def run_all( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, vmlinux_symbols: str ) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, str, str, int, format_hints.Hex, bool, str]]: """It calls each subclass symtab_checks() to test the required symbols, type, subtypes, etc so that the respective Netfitler implementation is processed accordingly. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from layer_name: The name of the layer on which to operate vmlinux_symbols: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols Yields: Process objects """ nfimp_inst = None for subclass in class_subclasses(cls): if not subclass.symtab_checks(context=context, symbol_table=vmlinux_symbols): vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "NetFilter implementation %s doesn't match this memory dump", subclass.__name__) continue vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "NetFilter implementation %s matches!", subclass.__name__) nfimp_inst = subclass(context, layer_name, vmlinux_symbols) # More than one class could be executed for an specific kernel # version i.e. Netfilter Ingress hooks yield from if nfimp_inst is None: vollog.error("Unsupported Netfilter kernel implementation")
def __init__( self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, name: str, isf_url: str, native_types: interfaces.symbols.NativeTableInterface = None, table_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, validate: bool = True, class_types: Optional[Dict[ str, Type[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]]] = None ) -> None: """Instantiates a SymbolTable based on an IntermediateSymbolFormat JSON file. This is validated against the appropriate schema. The validation can be disabled by passing validate = False, but this should almost never be done. Args: context: The volatility context for the symbol table config_path: The configuration path for the symbol table name: The name for the symbol table (this is used in symbols e.g. table!symbol ) isf_url: The URL pointing to the ISF file location native_types: The NativeSymbolTable that contains the native types for this symbol table table_mapping: A dictionary linking names referenced in the file with symbol tables in the context validate: Determines whether the ISF file will be validated against the appropriate schema class_types: A dictionary of type names and classes that override StructType when they are instantiated """ # Check there are no obvious errors # Open the file and test the version self._versions = dict([(x.version, x) for x in class_subclasses(ISFormatTable)]) fp = volatility.framework.layers.resources.ResourceAccessor().open( isf_url) reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") json_object = json.load(reader(fp)) # type: ignore fp.close() # Validation is expensive, but we cache to store the hashes of successfully validated json objects if validate and not schemas.validate(json_object): raise exceptions.SymbolSpaceError( "File does not pass version validation: {}".format(isf_url)) metadata = json_object.get('metadata', None) # Determine the delegate or throw an exception self._delegate = self._closest_version(metadata.get( 'format', "0.0.0"), self._versions)(context, config_path, name, json_object, native_types, table_mapping) # Inherit super().__init__(context, config_path, name, native_types or self._delegate.natives, table_mapping=table_mapping, class_types=class_types)
def create_stackers_list(self): """Creates the list of stackers to use based on the config option""" stack_set = sorted(framework.class_subclasses( interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface), key=lambda x: x.stack_order) stacker_list = self.config.get('stackers', []) if len(stacker_list): result = [] for stacker in stack_set: if stacker.__name__ in stacker_list: result.append(stacker) stack_set = result return stack_set
def _generator(self): categories = { 'Automagic': interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface, 'Requirement': interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface, 'Layer': interfaces.layers.DataLayerInterface, 'Object': interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, 'Plugin': interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface, 'Renderer': interfaces.renderers.Renderer } for category, module_interface in categories.items(): yield (0, (category, )) for clazz in framework.class_subclasses(module_interface): yield (1, (clazz.__name__, ))
def choose_os_stackers(plugin): """Identifies the stackers that should be run, based on the plugin (and thus os) provided""" plugin_first_level = plugin.__module__.split('.')[2] # Ensure all stackers are loaded framework.import_files(sys.modules['volatility.framework.layers']) result = [] for stacker in sorted(framework.class_subclasses( interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface), key=lambda x: x.stack_order): if plugin_first_level in stacker.exclusion_list: continue result.append(stacker.__name__) return result
