class viVlasov1Drunscript(viVlasov1Dbasesplit): ''' PETSc/Python Vlasov Poisson LU Solver in 1D. ''' def __init__(self, cfgfile, runid): super().__init__(cfgfile, runid) self.arakawa_lf = PETScArakawaLeapfrog(self.da1, self.dax, self.h0, self.vGrid, self.nx, self.nv,, self.hx, self.hv) self.arakawa_rk = PETScArakawaRungeKutta(self.da1, self.dax, self.h0, self.vGrid, self.nx, self.nv,, self.hx, self.hv) self.f.copy(self.fh) self.arakawa_rk.rk18_J4(self.f, self.h1) self.calculate_moments(output=False) # self.calculate_external( # self.arakawa_lf.update_external(self.p_ext) self.arakawa_lf.update_history(self.f, self.h1) self.fh.copy(self.f) self.calculate_moments(output=False) # self.calculate_external(0.) # self.arakawa_lf.update_external(self.p_ext) self.arakawa_lf.update_history(self.f, self.h1) def run(self): for itime in range(1, self.nt+1): current_time =*itime if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) print("it = %4d, t = %10.4f, %s" % (itime, current_time, localtime) ) # print self.time.setValue(0, current_time) # calculate external field and copy to solver # self.calculate_external(current_time) # self.arakawa_lf.update_external(self.p_ext) # solve self.arakawa_lf.leapfrog2(self.f) # self.arakawa_lf.leapfrog4(self.f) self.calculate_moments(output=False) # update history self.arakawa_lf.update_history(self.f, self.h1) # save to hdf5 self.save_to_hdf5(itime)
class viVlasov1Drunscript(viVlasov1Dbasesplit): ''' PETSc/Python Vlasov Poisson LU Solver in 1D. ''' def __init__(self, cfgfile, runid): super().__init__(cfgfile, runid) self.arakawa_rk = PETScArakawaRungeKutta(self.da1, self.dax, self.h0, self.vGrid, self.nx, self.nv,, self.hx, self.hv) def run(self): for itime in range(1, self.nt + 1): current_time = * itime if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) print("it = %4d, t = %10.4f, %s" % (itime, current_time, localtime)) self.time.setValue(0, current_time) # solve self.arakawa_rk.rk18_J4(self.f, self.h1) self.calculate_moments(output=False) # save to hdf5 self.save_to_hdf5(itime)
class viVlasov1Dbase(object): ''' PETSc/Python Vlasov Poisson Solver in 1D. ''' def __init__(self, cfgfile, runid=None, cfg=None): ''' Constructor ''' assert cfgfile is not None assert cfgfile is not "" # if runid is empty use timestamp if runid == None or runid == "": runid = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") # stencil width stencil = 2 # load run config file if cfg != None: self.cfg = cfg elif cfgfile != None and len(cfgfile) > 0: self.cfg = Config(cfgfile) else: if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("ERROR: No valid config file or object passed.") sys.exit() # determine solver modules if cfg['solver']['method'] == 'explicit': self.vlasov_module = None else: self.vlasov_module = "vlasov.solvers." if cfg['solver']['mode'] == 'split': self.vlasov_module += 'vlasov' else: self.vlasov_module += self.cfg['solver']['mode'] self.vlasov_module += '.' + "PETSc" if cfg['solver']['type'] == 'newton' or cfg['solver'][ 'type'] == 'nonlinear': self.vlasov_module += "NL" if cfg['solver']['mode'] == 'split': self.vlasov_module += "Vlasov" # self.vlasov_module += self.cfg['solver']['poisson_bracket'] # if cfg['solver']['preconditioner_type'] != None and cfg['solver']['preconditioner_scheme'] != None: # self.vlasov_module += self.cfg['solver']['preconditioner_scheme'] self.vlasov_module += self.cfg['solver']['timestepping'].upper() if not cfg.is_dissipation_none: if cfg['solver']['dissipation'] == 'double_bracket': self.vlasov_module += "DB" self.poisson_module = "vlasov.solvers.poisson.PETScPoisson" self.poisson_module += self.cfg['solver']['laplace_operator'] # importing solver modules if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Loading Vlasov solver %s" % (self.vlasov_module)) print("Loading Poisson solver %s" % (self.poisson_module)) print("") if not self.cfg.is_preconditioner_none(): print("Using Preconditioner %s" % (self.cfg.get_preconditioner())) if not self.cfg.is_dissipation_none(): if self.cfg.is_dissipation_collisions(): print("Using Collision Operator %s" % (self.cfg.get_collision_operator())) if self.cfg.is_dissipation_double_bracket(): print("Using Double Bracket %s" % (self.cfg.get_double_bracket())) print("") self.vlasov_object = __import__(self.vlasov_module, globals(), locals(), ['PETScVlasovSolver'], 0) self.poisson_object = __import__(self.poisson_module, globals(), locals(), ['PETScPoissonSolver'], 0) # timestep setup ht = self.cfg['grid']['ht'] # timestep