def return_collection_or_concept_from_main_cache(uri): q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {{ <{uri}> a ?c . OPTIONAL {{ {{ <{uri}> skos:inScheme ?cs . }} UNION {{ <{uri}> skos:topConcpetOf ?cs . }} UNION {{ ?cs skos:member <{uri}> . }} }} }} """.format(uri=uri) for r in u.sparql_query(q): if r["c"]["value"] in source.Source.VOC_TYPES: # if we find it and it's of a known class, return it # since, for a Concept or a Collection, we know the relevant vocab as vocab == CS == graph # in VocPrez's models of a vocabs vocab_uri = r["cs"]["value"] if r["c"][ "value"] == "": try: c = getattr(source, g.VOCABS[vocab_uri].source) \ (vocab_uri, request, language=request.values.get("lang")).get_collection(uri) return CollectionRenderer(request, c) except: pass elif r["c"][ "value"] == "": try: c = getattr(source, g.VOCABS[vocab_uri].source) \ (vocab_uri, request, language=request.values.get("lang")).get_concept(uri) return ConceptRenderer(request, c) except: pass return None
def collect(details): """ For this source, one SPARQL endpoint is given for a series of vocabs which are all separate ConceptSchemes 'ga-jena-fuseki': { 'source': VocabSource.SPARQL, 'sparql_endpoint': '', 'sparql_username': '******', # Optional username for SPARQL endpoint 'sparql_password': '******', # Optional password for SPARQL endpoint #'uri_filter_regex': '.*', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - Everything #'uri_filter_regex': '^http(s?)://', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - GA #'uri_filter_regex': '^', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - GCMD 'uri_filter_regex': '^http(s?)://', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - CGI }, """ logging.debug("SPARQL collect()...") # Get all the ConceptSchemes from the SPARQL endpoint # Interpret each CS as a Vocab q = """ PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dcterms: <> PREFIX owl: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ ?cs a skos:ConceptScheme . OPTIONAL {{ ?cs skos:prefLabel ?title . FILTER(lang(?title) = "{language}" || lang(?title) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:created ?created }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:issued ?issued }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:modified ?modified }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:creator ?creator }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:publisher ?publisher }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs owl:versionInfo ?version }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs skos:definition ?description . FILTER(lang(?description) = "{language}" || lang(?description) = "") }} }} ORDER BY ?title """.format(language=config.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) # record just the IDs & title for the VocPrez in-memory vocabs list concept_schemes = u.sparql_query( q, details[ "sparql_endpoint"], # must specify a SPARQL endpoint if this source is to be a SPARQL source details.get("sparql_username"), details.get("sparql_password"), ) assert concept_schemes is not None, "Unable to query for ConceptSchemes" sparql_vocabs = {} vocab_ids = [] for cs in concept_schemes: vocab_id = cs["cs"]["value"] part = cs["cs"]["value"].split("#")[-1].split("/")[-1] if len(part) < 1: part = cs["cs"]["value"].split("#")[-1].split("/")[-2] id = part.lower() if id in vocab_ids: if id[-1].isnumeric(): id = id[:-1] + str(int(id[-1]) + 1) else: id = id + "1" vocab_ids.append(id) sparql_vocabs[vocab_id] = Vocabulary( id, cs["cs"]["value"], cs["title"].get("value") or vocab_id if cs.get("title") else vocab_id, # Need str for sorting, not None markdown(cs["description"].get("value")) if cs.get("description") is not None else None, cs["creator"].get("value") if cs.get("creator") is not None else None, dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get("created").get("value")) if cs.get("created") is not None else None, # dct:issued not in Vocabulary # dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get('issued').get('value')) if cs.get('issued') is not None else None, dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get("modified").get("value")) if cs.get("modified") is not None else None, cs["version"].get("value") if cs.get("version") is not None else None, # versionInfo config.VocabSource.SPARQL, sparql_endpoint=details["sparql_endpoint"], sparql_username=details.get("sparql_username"), sparql_password=details.get("sparql_password"), ) g.VOCABS = {**g.VOCABS, **sparql_vocabs} logging.debug("SPARQL collect() complete.")
