def vortexCylinder(): #VERTICAL STACK OF 2D FIELDS....3D FIELD """ """ from vortexCore import vortexCore2 from lambda2 import lambda2_3d gamma = 1 #strength of the vortex. Rcore = 18 #radious of the vortex core. s = 20 #size parameter of the field x*y points. h = 3 #min is 1 q = N.array([[0, 0, 0]]) #point where the vortex will be located [z, y, x] = N.mgrid[0:1, -s:s + 1, -s:s + 1] [Z, Y, X] = N.mgrid[-h:h + 1, -s:s + 1, -s:s + 1] [W, V, U] = N.zeros_like([Z, Y, X], dtype=float) for i in range(len(Z)): #vortexCore2(X,Y,C,Rcore,gamma): [U_temp, V_temp] = vortexCore2(x[0], y[0], q, Rcore, gamma) U[i] = U_temp V[i] = V_temp L2 = lambda2_3d(X, Y, Z, U, V, W) #print L2[3] #vF=mlab.quiver3d(Z,Y,X,W,V,U) Lamda2 = mlab.contour3d(Z, Y, X, L2, transparent=True) return
def vortexCylinder(): #VERTICAL STACK OF 2D FIELDS....3D FIELD """ """ from vortexCore import vortexCore2 from lambda2 import lambda2_3d gamma = 1 #strength of the vortex. Rcore = 18 #radious of the vortex core. s = 20 #size parameter of the field x*y points. h = 3 #min is 1 q = N.array([[0,0,0]]) #point where the vortex will be located [z,y,x] = N.mgrid[0:1,-s:s+1, -s:s+1] [Z,Y,X] = N.mgrid[-h:h+1,-s:s+1, -s:s+1] [W,V,U] = N.zeros_like([Z,Y,X],dtype=float) for i in range(len(Z)): #vortexCore2(X,Y,C,Rcore,gamma): [U_temp,V_temp] = vortexCore2(x[0],y[0],q,Rcore,gamma) U[i]=U_temp V[i]=V_temp L2 = lambda2_3d(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) #print L2[3] #vF=mlab.quiver3d(Z,Y,X,W,V,U) Lamda2 = mlab.contour3d(Z,Y,X,L2,transparent=True) return
def vortexTube_2d(): """ function that generates a 2d vortex field and writes it to a vtk file provide check for the functions Lambda2 and vortexCore. """ from vortexCore import vortexCore2 from lambda2 import lambda2_2d gamma = 10 #strength of the vortex. Rcore = 10 #radious of the vortex core. s = 15 #size parameter of the field x*y points. centers = N.array([[0, 0, 0]]) #points where the vortex will be located [Y, X] = N.mgrid[-s:s + 1, -s:s + 1] [V, U] = N.zeros_like([Y, X], dtype=float) #vortexCore2(X,Y,C,Rcore,gamma): [U, V] = vortexCore2(X, Y, centers, Rcore, gamma) L2 = lambda2_2d(X, Y, U, V) l2 = plt.imshow(L2, cmap='OrRd', extent=[-s, s + 1, -s, s + 1]) l2bar = plt.colorbar() l2bar.set_label('Lambda2') vF = plt.quiver(X, Y, U, V, pivot='middle', color=None) return
def vortexTube_2d(): """ function that generates a 2d vortex field and writes it to a vtk file provide check for the functions Lambda2 and vortexCore. """ from vortexCore import vortexCore2 from lambda2 import lambda2_2d gamma = 10 #strength of the vortex. Rcore = 10 #radious of the vortex core. s = 15 #size parameter of the field x*y points. centers = N.array([[0,0,0]]) #points where the vortex will be located [Y,X] = N.mgrid[-s:s+1, -s:s+1] [V,U] = N.zeros_like([Y,X],dtype=float) #vortexCore2(X,Y,C,Rcore,gamma): [U,V] = vortexCore2(X,Y,centers,Rcore,gamma) L2 = lambda2_2d(X,Y,U,V) l2 = plt.imshow(L2,cmap='OrRd',extent=[-s,s+1,-s,s+1]) l2bar = plt.colorbar() l2bar.set_label('Lambda2') vF = plt.quiver(X,Y,U,V,pivot='middle',color= None) return