi, view)) self.UI.data_handles.append(h_surf) else: msg = 'no surface visualizations\navailable or disabled' print('{} for {}'.format(msg, self.current_unit_id)) self.axes[1].text(0.5, 0.5, msg) slices = pick_slices(self.current_seg, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view) for vol_ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices): panel_index = self.volumetric_start_index + vol_ax_index[panel_index]) slice_mri = get_axis(self.current_t1_mri, dim_index, slice_index) slice_seg = get_axis(self.current_seg, dim_index, slice_index) mri_rgba = self.mri_mapper.to_rgba(slice_mri, alpha=self.alpha_mri) # self.h_images_mri[ax_index].set_data(mri_rgb) h_m = plt.imshow(mri_rgba, interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower') self.UI.data_handles.append(h_m) if 'volumetric' in self.vis_type: seg_rgba = self.seg_mapper.to_rgba(slice_seg, alpha=self.alpha_seg) # self.h_images_seg[ax_index].set_data(seg_rgb) h_seg = plt.imshow(seg_rgba, interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower') self.togglable_handles.append(h_seg) # self.UI.data_handles.append(h_seg) del seg_rgba elif 'contour' in self.vis_type: h_seg = self.plot_contours_in_slice(slice_seg, self.axes[panel_index]) for contours in h_seg: self.togglable_handles.extend(contours.collections) # for clearing upon review self.UI.data_handles.extend(contours.collections) del slice_seg, slice_mri, mri_rgba self.update_histogram()
def mix_and_display(self): """Static mix and display.""" # TODO maintain a dict mixed[vis_type] to do computation only once for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(self.slices): slice_one = get_axis(self.image_one, dim_index, slice_index) slice_two = get_axis(self.image_two, dim_index, slice_index) mixed_slice = self.mixer(slice_one, slice_two) # mixed_slice is already in RGB mode m x p x 3, so # prev. cmap (gray) has no effect on color_mixed data self.h_images[ax_index].set_data(mixed_slice)
def attach_image_to_foreground_axes(self, image3d, cmap='gray'): """Attaches a given image to the foreground axes and bring it forth""" image3d = crop_image(image3d, self.padding) image3d = scale_0to1(image3d) slices = pick_slices(image3d, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view) for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices): slice_data = get_axis(image3d, dim_index, slice_index) self.images_fg[ax_index].set(data=slice_data, cmap=cmap) for ax in self.fg_axes: ax.set(visible=True, zorder=self.layer_order_zoomedin)
def show_image(self, img, annot=None): """Display the requested slices of an image on the existing axes.""" for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(self.slices): self.h_images[ax_index].set_data( get_axis(img, dim_index, slice_index)) if annot is not None: self._identify_foreground(annot) else: self.fg_annot_h.set_visible(False)
def display_unit(self): """Adds slice collage to the given axes""" # crop and rescale img = crop_image(self.current_img, self.padding) img = scale_0to1(img) # adding slices slices = pick_slices(img, self.views, self.num_slices_per_view) for ax_index, (dim_index, slice_index) in enumerate(slices): slice_data = get_axis(img, dim_index, slice_index) self.images[ax_index].set_data(slice_data) # updating histogram self.update_histogram(img)