def __init__(self, progress_callback: Optional[ constants.ProgressCallback] = None, context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None) -> None: """Creates a resource accessor. Note: context is an SSL context, not a volatility context """ self._progress_callback = progress_callback self._context = context self._handlers = list( framework.class_subclasses(urllib.request.BaseHandler)) if self.list_handlers: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Available URL handlers: {}".format( ", ".join([x.__name__ for x in self._handlers]))) self.__class__.list_handlers = False
def available(context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface) -> List[interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface]: """Returns an ordered list of all subclasses of :class:`~volatility.framework.interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface`. The order is based on the priority attributes of the subclasses, in order to ensure the automagics are listed in an appropriate order. Args: context: The context that will contain any automagic configuration values. """ import_files(sys.modules[__name__]) config_path = constants.AUTOMAGIC_CONFIG_PATH return sorted([ clazz(context, interfaces.configuration.path_join(config_path, clazz.__name__)) for clazz in class_subclasses(interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface) ], key = lambda x: x.priority)
def get_usable_plugins(cls, selected_list: List[str] = None) -> List[Type]: # Initialize for the run plugin_list = list(framework.class_subclasses(TimeLinerInterface)) # Get the filter from the configuration def passthrough(name: str, selected: List[str]) -> bool: return True filter_func = passthrough if selected_list: def filter_plugins(name: str, selected: List[str]) -> bool: return any([s in name for s in selected]) filter_func = filter_plugins else: selected_list = [] return [plugin_class for plugin_class in plugin_list if filter_func(plugin_class.__name__, selected_list)]
from urllib import parse, request from volatility.cli import text_renderer from volatility import framework from volatility.framework.automagic import stacker from volatility.framework import automagic, constants, contexts, exceptions, interfaces, plugins, configuration config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config_syslog.ini') pluginname = str(config["plugin"]["value"]) filename = str(config["location"]["file"]) framework.import_files(volatility.plugins, True) renderers = dict([ (, x) for x in framework.class_subclasses(text_renderer.CLIRenderer) ]) ctx = contexts.Context() single_location = "file:" + request.pathname2url(filename) ctx.config['automagic.LayerStacker.single_location'] = single_location automagics = automagic.available(ctx) plugin_list = framework.list_plugins() plugin = plugin_list[pluginname] automagics = automagic.choose_automagic(automagics, plugin) if ctx.config.get('automagic.LayerStacker.stackers', None) is None: ctx.config['automagic.LayerStacker.stackers'] = stacker.choose_os_stackers( plugin) base_config_path = "plugins"
def run(self, argstring): # Make sure we log everything vollog = logging.getLogger() #vollog.setLevel(1) # Trim the console down by default console = logging.StreamHandler() #console.setLevel(logging.FATAL) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(levelname)-8s %(name)-12s: %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) vollog.addHandler(console) # Make sure we log everything vollog = logging.getLogger() #vollog.setLevel(1) # Trim the console down by default console = logging.StreamHandler() #console.setLevel(logging.WARNING) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(levelname)-8s %(name)-12s: %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) vollog.addHandler(console) arg_arr = shlex.split(argstring) """Executes the command line module, taking the system arguments, determining the plugin to run and then running it.""" sys.stdout.write("Volatility 3 Framework {}\n".format( constants.PACKAGE_VERSION)) volatility.framework.require_interface_version(1, 0, 0) renderers = dict([ (, x) for x in framework.class_subclasses(text_renderer.CLIRenderer) ]) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='volatility', description="An open-source memory forensics framework") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Load the configuration from a json file", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument( "--parallelism", help= "Enables parallelism (defaults to processes if no argument given)", nargs='?', choices=['processes', 'threads', 'off'], const='processes', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--extend", help="Extend the configuration with a new (or changed) setting", default=None, action='append') parser.add_argument( "-p", "--plugin-dirs", help="Semi-colon separated list of paths to find plugins", default="", type=str) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--symbol-dirs", help="Semi-colon separated list of paths to find symbols", default="", type=str) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", help="Increase output verbosity", default=0, action="count") parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", help="Log output to a file as well as the console", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-dir", help="Directory in which to output any generated files", default=os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')), type=str) parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Remove progress feedback", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument( "-r", "--renderer", metavar='RENDERER', help="Determines how to render the output ({})".format(", ".join( list(renderers))), default="quick", choices=list(renderers)) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", metavar='FILE', default=None, type=str, help= "Shorthand for --single-location=file:// if single-location is not defined" ) parser.add_argument( "--write-config", help="Write configuration JSON file out to config.json", default=False, action='store_true') # We have to filter out help, otherwise parse_known_args will trigger the help message before having # processed the plugin choice or had the plugin subparser added. known_args = [ arg for arg in arg_arr if arg != '--help' and arg != '-h' ] partial_args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(known_args) if partial_args.plugin_dirs: volatility.plugins.__path__ = [ os.path.abspath(p) for p in partial_args.plugin_dirs.split(";") ] + constants.PLUGINS_PATH if partial_args.symbol_dirs: volatility.symbols.__path__ = [ os.path.abspath(p) for p in partial_args.symbol_dirs.split(";") ] + constants.SYMBOL_BASEPATHS if partial_args.log: file_logger = logging.FileHandler(partial_args.log) #file_logger.setLevel(1) file_formatter = logging.Formatter( datefmt='%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', fmt='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') file_logger.setFormatter(file_formatter) vollog.addHandler(file_logger)"Logging started") if partial_args.verbosity < 3: console.setLevel(30 - (partial_args.verbosity * 10)) else: console.setLevel(10 - (partial_args.verbosity - 2)) #console.setLevel(0)"Volatility plugins path: {}".format( volatility.plugins.__path__))"Volatility symbols path: {}".format( volatility.symbols.__path__)) # Set the PARALLELISM if partial_args.parallelism == 'processes': constants.PARALLELISM = constants.Parallelism.Multiprocessing elif partial_args.parallelism == 'threading': constants.PARALLELISM = constants.Parallelism.Threading else: constants.PARALLELISM = constants.Parallelism.Off # Do the initialization ctx = contexts.Context() # Construct a blank context failures = framework.import_files( volatility.plugins, True) # Will not log as console's default level is WARNING if failures: parser.epilog = "The following plugins could not be loaded (use -vv to see why): " + \ ", ".join(sorted(failures)) automagics = automagic.available(ctx) plugin_list = framework.list_plugins() seen_automagics = set() configurables_list = {} for amagic in automagics: if amagic in seen_automagics: continue seen_automagics.add(amagic) if isinstance(amagic, interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface): self.populate_requirements_argparse(parser, amagic.__class__) configurables_list[amagic.__class__.__name__] = amagic subparser = parser.add_subparsers(title="Plugins", dest="plugin", action=HelpfulSubparserAction) for plugin in sorted(plugin_list): plugin_parser = subparser.add_parser( plugin, help=plugin_list[plugin].__doc__) self.populate_requirements_argparse(plugin_parser, plugin_list[plugin]) configurables_list[plugin] = plugin_list[plugin] ### # PASS TO UI ### # Hand the plugin requirements over to the CLI (us) and let it construct the config tree # Run the argparser args = parser.parse_args(arg_arr) print(partial_args.verbosity) print(args.plugin, type(args.plugin)) if args.plugin is None: parser.error("Please select a plugin to run") vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Cache directory used: {}".format(constants.CACHE_PATH)) plugin = plugin_list[args.plugin] base_config_path = "plugins" plugin_config_path = interfaces.configuration.path_join( base_config_path, plugin.__name__) # Special case the -f argument because people use is so frequently # It has to go here so it can be overridden by single-location if it's defined # NOTE: This will *BREAK* if LayerStacker, or the automagic configuration system, changes at all ### if args.file: file_name = os.path.abspath(args.file) if not os.path.exists( file_name) and "panda.panda" not in file_name: print("File does not exist: {}".format(file_name)) else: single_location = "file:" + request.pathname2url(file_name) ctx.config[ 'automagic.LayerStacker.single_location'] = single_location # UI fills in the config, here we load it from the config file and do it before we process the CL parameters if args.config: with open(args.config, "r") as f: json_val = json.load(f) ctx.config.splice( plugin_config_path, interfaces.configuration.HierarchicalDict(json_val)) self.populate_config(ctx, configurables_list, args, plugin_config_path) if args.extend: for extension in args.extend: if '=' not in extension: raise ValueError( "Invalid extension (extensions must be of the format \"conf.path.value='value'\")" ) address, value = extension[:extension.find('=')], json.loads( extension[extension.find('=') + 