def get_collection(self, collection_uri): print("OGC get_collection()") # get the collection's metadata and members q = """ PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { <xxxx> a skos:Collection ; ?p ?o . FILTER(!isLiteral(?o) || lang(?o) = "en" || lang(?o) = "") OPTIONAL { ?p skos:prefLabel|rdfs:label ?ppl . FILTER(!isLiteral(?o) || lang(?o) = "en" || lang(?o) = "") } OPTIONAL { ?o skos:prefLabel|rdfs:label ?opl . FILTER(!isLiteral(?o) || lang(?o) = "en" || lang(?o) = "") } } """.replace("xxxx", collection_uri) vocab_uri = None pl = None d = None c = None s = { "provenance": None, "source": None, "wasDerivedFrom": None, } m = [] found = False for r in u.sparql_query(q, config.SPARQL_ENDPOINT, config.SPARQL_USERNAME, config.SPARQL_PASSWORD): prop = r["p"]["value"] val = r["o"]["value"] found = True if val == "": return None if prop == "": pl = val elif prop == "": d = val elif prop == "": c = val elif prop == "": s["provenance"] = val elif prop == "": s["source"] = val elif prop == "": s["inScheme"] = val vocab_uri = val elif prop == "": s["wasDerivedFrom"] = val elif prop == "": m.append(Property(prop, "Member", val, r["opl"]["value"])) if not found: return None from vocprez.model.collection import Collection if not d: d = c return Collection(vocab_uri, collection_uri, pl, d, s, sorted(m, key=lambda x: x.value_label.lower()))
def search(): if request.values.get("search"): last_search = request.values.get("search") if request.values.get("from") and request.values.get("from") != "all": q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?pl (SUM(?weight) AS ?weight) WHERE {{ GRAPH <{grf}> {{ {{ # exact match on a prefLabel always wins ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (50 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?pl, "^{input}$", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (10 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?pl, "{input}", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:altLabel ?al ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (5 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?al, "{input}", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:hiddenLabel ?hl ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (5 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?hl, "{input}", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:definition ?d ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (1 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?d, "{input}", "i") }} }} }} GROUP BY ?uri ?pl ORDER BY DESC(?weight) """.format( **{ "grf": request.values.get("from"), "input": request.values.get("search") }) results = [] else: q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?g ?uri ?pl (SUM(?weight) AS ?weight) WHERE {{ GRAPH ?g {{ {{ # exact match on a prefLabel always wins ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (50 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?pl, "^{input}$", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (10 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?pl, "{input}", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:altLabel ?al ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (5 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?al, "{input}", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:hiddenLabel ?hl ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (5 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?hl, "{input}", "i") }} UNION {{ ?uri a skos:Concept ; skos:definition ?d ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . BIND (1 AS ?weight) FILTER REGEX(?d, "{input}", "i") }} }} }} GROUP BY ?g ?uri ?pl ORDER BY DESC(?weight) """.format(**{"input": request.values.get("search")}) results = {} for r in u.sparql_query(q): if r.get("uri") is None: break # must do this check as r["weight"] will appear at least once with value 0 for no results if request.values.get( "from") and request.values.get("from") != "all": results.append((r["uri"]["value"], r["pl"]["value"])) else: if r["g"]["value"] not in results.keys(): results[r["g"]["value"]] = [] results[r["g"]["value"]].append( (r["uri"]["value"], r["pl"]["value"])) return render_template("search.html", vocabs=[(v.uri, v.title) for k, v in g.VOCABS.items()], last_search=last_search, selected_vocab=request.values.get("from"), results=results) else: return render_template("search.html", vocabs=[(v.uri, v.title) for k, v in g.VOCABS.items()])
