def get_scan(self): ''' Mimics volatility's connscan, sockscan plugin. ''' import volatility.utils as utils addr_space = utils.load_as(self.vol.config) if self.is_post_XP_profile(addr_space.profile): # mimic Volatility netscan pass elif self.is_XP_profile(addr_space.profile): import volatility.plugins.connscan as connscan for tcp_obj in connscan.ConnScan(self.vol.config).calculate(): yield Connection(self.get_offset(tcp_obj), str(tcp_obj.Pid), str(tcp_obj.LocalIpAddress), str(tcp_obj.LocalPort), str(tcp_obj.RemoteIpAddress), str(tcp_obj.RemotePort), '', '', '', '', '', 'False') import volatility.plugins.sockscan as sockscan import volatility.protos as protos for sock in sockscan.SockScan(self.vol.config).calculate(): yield Connection(offset=self.get_offset(sock), pid=str(sock.Pid), local_ip=str(sock.LocalIpAddress), local_port=str(sock.LocalPort), proto=str( protos.protos.get(sock.Protocol.v(), "-")), protocol=str(sock.Protocol), created=str(sock.CreateTime), allocated='False')
self.suspicious[line.strip()] = { "reason": "YARASCAN {0}".format(hit.rule), "color": "LORANGE" } elif detections and self.suspicious[line.strip( )]["reason"].find("YARASCAN {0}".format(hit.rule)) == -1: self.suspicious[line.strip()]["reason"] = self.suspicious[ line.strip()]["reason"] + " and YARASCAN {0}".format( hit.rule) # Get Sockets and Evtlogs XP/2k3 only if version[0] == 5: #socks = sockets.Sockets(self._config).calculate() socks = [] if "Socket" in self._config.TYPE: socks = sockscan.SockScan(self._config).calculate( ) # you can use sockscan instead if you uncomment for sock in socks: la = "{0}:{1}".format(sock.LocalIpAddress, sock.LocalPort) line = "[{6}SOCKET]{0} LocalIP: {2}/Protocol: {3}({4}){0} PID: {1}/POffset: 0x{5:#010x}".format( "" if body else "|", sock.Pid, la, sock.Protocol, protos.protos.get(sock.Protocol.v(), "-"), sock.obj_offset, self._config.MACHINE) yield self.getoutput(line, sock.CreateTime, body=body) if detections and sock.Pid.v() in self.suspiciouspids.keys(): suspiciousline = "PID: {0}/POffset: 0x{1:#010x}".format( sock.Pid, sock.obj_offset) self.suspicious[suspiciousline] = { "reason": "Process flagged: " + self.suspiciouspids[sock.Pid.v()]["reason"],
def __findConnections(self): self.connections = {} conn = namedtuple("aconn", [ 'localAddr', 'localPort', 'proto', 'type', 'ctime', 'remoteAddr', 'remotePort', 'state' ]) if self._aspace.profile.metadata.get('major', 0) == 6: self.stateinfo = "Step {:<2d} / {:<2d}: Connections -- NetScan".format( self.__step, self.__steps) for net_object, proto, laddr, lport, raddr, rport, state in netscan.Netscan( self._config).calculate(): if proto.startswith("UDP"): raddr = rport = None if not self.connections.has_key( long(net_object.Owner.UniqueProcessId)): self.connections[long( net_object.Owner.UniqueProcessId)] = [ conn(laddr, lport, None, proto, net_object.CreateTime or None, raddr, rport, state) ] else: self.connections[long( net_object.Owner.UniqueProcessId)].append( conn(laddr, lport, None, proto, net_object.CreateTime or None, raddr, rport, state)) else: socks = {} conns = {} self.stateinfo = "Step {:<2d} / {:<2d}: Connections -- ConnScan".format( self.__step, self.__steps) for tcp_obj in connscan.ConnScan(self._config).calculate(): if not conns.has_key(long(tcp_obj.Pid)): conns[long(tcp_obj.Pid)] = { long(tcp_obj.LocalPort): [tcp_obj] } elif not conns[long(tcp_obj.Pid)].has_key( long(tcp_obj.LocalPort)): conns[long(tcp_obj.Pid)][long( tcp_obj.LocalPort)] = [tcp_obj] else: conns[long(tcp_obj.Pid)][long( tcp_obj.LocalPort)].append(tcp_obj) self.stateinfo = "Step {:<2d} / {:<2d}: Connections -- SockScan".format( self.__step, self.