def CreateVolume(self, request, context): start_time = time.time() logging.debug(logf("Create Volume request", request=request)) pvsize = request.capacity_range.required_bytes pvtype = PV_TYPE_SUBVOL # 'latest' finds a place here, because only till 0.5.0 version # we had 'latest' as a separate version. After that, 'latest' is # just a link to latest version. if KADALU_VERSION in ["0.5.0", "0.4.0", "0.3.0"]: for vol_capability in request.volume_capabilities: # using getattr to avoid Pylint error single_node_writer = getattr( csi_pb2.VolumeCapability.AccessMode, "SINGLE_NODE_WRITER") if vol_capability.access_mode.mode == single_node_writer: pvtype = PV_TYPE_VIRTBLOCK logging.debug( logf("Found PV type", pvtype=pvtype, capabilities=request.volume_capabilities)) # TODO: Check the available space under lock # Add everything from parameter as filter item filters = {} for pkey, pvalue in request.parameters.items(): filters[pkey] = pvalue logging.debug(logf("Filters applied to choose storage", **filters)) # UID is stored at the time of installation in configmap. uid = None with open(os.path.join(VOLINFO_DIR, "uid")) as uid_file: uid = host_volumes = get_pv_hosting_volumes(filters) logging.debug( logf("Got list of hosting Volumes", volumes=",".join(v['name'] for v in host_volumes))) ext_volume = None hostvoltype = filters.get("hostvol_type", None) if hostvoltype == 'External': ext_volume = check_external_volume(request, host_volumes) if ext_volume: mntdir = os.path.join(HOSTVOL_MOUNTDIR, ext_volume['name']) if not filters.get('kadalu-format', None): # No need to keep the mount on controller unmount_glusterfs(mntdir) logf("Volume (External) created",, size=pvsize, mount=mntdir, hostvol=ext_volume['g_volname'], pvtype=pvtype, volpath=ext_volume['g_host'], duration_seconds=time.time() - start_time)) send_analytics_tracker("pvc-external", uid) return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse( volume={ "volume_id":, "capacity_bytes": pvsize, "volume_context": { "type": hostvoltype, "hostvol": ext_volume['name'], "pvtype": pvtype, "gvolname": ext_volume['g_volname'], "gserver": ext_volume['g_host'], "fstype": "xfs", "options": ext_volume['options'], } }) # The external volume should be used as kadalu host vol # TODO: handle the case where host-volume is full # can-be-fixed-by-an-intern if pvtype == PV_TYPE_VIRTBLOCK: vol = create_virtblock_volume(mntdir,, pvsize) else: vol = create_subdir_volume(mntdir,, pvsize) logf("Volume created",, size=pvsize, hostvol=ext_volume['name'], pvtype=pvtype, volpath=vol.volpath, duration_seconds=time.time() - start_time)) send_analytics_tracker("pvc-external-kadalu", uid) # Pass required argument to get mount working on # nodeplugin through volume_context return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse( volume={ "volume_id":, "capacity_bytes": pvsize, "volume_context": { "type": hostvoltype, "hostvol": ext_volume['name'], "pvtype": pvtype, "path": vol.volpath, "gvolname": ext_volume['g_volname'], "gserver": ext_volume['g_host'], "fstype": "xfs", "options": ext_volume['g_options'], } }) # If external volume not found logging.debug( logf("Here as checking external volume failed", external_volume=ext_volume)) errmsg = "External Storage provided not valid" logging.error(errmsg) context.set_details(errmsg) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT) return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse() # Randomize the entries so we can issue PV from different storage random.shuffle(host_volumes) hostvol = mount_and_select_hosting_volume(host_volumes, pvsize) if hostvol is None: errmsg = "No Hosting Volumes available, add more storage" logging.error(errmsg) context.set_details(errmsg) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse() mntdir = os.path.join(HOSTVOL_MOUNTDIR, hostvol) if pvtype == PV_TYPE_VIRTBLOCK: vol = create_virtblock_volume(mntdir,, pvsize) else: vol = create_subdir_volume(mntdir,, pvsize) logf("Volume created",, size=pvsize, hostvol=hostvol, pvtype=pvtype, volpath=vol.volpath, duration_seconds=time.time() - start_time)) update_free_size(hostvol,, -pvsize) send_analytics_tracker("pvc-%s" % hostvoltype, uid) return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse( volume={ "volume_id":, "capacity_bytes": pvsize, "volume_context": { "type": hostvoltype, "hostvol": hostvol, "pvtype": pvtype, "path": vol.volpath, "fstype": "xfs" } })
def CreateVolume(self, request, context): start_time = time.time() logging.debug(logf( "Create Volume request", request=request )) pvsize = request.capacity_range.required_bytes # TODO: Check the available space under lock # Add everything from parameter as filter item filters = {} for pkey, pvalue in request.parameters.items(): filters[pkey] = pvalue logging.debug(logf( "Filters applied to choose storage", **filters )) host_volumes = get_pv_hosting_volumes(filters) logging.debug(logf( "Got list of hosting Volumes", volumes=",".join(host_volumes) )) hostvol = mount_and_select_hosting_volume(host_volumes, pvsize) if hostvol is None: errmsg = "No Hosting Volumes available, add more storage" logging.error(errmsg) context.set_details(errmsg) context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED) return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse() pvtype = PV_TYPE_SUBVOL for vol_capability in request.volume_capabilities: # using getattr to avoid Pylint error single_node_writer = getattr(csi_pb2.VolumeCapability.AccessMode, "SINGLE_NODE_WRITER") if vol_capability.access_mode.mode == single_node_writer: pvtype = PV_TYPE_VIRTBLOCK logging.debug(logf( "Found PV type", pvtype=pvtype, capabilities=request.volume_capabilities )) if pvtype == PV_TYPE_VIRTBLOCK: vol = create_virtblock_volume( os.path.join(HOSTVOL_MOUNTDIR, hostvol),, pvsize) else: vol = create_subdir_volume( os.path.join(HOSTVOL_MOUNTDIR, hostvol),, pvsize) "Volume created",, size=pvsize, hostvol=hostvol, pvtype=pvtype, volpath=vol.volpath, duration_seconds=time.time() - start_time )) return csi_pb2.CreateVolumeResponse( volume={ "volume_id":, "capacity_bytes": pvsize, "volume_context": { "hostvol": hostvol, "pvtype": pvtype, "path": vol.volpath, "fstype": "xfs" } } )