def object(): """ This is the general RESTful endpoint and corresponding Python function to handle requests for individual objects, be they a Vocabulary (ConceptScheme), a Collection or Concept. Only those 3 classes of object are supported for the moment. An HTTP URI query string argument parameter 'uri' must be supplied, indicating the URI of the object being requested :return: A Flask Response object :rtype: :class:`flask.Response` """ uri = request.values.get("uri") # must have a URI or Vocab URI supplied if uri is None: return return_vocprez_error( "Input Error", 400, "A Query String Argument of 'uri' must be supplied for this endpoint" ) if uri == config.SYSTEM_BASE_URI or uri == config.SYSTEM_BASE_URI + "/": return index() if uri == config.VOCS_URI or uri == config.VOCS_URI + "/": return vocabularies() # get the class of the object q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?cs WHERE { GRAPH ?g { <xxx> a ?c . OPTIONAL { VALUES ?memberof { skos:inScheme skos:topConceptOf } <xxx> ?memberof ?cs . } } } """.replace("xxx", uri) cs = None for r in u.sparql_query(q): if r["c"][ "value"] == "": if uri in g.VOCABS.keys(): # get vocab details using appropriate source handler vocab = source.SPARQL(request).get_vocabulary(uri) return VocabularyRenderer(request, vocab).render() else: return None elif r["c"][ "value"] == "": try: c = source.SPARQL(request).get_collection(uri) return CollectionRenderer(request, c).render() except: return None elif r["c"]["value"] == "": try: if r.get("cs"): cs = r["cs"]["value"] c = source.SPARQL(request).get_concept(cs, uri) return ConceptRenderer(request, c).render() except: return None return return_vocprez_error( "Input Error", 400, "The object with URI {} is not of type skos:ConceptScheme, skos:Collection or skos:Concept " "and only these classes of object are understood by VocPrez".format( uri))
def get_concept(self, uri): vocab = g.VOCABS[self.vocab_uri] q = """ PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {{ <{concept_uri}> a skos:Concept ; ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {{ ?o skos:prefLabel ?ropl . }} }} """.format(concept_uri=uri) pl = None d = None s = { "provenance": None, "source": None, "wasDerivedFrom": None, } annotation_types = { "": "Status", '': "Alternative Label", '': "Note", '': "Scope Note", '': "History Note", } annotations = [] agent_types = { '': "Contributor", '': "Creator", '': "Publisher", } agent = {} related_instance_types = { '': "Exact Match", '': "Close Match", '': "Broad Match", '': "Narrow Match", '': "Broader", '': "Narrower" } provenance_property_types = { "": "Has Current Version", "": "Version", "": "Deprecated", "": "Previous Version", "": "Is Version Of", "": "Authored On" } related_instances = {} other_properties = [] for r in u.sparql_query(q, vocab.sparql_endpoint, vocab.sparql_username, vocab.sparql_password): if r["p"][ "value"] == "": pl = r["o"]["value"] elif r["p"][ "value"] == "": d = r["o"]["value"] elif r["p"]["value"] == "": s["provenance"] = r["o"]["value"] elif r["p"]["value"] == "": s["source"] = r["o"]["value"] elif r["p"]["value"] == "": s["wasDerivedFrom"] = r["o"]["value"] elif r["p"]["value"] in annotation_types.keys(): annotations.append( Property(r["p"]["value"], annotation_types[r["p"]["value"]], r["o"]["value"])) elif r["p"]["value"] in related_instance_types.keys(): if related_instances.get(r["p"]["value"]) is None: related_instances[r["p"]["value"]] = {} related_instances[r["p"]["value"]] = { "instances": [], "label": related_instance_types[r["p"]["value"]] } related_instances[r["p"]["value"]]["instances"].append( (r["o"]["value"], r["ropl"]["value"] if r.get("ropl") is not None else None)) elif r["p"]["value"] in provenance_property_types.keys(): other_properties.append( Property(r["p"]["value"], provenance_property_types[r["p"]["value"]], r["o"]["value"].rstrip(".0"))) elif r["p"][ "value"] == "": other_properties.append( Property(r["p"]["value"], "Alternative Label", r["o"]["value"])) # TODO: Agents # TODO: more Annotations if pl is None: return None from vocprez.model.concept import Concept return Concept(self.vocab_uri, uri, pl, d, related_instances, annotations=annotations, other_properties=other_properties)
