文件: kde.py 项目: chiluf/visvis.dev
def kde(data, bins=None, kernel=None, **kwargs):
    """ kde(a, bins=None, range=None, **kwargs)
    Make a kernerl density estimate plot of the data. This is like a 
    histogram, but produces a smoother result, thereby better represening
    the probability density function.
    See the vv.StatData for more statistics on data.
    a : array_like
        The data to calculate the historgam of.
    bins : int (optional)
        The number of bins. If not given, the best number of bins is 
        determined automatically using the Freedman-Diaconis rule.
    kernel : float or sequence (optional)
        The kernel to use for distributing the values. If a scalar is given,
        a Gaussian kernel with a sigma equal to the given number is used.
        If not given, the best kernel is chosen baded on the number of bins.
    kwargs : keyword arguments
        These are given to the plot function.

    # Get stats
    from visvis.processing.statistics import StatData

    stats = StatData(data)

    # Get kde
    xx, values = stats.kde(bins, kernel)

    # Plot
    return vv.plot(xx, values, **kwargs)
文件: kde.py 项目: chiluf/visvis
def kde(data, bins=None, kernel=None, **kwargs):
    """ kde(a, bins=None, range=None, **kwargs)
    Make a kernerl density estimate plot of the data. This is like a 
    histogram, but produces a smoother result, thereby better represening
    the probability density function.
    See the vv.StatData for more statistics on data.
    a : array_like
        The data to calculate the historgam of.
    bins : int (optional)
        The number of bins. If not given, the best number of bins is 
        determined automatically using the Freedman-Diaconis rule.
    kernel : float or sequence (optional)
        The kernel to use for distributing the values. If a scalar is given,
        a Gaussian kernel with a sigma equal to the given number is used.
        If not given, the best kernel is chosen baded on the number of bins.
    kwargs : keyword arguments
        These are given to the plot function.

    # Get stats
    from visvis.processing.statistics import StatData
    stats = StatData(data)

    # Get kde
    xx, values = stats.kde(bins, kernel)

    # Plot
    return vv.plot(xx, values, **kwargs)

        return locals()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    a = vv.gca()
    d1 = np.random.normal(1, 4, (1000, 1000))
    d2 = np.random.normal(2, 3, (20, ))
    d3 = np.random.uniform(-1, 3, (100, ))
    d4 = [
        1, 2, 1, 2.0, 8, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2.1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1.2, 1.3, 0,
        0, 1.5, 2

    b = boxplot((d1, d2, d3, d4), width=0.8, whiskers='violin')
    dd = d4
    stat = StatData(dd)
    bins1, values1 = stat.histogram_np(normed=True)
    bins2, values2 = stat.histogram()
    bins3, values3 = stat.kde()
    vv.bar(bins2, values2)  #, lc='r', ms='.', mc='r')
    vv.plot(bins3, values3)  #, lc='g', ms='.', mc='g')
    vv.plot(bins1, values1, lc='b', ms='.', mc='b', ls=':', mw=4)
    #print abs(bins1-bins2).sum()
        """ Get/Set the style of the whiskers. 
        def fget(self):
            return self._boxes[0]._whiskers
        def fset(self, value):
            for box in self._boxes:
        return locals()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    a = vv.gca()
    d1 = np.random.normal(1, 4, (1000,1000))
    d2 = np.random.normal(2, 3, (20,))
    d3 = np.random.uniform(-1, 3, (100,))
    d4 = [1,2,1,2.0, 8, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2.1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,  1.2, 1.3, 0, 0, 1.5, 2]
    b = boxplot((d1,d2,d3, d4), width=0.8, whiskers='violin')
    dd = d4
    stat = StatData(dd)
    bins1, values1 = stat.histogram_np(normed=True)
    bins2, values2 = stat.histogram()
    bins3, values3 = stat.kde(     )
    vv.figure(2); vv.clf()    
    vv.bar(bins2, values2)#, lc='r', ms='.', mc='r')
    vv.plot(bins3, values3)#, lc='g', ms='.', mc='g')
    vv.plot(bins1, values1, lc='b', ms='.', mc='b', ls=':', mw=4)
    #print abs(bins1-bins2).sum()