size nt = self.cfg['grid']['nt'] # number of timesteps self.nsave = self.cfg['io'][ 'nsave'] # save only every nsave'th timestep # grid setup nx = self.cfg['grid']['nx'] # number of points in x nv = self.cfg['grid']['nv'] # number of points in v L = self.cfg['grid']['L'] vMax = self.cfg['grid']['vmax'] vMin = self.cfg['grid']['vmin'] if vMin == None: vMin = -vMax Lx = L Lv = vMax - vMin hx = Lx / nx # gridstep size in x hv = Lv / (nv - 1) # gridstep size in v self.time = PETSc.Vec().createMPI(1, 1, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD) self.time.setName('t') if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: self.time.setValue(0, 0.0) self.solver_package = self.cfg['solver']['lu_package'] self.nInitial = self.cfg['solver'][ 'initial_iter'] # number of iterations for initial guess self.coll_freq = self.cfg['solver']['coll_freq'] # collision frequency self.coll_drag = self.cfg['solver']['coll_drag'] # drag factor self.coll_diff = self.cfg['solver']['coll_diff'] # diff factor self.charge = self.cfg['initial_data']['charge'] # particle charge self.mass = self.cfg['initial_data']['mass'] # particle mass output_directory = self.cfg['io']['output_dir'] if output_directory == None or output_directory == "": output_directory = "." tindex = cfgfile.rfind('/') run_filename = cfgfile[tindex:].replace('.cfg', '.') + runid hdf_out_filename = output_directory + '/' + run_filename + ".hdf5" cfg_out_filename = output_directory + '/' + run_filename + ".cfg" # hdf_in_filename = self.cfg['io']['hdf5_input'] # hdf_out_filename = self.cfg['io']['hdf5_output'] self.cfg.write_current_config(cfg_out_filename) # set initial guess method initial_guess_options = { None: self.initial_guess_none, "None": self.initial_guess_none, "": self.initial_guess_none, "rk4": self.initial_guess_rk4, "gear": self.initial_guess_gear, "symplectic2": self.initial_guess_symplectic2, "symplectic4": self.initial_guess_symplectic4, } self.initial_guess_method = initial_guess_options[self.cfg['solver'] ['initial_guess']] # set some PETSc options OptDB = PETSc.Options() OptDB.setValue('ksp_rtol', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_ksp_rtol']) OptDB.setValue('ksp_atol', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_ksp_atol']) OptDB.setValue('ksp_max_it', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_ksp_max_iter']) OptDB.setValue('snes_rtol', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_snes_rtol']) OptDB.setValue('snes_atol', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_snes_atol']) OptDB.setValue('snes_stol', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_snes_stol']) OptDB.setValue('snes_max_it', self.cfg['solver']['petsc_snes_max_iter']) if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Initialising Distributed Arrays.") # create DA for 2d grid (f only) # self.da1 = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=2, dof=1, # sizes=[nx, nv], # proc_sizes=[1, PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getSize()], # boundary_type=['periodic', 'periodic'], # stencil_width=stencil, # stencil_type='box') # self.da1 = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=2, dof=1, # sizes=[nx, nv], # proc_sizes=[PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getSize(), 1], # boundary_type=['periodic', 'ghosted'], # stencil_width=stencil, # stencil_type='box') self.da1 = PETSc.DMDA().create( dim=2, dof=1, sizes=[nx, nv], proc_sizes=[1, PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getSize()], boundary_type=['periodic', 'ghosted'], stencil_width=stencil, stencil_type='box') # self.da1 = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=2, dof=1, # sizes=[nx, nv], # proc_sizes=[PETSc.DECIDE, 2], # boundary_type=['periodic', 'ghosted'], # stencil_width=stencil, # stencil_type='box') # self.da1 = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=2, dof=1, # sizes=[nx, nv], # proc_sizes=[PETSc.DECIDE, PETSc.DECIDE], # boundary_type=['periodic', 'ghosted'], # stencil_width=stencil, # stencil_type='box') # create VIDA for x grid self.dax = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=1, dof=1, sizes=[nx], proc_sizes=[PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getSize()], boundary_type=('periodic'), stencil_width=stencil, stencil_type='box') # create VIDA for y grid = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=1, dof=1, sizes=[nv], proc_sizes=[PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getSize()], boundary_type=('ghosted'), stencil_width=stencil, stencil_type='box') # initialise