def list_concepts_for_a_collection(self, acc_dep=None): vocab = g.VOCABS[self.vocab_uri] if acc_dep == "accepted": q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?pl ?dep WHERE {{ <{vocab_uri}> skos:member ?c . ?c <> "false" . OPTIONAL {{ ?c <> ?dep . }} ?c skos:prefLabel ?pl . FILTER(lang(?pl) = "{language}" || lang(?pl) = "") }} ORDER BY ?pl """.format(vocab_uri=vocab.uri, language=self.language) elif acc_dep == "deprecated": q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?pl ?dep WHERE {{ <{vocab_uri}> skos:member ?c . ?c <> "true" . OPTIONAL {{ ?c <> ?dep . }} ?c skos:prefLabel ?pl . FILTER(lang(?pl) = "{language}" || lang(?pl) = "") }} ORDER BY ?pl """.format(vocab_uri=vocab.uri, language=self.language) else: q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?pl ?dep WHERE {{ <{vocab_uri}> skos:member ?c . OPTIONAL {{ ?c <> ?dep . }} ?c skos:prefLabel ?pl . FILTER(lang(?pl) = "{language}" || lang(?pl) = "") }} ORDER BY ?pl """.format(vocab_uri=vocab.uri, language=self.language) return [(concept["c"]["value"], concept["pl"]["value"], True if concept.get("dep") and concept["dep"]["value"] == "true" else False) for concept in u.sparql_query(q, vocab.sparql_endpoint, vocab.sparql_username, vocab.sparql_password)]
def list_concepts(self, acc_dep=None): vocab = g.VOCABS[self.vocab_uri] if acc_dep == "accepted": q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?pl ?broader ?dep WHERE {{ {{?c skos:inScheme <{vocab_uri}>}} ?c a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . ?c <> "false" . OPTIONAL {{ {{?c skos:broader ?broader}} UNION {{?broader skos:narrower ?c}} }} FILTER(lang(?pl) = "{language}" || lang(?pl) = "") }} ORDER BY ?pl """.format(vocab_uri=vocab.uri, language=self.language) elif acc_dep == "deprecated": q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?pl ?broader ?dep WHERE {{ {{?c skos:inScheme <{vocab_uri}>}} ?c a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . ?c <> "true" . OPTIONAL {{ {{?c skos:broader ?broader}} UNION {{?broader skos:narrower ?c}} }} FILTER(lang(?pl) = "{language}" || lang(?pl) = "") }} ORDER BY ?pl """.format(vocab_uri=vocab.uri, language=self.language) else: q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?pl ?broader ?dep WHERE {{ {{?c skos:inScheme <{vocab_uri}>}} ?c a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel ?pl . OPTIONAL {{ {{?c skos:broader ?broader}} UNION {{?broader skos:narrower ?c}} }} FILTER(lang(?pl) = "{language}" || lang(?pl) = "") }} ORDER BY ?pl """.format(vocab_uri=vocab.uri, language=self.language) return [ (concept["c"]["value"], concept["pl"]["value"], concept["broader"]["value"] if concept.get("broader") else None) for concept in u.sparql_query(q, vocab.sparql_endpoint, vocab.sparql_username, vocab.sparql_password) ]
def collect(details): """ For this source, one SPARQL endpoint is given for a series of vocabs which are all separate ConceptSchemes 'ga-jena-fuseki': { 'source': VocabSource.SPARQL, 'sparql_endpoint': '', 'sparql_username': '******', # Optional username for SPARQL endpoint 'sparql_password': '******', # Optional password for SPARQL endpoint #'uri_filter_regex': '.*', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - Everything #'uri_filter_regex': '^http(s?)://', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - GA #'uri_filter_regex': '^', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - GCMD 'uri_filter_regex': '^http(s?)://', # Regular expression to filter vocabulary URIs - CGI }, """ logging.debug("SPARQL collect()...") # Get all the ConceptSchemes from the SPARQL endpoint # Interpret each CS as a Vocab q = """ PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dcterms: <> PREFIX owl: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ {{?cs a skos:ConceptScheme .}} UNION {{?cs a skos:Collection .}} ?cs a ?t . OPTIONAL {{ ?cs skos:prefLabel ?title . FILTER(lang(?title) = "{language}" || lang(?title) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:created ?created }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:issued ?issued }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:date ?modified }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:modified ?modified }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:creator ?creator }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:publisher ?publisher }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs owl:versionInfo ?version }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs dcterms:description ?description . FILTER(lang(?description) = "{language}" || lang(?description) = "") }} # NVS special properties OPTIONAL {{ ?cs <> ?registermanager . ?cs <> ?registerowner . }} OPTIONAL {{ ?cs rdfs:seeAlso ?seeAlso }} }} ORDER BY ?title """.format(language=config.