1:]) ctx.config[address] = value # It should be up to the UI to determine which automagics to run, so this is before BACK TO THE FRAMEWORK automagics = automagic.choose_automagic(automagics, plugin) self.output_dir = args.output_dir ### # BACK TO THE FRAMEWORK ### try: progress_callback = PrintedProgress() if args.quiet: progress_callback = MuteProgress() constructed = plugins.construct_plugin(ctx, automagics, plugin, base_config_path, progress_callback, self) # return (ctx, automagics, plugin, base_config_path, progress_callback, self) if args.write_config: vollog.debug("Writing out configuration data to config.json") with open("config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(dict(constructed.build_configuration()), f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # return StringTextRenderer().render( return constructed except exceptions.UnsatisfiedException as excp: self.process_exceptions(excp) parser.exit( 1, "Unable to validate the plugin requirements: {}\n".format( [x for x in excp.unsatisfied]))
def __init__(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, name: str, isf_url: str, native_types: interfaces.symbols.NativeTableInterface = None, table_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, validate: bool = True, class_types: Optional[Mapping[ str, Type[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]]] = None, symbol_shift: int = 0, symbol_mask: int = 0) -> None: """Instantiates a SymbolTable based on an IntermediateSymbolFormat JSON file. This is validated against the appropriate schema. The validation can be disabled by passing validate = False, but this should almost never be done. Args: context: The volatility context for the symbol table config_path: The configuration path for the symbol table name: The name for the symbol table (this is used in symbols e.g. table!symbol ) isf_url: The URL pointing to the ISF file location native_types: The NativeSymbolTable that contains the native types for this symbol table table_mapping: A dictionary linking names referenced in the file with symbol tables in the context validate: Determines whether the ISF file will be validated against the appropriate schema class_types: A dictionary of type names and classes that override StructType when they are instantiated symbol_shift: An offset by which to alter all returned symbols for this table symbol_mask: An address mask used for all returned symbol offsets from this table (a mask of 0 disables masking) """ # Check there are no obvious errors # Open the file and test the version self._versions = dict([(x.version, x) for x in class_subclasses(ISFormatTable)]) fp = volatility.framework.layers.resources.ResourceAccessor().open( isf_url) reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") json_object = json.load(reader(fp)) # type: ignore fp.close() # Validation is expensive, but we cache to store the hashes of successfully validated json objects if validate and not schemas.validate(json_object): raise exceptions.SymbolSpaceError( "File does not pass version validation: {}".format(isf_url)) metadata = json_object.get('metadata', None) # Determine the delegate or throw an exception self._delegate = self._closest_version(metadata.get( 'format', "0.0.0"), self._versions)(context, config_path, name, json_object, native_types, table_mapping) if self._delegate.version < constants.ISF_MINIMUM_SUPPORTED: raise RuntimeError( "ISF version {} is no longer supported: {}".format( metadata.get('format', "0.0.0"), isf_url)) elif self._delegate.version < constants.ISF_MINIMUM_DEPRECATED: vollog.warning("ISF version {} has been deprecated: {}".format( metadata.get('format', "0.0.0"), isf_url)) # Inherit super().__init__(context, config_path, name, native_types or self._delegate.natives, table_mapping=table_mapping, class_types=class_types) # Since we've been created with parameters, ensure our config is populated likewise self.config['isf_url'] = isf_url self.config['symbol_shift'] = symbol_shift self.config['symbol_mask'] = symbol_mask
def stack_layer(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, initial_layer: str, stack_set: List[Type[ interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface]] = None, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None): """Stacks as many possible layers on top of the initial layer as can be done. WARNING: This modifies the context provided and may pollute it with unnecessary layers Recommended use is to: 1. Pass in context.clone() instead of context 2. When provided the layer list, choose the desired layer 3. Build the configuration using layer.build_configuration() 4. Merge the configuration into the original context with context.config.merge() 5. Call Construction magic to reconstruct the layers from just the configuration Args: context: The context on which to operate initial_layer: The name of the initial layer within the context stack_set: A list of StackerLayerInterface objects in the order they should be stacked progress_callback: A function to report progress during the process Returns: A list of layer names that exist in the provided context, stacked in order (highest to lowest) """ # Repeatedly apply "determine what this is" code and build as much up as possible stacked = True stacked_layers = [initial_layer] if stack_set is None: stack_set = list( framework.class_subclasses( interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface)) for stacker_item in stack_set: if not issubclass(stacker_item, interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface): raise TypeError( "Stacker {} is not a descendent of StackerLayerInterface". format(stacker_item.