grid self.da1.setUniformCoordinates(xmin=0.0, xmax=Lx, ymin=vMin, ymax=vMax) self.dax.setUniformCoordinates(xmin=0.0, xmax=Lx), xmax=vMax) # get local index ranges (xs, xe), (ys, ye) = self.da1.getRanges() (xsx, xex), = self.dax.getRanges() # get coordinate vectors coords_x = self.dax.getCoordinates() coords_v = # save x coordinate arrays scatter, xVec = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(coords_x) scatter.begin(coords_x, xVec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) scatter.end(coords_x, xVec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) xGrid = xVec.getValues(range(nx)).copy() scatter.destroy() xVec.destroy() # save v coordinate arrays scatter, vVec = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(coords_v) scatter.begin(coords_v, vVec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) scatter.end(coords_v, vVec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) vGrid = vVec.getValues(range(nv)).copy() scatter.destroy() vVec.destroy() # create grid object self.grid = Grid().create(xGrid, vGrid, nt, nx, nv, ht, hx, hv, stencil) # create vectors for Hamiltonians self.h0 = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # kinetic Hamiltonian self.h1c = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # current potential Hamiltonian self.h2c = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # current external Hamiltonian self.h1h = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # previous potential Hamiltonian self.h2h = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # previous external Hamiltonian # distribution functions self.fl = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # last (k+1, n ) self.fc = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # current (k+1, n+1) self.fh = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # history (k) # distribution function solver vectors self.fb = self.da1.createGlobalVec() # right hand side # moments self.N = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # density self.U = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # velocity density self.E = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # energy density self.A = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # collision factor # local moments = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # current density self.uc = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # current velocity density = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # current energy density = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # current collision factor self.nh = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # history density self.uh = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # history velocity density = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # history energy density self.ah = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) # history collision factor # internal potential self.pc_int = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # current self.ph_int = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # history # external potential self.pc_ext = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # current self.ph_ext = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # history # potential solver vectors self.pb = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # right hand side = self.dax.createGlobalVec() # null vector # set variable names self.h0.setName('h0') self.h1c.setName('h1') self.h2c.setName('h2') self.fc.setName('f') self.pc_int.setName('phi_int') self.pc_ext.setName('phi_ext') self.N.setName('n') self.U.setName('u') self.E.setName('e') # initialise nullspace basis vectors # the Poisson equation has a null space of all constant vectors # that needs to be removed to avoid jumpy potentials self.p_nullspace = PETSc.NullSpace().create(constant=False, vectors=(, )) # create Toolbox self.toolbox = Toolbox(self.da1, self.dax, self.grid) # initialise kinetic hamiltonian if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Initialising kinetic Hamiltonian.") self.toolbox.initialise_kinetic_hamiltonian(self.h0, self.mass) # create Arakawa initial guess solver object if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Instantiating Initial Guess Objects.") self.arakawa_rk4 = PETScArakawaRungeKutta(self.cfg, self.da1, self.grid, self.h0, self.h1h, self.h2h, self.nInitial) self.arakawa_gear = PETScArakawaGear(self.cfg, self.da1, self.grid, self.h0, self.h1h, self.h2h, self.nInitial) self.arakawa_symplectic = PETScArakawaSymplectic( self.cfg, self.da1, self.grid, self.h0, self.h1h, self.h2h, self.nInitial) # create solver dummies self.vlasov_solver = None self.poisson_solver = None self.poisson_ksp = None if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print() print("Run ID: %s" % runid) print() print("Config File: %s" % cfgfile) print("Output File: %s" % hdf_out_filename) print() print("nt = %i" % (self.grid.nt)) print("nx = %i" % (self.grid.nx)) print("nv = %i" % (self.grid.nv)) print() print("ht = %e" % ( print("hx = %e" % (self.grid.hx)) print("hv = %e" % (self.grid.hv)) print() print("xMin = %+12.6e" % (self.grid.xMin())) print("xMax = %+12.6e" % (self.grid.vMax())) print("vMin = %+12.6e" % (self.grid.vMin())) print("vMax = %+12.6e" % (self.grid.vMax())) print() print("nu = %7.1e" % (self.coll_freq)) print() print("CFL = %e" % (self.grid.hx / vMax)) print() print() # set initial data N0 = self.dax.createGlobalVec() T0 = self.dax.createGlobalVec() N0.setName('n0') T0.setName('T0') n0 = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) t0 = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nx) if self.cfg['initial_data']['distribution_python'] != None: init_data = __import__( "runs." + self.cfg['initial_data']['distribution_python'], globals(), locals(), ['distribution'], 0) if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( "Initialising distribution function with Python function.") self.toolbox.initialise_distribution_function( self.fc, init_data.distribution) N0.set(0.) T0.set(0.) else: N0_arr = self.dax.getVecArray(N0) T0_arr = self.dax.getVecArray(T0) if self.cfg['initial_data']['density_python'] != None: init_data = __import__( "runs." + self.cfg['initial_data']['density_python'], globals(), locals(), ['density'], 0) if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Initialising density with Python function.") for i in range(xsx, xex): N0_arr[i] = init_data.density(self.grid.x[i], self.grid.xLength()) else: N0_arr[xsx:xex] = self.cfg['initial_data']['density'] if self.cfg['initial_data']['temperature_python'] != None: init_data = __import__( "runs." + self.cfg['initial_data']['temperature_python'], globals(), locals(), ['temperature'], 0) if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Initialising temperature with Python function.") for i in range(xsx, xex): T0_arr[i] = init_data.temperature(self.grid.x[i]) else: T0_arr[xsx:xex] = self.cfg['initial_data']['temperature'] if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Initialising distribution function with Maxwellian.") self.copy_xvec_to_seq(N0, n0) self.copy_xvec_to_seq(T0, t0) self.toolbox.initialise_distribution_nT(self.fc, n0, t0) # Fourier Filtering nfourier = cfg['initial_data']['nfourier'] if nfourier > 0: from scipy.fftpack import rfft, irfft if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Fourier Filtering") # obtain whole f vector everywhere scatter, Xglobal = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(self.fc) scatter.begin(self.fc, Xglobal, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) scatter.end(self.fc, Xglobal, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) petsc_indices = self.da1.getAO().app2petsc( np.arange(nx * nv, dtype=np.int32)) fTmp = Xglobal.getValues(petsc_indices).copy().reshape((nv, nx)).T scatter.destroy() Xglobal.destroy() # filter distribution function fFft = rfft(fTmp, axis=0) fFft[nfourier:, :] = 0. fTmp = irfft(fFft, axis=0) # store filtered distribution function f_arr = self.da1.getVecArray(self.fc) f_arr[:, :] = fTmp[xs:xe, ys:ye] # normalise f self.normalise_distribution_function() # calculate potential and moments if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Calculate initial potential and moments.") self.calculate_moments(output=False) # initialise Gear History if self.cfg['solver']['initial_guess'] == "gear": self.arakawa_gear.initialise_history(self.fc) # check for external potential if self.cfg['initial_data']['external_python'] != None: if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Calculate external potential.") external_data = __import__( "runs." + self.cfg['initial_data']['external_python'], globals(), locals(), ['external'], 0) self.external = external_data.external else: self.external = None # calculate external potential self.calculate_external(0.) # create HDF5 output file if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Create