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) # record just the IDs & title for the VocPrez in-memory vocabs list concept_schemes = u.sparql_query( q, details[ "sparql_endpoint"], # must specify a SPARQL endpoint if this source is to be a SPARQL source details.get("sparql_username"), details.get("sparql_password"), ) assert concept_schemes is not None, "Unable to query for ConceptSchemes" sparql_vocabs = {} for cs in concept_schemes: vocab_id = cs["cs"]["value"] other_properties = [] other_properties.append( Property( "", "Identifier", Literal(cs["cs"]["value"].replace( "", "").replace("", "").replace("/current/", "")))) if cs.get("registermanager") is not None: other_properties.append( Property( "", "Register Manager", Literal(cs["registermanager"]["value"]))) if cs.get("registerowner") is not None: other_properties.append( Property( "", "Register Owner", Literal(cs["registerowner"]["value"]))) if cs.get("seeAlso") is not None: other_properties.append( Property("", "See Also", URIRef(cs["seeAlso"]["value"]))) sparql_vocabs[vocab_id] = Vocabulary( cs["cs"]["value"], cs["cs"]["value"], cs["title"].get("value") or vocab_id if cs.get("title") else vocab_id, # Need str for sorting, not None cs["description"].get("value") if cs.get("description") is not None else None, cs["creator"].get("value") if cs.get("creator") is not None else None, dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get("created").get("value")) if cs.get("created") is not None else None, # dct:issued not in Vocabulary # dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get('issued').get('value')) if cs.get('issued') is not None else None, dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get("modified").get("value")) if cs.get("modified") is not None else None, cs["version"].get("value") if cs.get("version") is not None else None, # versionInfo config.VocabSource. NvsSPARQL, # TODO: replace this var with a reference to self class type (Source type) collections=str(cs["t"]["value"]).split("#")[-1], sparql_endpoint=details["sparql_endpoint"], sparql_username=details.get("sparql_username"), sparql_password=details.get("sparql_password"), other_properties=other_properties) logging.debug("pickle latest standard_name") import requests from pathlib import Path import pickle r = requests.get("") gr = Graph() gr.parse(data=r.text, format="xml") with open(Path(config.APP_DIR) / "cache" / "standard_name.p", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(gr, f) for cs in gr.query(q): vocab_id = str(cs["cs"]) other_properties = [] other_properties.append( Property("", "Identifier", Literal("standard_name"))) # the following properties are filled with blanks, not None, in the vocab # if cs.get("registermanager") is not None: # other_properties.append( # Property( # "", # "Register Manager", # Literal(cs["registermanager"]) # ) # ) # if cs.get("registerowner") is not None: # other_properties.append( # Property( # "", # "Register Owner", # Literal(cs["registerowner"]) # ) # ) # if cs.get("seeAlso") is not None: # other_properties.append( # Property( # "", # "See Also", # URIRef(cs["seeAlso"]) # ) # ) sparql_vocabs[vocab_id] = Vocabulary( "standard_name", vocab_id, str(cs["title"]), str(cs["description"]), str(cs["creator"]), None, # dct:issued not in Vocabulary # dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get('issued').get('value')) if cs.get('issued') is not None else None, dateutil.parser.parse(cs.get("modified")), str(cs["version"]), # versionInfo config.VocabSource.NvsSPARQL, collections="Collection", # just like the other Collections sparql_endpoint=details["sparql_endpoint"], sparql_username=details.get("sparql_username"), sparql_password=details.get("sparql_password"), other_properties=other_properties) g.VOCABS = {} g.VOCABS.update(**sparql_vocabs) logging.debug("NvsSPARQL collect() complete.")