__name__)) while stacked: stacked = False new_layer = None stacker_cls = None for stacker_cls in stack_set: stacker = stacker_cls() try: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, "Attempting to stack using {}".format( stacker_cls.__name__)) new_layer = stacker.stack(context, initial_layer, progress_callback) if new_layer: context.layers.add_layer(new_layer) vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, "Stacked {} using {}".format(, stacker_cls.__name__)) break except Exception as excp: # Stacking exceptions are likely only of interest to developers, so the lowest level of logging fulltrace = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception( excp).format(chain=True) vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Exception during stacking: {}".format(str(excp))) vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "\n".join(fulltrace)) else: stacked = False if new_layer and stacker_cls: stacked_layers = [] + stacked_layers initial_layer = stacked = True stack_set.remove(stacker_cls) return stacked_layers
def stack(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, requirement: interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback) -> None: """Stacks the various layers and attaches these to a specific requirement. Args: context: Context on which to operate config_path: Configuration path under which to store stacking data requirement: Requirement that should have layers stacked on it progress_callback: Function to provide callback progress """ # If we're cached, find Now we need to find where to apply the stack configuration if self._cached: top_layer_name, subconfig = self._cached result = self.find_suitable_requirements(context, config_path, requirement, [top_layer_name]) if result: appropriate_config_path, layer_name = result context.config.merge(appropriate_config_path, subconfig) context.config[appropriate_config_path] = top_layer_name return self._cached = None new_context = context.clone() location = self.config.get('single_location', None) # Setup the local copy of the resource current_layer_name = context.layers.free_layer_name("FileLayer") current_config_path = interfaces.configuration.path_join(config_path, "stack", current_layer_name) # This must be specific to get us started, setup the config and run new_context.config[interfaces.configuration.path_join(current_config_path, "location")] = location physical_layer = physical.FileLayer(new_context, current_config_path, current_layer_name) new_context.add_layer(physical_layer) # Repeatedly apply "determine what this is" code and build as much up as possible stacked = True stacked_layers = [current_layer_name] stack_set = sorted(framework.class_subclasses(interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface), key = lambda x: x.stack_order) while stacked: stacked = False new_layer = None stacker_cls = None for stacker_cls in stack_set: stacker = stacker_cls() try: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, "Attempting to stack using {}".format(stacker_cls.__name__)) new_layer = stacker.stack(new_context, current_layer_name, progress_callback) if new_layer: new_context.layers.add_layer(new_layer) vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, "Stacked {} using {}".format(, stacker_cls.__name__)) break except Exception as excp: # Stacking exceptions are likely only of interest to developers, so the lowest level of logging fulltrace = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(excp).format(chain = True) vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Exception during stacking: {}".format(str(excp))) vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "\n".join(fulltrace)) else: stacked = False if new_layer and stacker_cls: stacked_layers = [] + stacked_layers current_layer_name = stacked = True stack_set.remove(stacker_cls) if stacked_layers is not None: # Applies the stacked_layers to each requirement in the requirements list result = self.find_suitable_requirements(new_context, config_path, requirement, stacked_layers) if result: path, layer = result # splice in the new configuration into the original context context.config.merge(path, new_context.layers[layer].build_configuration()) # Call the construction magic now we may have new things to construct constructor = construct_layers.ConstructionMagic( context, interfaces.configuration.path_join(self.config_path, "ConstructionMagic")) constructor(context, config_path, requirement) # Stash the changed config items self._cached = context.config.get(path, None), context.config.branch(path) vollog.debug("Stacked layers: {}".format(stacked_layers))