HDF5 output file.") # use h5py to store attributes hdf5out = h5py.File(hdf_out_filename, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD.tompi4py()) hdf5out.attrs['charge'] = self.charge hdf5out.close() # create PETSc HDF5 viewer self.hdf5_viewer = PETSc.ViewerHDF5().create( hdf_out_filename, mode=PETSc.Viewer.Mode.APPEND, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD) self.hdf5_viewer.pushGroup("/") if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Saving initial data to HDF5.") # write grid data to hdf5 file coords_x.setName('x') coords_v.setName('v') self.hdf5_viewer(coords_x) self.hdf5_viewer(coords_v) # write initial data to hdf5 file # self.hdf5_viewer(N0) # self.hdf5_viewer(T0) # save to hdf5 self.hdf5_viewer.setTimestep(0) self.save_hdf5_vectors() if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print(" initialisation done.") print("") def __del__(self): self.destroy() def destroy(self): # del self.arakawa_rk4 # del self.arakawa_gear # del self.arakawa_symplectic # del self.toolbox self.hdf5_viewer.destroy() self.p_nullspace.destroy() self.h0.destroy() self.h1c.destroy() self.h2c.destroy() self.h1h.destroy() self.h2h.destroy() self.fl.destroy() self.fc.destroy() self.fh.destroy() self.fb.destroy() self.pb.destroy() self.N.destroy() self.U.destroy() self.E.destroy() self.A.destroy() self.uc.destroy() self.nh.destroy() self.uh.destroy() self.ah.destroy() self.pc_int.destroy() self.ph_int.destroy() self.pc_ext.destroy() self.ph_ext.destroy() self.da1.destroy() self.dax.destroy() def normalise_distribution_function(self): if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print("Normalise distribution function.") nave = self.fc.sum() * self.grid.hv / self.grid.nx self.fc.scale(1. / nave) def calculate_residual(self): fnorm = self.vlasov_solver.function_norm(self.fc, self.fb) self.poisson_solver.function_mult(self.pc_int, self.N, self.pb) pnorm = self.pb.norm() return fnorm + pnorm def calculate_moments(self, potential=True, output=True, f=None): if f == None: f = self.fc self.toolbox.compute_density(f, self.N) self.toolbox.compute_velocity_density(f, self.U) self.toolbox.compute_energy_density(f, self.E) self.toolbox.compute_collision_factor(self.N, self.U, self.E, self.A) self.copy_xvec_to_seq(self.N, self.copy_xvec_to_seq(self.U, self.uc) self.copy_xvec_to_seq(self.E, self.copy_xvec_to_seq(self.A, if potential: self.calculate_potential(output) self.copy_pint_to_h() def calculate_potential(self, output=True): if self.poisson_solver == None or self.poisson_ksp == None: # initialise Poisson matrix poisson_matrix = self.dax.createMat() poisson_matrix.setUp() poisson_matrix.setNullSpace(self.p_nullspace) # create Poisson object poisson_solver = self.poisson_object.PETScPoissonSolver( self.dax, self.grid.nx, self.grid.hx, self.charge) poisson_solver.formMat(poisson_matrix) # create Poisson solver poisson_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create() poisson_ksp.setFromOptions() poisson_ksp.setTolerances(rtol=1E-13) poisson_ksp.setOperators(poisson_matrix) poisson_ksp.setType('cg') # poisson_ksp.getPC().setType('hypre') # poisson_ksp.setType('preonly') poisson_ksp.getPC().setType('lu') poisson_ksp.getPC().setFactorSolverPackage('superlu_dist') # self.poisson_ksp.setNullSpace(self.p_nullspace) destroy = True else: poisson_solver = self.poisson_solver poisson_ksp = self.poisson_ksp destroy = False poisson_solver.formRHS(self.N, self.pb) poisson_ksp.solve(self.pb, self.pc_int) if destroy: poisson_ksp.destroy() poisson_matrix.destroy() del poisson_solver if output: phisum = self.pc_int.sum() if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( " Poisson: sum(phi) = %24.16E" % (phisum)) def calculate_external(self, t, p=None): (xs, xe), = self.dax.getRanges() if p == None: p = self.pc_ext if self.external != None: p_ext_arr = self.dax.getVecArray(p) for i in range(xs, xe): p_ext_arr[i] = self.external(self.grid.x[i], t) # remove average phisum = p.sum() phiave = phisum / self.grid.nx p.shift(-phiave) if p == self.pc_ext: self.copy_pext_to_h() def copy_xvec_to_seq(self, xVec, sVec): scatter, tVec = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(xVec) scatter.begin(xVec, tVec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) scatter.end(xVec, tVec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) sVec.getArray()[:] = tVec.getValues(range(0, self.grid.nx)).copy() # tVec.copy(sVec) scatter.destroy() tVec.destroy() def