def start( release, fqdn, rabbit_pass, rabbit_ips_list, sql_ip, sql_password, https, port, secret, ): """ Start the arcus api """ image = f"breqwatr/arcus-api:{release}" rabbit_ips_csv = ",".join(rabbit_ips_list) env_vars = { "OPENSTACK_VIP": fqdn, "PUBLIC_ENDPOINT": "true", "HTTPS_OPENSTACK_APIS": str(https).lower(), "RABBITMQ_USERNAME": "******", "RABBITMQ_PASSWORD": rabbit_pass, "RABBIT_IPS_CSV": rabbit_ips_csv, "SQL_USERNAME": "******", "SQL_PASSWORD": sql_password, "SQL_IP": sql_ip, "ARCUS_INTEGRATION_SECRET": secret, } env_str = env_string(env_vars) daemon = "-d --restart=always" run = "" dev_mount = "" ceph_mount = "" network = "--network host" log_mount = "-v /var/log/arcus-api:/var/log/arcusweb" hosts_mount = "-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts" if DEV_MODE: log_mount = "" hosts_mount = "" if "ARCUS_API_DIR" not in os.environ: error("ERROR: must set $ARCUS_API_DIR when $VOITHOS_DEV==true", exit=True) api_dir = os.environ["ARCUS_API_DIR"] assert_path_exists(api_dir) daemon = "-it --rm" dev_mount = volume_opt(api_dir, "/app") network = f"-p{port}:{port}" run = ('bash -c "' "/ && " "pip install -e . && " "gunicorn --workers 4 --error-logfile=- --access-logfile '-' " "--reload " f"--bind{port}" ' arcusapi.wsgi:app" ') name = "arcus_api" shell(f"docker rm -f {name} 2>/dev/null || true") cmd = (f"docker run --name {name} {daemon} {network} " f"{hosts_mount} {log_mount} " f"{env_str} {ceph_mount} {dev_mount} {image} {run}") shell(cmd)
def volume_opt(src, dest, require=True): """Return a volume's argument for docker run Don't use volume_opt with hard-coded linux paths, it will make Windows try and mkdir in C:\\WINDOWS\\system32 and fail. volume_opt can handle C:\\... syntax correctly. Instead, just use '-v /linux/path:/mount/point and the docker vm on Windows will handle it. """ if require: assert_path_exists(src) absolute_path = get_absolute_path(src) return f'-v "{absolute_path}:{dest}" '
def zap_disk(disk, force): """ Erase filesystem from given disk """ if not force: click.echo("") click.echo( f"WARNING: This will destroy any filesystem on the drive: {disk}") click.echo("Type the drive name again to continue:") user_in = input() if user_in != disk: system.error(f"ERROR: Confirm does not match {disk}", exit=True) system.assert_path_exists(disk) ceph.zap_disk(disk)
def create(user, password, https, ip, port): """ Creates dashboards """ current_file_parent_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() json_file_path = current_file_parent_dir / "../files/grafana/node_config.json" assert_path_exists(json_file_path) proto = "https" if https else "http" url = f"{proto}://{ip}:{port}/api/dashboards/import" with open(json_file_path) as json_file: post_request = url, verify=False, auth=(user, password), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=json_file, ) print(post_request.text)
def smoke_test(release, openrc, image_path, **kwargs): """ Run the smoke test """ assert_path_exists(image_path) image_vol = volume_opt(image_path, "/image.qcow2") openrc_vol = volume_opt(openrc, "/") env_var_list = [] for kwarg in kwargs: key = kwarg.upper() value = kwargs[kwarg] var = f"-e {key}={value}" env_var_list.append(var) env_vars_str = " ".join(env_var_list) run = ('bash -c "' "source / && " ". /var/repos/env/bin/activate && " 'bash /"') cmd = ("docker run --rm " f"{openrc_vol} {image_vol} {env_vars_str} " f"breqwatr/openstack-client:{release} {run}") shell(cmd)
def convert(input_format, output_format, input_path, output_path): """ Execute qemu-img inside a container that mounts input_path and output_path to itself """ # mount the input file to /work/<filename> inside the container path_in = Path(input_path) input_abspath = path_in.absolute().__str__() assert_path_exists(input_abspath) internal_input_path = f"/input/{}" in_mount = f"-v {input_abspath}:{internal_input_path}" # The mount for the output dir varies depending on if its a file or block device path_out = Path(output_path) if path_out.is_block_device(): # directly map the block device to the container assert_path_exists(path_out) out_mount = f"--device {path_out}" internal_output_path = path_out else: # output is a file (or about to be), so mount the folder it exists in output_abspath = path_out.absolute().__str__() output_dir = Path(output_abspath).parent.__str__() assert_path_exists(output_dir) internal_output_dir = "/output" internal_output_path = f"{internal_output_dir}/{}" out_mount = f"-v {output_dir}:{internal_output_dir}" name = "qemu-img" image = "breqwatr/qemu-img:latest" run = (f"qemu-img convert -f {input_format} -O {output_format} " f"{internal_input_path} {internal_output_path}") cmd = f"docker run -it --name {name} --rm {in_mount} {out_mount} {image} {run}" shell(cmd)
def start( release, api_ip, openstack_ip, glance_https, arcus_https=False, cert_path=None, cert_key_path=None, http_port=80, https_port=443, ): """ Start the arcus api """ image = f"breqwatr/arcus-client:{release}" env_vars = { "ARCUS_API_IP": api_ip, "ARCUS_API_PORT": "1234", "OPENSTACK_VIP": openstack_ip, "ARCUS_USE_HTTPS": arcus_https, "GLANCE_HTTPS": str(glance_https).lower(), "VERSION": release, "ARCUS_CLIENT_HTTP_PORT": http_port, "ARCUS_CLIENT_HTTPS_PORT": https_port, } env_str = env_string(env_vars) cert_vol_mounts = "" if cert_path is not None and cert_key_path is not None: cert_mount = volume_opt(cert_path, "/etc/nginx/haproxy.crt") priv_key_mount = volume_opt(cert_key_path, "/etc/nginx/haproxy.key") cert_vol_mounts = f" {cert_mount} {priv_key_mount} " daemon = "-d --restart=always" run = "" dev_mount = "" network = "--network host" log_mount = "-v /var/log/arcus-client:/var/log/nginx" hosts_mount = "-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts" if DEV_MODE: log_mount = "" hosts_mount = "" if "ARCUS_CLIENT_DIR" not in os.environ: error("ERROR: must set $ARCUS_CLIENT_DIR when $VOITHOS_DEV==true", exit=True) client_dir = os.environ["ARCUS_CLIENT_DIR"] assert_path_exists(client_dir) https_network = "" if cert_path is None else f"-p{https_port}:{https_port}" network = f"-p{http_port}:{http_port} {https_network}" run = ('bash -c "' "/ && " "npm install && " "service nginx start && " "grunt && " 'tail -f /dev/null"') sys.stdout.write( "TO REBUILD, EXECUTE:\n docker exec -it arcus_client grunt rebuild\n" ) dev_mount = volume_opt(client_dir, "/app") name = "arcus_client" shell(f"docker rm -f {name} 2>/dev/null || true") cmd = (f"docker run --name {name} " f"{daemon} {network} {env_str} " f"{cert_vol_mounts} {dev_mount} {log_mount} {hosts_mount} " f"{image} {run}") shell(cmd)