def overlay_images(qcw, mri, seg, subject_id=None, annot=None, figsize=None, padding=default_padding, output_path=None): """Backend engine for overlaying a given seg on MRI with freesurfer label.""" num_rows_per_view, num_slices_per_view, padding = check_params(qcw.num_rows, qcw.num_slices, padding) mri, seg = crop_to_seg_extents(mri, seg, padding) surf_vis = dict() # empty - no vis to include # TODO broaden this to include subcortical structures as well if 'cortical' in qcw.vis_type: if qcw.in_dir is not None and subject_id is not None and qcw.out_dir is not None: surf_vis = make_vis_pial_surface(qcw.in_dir, subject_id, qcw.out_dir) num_surf_vis = len(surf_vis) # TODO calculation below is redundant, if surf vis does not fail # i.e. if num_surf_vis is fixed, no need to recompute for every subject num_views = len(qcw.views) num_rows = num_rows_per_view * num_views slices = pick_slices(seg, qcw.views, num_slices_per_view) num_volumetric_slices = len(slices) total_num_panels = num_volumetric_slices + num_surf_vis num_rows_for_surf_vis = 1 if num_surf_vis > 0 else 0 num_rows = num_rows + num_rows_for_surf_vis num_cols = check_layout(total_num_panels, num_views, num_rows_per_view, num_rows_for_surf_vis)'dark_background') if figsize is None: # figsize = [min(15,4*num_rows), min(12,4*num_cols)] # max (15,12) figsize = [4 * num_rows, 2* num_cols] fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) display_params_mri = dict(interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower', alpha=qcw.alpha_mri) display_params_seg = dict(interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower', alpha=qcw.alpha_seg) normalize_labels = colors.Normalize(vmin=seg.min(), vmax=seg.max(), clip=True) fs_cmap = get_freesurfer_cmap(qcw.vis_type) seg_mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=normalize_labels, cmap=fs_cmap) normalize_mri = colors.Normalize(vmin=mri.min(), vmax=mri.max(), clip=True) mri_mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=normalize_mri, cmap='gray') # deciding colors for the whole image unique_labels = np.unique(seg) # removing background - 0 stays 0 unique_labels = np.delete(unique_labels, 0) if len(unique_labels) == 1: color4label = [qcw.contour_color] else: color4label = seg_mapper.to_rgba(unique_labels) handles_seg = list() handles_mri = list() ax = ax.flatten() # display surfaces for sf_counter, ((hemi, view), spath) in enumerate(surf_vis.items()):[sf_counter]) img = mpimg.imread(spath) # img = crop_image(img) plt.imshow(img) ax[sf_counter].text(0, 0, '{} {}'.format(hemi, view)) plt.axis('off') # display slices for ax_counter, (dim_index, slice_num) in enumerate(slices):[ax_counter + num_surf_vis]) slice_mri = get_axis(mri, dim_index, slice_num) slice_seg = get_axis(seg, dim_index, slice_num) # display MRI mri_rgb = mri_mapper.to_rgba(slice_mri) h_mri = plt.imshow(mri_rgb, **display_params_mri) if 'volumetric' in qcw.vis_type: seg_rgb = seg_mapper.to_rgba(slice_seg) h_seg = plt.imshow(seg_rgb, **display_params_seg) elif 'contour' in qcw.vis_type: h_seg = plot_contours_in_slice(slice_seg, unique_labels, color4label) plt.axis('off') # # encoding the souce of the object (image/line) being displayed # handle_seg.set_label('seg {} {}'.format(dim_index, slice_num)) # handle_mri.set_label('mri {} {}'.format(dim_index, slice_num)) handles_mri.append(h_mri) if len(h_seg) >= 1: handles_seg.extend(h_seg) else: handles_seg.append(h_seg) # hiding unused axes for ua in range(total_num_panels, len(ax)): ax[ua].set_visible(False) if annot is not None: h_annot = fig.suptitle(annot, **cfg.annot_text_props) h_annot.set_position(cfg.position_annot_text) fig.set_size_inches(figsize) if output_path is not None: # no space left unused plt.subplots_adjust(**cfg.no_blank_area) output_path = output_path.replace(' ', '_') layout_str = 'v{}_ns{}_{}x{}'.format(''.join([ str(v) for v in qcw.views]),num_slices_per_view,num_rows,num_cols) fig.savefig(output_path + '_{}.png'.format(layout_str), bbox_inches='tight') # leaving some space on the right for review elements plt.subplots_adjust(**cfg.review_area) return fig, handles_mri, handles_seg, figsize