copy_pint_to_h(self): self.toolbox.potential_to_hamiltonian(self.pc_int, self.h1c) def copy_pext_to_h(self): self.toolbox.potential_to_hamiltonian(self.pc_ext, self.h2c) def make_history(self, update_solver=True): self.fc.copy(self.fh) self.h1c.copy(self.h1h) self.h2c.copy(self.h2h) self.pc_int.copy(self.ph_int) self.pc_ext.copy(self.ph_ext) self.uc.copy(self.uh) if update_solver and self.vlasov_solver != None: self.vlasov_solver.update_history(self.fc) def save_to_hdf5(self, itime): # save to hdf5 file if itime % self.nsave == 0 or itime == self.grid.nt + 1: self.hdf5_viewer.incrementTimestep(1) self.save_hdf5_vectors() def save_hdf5_vectors(self): self.hdf5_viewer(self.time) self.hdf5_viewer(self.h0) self.hdf5_viewer(self.h1c) self.hdf5_viewer(self.h2c) self.hdf5_viewer(self.fc) self.hdf5_viewer(self.pc_int) self.hdf5_viewer(self.pc_ext) self.hdf5_viewer(self.N) self.hdf5_viewer(self.U) self.hdf5_viewer(self.E) def initial_guess(self, output=True): if self.initial_guess_method != self.initial_guess_none: # backup previous step self.fc.copy(self.fl) # compute norm of previous step prev_norm = self.calculate_residual() if output and PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( " Previous Step: residual = %24.16E" % (prev_norm)) # calculate initial guess self.initial_guess_method() # check if residual went down ig_norm = self.calculate_residual() # if residual of previous step is smaller then initial guess # copy back previous step if ig_norm > prev_norm: self.fl.copy(self.fc) def initial_guess_none(self): pass def initial_guess_rk4(self): """ Calculate initial guess for distribution function using Runge-Kutta-4 timestepping together with Arakawa's 4th order bracket discretisation. """ for i in range(0, self.nInitial): # self.arakawa_rk4.rk4_J1(self.fc) # self.arakawa_rk4.rk4_J2(self.fc) # self.arakawa_rk4.rk4_J4(self.fc) self.arakawa_rk4.rk18_J4(self.fc) self.calculate_moments(output=False) ignorm = self.calculate_residual() phisum = self.pc_int.sum() if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( " RK4 Initial Guess: residual = %24.16E" % (ignorm)) print( " sum(phi) = %24.16E" % (phisum)) def initial_guess_gear(self): """ Calculate initial guess for distribution function using 4th order Gear timestepping together with Arakawa's 4th order bracket discretisation. """ self.arakawa_gear.update_history(self.fc) for i in range(0, self.nInitial): # self.arakawa_gear.gear2(self.fc) # self.arakawa_gear.gear3(self.fc) self.arakawa_gear.gear4(self.fc) self.calculate_moments(output=False) if i < self.nInitial - 1: self.arakawa_gear.update_history(self.fc) ignorm = self.calculate_residual() phisum = self.pc_int.sum() if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( " Gear Initial Guess: residual = %24.16E" % (ignorm)) print( " sum(phi) = %24.16E" % (phisum)) def initial_guess_symplectic2(self): """ Calculate initial guess for distribution function using 2nd order symplectic timestepping together with Arakawa's 4th order bracket discretisation. """ for i in range(0, self.nInitial): self.arakawa_symplectic.kinetic(self.fc, 0.5) # self.calculate_moments(output=False) self.arakawa_symplectic.potential(self.fc, 1.0) self.arakawa_symplectic.kinetic(self.fc, 0.5) self.calculate_moments(output=False) ignorm = self.calculate_residual() phisum = self.pc_int.sum() if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( " Symplectic Initial Guess: residual = %24.16E" % (ignorm)) print( " sum(phi) = %24.16E" % (phisum)) def initial_guess_symplectic4(self): """ Calculate initial guess for distribution function using 4th order symplectic timestepping together with Arakawa's 4th order bracket discretisation. """ fac2 = 2.**(1. / 3.) c1 = 0.5 / (2. - fac2) c2 = c1 * (1. - fac2) c3 = c2 c4 = c1 d1 = 1. / (2. - fac2) d2 = -d1 * fac2 d3 = d1 for i in range(0, self.nInitial): self.arakawa_symplectic.kinetic(self.fc, c1) # self.calculate_moments(output=False) self.arakawa_symplectic.potential(self.fc, d1) self.arakawa_symplectic.kinetic(self.fc, c2) # self.calculate_moments(output=False) self.arakawa_symplectic.potential(self.fc, d2) self.arakawa_symplectic.kinetic(self.fc, c3) # self.calculate_moments(output=False) self.arakawa_symplectic.potential(self.fc, d3) self.arakawa_symplectic.kinetic(self.fc, c4) self.calculate_moments(output=False) ignorm = self.calculate_residual() phisum = self.pc_int.sum() if PETSc.COMM_WORLD.getRank() == 0: print( " Symplectic Initial Guess: residual = %24.16E" % (ignorm)) print( " sum(phi) = %24.16E" % (phisum))