__steps) for sock_obj in sockscan.SockScan(self._config).calculate(): if not socks.has_key(long(sock_obj.Pid)): socks[long(sock_obj.Pid)] = [sock_obj] else: socks[long(sock_obj.Pid)].append(sock_obj) for pid in socks: pconns = [] for sock_obj in socks[pid]: if conns.has_key(pid) and conns[pid].has_key( long(sock_obj.LocalPort)): for tcp_obj in conns[pid][long(sock_obj.LocalPort)]: pconns.append( conn( tcp_obj.LocalIpAddress, tcp_obj.LocalPort, sock_obj.Protocol, protos.protos.get(sock_obj.Protocol.v(), "-"), sock_obj.CreateTime, tcp_obj.RemoteIpAddress, tcp_obj.RemotePort, None)) del conns[pid][long(sock_obj.LocalPort)] else: pconns.append( conn(sock_obj.LocalIpAddress, sock_obj.LocalPort, sock_obj.Protocol, protos.protos.get(sock_obj.Protocol.v(), "-"), sock_obj.CreateTime, None, None, None)) self.connections[pid] = pconns for pid in conns: if len(conns[pid]): for port in conns[pid]: for tcp_obj in conns[pid][port]: if self.connections.has_key(pid): self.connections[pid].append( conn(tcp_obj.LocalIpAddress, tcp_obj.LocalPort, 6, "TCP", None, tcp_obj.RemoteIpAddress, tcp_obj.RemotePort, None)) else: self.connections[pid] = [ conn(tcp_obj.LocalIpAddress, tcp_obj.LocalPort, 6, "TCP", None, tcp_obj.RemoteIpAddress, tcp_obj.RemotePort, None) ] if debug: for pid in self.connections: print "PID", pid for pconn in self.connections[pid]: print "\t", pconn self.__step += 1
def calculate(self): if (self._config.HIVE or self._config.USER) and "Registry" not in self._config.TYPE: debug.error( "You must use --registry in conjuction with -H/--hive and/or -U/--user" ) if self._config.TYPE != None: for t in self._config.TYPE.split(","): if t.strip() not in self.types and t.strip() != "Registry": debug.error( "You have entered an incorrect type: {0}".format(t)) addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) version = ( addr_space.profile.metadata.get('major', 0), addr_space.profile.metadata.get('minor', 0), ) pids = {} # dictionary of process IDs/ImageFileName body = False if self._config.OUTPUT == "body": body = True if self._config.MACHINE != "": self._config.update("MACHINE", "{0} ".format(self._config.MACHINE)) if "ImageDate" in self._config.TYPE: im = imageinfo.ImageInfo(self._config).get_image_time(addr_space) yield self.getoutput( "[{0}LIVE RESPONSE]{1} (System time){1}".format( self._config.MACHINE, "" if body else "|"), im['ImageDatetime'], body=body, ) if version <= (6, 1) and "IEHistory" in self._config.TYPE: self._config.update("LEAK", True) data = iehistory.IEHistory(self._config).calculate() for process, record in data: ## Extended fields are available for these records if record.obj_name == "_URL_RECORD": line = "[{6}IEHISTORY]{0} {1}->{5}{0} PID: {2}/Cache type \"{3}\" at {4:#x}".format( "" if body else "|", process.ImageFileName, process.UniqueProcessId, record.Signature, record.obj_offset, record.Url, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput( line, record.LastModified, end=record.LastAccessed, body=body, ) self._config.remove_option("REDR") self._config.remove_option("LEAK") psx = [] if ("Process" in self._config.Type or "TimeDateStamp" in self._config.Type or "LoadTime" in self._config.Type or "_CM_KEY_BODY" in self._config.Type): psx = psxview.PsXview(self._config).calculate() for offset, eprocess, ps_sources in psx: pids[eprocess.UniqueProcessId.v()] = eprocess.ImageFileName if "Process" in self._config.TYPE: line = "[{5}PROCESS]{0} {1}{0} PID: {2}/PPID: {3}/POffset: 0x{4:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, offset, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, eprocess.CreateTime, end=eprocess.ExitTime, body=body) if not hasattr(eprocess.obj_vm, "vtop"): eprocess = taskmods.DllList( self._config).virtual_process_from_physical_offset( addr_space, eprocess.obj_offset) if eprocess == None: continue else: ps_ad = eprocess.get_process_address_space() if ps_ad == None: continue if version[0] == 5 and "Process" in self._config.TYPE: line = "[{5}PROCESS LastTrimTime]{0} {1}{0} PID: {2}/PPID: {3}/POffset: 0x{4:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, offset, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, eprocess.Vm.LastTrimTime, body=body) if (eprocess.ObjectTable.HandleTableList and "_CM_KEY_BODY" in self._config.TYPE): for handle in eprocess.ObjectTable.handles(): if not handle.is_valid(): continue name = "" object_type = handle.get_object_type() if object_type == "Key": key_obj = handle.dereference_as("_CM_KEY_BODY") name = key_obj.full_key_name() line = "[{6}Handle (Key)]{0} {1}{0} {2} PID: {3}/PPID: {4}/POffset: 0x{5:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", name, eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, offset, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput( line, key_obj.KeyControlBlock.KcbLastWriteTime, body=body, ) if eprocess.Peb == None or eprocess.Peb.ImageBaseAddress == None: continue # Get DLL PE timestamps for Wow64 processes (excluding 64-bit ones) if eprocess.IsWow64 and "TimeDateStamp" in self._config.TYPE: for vad, address_space in eprocess.get_vads( vad_filter=eprocess._mapped_file_filter): if vad.FileObject.FileName: name = str(vad.FileObject.FileName).lower() basename = ntpath.basename(name) if not basename.endswith("dll") or basename in [ "wow64cpu.dll", "ntdll.dll", "wow64.dll", "wow64win.dll", ]: continue data = ps_ad.zread(vad.Start, vad.Length) bufferas = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace(self._config, data=data) try: pe_file = obj.Object("_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER", offset=0, vm=bufferas) header = pe_file.get_nt_header() except ValueError as ve: continue line = "[{7}PE HEADER 32-bit (dll)]{0} {4}{0} Process: {1}/PID: {2}/PPID: {3}/Process POffset: 0x{5:08x}/DLL Base: 0x{6:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, basename, offset, vad.Start, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, header.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp, body=body) # get DLL PE timestamps mods = dict() if ("TimeDateStamp" in self._config.TYPE or "LoadTime" in self._config.TYPE): mods = dict((mod.DllBase.v(), mod) for mod in eprocess.get_load_modules()) for mod in list(mods.values()): basename = str(mod.BaseDllName or "") if basename == str(eprocess.ImageFileName): line = "[{7}PE HEADER (exe)]{0} {4}{0} Process: {1}/PID: {2}/PPID: {3}/Process POffset: 0x{5:08x}/DLL Base: 0x{6:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, basename, offset, mod.DllBase.v(), self._config.MACHINE, ) else: line = "[{7}PE HEADER (dll)]{0} {4}{0} Process: {1}/PID: {2}/PPID: {3}/Process POffset: 0x{5:08x}/DLL Base: 0x{6:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, basename, offset, mod.DllBase.v(), self._config.MACHINE, ) if "TimeDateStamp" in self._config.TYPE: yield self.getoutput(line, mod.TimeDateStamp, body=body) line2 = "[{7}PE DEBUG]{0} {4}{0} Process: {1}/PID: {2}/PPID: {3}/Process POffset: 0x{5:08x}/DLL Base: 0x{6:08x}".format( "" if body else "|", eprocess.ImageFileName, eprocess.UniqueProcessId, eprocess.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, basename, offset, mod.DllBase.v(), self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput( line2, mod.get_debug_directory().TimeDateStamp, body=body, ) if (hasattr(mod, "LoadTime") and "LoadTime" in self._config.TYPE): temp = line.replace( "[{0}PE HEADER ".format(self._config.MACHINE), "[{0}DLL LOADTIME ".format(self._config.MACHINE), ) yield self.getoutput(temp, mod.LoadTime, body=body) # Get Sockets and Evtlogs XP/2k3 only if version[0] == 5: # socks = sockets.Sockets(self._config).calculate() socks = [] if "Socket" in self._config.TYPE: socks = sockscan.SockScan(self._config).calculate( ) # you can use sockscan instead if you uncomment for sock in socks: la = "{0}:{1}".format(sock.LocalIpAddress, sock.LocalPort) line = "[{6}SOCKET]{0} LocalIP: {2}/Protocol: {3}({4}){0} PID: {1}/POffset: 0x{5:#010x}".format( "" if body else "|", sock.Pid, la, sock.Protocol, protos.protos.get(sock.Protocol.v(), "-"), sock.obj_offset, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, sock.CreateTime, body=body) stuff = [] if "EvtLog" in self._config.TYPE: evt = evtlogs.EvtLogs(self._config) stuff = evt.calculate() for name, buf in stuff: for fields in evt.parse_evt_info(name, buf, rawtime=True): line = "[{8}EVT LOG]{0} {1}{0} {2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6}/{7}".format( "" if body else "|", fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4], fields[5], fields[6], fields[7], self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, fields[0], body=body) elif version <= (6, 1): # Vista+ nets = [] if "Socket" in self._config.TYPE: nets = netscan.Netscan(self._config).calculate() for net_object, proto, laddr, lport, raddr, rport, state in nets: if net_object.CreateTime.v() == 0: continue if raddr == "*" and rport == "*": conn = "{0}:{1}".format(laddr, lport) socket_type = "SOCKET" else: conn = "{0}:{1} -> {2}:{3}".format(laddr, lport, raddr, rport) socket_TYPE = "CONNECTION" line = ( "[{6}NETWORK {7}]{0} {2}{0} {1}/{3}/{4}/{5:<#10x}".format( "" if body else "|", net_object.Owner.UniqueProcessId, conn, proto, state, net_object.obj_offset, self._config.MACHINE, socket_type, )) yield self.getoutput(line, net_object.CreateTime, body=body) # Get threads threads = [] if "Thread" in self._config.TYPE: threads = modscan.ThrdScan(self._config).calculate() for thread in threads: image = pids.get(thread.Cid.UniqueProcess.v(), "UNKNOWN") line = "[{4}THREAD]{0} {1}{0} PID: {2}/TID: {3}".format( "" if body else "|", image, thread.Cid.UniqueProcess, thread.Cid.UniqueThread, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, thread.CreateTime, end=thread.ExitTime, body=body) data = [] if "Symlink" in self._config.TYPE: data = filescan.SymLinkScan(self._config).calculate() for link in data: objct = link.get_object_header() line = "[{6}SYMLINK]{0} {1}->{2}{0} POffset: {3}/Ptr: {4}/Hnd: {5}".format( "" if body else "|", str(objct.NameInfo.Name or ''), str(link.LinkTarget or ''), link.obj_offset, objct.PointerCount, objct.HandleCount, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, link.CreationTime, body=body) data = [] if "TimeDateStamp" in self._config.TYPE: data = moddump.ModDump(self._config).calculate() for aspace, procs, mod_base, mod_name in data: mod_name = str(mod_name or '') space = tasks.find_space(aspace, procs, mod_base) if space != None: try: pe_file = obj.Object("_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER", offset=mod_base, vm=space) header = pe_file.get_nt_header() except ValueError as ve: continue line = ( "[{3}PE HEADER (module)]{0} {1}{0} Base: {2:#010x}".format( "" if body else "|", mod_name, mod_base, self._config.MACHINE, )) yield self.getoutput(line, header.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp, body=body) uastuff = [] if "Userassist" in self._config.TYPE: uastuff = userassist.UserAssist(self._config).calculate() for win7, reg, key in uastuff: ts = "{0}".format(key.LastWriteTime) for v in rawreg.values(key): tp, dat = rawreg.value_data(v) subname = v.Name if tp == 'REG_BINARY': dat_raw = dat try: subname = codecs.encode(subname, 'rot_13') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if win7: guid = subname.split("\\")[0] if guid in userassist.folder_guids: subname = subname.replace( guid, userassist.folder_guids[guid]) bufferas = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace(self._config, data=dat_raw) uadata = obj.Object("_VOLUSER_ASSIST_TYPES", offset=0, vm=bufferas) ID = "N/A" count = "N/A" fc = "N/A" tf = "N/A" lw = "N/A" if (len(dat_raw) < bufferas.profile.get_obj_size( '_VOLUSER_ASSIST_TYPES') or uadata == None): continue else: if hasattr(uadata, "ID"): ID = "{0}".format(uadata.ID) if hasattr(uadata, "Count"): count = "{0}".format(uadata.Count) else: count = "{0}".format( uadata.CountStartingAtFive if uadata.CountStartingAtFive < 5 else uadata.CountStartingAtFive - 5) if hasattr(uadata, "FocusCount"): seconds = (uadata.FocusTime + 500) / 1000.0 time = (datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) if seconds > 0 else uadata.FocusTime) fc = "{0}".format(uadata.FocusCount) tf = "{0}".format(time) lw = "{0}".format(uadata.LastUpdated) subname = subname.replace("|", "%7c") line = "[{7}USER ASSIST]{0} {2}{0} Registry: {1}/ID: {3}/Count: {4}/FocusCount: {5}/TimeFocused: {6}".format( "" if body else "|", reg, subname, ID, count, fc, tf, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, uadata.LastUpdated, body=body) shimdata = [] if "Shimcache" in self._config.TYPE: shimdata = shimcache.ShimCache(self._config).calculate() for path, lm, lu in shimdata: line = "[{2}SHIMCACHE]{0} {1}{0} ".format("" if body else "|", path, self._config.MACHINE) if lu: yield self.getoutput(line, lm, end=lu, body=body) else: yield self.getoutput(line, lm, body=body) if ("_HBASE_BLOCK" in self._config.TYPE or "_CMHIVE" in self._config.TYPE or "Registry" in self._config.TYPE): regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) for o in regapi.all_offsets: if "_HBASE_BLOCK" in self._config.TYPE: line = "[{2}_HBASE_BLOCK TimeStamp]{0} {1}{0} ".format( "" if body else "|", regapi.all_offsets[o], self._config.MACHINE, ) h = obj.Object("_HHIVE", o, addr_space) yield self.getoutput(line, h.BaseBlock.TimeStamp, body=body) if ("_CMHIVE" in self._config.TYPE and version[0] == 6 and addr_space.profile.metadata.get('build', 0) >= 7601): line = ( line) = "[{2}_CMHIVE LastWriteTime]{0} {1}{0} ".format( "" if body else "|", regapi.all_offsets[o], self._config.MACHINE, ) cmhive = obj.Object("_CMHIVE", o, addr_space) yield self.getoutput(line, cmhive.LastWriteTime, body=body) if "Registry" in self._config.TYPE: regapi.reset_current() regdata = regapi.reg_get_all_keys(self._config.HIVE, self._config.USER, reg=True, rawtime=True) for lwtime, reg, item in regdata: item = item.replace("|", "%7c") line = "[{3}REGISTRY]{0} {2}{0} Registry: {1}".format( "" if body else "|", reg, item, self._config.MACHINE) yield self.getoutput(line, lwtime, body=body) if "Timer" in self._config.TYPE: volmagic = obj.VolMagic(addr_space) KUSER_SHARED_DATA = obj.Object( "_KUSER_SHARED_DATA", offset=volmagic.KUSER_SHARED_DATA.v(), vm=addr_space, ) interrupt = (KUSER_SHARED_DATA.InterruptTime.High1Time << 32) | KUSER_SHARED_DATA.InterruptTime.LowPart now = KUSER_SHARED_DATA.SystemTime.as_windows_timestamp() data = timers.Timers(self._config).calculate() for timer, module in data: signaled = "-" if timer.Header.SignalState.v(): signaled = "Yes" module_name = "UNKNOWN" if module: module_name = str(module.BaseDllName or '') try: # human readable time taken from bufferas = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace( self._config, data=struct.pack( '<Q', timer.DueTime.QuadPart - interrupt + now), ) due_time = obj.Object("WinTimeStamp", is_utc=True, offset=0, vm=bufferas) except TypeError: due_time = 0 line = "[{6}TIMER]{0} {1}{0} Signaled: {2}/Routine: 0x{3:x}/Period(ms): {4}/Offset: 0x{5:x}".format( "" if body else "|", module_name, signaled, timer.Dpc.DeferredRoutine, timer.Period, timer.obj_offset, self._config.MACHINE, ) yield self.getoutput(line, due_time, body=body)